diff --git a/src/current/_config_cockroachdb.yml b/src/current/_config_cockroachdb.yml
index c2533e5a626..f1eae8a8873 100644
--- a/src/current/_config_cockroachdb.yml
+++ b/src/current/_config_cockroachdb.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
baseurl: /docs
-current_cloud_version: v24.1
+current_cloud_version: v24.2
destination: _site/docs
homepage_title: CockroachDB Docs
diff --git a/src/current/_includes/latest-release-details.md b/src/current/_includes/latest-release-details.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2e75e28de80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/current/_includes/latest-release-details.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+{% comment %}
+ This is included by v24.2+ install-cockroachdb-*.md upgrade-cockroach-version.md
+{% endcomment %}
+{% assign DEBUG = false %}
+{% assign rd = site.data.versions | where_exp: "rd", "rd.major_version == page.version.version" | first %}
+{% assign latest = site.data.releases | where_exp: "latest", "latest.major_version == page.version.version" | sort: "release_date" | last %}
+{% assign released = false %}
+{% assign skippable = false %}
+{% if rd.release_date != "N/A" and rd.maint_supp_exp_date != "N/A" %}
+ {% assign released = true %}
+ {% if rd.asst_supp_exp_date == "N/A" %}
+ {% assign skippable = true %}
+ {% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if DEBUG == true %}
+version: {{ rd }}
+latest release: {{ latest }}
+page version: {{ page.version }}
+released: {{ released }}
+skippable: {{ skippable }}
+{% endif %}
+CockroachDB {{ latest.major_version }} is the latest supported supported production release.{% if skippable == true %} It is an [Innovation release]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}#support-types) that is optional for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} and CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.core }} but required for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }}.{% else %} It is a required [Regular release]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}#support-types).{% endif %} To learn more, refer to [CockroachDB {{ latest.major_version }} Release Notes](https://cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/{{ latest.major_version }}.html).
+{% if page.version.version != blank and page.version.version != latest.major_version %}
+**This page refers to CockroachDB {{ page.version.version }}, not {{ latest.major_version }}.**
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/src/current/_includes/releases/v20.1/v20.1.0.md b/src/current/_includes/releases/v20.1/v20.1.0.md
index 23e625c2ea7..f2bdcefba92 100644
--- a/src/current/_includes/releases/v20.1/v20.1.0.md
+++ b/src/current/_includes/releases/v20.1/v20.1.0.md
@@ -130,4 +130,4 @@ Docs | **"Hello World" Repos** | Added several language-specific [GitHub repos](
Docs | **Multi-Region Sample App and Tutorial** | Added a full-stack, multi-region sample application ([GitHub repo](https://github.com/cockroachlabs/movr-flask)) with an [accompanying tutorial](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/v20.1/multi-region-overview) on building a multi-region application on a multi-region CockroachCloud cluster. Also added a [video demonstration](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_QaflmEF2e8o2heLyIt5iDUTgJE3EPkp) as a YouTube playlist.
Docs | **Streaming Changefeeds to Snowflake Tutorial** | Added an [end-to-end tutorial](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/cockroachcloud/stream-changefeed-to-snowflake-aws) on how to use an Enterprise changefeed to stream row-level changes from CockroachCloud to Snowflake, an online analytical processing (OLAP) database.
Docs | **Improved Backup/Restore Docs** | Updated the backup/restore docs to better separate [broadly applicable guidance and best practices](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/v20.1/backup-and-restore) from more advanced topics.
-Docs | **Release Support Policy** | Added a page explaining Cockroach Labs' [policy for supporting major releases of CockroachDB]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}), including the phases of support that each major release moves through, the currently supported releases, and an explanation of the [naming scheme]({% link releases/index.md %}#release-naming) used for CockroachDB.
+Docs | **Release Support Policy** | Added a page explaining Cockroach Labs' [policy for supporting major releases of CockroachDB]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}), including the phases of support that each major release moves through, the currently supported releases, and an explanation of the [naming scheme]({% link releases/index.md %}#overview) used for CockroachDB.
