23.6.0 (2021-12-30)
- icon-view: add draft component (f0ab46f)
- icon-view: add tests, some refactoring (4fee755)
- icon-view: refactoring (2579bb0)
- icon-view: updates (7b17f5f)
23.5.0 (2021-12-29)
- button: решение проблемы с тултипом и заблокированной кнопкой (#920) (d04f311), closes #799
- button: убраны лишние отступы для вида ghost (#933) (f43cdf6)
- input: компонент иконки для кнопки очистки (#930) (37049af)
- checkbox: состояние ошибки (#909) (f81d7d8)
- select: чекбоксы в выпадашке множественного выбора #903) (f5638ef)
- table: компоненты для построения таблиц (#911) (4ac648a)
23.4.1 (2021-12-22)
23.4.0 (2021-12-21)
23.3.0 (2021-12-20)
- checkbox-group: add click theme (967d585)
23.2.0 (2021-12-14)
- button: удален вызов console.warn, если process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development' (d3e14ce)
- custom-button: fix color variable & component description (5b9df4d)
- custom-button: fix props type (a1bf943)
- picker-button: wrap field with div (b51bce8), closes #914
- custom-button: add custom-button component (983bcd7)
23.1.0 (2021-12-09)
- file-upload-item: обновлен внешний вид (#902) (d0f7d1e)
- status: добавлено 10% прозрачности в цвет фона (#896) (b55c62b)
23.0.0 (2021-12-08)
- Добавьте новый домен в список разрешенных 'img-src':
'self' alfabank.gcdn.co data: 'self'
This reverts commit 953fbcfec46a40089a5cfde670597315269b05f5.
22.3.1 (2021-12-08)
22.3.0 (2021-12-08)
- актуализируем @alfalab/utils (#897) (30fb88e)
- новый cdn иконок (#913) (0e81245)
- bank-card: фикс цвета иконки (#898) (66c2659)
- calendar-input: рендер rightAddons, фикс затертых пропсов (#895) (1eabd29)
- dropzone: изменение темы клика (#893) (cadc6da)
- plate: активный курсор только для foldable плашек (#912) (06a38bd)
- radio: условный рендер подсказки и лейбла (#892) (b744c15), closes #869
22.2.0 (2021-12-01)
- notification: set word-break: break-word in notif (8f7615d)
- notification: убрал word-break: break-all (db0d2b2)
- popover: add availableHieght prop, update related snapshots (43b4ebd), closes #758
- tooltip: add availableHeight and preventOverflow props (b401524), closes #758
22.1.0 (2021-11-30)
- circular-progress-bar: new size S (d34db5c)
22.0.0 (2021-11-26)
button: Кнопка размера xs теперь имеет размер 40px. Тем, кто использовал размер xs, надо заменить размер на xxs. Можно воспользоваться codemod.
feat(codemod): add button xs to xxs transformer
feat(tag): добавлен тэг размера 40px, изменены отступы
Добавлен тэг размером 40px, изменены отступы. Тем, кто использовал размер xs, надо заменить размер на xxs.
button: Тэг размера xs теперь имеет размер 40px. Тем, кто использовал размер xs, надо заменить размер на xxs. Можно воспользоваться codemod.
test: update screenshots
test: update screenshots
feat(button): linter fix
feat(button): fix min-width
feat(tag): remove vertical paddings
feat(tag): remove vertical paddings
feat(button): updates
21.3.3 (2021-11-23)
21.3.2 (2021-11-22)
- calendar-range: fix default month to (#868) (1f9fb97)
- slider-input: classnames overriding (#891) (d63d676)
21.3.1 (2021-11-16)
21.3.0 (2021-11-08)
21.2.2 (2021-11-08)
21.2.1 (2021-10-27)
21.2.0 (2021-10-25)
21.1.1 (2021-10-19)
- chart: fix deps, export types (b46450a)
21.1.0 (2021-10-18)
- confirmation: compact code-input if slotsCount > 6 (99be0e1)
- confirmation: компактный code-input когда символов > 6 (633d1ff)
21.0.0 (2021-10-15)
- обновлённая темизация иконок в инпутах (ab90d60)
- calendar-input: переход к темизации цвета иконки (adf1dfd)
- select: переход к темизации цвета иконки (112cd95)
- themes: обновлённые темы для calendar-input и select (5ae76c3)
- select: удалена переменная --select-arrow-background
- calendar-input: удалена переменная --calendar-input-calendar-icon
20.7.2 (2021-10-15)
- calendar-input: обновлён в теме click (da5d960)
- input & textarea disabled color on safari (39ea4ef)
- фикс цвета disabled в Safari для Input и Textarea (efaa693)
- calendar-input: remove popover border in click theme (7a76759)
- calendar-input: update border-radius (0d06aca)
20.7.1 (2021-10-13)
- понижена версия react-hooks, чтобы не дропать 10ую ноду. Пакет перенесен devDeps (#852) (662754a)
- tabs: фикс бага при скрытии табов (#851) (5d5dcd9)
20.7.0 (2021-10-12)
20.6.0 (2021-10-11)
20.5.0 (2021-10-11)
- chart: added border radius to bar charts (cfd0ad2)
- chart: added chart component (1119943)
