You can find details for each step here. Look for the step you are having issues on for full instructions. If you still have questions, check out the Gitter channel!
- Find an unsolved problem titled "new-member-x" under Issues or if none exist, create a new issue asking for one
- This can have a title such as 'New member in need of a problem'
- Reserve the issue by commenting that you intend to solve the problem, or assigning it to yourself
- Solve the problem locally
- Create a branch with a descriptive name (e.g. new-member-x)
- To create a branch, click on the repo name (js), then click on the "Branch: master" button, and type in the new branch name
- Push your solution to the newly created branch.
- See resources at the bottom of the page for more info on how to do this
- Create a pull request to allow someone to merge your solution onto the repo
- Click on the green pull request button which is next to the new branch button
- Set the "base" to "master" and the "compare" to your new branch name
- Someone will merge your pull request after they double check that your solution is correct
- Post a new simple JS problem titled "new-member-x+1" under Issues for the next person to practice.
- Keep the problem simple! Have a look at 8kyu and 7kyu Katas on Codewars for inspiration.
- feel free to post them in an issue
- or make a pull request with your changes
- please be descriptive in your comments!
Before the changes are merged make sure there's at least a short discussion about them first.