diff --git a/src/current/_includes/releases/whats-new-intro.md b/src/current/_includes/releases/whats-new-intro.md
index e084ace9f01..0c7a15cb38e 100644
--- a/src/current/_includes/releases/whats-new-intro.md
+++ b/src/current/_includes/releases/whats-new-intro.md
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
-{% comment %}Early in development, a new major-version directory may not
- yet exist. Adapt some links in this situation.{% endcomment %}
+{% assign DEBUG = false %}
{% assign branched = false %}
-{% assign ancient = false %}
+{% assign old = false %}
+{% assign no_highlights = false %}
+{% assign skippable = false %}
+{% assign will_never_have_lts = false %}
+{% assign lts = false %}
{% assign install_links = '' %}
+{% comment %}Early in development, a new major-version directory may not
+ yet exist. Adapt some links in this situation.{% endcomment %}
{% for file in site.pages %}
{% unless branched == true %}
{% capture fpath %}{{ file.dir | remove:'/' }}{% endcapture %}
@@ -13,14 +19,28 @@
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
-{% comment %}Some old pages need different links to install and upgrade pages{% endcomment %}
-{% if page.major_version == 'v1.0' or page.major_version == 'v1.1' or page.major_version == 'v2.0' or page.major_version == 'v2.1' or page.major_version == 'v21.1' %}
+{% comment %}Some old pages don't have feature highlights and won't get LTS{% endcomment %}
+{% if page.major_version == 'v1.0' or
+ page.major_version == 'v1.1' or
+ page.major_version == 'v2.0' or
+ page.major_version == 'v2.1' or
+ page.major_version == 'v19.1' or
+ page.major_version == 'v19.2' or
+ page.major_version == 'v20.1' or
+ page.major_version == 'v20.2' or
+ page.major_version == 'v21.1' or
+ page.major_version == 'v21.2' or
+ page.major_version == 'v22.1' or
+ page.major_version == 'v22.2' %}
{% assign branched = true %}
- {% assign ancient = true %}
+ {% assign no_highlights = true %}
+ {% assign will_never_have_lts = true %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if page.major_version == 'v1.0' or page.major_version == 'v1.1' or page.major_version == 'v2.0' or page.major_version == 'v2.1' or page.major_version == 'v21.1' %}
{% capture install_link %}[install CockroachDB](https://cockroachlabs.com/docs/{{ page.major_version}}/install-cockroachdb.html){% endcapture %}
{% capture install_sentence %}After downloading a supported CockroachDB binary, learn how to {{ install_link }}.{% endcapture %}
{% elsif page.major_version == 'v19.1' or page.major_version == 'v19.2' or page.major_version == 'v20.1' or page.major_version == 'v20.2' %}
- {% assign branched = true %}
{% capture install_link %}[install CockroachDB](https://cockroachlabs.com/docs/{{ page.major_version}}/install-cockroachdb.html){% endcapture %}
{% capture upgrade_link %}[upgrade your cluster](https://cockroachlabs.com/docs/{{ page.major_version }}/upgrade-cockroach-version.html){% endcapture %}
{% capture install_sentence %}After downloading a supported CockroachDB binary, learn how to {{ install_link }} or {{ upgrade_link }}.{% endcapture %}
@@ -35,7 +55,36 @@
{% capture install_sentence %}After downloading a supported CockroachDB binary, learn how to {{ install_link }} or {{ upgrade_link }}.{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
-On this page, you can read about changes and find downloads for all production and testing releases of CockroachDB {{ page.major_version }}.
+{% comment %}Is it skippable or LTS?{% endcomment %}
+{% if include.major_version.release_date != "N/A" %}
+ {% if include.major_version.asst_supp_exp_date == "N/A" %}
+ {% assign skippable = true %}
+ {% elsif include.major_version.initial_lts_patch != "N/A" %}
+ {% assign lts = true %}
+ {% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if DEBUG == true %}
+include.major_version: {{ include.major_version }}
+page.major_version: {{ page.major_version }}
+branched: {{ branched }}
+will_never_have_lts: {{ will_never_have_lts }}
+lts: {{ lts }}
+skippable: {{ skippable }}
+no_highlights: {{ no_highlights }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if skippable == true %}
+CockroachDB {{ page.major_version }} is an [Innovation Release]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}#support-types), which is optional for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} and CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.core }} clusters but is required for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }}.
+{% else %}
+CockroachDB {{ page.major_version }}{% if lts == true %} [(LTS)]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}#support-phases){% endif %} is a required [Regular Release]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}#support-types).
+{% endif %}
+Refer to [Major release types]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}#support-types) before installing or upgrading for release timing and support details.{% if no_highlights == false %} To learn what’s new in this release, refer to its [Feature Highlights](#feature-highlights).{% endif %}
+On this page, you can read about changes and find downloads for all production and testing releases of CockroachDB {{ page.major_version }}{% if lts == true %} [(LTS)]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}#support-phases){% endif %}
{% comment %}v1.0 has no #v1-0-0 anchor, and before GA other releases also do not.{% endcomment %}
- For key feature enhancements in {{ page.major_version }} and other upgrade considerations, refer to the notes for {% if include.major_version.release_date != 'N/A' and page.major_version != 'v1.0' %}[{{ page.major_version }}.0](#{{ page.major_version | replace: '.', '-' }}-0){% else %}{{ page.major_version }} on this page{% endif %}.
@@ -43,7 +92,7 @@ On this page, you can read about changes and find downloads for all production a
- Be sure to also review the [Release Support Policy]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}).