- chart: added description (8275346)
- chart: added props for legend icons height (5c9b321)
- chart: bar radius (e39251a)
- chart: beautifyed (67cc96e)
- chart: edited doc (8728271)
- chart: fix doc (9d1e888)
- chart: fixed after pull master ) (4c7d241)
- chart: fixed build error (2efdd22)
- chart: fixed comments (a611b9c)
- chart: fixed comments (7ad1caf)
- chart: fixed comments (555acb6)
- chart: fixed comments (379e53d)
- chart: fixed global styles css (2f8f139)
- chart: more description (9a4c076)
- chart: pulled master (176f7ae)
- chart: resolved conflicts (7f734ba)
- chart: добавлена возможность скруглять углы и возможность отображать подписи значений для графиков типа bar (4d81ab5)
20.4.0 (2021-09-30)
20.3.2 (2021-09-30)
- intl-phone-input: revert fix carret position on backspace (772dcf5)
20.3.1 (2021-09-28)
- cssm build (bbc0a47)
20.3.0 (2021-09-27)
- file-upload-item: fix description prop (#836) (e15cf1d)
- intl-phone-input: fix carret position on backspace (#840) (c786ac1), closes #806
- confirmation: design update, new type of error "overlimit" and blocking input (#841) (1ea5d31)
- select: controlled open (#839) (95d0470)
20.2.0 (2021-09-22)
20.1.0 (2021-09-16)
20.0.0 (2021-09-14)
- dark themes (#778) (d848d16)
- dropzone: design improvements (PDS-282) (#829) (437ec3c)
- password-input: show right addons (PDS-283) (#828) (b255acd)
- popover: add useAnchorWidth prop (#826) (8df55c4), closes #787
- typography: add ref (#834) (976b16d)
- change error type to ReactNode (#825) (c6d95c1)
- vars: updated colors and typography from latest alfa-ui-primitives (#803) (0d5b2a3)
- remove dark-theme-injector. remove vars duplications
19.11.1 (2021-09-08)
- wrong mobile colors (#832) (d9e275b)
- bank-card: improve docs, fix focus bg (#830) (1d8171c)
- base-select: lazy loading (#831) (78f2b86)
19.11.0 (2021-09-06)
- tooltip: update shadow and arrow size/position (2d40988)
19.10.0 (2021-08-31)
19.9.0 (2021-08-27)
19.8.0 (2021-08-26)
19.7.2 (2021-08-23)
- plate: check is click inside component, popover issue (bea8a7d)
19.7.1 (2021-08-23)
- input: clear icon (51debd4)
19.7.0 (2021-08-23)
- form-control: l size offset between value and label (PDS-270) (#781) (311f8a0)
- input: smart error icon (#746) (f1950d6), closes #782
- confirmation: add custom countdown content, change time format (#804) (b87ace1)
- icon-button: Rest props for IconButton from Button (#805) (ee4e170)
- tag: add inverted colors (#784) (d3681ae)
- tooltip: add TooltipResponsive, add
prop (#780) (61d780c)
19.6.3 (2021-08-13)
19.6.2 (2021-08-13)
19.6.1 (2021-08-11)
- modal: max-width 100% (#794) (793a765)
- plate: alert in plate cascade issue (#793) (dbc20e5)
- select: remove wron prop passed into renderOption method (#791) (5231813)
- extend hint type to ReactNode (#792) (d02784e)
19.6.0 (2021-08-09)
19.5.0 (2021-08-04)
19.4.0 (2021-08-03)
- amount-input: remove caret-color override (#773) (93311d0)
- add missing deps (4f4a540)
- move icon from date input to calendar input (#768) (040bd42)
- add inactive controls (PDS-266) (#765) (ec02c89)
- amount-input: add integers only mode (#766) (27a2535)
- amount-input: allow to use custom suffix (#767) (27d9d02)
19.3.0 (2021-07-23)
- select & calendar-input use glyph icons (#742) (6b04ae4)
- input: autofocus (#761) (e2880de)
- tooltip: fix bug with controlled state (#759) (dd0144e)
- attach: simulate controlled state (#760) (5d312bf), closes #743
- bottom-sheet: fix marker gap, fix animation duration (#750) (cb04ed8)
- calendar-input: uses date-input (#752) (509dba2)
- confirmation: fix timer, some loader refactoring (#754) (187bb0e)
- date-input: add component (#751) (4b94bee)
- input: input mobile theme (PDS-241) (#737) (88f6f7c)
- stepped-progress-bar: add component (#747) (f82e9af)
- add mobile theme for tag, radio, checkbox (PDS-244/247/248) (#717) (36e2d99)
- checkbox/radio/switch design updates (PDS-252) (#735) (62f3c63)
- slider input mobile theme (PDS-242) (#738) (6e924aa)
19.2.1 (2021-07-20)
19.2.0 (2021-07-19)
- phone-input: add 'clearableCountyCode' prop (#749) (d110ae7)
- select: add scroll handler (#756) (b25351b)
- tooltip: add target ref property (#755) (9aa962d)
- typography: monospaceNumbers prop (PDS-255) (#697) (42d16a6)
19.1.0 (2021-07-09)
- badge: fix name (207d3d3)
- calendar: fix select-button disabled+selected state (4f54c01)
- calendar: limit defaultMonth (636fa5b)
