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File metadata and controls

80 lines (56 loc) · 2.84 KB

Week 05, Day 02

02 / 09 / 2015

What we covered today:

Naming Conventions

Models are singular, with a capitalized class name, located in app/models, have an extension of .rb, and inherit from ActiveRecord::Base.

Controllers are plural, with a CamelCase class name, located in app/controllers, have an extension of .rb, and inherit from ApplicationController.

Views are a bit more difficult. They reside in a folder in app/views, the name of that folder comes from the associated controller and is plural. The name of the actual file is the name of the associated action (or method), plus .html.erb. They don't inherit from anything. This may make things clearer...

Type File Name Location Class Name Inherits From
Model planet.rb app/models Planet ActiveRecord::Base
Controllers planets_controller.rb app/controllers PlanetsController ApplicationController
Views index.html.erb app/views/planets N/A N/A


These are things that you should use over and over, it is a collection of commonly used patterns. They can only be used in our views!!! Remember that these obviously need to be wrapped in ERB tags.

Number Helpers

number_to_currency( value )
number_to_human( value )
number_to_phone( value, options )
number_to_phone( value, :area_code => true )

Here are all of the number helpers.

Text Helpers

pluralize( value, 'singular_case' )
pluralize( @person_count, 'person' )

truncate( value, options )
truncate( @story, :length => 50 )

cycle( list_of_values )
cycle( 'red', 'green', 'orange', 'purple' )

Here are all of the text helpers.

Assets Helpers

image_tag( 'path', options )
image_tag( 'funny.jpg' )
image_tag( '', :class => "oh-bill" )

Here are all of the asset helpers.

URL Helpers

link_to( 'Home', root_path )
link_to( 'Work Path Show', work_path( ) )
link_to( 'Work Path Show', work_path( work ) )
link_to( 'Work Path Show', work )
button_to( 'Test Path', root_path, :method => 'GET' )

Here are all of the url helpers.