- {{ install_sentence | strip_newlines }}
-{% comment %}The strip_newlines is needed here because otherwise Jekyll inserts
tags around the install and ugrade links{% endcomment %} +{% comment %}The strip_newlines is needed here because otherwise Jekyll inserts
tags around the install and upgrade links{% endcomment %}
Get future release notes emailed to you:
{% include_cached marketo.html formId=1083 %}
diff --git a/src/current/_includes/unsupported-version.md b/src/current/_includes/unsupported-version.md
index f5bd3de9c61..07965b76e5b 100644
--- a/src/current/_includes/unsupported-version.md
+++ b/src/current/_includes/unsupported-version.md
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
+{% comment %}Set to true to enable debug output on the page{% endcomment %}
{% assign DEBUG=false %}
{% unless include.major_version %}
Missing include.major_version. Usage: {% raw %}{% include unsupported-version.md major_version=page.major_version %}{% endraw %}
{% break %}
{% endunless %}
-{% if DEBUG %}Major version: {{ include.major_version }}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}To test, comment this line and uncomment the today and actual_today variables below{% endcomment %}
{% assign today = "today" | date: "%s" %}{% comment %} Simulate future date and format it in seconds. {% endcomment %}
-{% comment %} Some dates to test:
+{% comment %} Some LTS dates to test:
2025-11-14: 23.1 LTS EOL (LTS EOL message)
2025-11-13: 23.1 LTS Assistance (LTS Assistance message)
2024-11-13: 23.1 LTS Maintenance (LTS Assistance message)
@@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ The date logic in this file can be confusing. Read it like this:
{% endcomment %}
{% comment %}Uncomment the following two lines and comment the third to test a specific date{% endcomment %}
-{% comment %}{% assign today = '2024-11-13' | date: "%s" %}{% endcomment %}
-{% comment %}{% assign actual_today = "today" | date: "%s" %}{% endcomment %}
+{% comment %}{% assign today = '2025-08-13' | date: "%s" %}
+{% assign actual_today = "today" | date: "%s" %}{% endcomment %}
{% if DEBUG %}
{% if actual_today %}Actual today: {{ actual_today }}
{% endif %}
@@ -37,130 +38,146 @@ Today date: {{ today | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}
{% if DEBUG %}Major version object: {{ x }}
{% endif %}
{% assign production = false %}
+ {% assign skippable = false %}
{% assign lts = false %}
- {% if DEBUG %}GA Maintenance support date: {{ x.maint_supp_exp_date }}
GA Assistance support date: {{ x.asst_supp_exp_date }}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}Is it GA?{% endcomment %}
- {% if x.asst_supp_exp_date != "N/A" and x.asst_supp_exp_date != "N/A" %}
+ {% if x.release_date != "N/A" and x.maint_supp_exp_date != "N/A" %}
{% assign production = true %}
{% assign m = x.maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%s" %} {% comment %} Format m_raw in seconds. {% endcomment %}
- {% assign a = x.asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%s" %} {% comment %} Format a_raw in seconds. {% endcomment %}
+ {% comment %}Is it skippable?{% endcomment %}
+ {% comment %}Skippable releases have no assistance period{% endcomment %}
+ {% if x.asst_supp_exp_date == "N/A" %}
+ {% assign skippable = true %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% assign a = x.asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%s" %} {% comment %} Format a_raw in seconds. {% endcomment %}
+ {% comment %} GA date validation will stop processing the include early {% endcomment %}
+ {% if a <= m %}
+ Error: Assistance date must be after Maintenance date. Check _data/versions.csv. Giving up.
+ {% break %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if x.asst_supp_exp_date == "N/A" %}
+ Required production releases must have asst_supp_exp_date set to a date. Giving up. Check versions.csv.
+ {% break %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
{% endif %}
- {% if production == true %}
- {% comment %}Is it an LTS?{% endcomment %}
- {% if x.initial_lts_patch != "N/A" %}
- {% assign lts = true %}
- {% assign lm = x.lts_maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%s" %} {% comment %} Format m_raw in seconds. {% endcomment %}
- {% assign la = x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%s" %} {% comment %} Format a_raw in seconds. {% endcomment %}
+ {% comment %}Required production releases may be LTS{% endcomment %}
+ {% if production == true and
+ x.lts_maint_supp_exp_date != "N/A" and
+ x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date != "N/A" and
+ x.initial_lts_release_date != "N/A" and
+ x.initial_lts_patch != "N/A" and
+ skippable == false %}
+ {% assign lts = true %}
+ {% assign lm = x.lts_maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%s" %} {% comment %} Format m_raw in seconds. {% endcomment %}
+ {% assign la = x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%s" %} {% comment %} Format a_raw in seconds. {% endcomment %}
+ {% comment %} LTS date validation will stop processing the include early {% endcomment %}
+ {% if la <= lm %}
+ Error: LTS assistance date must be after LTS maintenance date. Giving up.
+ {% break %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if la <= a or la <= m %}
+ Error: LTS assistance date must be after GA assistance and maintenance dates. Giving up.