- input-autocomplete: popover height with dynamic height options (da24758)
- badge: add icon color (d9e9065)
- badge: add screenshots (3bbc8d0)
- select: dont highlight first option on open (015a084)
- themes: confirmation mobile theme (a85233c)
- vars: add border-radius-xs (a4bd8ff)
- vars: fresh colors from alfa-ui-primitives (2051a0c)
19.0.0 (2021-07-08)
- upgrade storybook (#696)
18.2.1 (2021-07-02)
- base-modal: resubscribe observer when content node changed (2fef06e)
18.2.0 (2021-06-30)
18.1.0 (2021-06-29)
18.0.0 (2021-06-28)
- base-modal: fix has scroll bug (#712) (a6749a1)
- space: remove last element margin (#713) (bc36cf7)
- typography: add missing weight styles (#719) (6b855aa)
- bottom-sheet: new component (PDS-228) (#645) (1f7391d), closes #642 #642 #646 #646 #634 #635 #634 #635 #648 #647 #630 #648 #630 #669
- confirmation: add property for change retry button text (#720) (c0f7688)
- skeleton: add display var, change default to block (#718) (27aaa60)
- skeleton: inline-block changes to block
- confirmation: buttonRetryText renamed to buttonReturnText
Co-authored-by: Alexander Soldatov [email protected]
17.6.0 (2021-06-22)
- dark-theme-styles-injector: add prop for selector (#709) (f74cdc7)
- slider-input: design updates (#673) (794e3cc)
- textarea: add value counter (#695) (cbc6bd3)
17.5.1 (2021-06-21)
17.5.0 (2021-06-17)
- notification: add null autoCloseDelay (#698) (6c2f0e0)
- select: add useSelectWithLoading preset (#693) (12d542f)
17.4.2 (2021-06-09)
- skeleton: remove vars that purge kills (886d1b2)
17.4.1 (2021-06-08)
- masked-input: inline module types (#692) (004e60a)
- select: calc height in effect (#689) (83f8745)
- select: fix top bottom paddings (#683) (866bc3b)
- select: update optgroup styles (#679) (63a06ce)
17.4.0 (2021-06-08)
17.3.0 (2021-06-07)
17.2.0 (2021-06-04)
- plate: update vars (#668) (cbecef5)
- tag: adjusted colors (#667) (ded4ac4)
- typography: add rest props (#682) (51e1cf8)
17.1.1 (2021-06-04)
- dropzone: add pointer-events none to overlay (#677) (5f9077a)
- icon-button: fix typo in css variable (#675) (b227d07)
- modal: header height & paddings (#676) (d8945c6)
- select: fix checkmark (#681) (71a51dc)
- select: optionsListWidth prop (#685) (3b87e73)
17.1.0 (2021-05-31)
17.0.1 (2021-05-28)
17.0.0 (2021-05-25)
- button: remove inverted themes
16.5.0 (2021-05-25)
- collapse: add ability to change state using prop expanded (#659) (809c835)
- confirmation: styles updates (#636) (da00fc5), closes #1
- modal: add layout to footer (#644) (eb5a66e)
16.4.0 (2021-05-18)
- button: loader position in ie (#661) (6f0ddab)
- calendar-input: allow to pass all props via calendarProps (#653) (82c4675)
- modal: click theme sticky footer bg (#641) (215a155)
- select: add aria-disabled when disabled (#662) (bd93614)
- select: fix hidden label (#652) (a5fecfc)
- select: recalc options-list width when open (#640) (1a7a3c2)
16.3.1 (2021-05-14)
16.3.0 (2021-05-07)
16.2.0 (2021-05-07)
- button: add loader minimal display interval (#634) (d2f7edc)
- icon-button: add negative view (#635) (7006116)
16.1.3 (2021-05-06)
16.1.2 (2021-05-05)
16.1.1 (2021-05-04)
16.1.0 (2021-04-28)
- button: experimental active transform (site theme) (a741e4f)
16.0.0 (2021-04-26)
stack: remove z-index, add stack component
feat(modal): remove z-index, add stack component
remove z-index, add stack component
stack: remove z-index, add stack component
feat(notification-manager): remove z-index, add stack component
remove z-index, add stack component
stack: remove z-index, add stack component
feat(notification): remove z-index, add stack component
remove z-index, add stack component
stack: remove z-index, add stack component
feat(popover): remove z-index, add stack component
remove z-index, add stack component
stack: remove z-index, add stack component
feat(select): remove z-index, add stack component
remove z-index, add stack component
stack: remove z-index, add stack component
feat(toast): remove z-index, add stack component
remove z-index, add stack component
stack: remove z-index, add stack component
feat(tooltip): remove z-index, add stack component
remove z-index, add stack component
stack: remove z-index, add stack component
feat(stack): fix comment
Revert "feat(modal): remove z-index, add stack component"
This reverts commit fcae901c6ec58311701cd491296a7b04016a9a65.
