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Releases: coldbox-modules/cbsecurity


11 Dec 21:33
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[2.9.0] => 2020-DEC-11


  • Fixes a typo in the cbSecurity_onInvalidAuthorization interception point declaration. Previously, the typo would prevent ColdBox from allowing the correctly-typed interception point from ever triggering an interception listener.
  • The userValidator() method has been changed to roleValidator(), but the error message was forgotten! So the developer is told they need a userValidator() method... because the userValidator method is no longer supported. :/


  • The isLoggedIn() method now makes sure that a jwt is in place and valid, before determining if you are logged in or not.
  • Migrated all automated tests to focal and mysql8 in preparation for latest updates
  • Add support for JSON/XML/model rules source when loading rules from modules. Each module can now load rules not only inline but from the documented external sources.
  • Ensure non-configured rules default to empty array


14 Sep 15:16
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[2.7.0] => 2020-SEP-14


  • Contributed module rules are now pre-pended instead of appended. (@wpdebruin)


  • Not loading rules by source file detection due to invalid setting check
  • Don't trigger ColdBox's invalid event looping protection. It also auto-senses between ColdBox 6 and 5 (@homestar9)
  • Fixed token scopes according to JWT spec, it is called scope and it is a space separated list. This doesn't change the User interface for it. (@wpdebruin)
  • Update token storages so no token rejection anymore when storage is not enabled. (@wpdebruin)


22 Jul 20:43
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[2.6.0] => 2020-JUL-22


  • New build layout based on new module layout
  • Auto github publishing release notes
  • More formatting goodness and watcher


  • JWT Validator now passing permissions instead of roles
  • Token Storage checking was being done even if disabled


12 Feb 20:36
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  • Feature : cbauth upgraded to version 4


27 Sep 21:04
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New Features

  • Adobe 2016,2018 Support
  • Settings transferred to ColdBox 4/5 moduleSettings approach instead of root approach (See compat section)
  • The rulesModelMethod now defaults to getSecurityRules()
  • ColdFusion security validator has an identity now CFValidator@cbsecurity instead of always being inline.
  • You can now add an overrideEvent element to a rule. If that is set, then we will override the incoming event via event.overrideEvent() instead of doing a relocation using the redirect rule element.
  • You can now declare your rules inline in the configuration settings using the rules key. This will allow you to build the rules in your config instead of a rule source.
  • We now can distinguish between invalid auth and invalid authorizations
  • New interception block points cbSecurity_onInvalidAuthentication, cbSecurity_onInvalidAuhtorization
  • You now have a defaultAuthorizationAction setting which defaults to redirect
  • You now have a invalidAuthenticationEvent setting that can be used
  • You now have a defaultAuthenticationAction setting which defaults to redirect
  • You now have a invalidAuthorizationEvent setting that can be used
  • If a rule is matched, we will store it in the prc as cbSecurity_matchedRule so you can see which security rule was used for processing invalid access actions.
  • If a rule is matched we will store the validator results in prc as cbSecurity_validatorResults
  • Ability for modules to register cbSecurity rules and setting overrides by registering a settings.cbSecurity key.
  • Ability for modules to override the validator setting. So each module can have their own security validator schema.
  • New security rule visualizer for graphically seeing you rules and configuration. Can be locked down via the enableSecurityVisualizer setting. Disabled by default.
// module settings - stored in
settings = {
	// CB Security Rules to append to global rules
	cbsecurity = {
		// The module invalid authentication event or URI or URL to go if an invalid authentication occurs
		"invalidAuthenticationEvent"	: "",
		// Default Auhtentication Action: override or redirect when a user has not logged in
		"defaultAuthenticationAction"	: "redirect",
		// The module invalid authorization event or URI or URL to go if an invalid authorization occurs
		"invalidAuthorizationEvent"		: "",
		// Default Authorization Action: override or redirect when a user does not have enough permissions to access something
		"defaultAuthorizationAction"	: "redirect",
		// You can define your security rules here or externally via a source
		"rules"							: [
				"secureList" 	: "mod1:home"
				"secureList" 	: "mod1/modOverride",
				"match"			: "url",
				"action"		: "override"
  • Annotation based security for handlers and actions using the secured annotation. Which can be boolean or a list of permissions, roles or whatever you like.
  • You can disable annotation based security by using the handlerAnnotationSecurity boolean setting.


  • SSL Enforcement now cascades according to the following lookup: Global, rule, request
  • Interfaces documented for easier extension interfaces.*
  • Migration to script and code modernization
  • New Module Layout
  • Secured rules are now logged as warn() with the offending Ip address.
  • New setting to turn on/off the loading of the security firewall: autoLoadFirewall. The interceptor will auto load and be registered as cbsecurity@global in WireBox.


  • Adobe 11 Dropped
  • Lucee 4.5 Dropped
  • Migrate your root cbSecurity settings in your config/ColdBox.cfc to inside the moduleSettings
  • IOC rules support dropped
  • OCM rules support dropped
  • validatorModel dropped in favor of just validator to be a WireBox Id
  • Removed preEventSecurity it was too chatty and almost never used
  • The function userValidator has been renamed to ruleValidator and also added the annotationValidator as well.
  • rulesSource removed you can now use the rules setting
    • The rules can be: array, db, model, filepath
    • If the filepath has json or xml in it, we will use that as the source style
  • rulesFile removed you can now use the rules setting.