What we covered today:
- Serge Says Warmup
- Javascript Function Review
- The Document Object Model (DOM)
- Events
- Selectors
- Timers
- Callbacks
- Homework
- Dancing Cats
What is the DOM?
It's the HTML that you wrote, when it is parsed by the browser. After it is parsed - it is known as the DOM. It can be different to the HTML you wrote, if the browser fixes issues in your code, if javascript changes it etc.
How do we use it?
The document object gives us ways of accessing and changing the DOM of the current webpage.
General strategy:
- Find the DOM node using an access method
- Store it in a variable
- Manipule the DOM node by changing its attributes, styles, inner HTML, or appending new nodes to it.
Here are some exercises to test this stuff.
Get Element by ID
// The method signature:
// document.getElementById(id);
// If the HTML had:
// <img id="mainpicture" src="http://placekitten.com/200/300">
// We'd access it this way:
var img = document.getElementById('mainpicture');
Get Elements by Tag Name
// The method signature:
// document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
// If the HTML had:
<li class="catname">Lizzie</li>
<li class="catname">Daemon</li>
// We'd access it this way:
var listItems = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (var i =0; i < listItems.length; i++) {
var listItem = listItems[i];
Query Selector and Query Selector All
// The HTML5 spec includes a few even more convenient methods.
// Available in IE9+, FF3.6+, Chrome 17+, Safari 5+:
var catNames = document.getElementsByClassName('catname');
for (var i =0; i < catNames.length; i++) {
var catName = catNames[i];
// Available in IE8+, FF3.6+, Chrome 17+, Safari 5+:
var catNames = document.querySelectorAll('ul li.catname');
Remember, some of these methods return arrays and some return single things!
Will return Single Elements
querySelector() * returns only the first of the matching elements
var firstCatName = document.querySelector('ul li.catname');
Will return an Array
Others return a collection of elements in an array:
var catNames = document.querySelectorAll('ul li.catname');
var firstCatName = catNames[0];
Changing Attributes with Javascript
You can access and change attributes of DOM nodes using dot notation.
If we had this HTML:
We can change the src attribute this way:
var oldSrc = img.src;
img.src = 'http://placekitten.com/100/500';
// To set class, use the property className:
img.className = "picture";
Changing Styles with Javascript
You can change styles on DOM nodes via the style property.
If we had this CSS:
body {
color: red;
We'd run this JS:
var pageNode = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
pageNode.style.color = 'red';
CSS property names with a "-" must be camelCased and number properties must have a unit:
//To replicate this:
// body {
// background-color: pink;
// padding-top: 10px;
// }
pageNode.style.backgroundColor = 'pink';
pageNode.style.paddingTop = '10px';
Changing an elements HTML
Each DOM node has an innerHTML property with the HTML of all its children:
var pageNode = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
You can read out the HTML like this:
// You can set innerHTML yourself to change the contents of the node:
pageNode.innerHTML = "<h1>Oh Noes!</h1> <p>I just changed the whole page!</p>"
// You can also just add to the innerHTML instead of replace:
pageNode.innerHTML += "...just adding this bit at the end of the page.";
DOM Modifying
The document object also provides ways to create nodes from scratch:
var pageNode = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var newImg = document.createElement('img');
newImg.src = 'http://placekitten.com/400/300';
newImg.style.border = '1px solid black';
var newParagraph = document.createElement('p');
var paragraphText = document.createTextNode('Squee!');
Have a crack at these exercises
Adding Event Listeners
In IE 9+ (and all other browsers):
domNode.addEventListener(eventType, eventListener, useCapture);
// HTML = <button id="counter">0</button>
var counterButton = document.getElementById('counter');
var button = document.querySelector('button')
button.addEventListener('click', makeMadLib);
var onButtonClick = function() {
counterButton.innerHTML = parseInt(counterButton.innerHTML) + 1;
counterButton.addEventListener('click', onButtonClick, false);
Some Event Types
The browser triggers many events. A short list:
- mouse events (MouseEvent): mousedown, mouseup , click, dblclick, mousemove, mouseover, mousewheel , mouseout, contextmenu
- touch events (TouchEvent): touchstart, touchmove, touchend, touchcancel
- keyboard events (KeyboardEvent): keydown, keypress, keyup
- form events: focus, blur, change, submit
- window events: scroll, resize, hashchange, load, unload
Getting Details from a Form
// <input id="myname" type="text">
// <button id="button">Say My Name</button>
var button = document.getElementById('button');
var onClick = function(event) {
var myName = document.getElementById("myname").value;
alert("Hi, " + myName);
button.addEventListener('click', onClick);
Get into this exercise!
When you run JS in the browser, it gives you the window object with many useful properties and methods:
window.location.href; // Will return the URL
window.navigator.userAgent; // Tell you about the browser
window.scrollTo(10, 50);
Lots of things that we have been using are actually a part of the window object. As the window object is the assumed global object on a page.
window.alert("Hello world!"); // Same things
alert("Hello World!");
window.console.log("Hi"); // Same things
The standard way to animate in JS is to use these 2 window methods.
To call a function once after a delay:
window.setTimeout(callbackFunction, delayMilliseconds);
To call a function repeatedly, with specified interval between each call:
window.setInterval(callbackFunction, delayMilliseconds);
Commonly used to animate DOM node attributes:
var makeImageBigger = function() {
var img = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
img.setAttribute('width', img.width+10);
window.setInterval(makeImageBigger, 1000);
It's also common to animate CSS styles for size, transparency, position, and color:
var img = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
img.style.opacity = 1.0;
window.setInterval(fadeAway, 1000);
var fadeAway = function() {
img.style.opacity = img.style.opacity - .1;
// Note: opacity is 1E9+ only (plus all other browsers).
var img = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
img.style.position = 'absolute';
img.style.top = '0px';
var watchKittyFall = function() {
var oldTop = parseInt(img.style.top);
var newTop = oldTop + 10;
img.style.top = newTop + 'px';
window.setInterval(watchKittyFall, 1000);
// Note: you must specify (and strip) units.
To stop at an animation at a certain point, store the timer into a variable and clear with one of these methods:
var img = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
img.style.opacity = 1.0;
var fadeAway = function() {
img.style.opacity = img.style.opacity - .1;
if (img.style.opacity < .5) {
var fadeTimer = window.setInterval(fadeAway, 100);
Have a crack at these exercises
Who needs Milan when you have JavaScript?
Start with this webpage, which has a single img tag of an animated GIF of a cat walking.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Cat Walk</title>
<img style="position:absolute;" src="http://www.anniemation.com/clip_art/images/cat-walk.gif">
Create a new Javascript file and link to it with a script tag at the bottom.
Create a variable to store a reference to the img.
Change the style of the img to have a "left" of "0px", so that it starts at the left hand of the screens.
Create a function called catWalk() that moves the cat 10 pixels to the right of where it started, by changing the "left" style property.
Call that function every 50 milliseconds. Your cat should now be moving across the screen from left to right. Hurrah!
Bonus #1: When the cat reaches the right-hand of the screen, restart them at the left hand side ("0px"). So they should keep walking from left to right across the screen, forever and ever.
Bonus #2: When the cat reaches the right-hand of the screen, make them move backwards instead. They should keep walking back and forth forever and ever.
Bonus #3: When the cat reaches the middle of the screen, replace the img with an image of a cat dancing, keep it dancing for 10 seconds, and then replace the img with the original image and have it continue the walk.