+ {% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
- {% if DEBUG %}LTS maintenance support date: {{ x.lts_maint_supp_exp_date }}
LTS assistance support date: {{ x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date }}
+ {% if DEBUG %}
+ include.major_version: {{ include.major_version }}
+ Production: {{ production }}
+ Maintenance support date: {{ x.maint_supp_exp_date }}
+ m: {{ m }}
+ skippable: {{ skippable }}
+ {% if skippable == false %}Assistance support date: {{ x.asst_supp_exp_date }}
+ a: {{ a }}
{% endif %}
+ LTS: {{ lts }}
+ {% if lts == true %}LTS maintenance support date: {{ x.lts_maint_supp_exp_date }}
+ LTS assistance support date: {{ x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date }}
la: {{ la }}
lm: {{ lm }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
-{% comment %}Save the admonitions into variables
- The logic wrappers here make the variable empty
- if the condition is false. The logic where these variables are used chooses which one of these variables to show, if any.
- {% endcomment %}
-{% capture lts_eol_message %}
- {% if today > la %}
- {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
- As of {{ x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y"}}, CockroachDB {{ include.major_version }} is no longer supported. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
- {{site.data.alerts.end}}
- {% endif %}
-{% endcapture %}
+ {% comment %}LTS releases starting with v23.1{% endcomment %}
-{% capture lts_assistance_message %}
- {% if today > lm %}
- {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
- Maintenance Support for {{ include.major_version }} LTS releases ended on {{ x.lts_maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}{% if today >= a %}, and GA releases prior to {{ x.initial_lts_patch }} are no longer supported{% endif %}. Cockroach Labs will stop providing Assistance Support for {{ include.major_version }} LTS on {{ x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}. Prior to that date, upgrade to a more recent version to continue receiving support. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
- {{site.data.alerts.end}}
- {% endif %}
-{% endcapture %}
+ {% if production == true %}
+ {% if lts == true %}
+ {% if today > la %} {% comment %}LTS assistance has passed, EOL{% endcomment %}
-{% capture lts_maintenance_message %}
- {% if today >= lm %}
- {{site.data.alerts.callout_version}}
- As of {{ x.lts_maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}, LTS releases of CockroachDB {{ x.major_version }} are in Maintenance Support{% if today > a %} and GA releases prior to {{ x.initial_lts_patch }} are no longer supported.{% endif %}. Cockroach Labs will stop providing Assistance Support for {{ include.major_version }} LTS on {{ x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}. Prior to that date, upgrade to a more recent version to continue receiving support. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy
- {{site.data.alerts.end}}
- {% endif %}
-{% endcapture %}
+ {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
+ As of {{ x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y"}}, CockroachDB {{ include.major_version }} is no longer supported. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
+ {{site.data.alerts.end}}
-{% capture ga_eol_message %}
- {% if today > a %}
- {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
- As of {{ x.asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y"}}, CockroachDB {{ include.major_version }} is no longer supported. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
- {{site.data.alerts.end}}
- {% endif %}
-{% endcapture %}
+ {% elsif today > lm %} {% comment %}After LTS maintenance{% endcomment %}
+ {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
+ Maintenance Support for {{ include.major_version }} LTS releases ended on {{ x.lts_maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}{% if today >= a %}, and GA releases prior to {{ x.initial_lts_patch }} are no longer supported{% endif %}. Cockroach Labs will stop providing Assistance Support for {{ include.major_version }} LTS on {{ x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}. Prior to that date, upgrade to a more recent version to continue receiving support. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
+ {{site.data.alerts.end}}
+ {% elsif today <= lm %}{% comment %}In LTS maintenance. Check for GA assistance is in the admonition {% endcomment %}
+ {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
+ As of {{ x.lts_maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}, LTS releases of CockroachDB {{ include.major_version }} releases are in Maintenance Support{% if today > a %} and GA releases of CockroachDB {{ include.major_version }} are no longer supported{% endif %}. Cockroach Labs will stop providing Assistance Support for {{ include.major_version }} LTS on {{ x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}. Prior to that date, upgrade to a more recent version to continue receiving support. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy
+ {{site.data.alerts.end}}
+ {% endif %}{% comment %}If GA maintenance hasn't passed, show nothing{% endcomment %}
+ {% comment %}Innovation releases starting from v24.2{% endcomment %}
+ {% elsif lts == false and skippable == true %}
+ {% if DEBUG %}today: {{ today }}
m: {{ m }}
{% endif %}
-{% capture ga_assistance_message %}
{% if today > m %}
- {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
- As of {{ x.maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}, Maintenance support for {{ include.major_version }} has ended, and Cockroach Labs will stop providing Assistance Support for {{ include.major_version }} on {{ x.asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}. Prior to that date, upgrade to a more recent version to continue receiving support. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