- feat(base-modal): remove z-index, add stack component
remove z-index, add stack component
stack: remove z-index, add stack component
test(file-upload-item): update snapshot
15.4.0 (2021-04-26)
- calendar-input: toggle calendar on enter (#618) (110e836)
- dropzone: add component (#566) (693a720)
- file-upload-item: add component (#571) (e627350)
- modal: fixed position (#617) (77db054)
- select: label + placeholder (#535) (e821c41)
15.3.0 (2021-04-26)
- calendar: ie fixes (#628) (983509c)
- drawer: lost vars (#632) (82a8e46)
- notification: ie fixes (#633) (decbf8f)
- update plugin (#627) (5bb78f2)
- skeleton: remove extra bottom margin (#619) (8f83022)
- tabs: fix ssr rendering (#621) (e45efe7)
15.2.2 (2021-04-20)
- amount-input: fix float in amount input (a9e1802)
15.2.1 (2021-04-09)
15.2.0 (2021-04-09)
- calendar-input: call onchange with empty value (3fbc73a)
- select: options list width calc (5294af7)
- select: virtual list wrong height (8708228)
- slider-input: label + info + error issue (147bb71)
- backdrop: add component (948a6c2)
- backdrop: add component (2b87958)
- calendar-with-skeleton: add component (e940c88)
- form-control: add hidden label instead min-width (a40ffcf)
- slider: click theme (15c308a)
15.1.0 (2021-04-06)
- vars: fresh colors (10907ec)
15.0.1 (2021-04-01)
- Revert "comic thursday" (708304e)
15.0.0 (2021-04-01)
- radio/checkbox (#594) (4c9c13f)
- modal: fullscreen & header title styles (#580) (39fa494)
- select-with-tags: tag box-sizing issue (#589) (9bc9a44)
- mq: mobile-s теперь 360
14.0.2 (2021-03-31)
- calendar-input: z-index increased (8e0df44)
14.0.1 (2021-03-30)
- themes: fixed button corp theme (4dec71c)
14.0.0 (2021-03-30)
tooltip: add wrapper around children component
feat(tooltip): add target className prop
feat(tooltip): fix passed classNames
13.3.1 (2021-03-30)
- subComponentName (8064ac6)
13.3.0 (2021-03-24)
- alert: add component (#548) (264cbf8)
- calendar-input: remove input width (#576) (f0954b0)
- select: add options-list width (#578) (6f1c12b)
- select: add optionsSize (#577) (12f3b43)
13.2.0 (2021-03-24)
13.1.4 (2021-03-19)
- tabs: optional children (#572) (b03ee8c)
- fix types importing in root package (#569) (bdb362a)
- button: fixed alignment of several buttons in a row (#561) (8d9e1e2)
- gaps: add description (#562) (0e0b2d3)
13.1.3 (2021-03-18)
13.1.2 (2021-03-16)
- border-radius in packages (781749e)
13.1.1 (2021-03-15)
- themes: fixes border-radius (9d152d9)
13.1.0 (2021-03-15)
- vars: introducing border-radius vars (1a6fb28)
13.0.2 (2021-03-14)
13.0.1 (2021-03-11)
13.0.0 (2021-03-11)
- confirmation: fix bug with timers (2bdb105)
- confirmation: add noAttemptsLeftMessage prop (7dc0e02)
- confirmation: always show sms come link (0a14a54)
- confirmation: confirmation design updates (69f26e4)
- confirmation: fix text (40d4d6b)
- confirmation: Add phone formatting into component. Phone prop doesn't have to be formatted.
12.3.0 (2021-03-10)
12.2.0 (2021-03-05)
12.1.0 (2021-03-04)
12.0.0 (2021-03-04)
- size vars (xs/s/m/l/xl → 32/48/56/64/72) (d7254d2)
- amount-input: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (a2c0b7c)
- button: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (051d964)
- form-control: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (4a129f3)
- input: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (79699e3)
- input-autocomplete: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (858359a)
- intl-phone-input: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (9077b7f)
- phone-input: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (13257c5)
- popover: change animation, add scale (2e48a02)
- pure-input: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (af4cfb5)
- select: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (af5dc6a)
- select-with-tags: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (523b96f)
- slider-input: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (f5fda56)
- tabs: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (2043939)
- tag: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (ea43560)
- textarea: changed size L (72 → 64), added size XL (72) (175e360)
- themes: updated click theme for tabs (0a4c17e)
- toast: update popover (9961bc8)
- with-suffix: xl size (d2bb796)
- phone-input: size L changed to size XL
- amount-input: size L changed to size XL
- pure-input: size L changed to size XL
- input-autocomplete: size L changed to size XL
- intl-phone-input: size L changed to size XL
- input: size L changed to size XL
- tag: size L changed to size XL
- select-with-tags: size L changed to size XL
- tabs: size L changed to size XL
- form-control: size L changed to size XL
- textarea: size L changed to size XL
- select: size L changed to size XL
- slider-input: size L changed to size XL
- button: size L changed to size XL
- popover: Change html structure of popover component.
11.8.0 (2021-03-03)
- confirmation: add font feature settings (#540) (08057f6)
- select-with-tags: remove pointer events from placeholder (#545) (41b860b)
11.7.1 (2021-03-03)
- select-with-tags: missed dot (c3c98d0)
11.7.0 (2021-03-03)
11.6.3 (2021-03-01)
11.6.2 (2021-02-20)
11.6.1 (2021-02-20)
11.6.0 (2021-02-19)
11.5.0 (2021-02-19)
11.4.0 (2021-02-19)
- button: add rel='noopener noreferrer' if target='blank' (#522) (a1da871)
