- [ResourceBundle] remove request handler by @dpfaffenbauer in #2443
- fix unit solidifier paths by @solverat in #2446
- fix nested rule condition by @solverat in #2447
- [StorageListBundle] fix standalone SessionBasedListContext by @dpfaffenbauer in #2448
- [ResourceBundle] fix custom resource registration by @dpfaffenbauer in #2454
- [StorageListBundle] disable cache for StorageList and StorageListItem by @dpfaffenbauer in #2449
- [Messenger] fix tab panel layout by @dpfaffenbauer in #2462
- [Core] Cart Item Discount Percent Gross Values by @dpfaffenbauer in #2464
- Disable CartStockAvailability constraint in revise action by @solverat in #2461
- [Cache] don't overwrite the prepareCacheData by @dpfaffenbauer in #2469
- [Core] defaultUnitQuantity should never be null by @dpfaffenbauer in #2470
- [PimcoreBundle] add cache.system to ExpressionLanguage by @dpfaffenbauer in #2468
- [User] implement symfony "getUserIdentifier" by @dpfaffenbauer in #2475
- [StorageList] implement \Countable by @dpfaffenbauer in #2476
- [Composer] update bdi and add psr-4 autoload-dev for Pimcore Data Objects by @dpfaffenbauer in #2477
- [FrontendBundle] check for isSubmitted before calling isValid by @dpfaffenbauer in #2480
- allow pending payments in checkout workflow by @solverat in #2481
- cast trackingCode as string by @solverat in #2412
- fix comment delete request by @solverat in #2407
- [Core] add unit to GiftProductAction by @dpfaffenbauer in #2422
- [Cart] fix wrong decoration of cart-context by @dpfaffenbauer in #2432
- Bugfix listing order by by @BlackbitDevs in #2370
- [Order expiration] Use orderDate for confirmed orders, not o_creationDate by @BlackbitDevs in
- [Cart] fix using right context for performance increase by @dpfaffenbauer in #2387
- [Core] Optimize Category recursive and Product Variants Condition Checker by @dpfaffenbauer in #2388
- [ResourceBundle] fix cache marshalling issues with CoreShop Doctrine … by @dpfaffenbauer in #2389
- [Cache] cache improvements - decorate Pimcore CoreCacheHandler by @dpfaffenbauer in #2398
- [Messenger] fix menu in standalone mode by @jdreesen in #2393
- [Cache] "apply CacheResourceMarshaller to doctrine_dbal adapter, add cache marshaller to MoneyCurrency (#2373)
- [Core] re-add mainObjectId and objectId (#2380)
- [Reports] fix reports to only select actual orders (#2381)
- [PaymentRules] fix decoration of PaymentProviderResolver (#2317)
- [Notes] fix note title translation (#2335)
- [Menu] making it easer to have more independent bundles with the same main-menu (#2344)
- [FrontendBundle] fix: don't require permissions to render partials (#2329)
- [VariantBundle] fix null values in ValidAttributesValidator (#2348)
- [OrderBundle] don't modify CartItem twice (#2355)
- core_shop_order.expiration
is now configured like:
core_shop_order: expiration: cart: days: 20 anonymous: true customer: true order: days: 20
core_shop_storage_list: list: order: expiration: params: cart: days: 0 params: anonymous: true customer: false order: days: 20
- [Performance] optimization (#2265)
- [WishlistBundle] new feature: wishlist cleaner (#2234, #2267)
- [OrderBundle] introduce not-combinable price rule condition (#2253)
- [ClassDefinitionPatchBundle] Introduce new Bundle to allow patching Pimcore Class Definitions (#2279)
- [Tracking] add Google Analytics 4 Tracking (#2303)
- [Payment] Introduce Payment Provider Rules for conditionally selecting Payment Providers or adding Payment Fees (#2301)