- {{site.data.alerts.end}}
+ {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
+ As of {{ x.maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y"}}, CockroachDB {{ include.major_version }} is no longer supported. Optional innovation releases are not eligible for Assistance Support. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
+ {{site.data.alerts.end}}
{% endif %}
-{% endcapture %}
-{% capture ga_maintenance_message %}
- {% if today <= m and today > a %}
- {{site.data.alerts.callout_version}}
- As of {{ x.maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}, {{ include.major_version }} releases are in Maintenance Support. Cockroach Labs will stop providing Assistance Support for {{ include.major_version }} on {{ x.asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}. Prior to that date, upgrade to a more recent version to continue receiving support. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
- {{site.data.alerts.end}}
- {% endif %}
-{% endcapture %}
+ {% comment %}Non-LTS non-skippable, prior to v23.1{% endcomment %}
+ {% elsif lts == false and skippable == false %}
- {% comment %}Show unsupported admonitions only for production releases {% endcomment %}
- {% if production == true %}
- {% comment %}Show LTS admonitions only for versions with LTS releases {% endcomment %}
- {% if lts == true %}
+ {% comment %}Show Assistance message from the start of maintance until EOL{% endcomment %}
+ {% if today > a %} {% comment %}assistance has passed, EOL{% endcomment %}
- {% if DEBUG %}lts: {{ lts }}
production: {{ production }}
lm: {{ lm }}
la: {{ la }}
m: {{ m }}
a: {{ a }}
{% endif %}
+ {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
+ As of {{ x.asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y"}}, CockroachDB {{ include.major_version }} is no longer supported. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
+ {{site.data.alerts.end}}
- {% comment %} LTS date validation will stop processing the include early {% endcomment %}
- {% if la <= lm %}
- Error: LTS assistance date must be after LTS maintenance date. Giving up.
- {% break %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if la <= a or la <= m %}
- Error: LTS assistance date must be after GA assistance and maintenance dates. Giving up.
- {% break %}
- {% endif %}
+ {% elsif today > m and today <= a %} {% comment %}maintenance has ended{% endcomment %}
- {% comment %}Show LTS Maintenance message from the start of LTS maintance until LTS Assistance,
- then show the LTS assistance message until EOL{% endcomment %}
- {% if today > la %} {% comment %}LTS assistance has passed, EOL{% endcomment %}
- {{ lts_eol_message }}
- {% else %}{% comment %}LTS assistance has not passed {% endcomment %}
- {% if today > lm %} {% comment %}After LTS maintenance{% endcomment %}
- {{ lts_assistance_message }}
- {% elsif today > m and today <= lm %}{% comment %}GA maintenance has passed, in LTS maintenance{% endcomment %}
- {{ lts_maintenance_message }}
- {% endif %}{% comment %}If GA maintenance hasn't passed, show nothing{% endcomment %}
- {% endif %}
+ {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
+ As of {{ x.maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}, Maintenance support for {{ include.major_version }} has ended, and Cockroach Labs will stop providing Assistance Support for {{ include.major_version }} on {{ x.asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}. Prior to that date, upgrade to a more recent version to continue receiving support. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
+ {{site.data.alerts.end}}
- {% comment %}Show non-LTS admonitions only releases without LTS {% endcomment %}
- {% else %}
+ {% elsif today <= m %}
- {% comment %} GA date validation will stop processing the include early {% endcomment %}
- {% if a <= m %}
- Error: Assistance date must be after Maintenance date. Check _data/versions.csv. Giving up.
- {% break %}
+ {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
+ As of {{ x.maint_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}, {{ include.major_version }} releases are in Maintenance Support and Cockroach Labs will stop providing Assistance Support for {{ include.major_version }} on {{ x.asst_supp_exp_date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}. Prior to that date, upgrade to a more recent version to continue receiving support. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.
+ {{site.data.alerts.end}}
{% endif %}
- {% if DEBUG %}production: {{ production }}
m: {{ m }}
a: {{ a }}
{% endif %}
- {% comment %}Show Assistance message from the start of maintance until EOL{% endcomment %}
- {% if today > a %} {% comment %}assistance has passed, EOL{% endcomment %}
- {{ ga_eol_message }}
- {% else %}
- {% if today > m %} {% comment %}maintenance has ended{% endcomment %}
- {{ ga_assistance_message }}
- {% elsif today <= m %}
- {{ ga_maintenance_message }}
- {% endif %}
+ {% else %}
+ Error: We should never hit this condition. Report this issue to #docs.
+ {% if DEBUG %}
+ Production: {{ production }}
+ Maintenance support date: {{ x.maint_supp_exp_date }}
+ m: {{ m }}
+ Skippable: {{ skippable }}
+ Assistance support date: {{ x.asst_supp_exp_date }}
+ a: {{ a }}
+ LTS: {{ lts }}
+ LTS maintenance support date: {{ x.lts_maint_supp_exp_date }}
+ LTS assistance support date: {{ x.lts_asst_supp_exp_date }}
+ la: {{ la }}
+ lm: {{ lm }}
{% endif %}
+ {% break %}
{% endif %}
+ {% endif %}{% comment %}end production=true branch{% endcomment %}
- {% endif %}
-{% endif %}
+{% else %}
+Error: Could not find version details for {{ include.major_version }}. Check versions.csv. Giving up.