- link: set rel='noopener noreferrer' if target='_blank' (#520) (08c556e), closes #519
- themes: list click theme (#528) (e54ad60)
11.3.2 (2021-02-19)
11.3.1 (2021-02-19)
11.3.0 (2021-02-18)
11.2.0 (2021-02-18)
11.1.0 (2021-02-18)
11.0.3 (2021-02-18)
- update versions (1d83612)
11.0.2 (2021-02-18)
- update versions (d1b69a3)
11.0.1 (2021-02-18)
11.0.0 (2021-02-18)
- --notification-desktop-width var removed
10.6.0 (2021-02-17)
10.5.0 (2021-02-17)
10.4.4 (2021-02-16)
10.4.3 (2021-02-16)
- form-control: ff blink (490ff25)
10.4.2 (2021-02-15)
10.4.1 (2021-02-15)
10.4.0 (2021-02-11)
10.3.0 (2021-02-11)
10.2.1 (2021-02-10)
10.2.0 (2021-02-09)
10.1.0 (2021-02-09)
10.0.0 (2021-02-08)
- badge: new icon view without fixed size
9.1.0 (2021-02-08)
9.0.0 (2021-02-08)
- notification: move inner content to toast (8b7a4e9)
- popover: fix transition (f8564bc)
- themes: add button ghost inverted theme (dd71bbf)
- toast: remove extra prop (6a8167a)
- toast: review fixes (50fea1d)
- yet another fixes (6ecd273)
- themes: updates (86bd76f)
- toast: add draft component (d04fbb3)
- toast: add new component (09de8b0)
- toast: add portal (439148d)
- toast: add stop, start timers (b28ea98)
- toast: fix linter error (e994512)
- toast: fix linter problems (e8342e8)
- toast: some fixes (fe95b5d)
- toast: updates (896ac02)
- toast: updates (24cc308)
- toast-plate: change close button position to absolute (2f9161d)
- toast-plate: design review fixes (55b58fd)
- toast-plate: fix (4e378ec)
- toast-plate: fix styles (b600f86)
- toast-plate: fix styles (14af3b4)
- toast-plate: updates (2303335)
- popover: fix popover transition, change Transition to CSSTransition
8.3.1 (2021-02-03)
8.3.0 (2021-02-01)
8.2.1 (2021-02-01)
8.2.0 (2021-01-28)
- button: transparent view (e395049)
8.1.0 (2021-01-27)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
8.0.3 (2021-01-21)
8.0.2 (2021-01-20)
8.0.1 (2021-01-20)
- adds semantic release configs again (01231a3)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
8.0.0 (2021-01-20)
- может затронуть кастомную стилизацию контролов
- add fieldClassName (#467) (8847c5a)
- add stylelint-core-vars (#461) (c2f515e)
- calendar: add scrolling to selected year when open year select (#471) (bf295ab)
- radio: add addons (7923354)
- radio: add align (fe9faec)
- radio: addons, align, block for Checkbox (78c6f37)
- radio: addons, align, block for Switch (df81ef9)
- radio: fix reversed addons of switch (30721a9)
- radio: fixes (12128fb)
- radio: fullWidth -> block (97e0cf6)
- radio: lil fixy (7e8103a)
- amount: fix story (#463) (3e1d6c1)
- calendar: fix years-table position (#474) (0f8cfe2)
- input: prevent autocomplete to change bgcolor (#468) (d00abe3)
- input: set aria-label attr when label passed (#462) (c8e4489)
- input-autocomplete: fix mousedown issue (#473) (889d5ff)
- add fallback for IE for width: max-content (22a88bb)
- fix style for form-control and base-select (51f9800)
- picker-button: fix test (639fbe6)
7.0.0 (2020-12-30)
- read-only state (#459) (ed087c7)
- checkbox: size m (9fdbf2b)
- collapse: add component (eea2a52)
- collapse: codestyle fixes (74b780a)
- collapse: codestyle fixes again (1cd37b7)
- collapse: fix icon (5f64a69)
- collapse: fixes (81d48d0)
- collapse: forgotten ref (3a256fb)
- core-components-fade: add fade (459d2c0)
- core-components-modal: add modal (2a71f1b)
- core-components-trap-focus: add trap-focus (a5be636)
- link: simplify link without addons, fixes #406 (37288e4)
- modal: hide (9d02eba)
- picker-button: simplify picker-button using colorless icons (bd0bdba)
- radio: size m (c8dfb66)
- select: add empty list placeholder prop (#438) (75b0c9c)
- select: popoverPosition, render to body, test issues (#428) (7688ec7), closes #429
- select-with-tags: add select with tags (#435) (bc42165)
- themes: arrow transform var with click theme (35d4ef2)
- themes: fixed click theme for tag (c0b4fad)
- themes: updated tabs border colors (5a41d86)
- space: removed excess div (776e093)
- snapshots (6d387a8)
- calendar-range: fix snapshot (a135dde)
- core-components-*: fix class properties transform (f407938)
- core-components-*: fix undefined refs (ea5dac0)
- core-components-*: portal related issues (a5735fb)
- core-components-*: remove optional chaining to fix build issues (75b0e7a)
- core-components-modal: fix lint issues (5fc1eb4)
- core-components-portal: update portal (5638163)
- core-components-vars: import colors-transparent in index (2109973)
- divider: missed vars (afeb14e)
- modal: fix class properties transform (f6a1de5)
- modal: fix comments issues (3c5c9e2)
- modal: fix comments issues (dd8370f)
- portal: revert "portal related issues" (407489a)
- portal: revert "update portal" (d93aeb1)
- themes: fixed click select theme (68dd29e)
6.0.0 (2020-12-29)
- calendar-range: add component (#426) (7bf76d9)
- input-autocomplete: dont close popover on input click (#445) (5b49e54)
- typography: add default margins (#446) (fb98d10)
- change form-control styles (#444) (2e464a8)
- calendar: snapshots timezone issue (#448) (18f8080)
- themes: add missing variables import (#449) (456c045), closes #442
- tooltip: execute tooltip's target missing callbacks (#443) (237cef1)
5.10.0 (2020-12-28)
- space: codestyle (36994db)
- space: codestyle (fc6d760)
- space: first Space tests (9434b91)
- space: just add Space component (945a456)
- space: lil fixes (b9c588a)
- space: remove label and more knobs (e2af148)
