Terraform CDK code for Flight Controller's AWS infrastructure
- Assume the correct AWS account/refresh credentials
- Synth, plan and deploy both infra & Grafana Dashboard.
make aws-synth
make aws-plan-all
make aws-deploy-all
make aws-build-dependencies
build all the lambda requirements and store ininfrastructure/aws/controller_core
make aws-synth
cdktf synth the all the stacksmake aws-plan-core
cdktf plan the core stackmake aws-plan-grafana
cdktf plan the grafana dashboard stackmake aws-plan-all
cdktf plan all stacksmake aws-deploy-core
cdktf deploy the core_stackmake aws-deploy-grafana
cdktf deploy the grafanadashboard stackmake aws-deploy-all
cdktf deploy all stacksmake aws-destroy-core
cdktf destroy core stackmake aws-destroy-grafana
cdktf destroy grafana deashboard stackmake aws-destroy-all
cdktf destroy all stacksmake aws-test
aws specific testsmake aws-e2e
aws specific end to end tests
Dashboards are added using the terrafrom. Fortunately, you can use JSON templates to make it easier to manage your Terraform-provisioned Grafama dashboards without having to convert them to HCL syntax or CDKTF.
- Within
, JSON file is pre-created nameddashboard.json
- To update the dashboard/panels, simple update the json code and run the CI pipeline using Github actions. This will update the Grafana dashboard.
- To add new dashboard, create a new JSON file.
- Add terraform block of code for newly created JSON file in the
This Terraform configuration configures the Grafana provider to provide necessary authentication when creating folders and dashboards in the Grafana instance.
API key is created by the terraform whilst core AWS infrastructure is being deployed. After creating the key it is stored in the AWS Secrets Manager to be used as required to run Grafana Terraform CDK stack.
While writing this, Grafana API Keys are valid for maximum 30 days only. Hopefully, Amazon will address this limitation in the future - but in the meantime, this simple pattern can be used to automatically rotate an API key every 29 days and store it for use in AWS Secrets Manager.
The solution is made up of two components:
- AWS Secret is created with a rotation lifecycle policy that will trigger a Lambda function every 29 days
- AWS Lambda Function that will create a new API key in Amazon Managed Grafana and update the AWS Secret with the new key
Python code handling the rotation is stored at src/entrypoint/grafana_lambda.py
. The code expects two input variables to retrieve secret values from AWS Secrets Manager viz. grafana_api_key_name
and grafana_workspace_id
. As the name suggest these values are secret names being used as filters.