+ {% break %}
+{% endif %}{% comment %}End branch to process x object{% endcomment %}
diff --git a/src/current/_includes/v24.2/sidebar-data/cloud-deployments.json b/src/current/_includes/v24.2/sidebar-data/cloud-deployments.json
index e91fec82150..d2049267f66 100644
--- a/src/current/_includes/v24.2/sidebar-data/cloud-deployments.json
+++ b/src/current/_includes/v24.2/sidebar-data/cloud-deployments.json
@@ -437,6 +437,12 @@
+ {
+ "title": "Upgrade to v24.2",
+ "urls": [
+ "/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v24.2.html"
+ ]
+ },
"title": "Upgrade to v24.1",
"urls": [
diff --git a/src/current/_includes/windows_warning.md b/src/current/_includes/windows_warning.md
index 4b43e8e336c..5217edd8b71 100644
--- a/src/current/_includes/windows_warning.md
+++ b/src/current/_includes/windows_warning.md
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-The CockroachDB executable for Windows is experimental and not suitable for production deployments. Windows 8 or higher is required.
+CockroachDB executable for Windows is experimental and not suitable for production deployments. Windows 8 or higher is required.
diff --git a/src/current/cockroachcloud/authorization.md b/src/current/cockroachcloud/authorization.md
index a491f32487a..0ae5620a451 100644
--- a/src/current/cockroachcloud/authorization.md
+++ b/src/current/cockroachcloud/authorization.md
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Cluster Operators can perform a variety of cluster functions:
- View a cluster's Jobs from the [Jobs page]({% link cockroachcloud/jobs-page.md %}).
- View a cluster's Metrics from the [Metrics page]({% link cockroachcloud/metrics-page.md %}).
- View a cluster's Insights from the [Insights page]({% link cockroachcloud/insights-page.md %}).
- - [Upgrade]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v23.1.md %}#step-5-start-the-upgrade) a cluster's CRDB version.
+ - [Upgrade]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-{{site.current_cloud_version}}.md %}) a cluster's CockroachDB version.
- View a cluster's [PCI-readiness status (Dedicated Advanced clusters only)]({% link cockroachcloud/cluster-overview-page.md %}?filters=dedicated#pci-ready-dedicated-advanced).
- Send a test alert from the [Alerts Page]({% link cockroachcloud/alerts-page.md %}).
- Configure single sign-on (SSO) enforcement.
diff --git a/src/current/cockroachcloud/create-a-serverless-cluster.md b/src/current/cockroachcloud/create-a-serverless-cluster.md
index 8a64174aab3..bec9cbfd707 100644
--- a/src/current/cockroachcloud/create-a-serverless-cluster.md
+++ b/src/current/cockroachcloud/create-a-serverless-cluster.md
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ cloud: true
This page guides you through the process of creating a cluster using CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }}. Only [CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Org Administrators]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#org-administrator) or users with Cluster Creator / Cluster Admin roles assigned at organization scope can create clusters. If you need to create a cluster and do not have one of the required roles, contact your CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Administrator.
+New CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }} clusters always use the latest stable version of CockroachDB, and are automatically [upgraded]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-{{ site.current_cloud_version }}.md %}) to new patch versions, as well as new major versions, to maintain uninterrupted support and SLA guarantees. For more details, refer to [CockroachDB Cloud Upgrade Policy]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}).
## Before you begin
If you haven't already, sign up for a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} account.
diff --git a/src/current/cockroachcloud/create-your-cluster.md b/src/current/cockroachcloud/create-your-cluster.md
index 015d3408e68..82b320be9bc 100644
--- a/src/current/cockroachcloud/create-your-cluster.md
+++ b/src/current/cockroachcloud/create-your-cluster.md
@@ -157,11 +157,8 @@ When you create a new CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster, it
- **No label**: The latest patch of a Regular [Production release]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}) that is not the latest. A Regular release has full support for one year from the release date, at which a cluster must be [upgraded]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}) to maintain support.
- **Latest**: The latest patch of the latest regular [Production release]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}). This is the default version for new clusters.
-- **Pre-Production Version**: A [Pre-Production Preview]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}#pre-production-preview-upgrades). Leading up to a new CockroachDB Regular [Production release]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}), a series of Beta and Release Candidate (RC) patches may be made available for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} as Pre-Production Preview releases. Pre-Production Preview releases are not suitable for production environments. They are no longer available in CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} for new clusters or upgrades after the new version is GA. When the GA release is available, a cluster running a Pre-Production Preview is automatically upgraded to the GA release and subsequent patches and is eligible for support.