- space: remove label and more knobs 2 (b85b459)
- space: version (f262441)
5.9.1 (2020-12-24)
5.9.0 (2020-12-21)
5.8.0 (2020-12-17)
5.7.0 (2020-12-15)
- calendar-input: fix focus issue (60af1b9)
- calendar-input: fix story (ff2732d)
- circular-progress-bar: change max-height (b587c87)
- loader: fixed animation start (4df4712)
- picker-button: remove global style (281ed10)
5.6.0 (2020-12-11)
5.5.0 (2020-12-11)
- amount-input: added integerLength prop (881af44)
- button: add conditions (5f034f3)
- button: add css to button (34b23ed)
- button: update snapshorts (29c36ac)
- picker-button: add compoonent PickerButton (e14b73d)
- themes: add dark theme mixins (#420) (6cfd317)
- themes: updated button mobile theme (ebdf5a1)
- vars: fresh tokens (48f2591)
- vars: new reverse shadows (6c18699)
- delete extra cn (#415) (d08966f)
- button: design review fixes (4eca9d1)
- list: apply --list-marker-color only to marker (5479f47)
- picker-button: fix icon color (f8d97b4)
5.4.1 (2020-12-04)
- themes: remove imports from mixins (4d878b5)
5.4.0 (2020-12-03)
- add inverted theme for link & button (#405) (a3ccf39)
- add update popover position prop (#401) (5588870)
- use disabled-cursor (#399) (ba5ba74)
- popover: prevent flip (#398) (c0c1723)
- select: allow to use options as selected value (#393) (a16f47a)
- select: change optionslist shadow styles (#397) (d13c1f8)
- circular-progress-bar: fix label width (#395) (1d3cb6b), closes #394
- mq: use addListener and removeListener (#402) (9918383)
- theme-switcher select value (845de5d)
5.3.0 (2020-11-27)
- core-components-card-image: add cardImage component (#326) (06901af)
- core-components-notification: add component (#357) (c6644a0), closes #351
- improve theme switcher (#386) (9c5c4ec)
5.2.0 (2020-11-25)
5.1.0 (2020-11-25)
- button: design review fixes (e8f5faf)
- checkbox: improved theming (cb1d196)
- radio: improved theming (3dcb532)
- switch: improved theming (b4ecc39)
- themes: experimental click theme for checkbox/radio/switch (f5b2263)
- themes: updated click theme for tabs size m (56dd5b6)
5.0.0 (2020-11-25)
- slightly better and safer ie fixes (0e34b4f)
- remove packages/vars/src/breakpoints.css
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
4.5.1 (2020-11-24)
4.5.0 (2020-11-23)
- core-components-button: added nowrap (#365) (99a87eb)
- core-components-spinner: add spinner component (#360) (8c6e453)
- input-autocomplete: revert arrow (07f0ef4)
- button: show loader when href is set (#374) (79d6750)
- plate: remove redunadant className (#373) (fdd6b3d), closes #366
- radio: fix input width (#378) (369684e)
4.4.1 (2020-11-19)
- select: fix wrong options height (18f26d9)
4.4.0 (2020-11-17)
- core-components-tabs: addons and container class name (#361) (68f1322)
- core-components-vars: add breakpoints (#358) (9cd5699)
4.3.1 (2020-11-16)
4.3.0 (2020-11-14)
4.2.0 (2020-11-11)
4.1.0 (2020-11-09)
- core-components-form-control: set opactiy in disabled state (#342) (586a8d1)
- core-components-intl-phone-input: add component (#333) (4d7c71d), closes #336 #334
- core-components-link: add slots (#337) (86f0886)
- core-components-list-header: add component (#344) (cce69f3)
- core-components-plate: add component (62e18bf), closes #340
4.0.4 (2020-11-03)
- core-components-amount-input: missing handlers (be512d5)
4.0.3 (2020-10-30)
4.0.2 (2020-10-29)
4.0.1 (2020-10-28)
- core-components-select: add missing changes (053b512)
4.0.0 (2020-10-27)
core-components-confirmation: separate error and error text
feat(core-components-confirmation): fix margins
- core-components-badge: add component (#330) (eb1c617), closes #327
- core-components-confirmation: separate error and error text (#329) (03fc4fb)
- core-components-input: hide clear if input is readonly (#328) (93f7ba4)
- core-components-select: inputs & types (#323) (0f4d547)
- core-components-slider-input: update stories (d6a2937)
3.1.0 (2020-10-20)
- core-components-form-control: add addons classname (707cd54)
- core-components-input: add addons classname (9f40cdc)
- core-components-bank-card: label styles (#316) (31ea1ce)
- core-components-form-control: fix hover state (#317) (41b2d51)
3.0.1 (2020-10-14)
- typings issue (dd17a7b)
3.0.0 (2020-10-13)
- core-components-bank-card: change caret color (1b69839)
- core-components-confirmation: fixes (#311) (e56a137)
- core-components-input: add filled and focused classNames (ebaac73)
- core-components-input: updated input click theme (#315) (69e6f81)
- core-components-list: adds a new component (#296) (7d5a93d)
- core-components-select: show error icon and arrow both (#299) (b563989)
- core-components-slider: add component (#285) (57a645e)
- core-components-slider-input: add component (#288) (901df73), closes #294
- core-components-vars: update primitives (#291) (d995190)
- core-components-vars: updated colors addons (5206618)
- core-components-with-suffix: add hoc (7055c98)
- core-components-with-suffix: add hoc (#301) (df9b797)
- core-components-bank-card: deleting issue, add useCallback (#309) (5f768bd)
- core-components-button: add text align (#306) (a60a4dc)
- core-components-button: fixed primary button background color (874e203)
- core-components-tabs: fix styles build (#310) (d05a0ef), closes #314
- core-components-themes: add all vars import (6d50c3e)
- core-components-themes: process color-mod, fix vars (5d77f9b)
