The problem the FileUploadNormalizer
tries to tackle is that Contao's file uploads in the form generator (Form.php
accesses file uploads from the widget itself and there is no defined API. The built-in upload form field generates a
typical PHP upload array. Some form field widgets return a Contao Dbafs UUID, others just a file path and some even
return multiple values. It's a mess.
It is designed to be used with the processFormData
hook specifically.
use Codefog\HasteBundle\FileUploadNormalizer;
use Contao\CoreBundle\DependencyInjection\Attribute\AsHook;
use Contao\Form;
use Contao\Widget;
class PrepareFomDataListener
public function __construct(private readonly FileUploadNormalizer $fileUploadNormalizer)
* @param array<Widget> $fields
public function __invoke(array $submitted, array $labels, array $fields, Form $form, array $files): void
// You now have an array of normalized files.
$normalizedFiles = $this->fileUploadNormalizer->normalize($files);