- {{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}}
- Testing releases, including Pre-Production Preview releases, are provided for testing and experimentation only, and are not qualified for production environments and not eligible for support or uptime SLA commitments.
- {{site.data.alerts.end}}
+- **Innovation Release**: The latest patch of an [Innovation release]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}). Innovation releases are optional releases that provide earlier access to new features, and are released between regular releases. An Innovation release has full support for six months from the release date, at which time a cluster must be [upgraded]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}) to the next Regular release to maintain support.
+- **Pre-Production Preview**: A [Pre-Production Preview]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}#pre-production-preview-upgrades). Leading up to a new CockroachDB Regular [Production release]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}), a series of Beta and Release Candidate (RC) patches may be made available for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} as Pre-Production Preview releases. Pre-Production Preview releases are not suitable for production environments. They are no longer available in CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} for new clusters or upgrades after the new version is GA. When the GA release is available, a cluster running a Pre-Production Preview is automatically upgraded to the GA release and subsequent patches and is eligible for support.
1. To choose a version for your cluster, select the cluster version from the **Cluster version** list.
diff --git a/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md b/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md
index 3ac7718365d..b4f5431f8b6 100644
--- a/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md
+++ b/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md
@@ -5,64 +5,99 @@ toc: true
docs_area: manage
-This page describes the support and upgrade policy for clusters deployed in CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }}. For CockroachDB Self-Hosted, refer to the CockroachDB [Release Support Policy](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/release-support-policy).
+This page describes the support and upgrade policy for clusters deployed in CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }}. For CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.core }}, refer to the CockroachDB [Release Support Policy]({% link releases/release-support-policy.md %}).
-Cockroach Labs uses a three-component calendar versioning scheme to name CockroachDB [releases](https://cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/index#production-releases). The format is `YY.R.PP`, where `YY` indicates the year, `R` indicates the release (historically “1” or “2”, representing a biannual cycle), and `PP` indicates the patch release version. For example: Version 23.1.0 (abbreviated v23.1.0). Leading up to a new major version's initial GA (Generally Available) release, multiple testing builds are produced, moving from Alpha to Beta to Release Candidate. CockroachDB began using this versioning scheme with v19.1. For more details, refer to [Release Naming](https://cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/index#release-naming).
+## CockroachDB Cloud Support Policy
-CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} provides support for the latest major version of CockroachDB and the major version immediately preceding it.
+[Major versions]({% link releases/index.md %}) of CockroachDB are labeled either [Regular releases]({% link releases/index.md %}#major-releases) or [Innovation releases]({% link releases/index.md %}).
+- **Regular releases** are supported for 12 months from their initial production release date.
+- **Innovation releases** are supported for 6 months from their initial production release date.
-CockroachDB Dedicated clusters are automatically upgraded to the latest patch of the cluster’s current major version of CockroachDB, but an account administrator must initiate an upgrade to a new major version.
+For each release type, the end date of this period is called End of Support (EOS).
-CockroachDB Serverless clusters are upgraded to the latest major version and each patch automatically.
+A cluster running an unsupported CockroachDB version is not eligible for Cockroach Labs’ [availability SLA](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/cloud-terms-and-conditions/cockroachcloud-technical-service-level-agreement/).
-Prior to the GA release of a major CockroachDB version, CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters can optionally be upgraded to a [Pre-Production Preview](#pre-production-preview-upgrades) release—a beta or release candidate (RC) testing release for testing and validation of that next major version. To learn more, refer to [Upgrade to v24.1 Pre-Production Preview]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v24.1.md %}).
+CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }} clusters will automatically be upgraded to the next major version while the current one is still supported, to prevent a Serverless cluster from reaching EOS.
-## Patch version upgrades
+A CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster must be upgraded prior to its EOS date to maintain uninterrupted support and SLA guarantees.
+When a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster is nearing its EOS date, you will be reminded to upgrade the cluster at least 30 days before the EOS date to avoid losing support. {% capture who_can_upgrade %}A [Cluster Administrator]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#cluster-administrator) can [upgrade a cluster]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-{{site.current_cloud_version}}.md %}) directly from the CockroachDB Cloud Console. An [Org Administrator]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#org-administrator) or [Folder Admin]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#folder-admin) can grant the Cluster Administrator role.{% endcapture %}{{ who_can_upgrade }}
+### Currently supported versions
+Version | Release Type | Support period | Release date | EOS date
+v23.2 | Regular | 12 months | 2024-02-05 | 2025-02-05
+v24.1 | Regular | 12 months | 2024-05-20 | 2025-05-20
+v24.2 | Innovation | 6 months | 2024-08-12 | 2025-02-12
+For expected future versions, refer to [Upcoming releases]({% link releases/index.md %}#upcoming-releases).
-Patch version [releases](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases), or "maintenance" releases, contain stable, backward-compatible improvements to the major versions of CockroachDB (for example, v23.1.12 and v23.1.13).