- core-components-with-suffix: add text styles (b4dbabe)
- core-components-with-suffix: fix stories (6226300)
2.2.0 (2020-09-25)
- update theming docs (2ceba6d)
- core-components-link: updated colors and click theme (573c785)
- core-components-skeleton: adds a new component (11e6ce9)
- core-components-skeleton: changes styles (379a8d9)
- core-components-tooltip: updated font size and popover shadow (e0d54b1)
- core-components-vars: introducing shadows vars (defc486)
- core-components-vars: introducing shadows vars (8ff8aba)
- storybook build with assets (0d2e819)
- core-components-amount-input: resolve #281 (7e91e9e)
- core-components-popover: add missing styles (578f1cb)
- core-components-skeleton: fix styles (0aac24f)
2.1.0 (2020-09-18)
- core-components-amount-input: add forward ref (5471887)
- core-components-amount-input: fix console error (461d435)
- core-components-themes: temp fix for color-mod (94a79a0)
2.0.0 (2020-09-14)
- core-components-button: button themes (click, corp, mobile), change l-size height (cf658c3)
- core-components-form-control: change l-size height (c87f908)
- core-components-input: add clear button (4f9a453)
- core-components-input: add css-var for clear button icon (637286c)
- core-components-pure-input: change l-size height (5287559)
- core-components-tabs: remove gaps, add sizes (da7d435)
- core-components-tag: add click theme (eeb2400)
- core-components-tag: min-width for tags (fce5ce3)
- core-components-textarea: change l-size height (f314bf6)
- core-components-themes: add tabs click theme (0ffbc3f)
- core-components-themes: add tabs site theme (da5d9ec)
- core-components-input: fix clear button, fix focus issues (24fc3c6)
- core-components-select: remove default autocomplete (a223433)
1.18.0 (2020-09-11)
1.17.1 (2020-09-02)
- add missing deps (231402b)
1.17.0 (2020-09-02)
- core-components-bank-card: add component draft (#208) (93943b7)
- core-components-input: add labelClassName (8494b21)
- core-components-select: add dataTestId (83c5dd5)
- core-components-bank-card: fix test (77c72db)
- core-components-select: fix typings, add id (341d79d)
- core-components-tabs: recalc line styles on render (#250) (b9fd710)
1.16.0 (2020-08-28)
- build issues (cdacf43)
- core-components-phone-input: fix controlled value bug (#248) (62c3cd2), closes #253
1.15.3 (2020-08-25)
- add styrene font-face (9dfc8da)
- core-components-button: fix loader position (#236) (697c44a)
- core-components-select: fix typings, unused css (c223dbb)
- core-components-tabs: fix css-modules build (#239) (0e9d8d0)
- fix import example (#237) (0ea47b5)
- fix radio & checkbox colors (56a0a16)
1.15.2 (2020-08-19)
- core-components-keyboard-focusable: add component and hook (#215) (f777f72)
- core-components-textarea: add Textarea component (#221) (a23b731), closes #217 #217 #217 #217 #217 #217 #217 #217 #217 #217 #217 #217 #217
- set system font by default in storybook (c40ab25)
- add new colors, fix typography (e50365e)
1.15.1 (2020-08-14)
- core-components-themes: add theming example (aba4c8a)
- tag: remove pointer-events none style (#224) (dcaec57)
- use correct vars (171c45d)
1.15.0 (2020-08-13)
1.14.0 (2020-08-12)
1.13.0 (2020-08-12)
1.12.1 (2020-08-12)
1.12.0 (2020-08-12)
- core-components-input: add input wrapper ref (9c1fba0)
- core-components-input: add ref tests (9ed193c)
- core-components-input: update type (9ab3733)
- core-components-phone-input: add phone-input (#192) (42cedbf)
- core-components-phone-input: remove optional chaining (#222) (d8a9ca2)
- core-components-radio: add radio component (#183) (858c81b)
- core-components-tabs: add tabs (#149) (b08b668), closes #175 #200
- core-components-vars: add new typography styles (#211) (7df831f)
1.11.0 (2020-07-22)
1.10.0 (2020-07-17)
- core-components-progress-bar: add progress bar component (39ee713)
- core-components-progress-bar: refactor, snapshot tests fix (7b0b553)
1.9.0 (2020-07-13)
- tag: add height in ie (fix bug with flex and align-items) (9fd2abd)
1.8.0 (2020-06-30)
- core-components-amount: add boilerplate for amount (5614885)
- core-components-amount: add click theme (b4b0699)
- core-components-amount: allow withZeroMinorPart formatting (e86529d)
- core-components-amount: export CurrencyCodes (1a6155a)
- core-components-amount: feat, change api, add PureAmount (f946776)
- core-components-amount: implemented amount, add demo (1e78129)
- core-components-popover: add classname for tooltip popover (c837199)
1.7.3 (2020-06-23)
- core-components-button: background in loading state (2064e59)
- core-components-button: disabled styles are back (bf81264)
1.7.2 (2020-06-22)
- core-components-money-input: fix default placeholder (2efbcbd)
1.7.1 (2020-06-19)
1.7.0 (2020-06-19)
- core-components-money-input: add money-input, story, base test (aab595a)
- core-components-money-input: added smart default placeholder (dff6e63)
- core-components-money-input: change minority color (e35b06a)
- core-components-money-input: fix demo according PR comments (15f339d)
- core-components-money-input: fixes according review comments (3ba9e0b)
- core-components-money-input: fixes according review comments (0b0c285)
- core-components-money-input: remove composed props from MoneyInput (3d3f5b8)
- core-components-money-input: tune to latest requirements (62fcaf4)
- core-components-money-input: add todo (612c88c)
- core-components-money-input: fix bold (4625eee)
