Interoperable authoring and publishing system. The medium-long list.
- Connector - ADA: connects to different apps, GUI for user and admins.
- Authentication?: GCP, OAuth, Okta, or one Mosheda is building @mosheda
- Data connections: Apache Kafka (need to understand better how this replaces APIs)
- Data connections: direct
- messaging
- workflow recipes BPM ?
- Storage?
- Writing interface - Fidus Writer
- MySQL storage
- Bring in Gutenberg use, web components
- Metadata store, creation?
- DOI generation
- Images?
- Diagrams:
- Validator pipeline and more e.g., Interactive GUI: corrections and request any format? Transpect
- Publication outputs: Transpect pipeline to feed all of the below, with some going through Fidus Writers outputs, but still need validating and delivering to a output storage point
- XHTML/HTML to Viviostyle and deposit in a Container to serve to web, or onto GitHUB/Lab to serve, maybe with options from either via Hugo, Jekyll, or just GH Pages.
- To Hugo HTML webbook, onto GitHub/Lab to GH pages, or/and to straight serving
- eBook generation
- deliver eBook to distributor
- Screen PDF and Print PoD PDF generation
- deliver PDF and data to PoD printer
- PoD cover generation
- XML, HTML outputs
- Juypter Book (markdown?)
- Output all of above format types as downloads from outputs such as (Vivlio, HTML webbooks, Jupyter Book), including: PDF, PoD purchase, JATS, eBooks, etc
- Previewing for outputs
- Centralising styling, al la Bootstrap like
- Packaging