What we covered today:
- Anagram Warmup
- jQuery
- Lab
- Cat stuff from yesterday
- Try Jquery
What is a Library?
A collection of reusable methods for a particular purpose. You just reference a javascript file with a particular library in it - and away you go!
jQuery is the most common library...
Have a crack at these exercises.
What is it?
An open source JavaScript library that simplifies the interaction between HTML and JavaScript. A Javascript library is collection of reusable methods for a particular purpose.
It was created by John Resig in 2005, and released in January of 2006.
Built in an attempt to simplify the existing DOM APIs and abstract away cross-browser issues.
Why pick jQuery?
- Documented
- Lots of libraries
- Small-ish size (23kb)
- Everything works in IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Chrome, and Opera 9+ (if you are using 1.11.3 or previous, greater than that scraps up until IE8 support)
- Millions and millions of sites using it. According to BuiltWith.com, 52,339,256 live sites are using it. 26.95% of sites apparently use it.
What does it do for us?
- Data Manipulation
- DOM Manipulation
- Events
- Effects and Animation
- HTML Templating
- Widgets / Theming
- Graphics / Chart
- App Architecture
Why use it?
// No library:
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0; i< elems.length; i++) {
elems[i].style.display = "none";
// jQuery:
The Basics
Select -> Manipulate -> Admire
var $paragraphs = $("p")
// OR
How to select things? All CSS selectors are valid, plus a whole heap more.
Some common ones are:
- :first
- :last
- :has()
- :visible
- :hidden
Reading Elements
If we had this element in the HTML...
<a id="yahoo" href="http://www.yahoo.com" style="font-size:20px">Yahoo!</a>
We can select it using $("a#yahoo")
We can store it using var $myLink = $("#yahoo");
We can get the content within it using $("#yahoo").html()
We can get the text within it using $("#yahoo").text()
We can get the HREF attribute using $("#yahoo").attr("href")
We can get the CSS attribute using $("#yahoo").css('font-size')
Changing Elements
$("#yahoo").attr("href", "http://generalassemb.ly")
$("#yahoo").css("font-size", "25px")
$("#yahoo").text("General Assembly")
Create, Manipulate and Inject
// Step 1: Create element and store a reference
var $para = $('<p></p>'); // You can create any element with this!
// Step 2: Use a method to manipulate (optional)
$para.addClass('special'); // So many functions you could use
// Step 3: Inject into your HTML
$('body').append($para); // Also could use prepend, prependTo or appendTo as well
Regular DOM Nodes to jQuery Objects
var $paragraphs = $('p'); // an array
var myParagraph = paragraphs[0]; // a regular DOM node
var $myParagraph = $( paragraphs[0] ); // a jQuery Object
// or
var $myParagraph = $paragraphs.el(0); // This is the preferred method!
// We can also loop through our array...
for( var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++ ) {
var element = paragraphs[i];
var paragraph = $(element);
paragraph.html(paragraph.html() + ' wowee!!!!');
// Or use jQuery to do it - this is preferred
$paragraphs.each(function () {
var $this = $( this );
$this.html( $this.html() + " wowee!!!" );
The Ready Event
In order to do cool jQuery stuff, we need to make sure that all of the content so put all your DOM related jQuery code in the document ready.