- core-components-money-input: fix build (c68fa08)
- core-components-money-input: fix demo (2b22f2d)
- core-components-money-input: fix dependency (1ea92b7)
- core-components-money-input: fix zindex (0688bd9)
- core-components-money-input: remove temp wrapper (fc6e904)
- core-components-money-input: type for currency according comments (078069d)
1.6.1 (2020-06-19)
1.6.0 (2020-06-19)
- core-components-form-control: allow to hide error icon in theme (c19a73c)
- core-components-button: fix button loading state (eac3c3c)
1.5.2 (2020-06-18)
- checkbox-group: fix css classnames (1ec07fa)
1.5.1 (2020-06-18)
- core-components-button: fix block button width (4abf5d9)
1.5.0 (2020-06-15)
- button: keyboard-only focus (#102) (739d240), closes #125
- core-components-button: fix button types (#138) (6af3a2c)
- core-components-form-control: change errors logic (#150) (1c0e494)
- core-components-link: add new component (#142) (33e11eb)
- core-components-vars: update alfa-ui-primitives and build colors (#153) (007e2d6)
- core-components-tag: fix tag background (#151) (03b465b)
- core-components-tooltip: pass target original classname (#147) (d253f8a)
1.4.1 (2020-06-01)
- fixed themes and default font-family (6bab367)
- core-components-checkbox-group: fix classnames to camelcase (522af20)
1.4.0 (2020-05-28)
- core-components-select: move select vars to separate file (8e09aba)
1.3.1 (2020-05-28)
core-components-form-control: Компонент Input теперь зависим от FormField. Большая часть стилей перенесена в FormField
refactor(core-components-form-control): rename component
refactor(core-components-form-control): component improvements
- core-components-button: add loading state (5c0a75a)
- core-components-form-control: add FormControl component (#127) (1ea79d1)
- core-components-loader: add new component (24f0c35)
- core-components-popover: can render without Transition (#130) (2569a32)
- select: add select component (#118) (8892bd9)
- core-components-button: iconOnly button min-width fix (ecdf518)
- core-components-select: fix onOpen description (b28f75a)
1.3.0 (2020-05-22)
- core-components-popover: change box-sizing to border-box (#121) (2a6883d)
- core-components-popover: make transition props optional (#119) (dce9249)
- add comments to bash (6149931)
- add demo script (b5d1c00)
- add masked-input (#76) (d5c4ba5)
- delete postInstall (fd30ef9)
- fix eslint (c4f5261)
- lint fix (f64c8b9)
- modify config for storybook (c81ad6e)
- post storybook url to PR after push (#39) (9acc8ab)
- publishing (bc584e2)
- setup tests (3e722bd)
- update demo script (46d600c)
- update dependencies (a27310a)
- use custom css-modules naming (7eacdab)
- base-input: add base-input (55ecad6)
- button: add types. add forwardRef (bd86206)
- button: fixed story (4811af8)
- button: href prop, updated types & styles (8745e44)
- button: improved button theming (0d2a255)
- button: updated button styles (643429d)
- divider: add divider (0e4199c)
- input: add new default input (2314b3b)
- inputs: icons & addons improvements (e0abeba)
- inputs: improve components, update styles & props (98ff5dd)
- inputs: some refactor. add events & props (27f5bba)
- lint: add lint (3bd5492)
- portal: add new portal component (#75) (80d5499)
- stories: move to mdx stories (#104) (40d6aff)
- storybook: add @storybook/addon-docs. update stories (1e66461)
- switch: add new component (4e23acd)
- tag: add new component Tag (1101b57)
- themes: add themes structure (#108) (eb05b6d)
- typography: add tools for mixin building (e995924)
- typography: update tokens & scripts. rebuild (91c7c76)
- vars: add index.css (#90) (d9f3af1)
- vars: add negative gaps (#99) (5dc2cf4)
- fix 4 spaces (049cfa9)
- fix issues accodring to PR #36 (9c57325)
- fix lint errors (86fa366)
- fixed linter errors (0c9f9c6)
- prepare inputs. move @types/jest to devDeps (5f30dbb)
- restore babel config (50eaa68)
- update scripts & snapshots (ce35a02)
- build-root-package: several hyphens in dir name (aeb5dfb)
- button: add missing href (756d84b)
- button: remove unused deps (f287d48)
- button: transition duration fix (cd49653)
- deploy: fix demo-build for master branch (fc46861)
- deps: fix wrong dependencies (#92) (085e2ce)
- divider: delete default margin (c514bf3)
- divider: remarks from PR (5df2c6f)
- divider: style (d718a69)
- input: fix l bottom margin (c41a840)
- input: fix render fn (4cf8ef1)
- input: fix wrong filled state (#109) (576495a)
- input: pass sub as BaseInput child (b60d64c)
- inputs: border-box fix (81752e1)
- inputs: fix css vars (1e233a2)
- inputs: fix input width (9ed950f)
- inputs: fix placeholders styles (e404483)
- inputs: fix styles and types (cb6b189)
- inputs: l size side paddings (b9688a2)
- inputs: remove from state, detect by value prop (208c07e)
- inputs: remove file type. fix styles. withIcon -> rightAddons (f149aa8)
- inputs: styles fixes (9a3199e)
- masked-input,switch: fix wrong main field (76d0e4e)
- switch: fix global tag styling (66ce011)
- switch: replace div with span (69624f9)
- tag: fix disabled state (#110) (a622101)
- tag: fix styles (#80) (bc80ba4)
- tests: rewrite tests titles (d0f16ad)
- tsconfig: fix local module resolution (f8faadf)
- typography: add prettier-ignore to fix mixin breaking. rebuild (6909df6)
- update-colors.js: fix it (c9b8c68)
- vars: fix build for vars. add typography to index (cc00344)