+### EOS versions
-For CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters, [Org Administrator]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#org-administrator) can [set a weekly 6-hour maintenance window]({% link cockroachcloud/cluster-management.md %}#set-a-maintenance-window) during which available patch upgrades will be applied. During the window, your cluster may experience restarts, degraded performance, and, for single-node clusters, downtime. Upgrades may not always be completed by the end of the window, and maintenance that is critical for security or stability may occur outside the window. Patch upgrades can also be [deferred for 60 days]({% link cockroachcloud/cluster-management.md %}#set-a-maintenance-window). If no maintenance window is configured, CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters will be automatically upgraded to the latest supported patch version as soon as it becomes available.
+Version | Release Type | Support period | Release date | EOS date
+|v23.1 | Regular | 12 months | 2023-05-15 | 2024-05-15
-CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }} clusters are subject to automatic upgrades to the latest supported patch version.
+## Patch version upgrades
+A patch version [release]({% link releases/index.md %}), or "maintenance" releases, contains stable, backward-compatible improvements to a major version of CockroachDB. For example, {{site.current_cloud_version}} is a patch release.
-Single-node clusters will experience some downtime during cluster maintenance.
+Single-node clusters will experience some downtime while the node is restarted during cluster maintenance, including patch version upgrades.
+## CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} patch upgrades and maintenance windows
+CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters are automatically upgraded to the latest patch version release of the cluster’s current CockroachDB major version, but a major-version upgrade must be initiated by an Org Administrator.
+A [Cluster Administrator]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#cluster-administrator) can [set a weekly 6-hour maintenance window]({% link cockroachcloud/cluster-management.md %}#set-a-maintenance-window) for a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster. During the maintenance window, patch upgrades may be applied, and the cluster may experience restarts, degraded performance, and, for single-node clusters, downtime. Upgrades may not always be completed by the end of the window, and maintenance that is critical for security or stability may occur outside of the window. A patch upgrade can be [deferred for 60 days]({% link cockroachcloud/cluster-management.md %}#set-a-maintenance-window). If no maintenance window is configured, a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster will be upgraded automatically to the latest supported patch version soon after it becomes available.
+### CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }} automatic upgrades
+CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }} clusters are automatically upgraded to new patch versions, as well as new major versions.
## Major version upgrades
-Major version [releases](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases) (for example, v23.1.0 and v23.2.0) contain new functionality and may include backward-incompatible changes to CockroachDB.
+Major version [releases](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases) (for example, {{ site.current_cloud_version }}) contain new functionality and may include backward-incompatible changes to CockroachDB.
-Major version upgrades are automatic for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }} clusters and opt-in for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters. An [Org Administrator]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#org-administrator) must initiate major version upgrades for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters. When a new major version is available, Admins will be able to [start an upgrade]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v23.1.md %}) from the CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Console for clusters using CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }}. When a major version upgrade is initiated for a cluster, it will upgrade to the latest patch version as well.
+Major version upgrades are automatic for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }} clusters and must be initiated by an [Org Administrator]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#org-administrator) for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters. In CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }}, major versions labeled Regular releases are all required upgrades, while Innovation releases are optional. Once a new major version is available, you can [start an upgrade]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-{{site.current_cloud_version}}.md %}) from the CockroachDB Cloud Console. The cluster will be upgraded to the latest patch release within that major version.
-### Pre-production preview upgrades
+### Innovation releases
-Prior to the GA release of a major CockroachDB version, CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} organizations can create new {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters or upgrade existing clusters to a Pre-Production Preview release for testing and experimentation using a beta or release candidate (RC) of that next major version. Upgrading to a Pre-Production Preview is a major-version upgrade. After a cluster is upgraded to a Pre-Production Preview release, it is automatically upgraded to all subsequent releases within the same major version—including additional beta and RC releases, the GA release, and subsequent patch releases after GA, as [patch version upgrades](#patch-version-upgrades). To learn more, refer to [Upgrade to v23.2 Pre-Production Preview](https://cockroachlabs.com/docs/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v24.1).
+As of v24.2, Cockroach Labs releases a major version of CockroachDB once per quarter, alternating between releases classified as a [Regular release or an Innovation release]({% link releases/index.md %}#release-types). Regular releases provide a longer support period and a longer period between upgrades, while Innovation releases offer a shorter support period and faster access to new features.
-### Rollback support
+- Regular releases are not optional; they must be applied to CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters and they are applied automatically to CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }} clusters. Regular releases are produced twice a year, alternating with Innovation Releases. They are supported for one year. Upgrading CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} directly from one regular release to the next regular release, skipping the intervening Innovation release, is supported.
+- Innovation releases are optional and can be skipped for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters but are required for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }}. Innovation releases are produced twice a year, alternating with Regular releases. An innovation release is supported for 6 months, at which time a Dedicated cluster must be upgraded to the next Regular Release. At a given time, only one Innovation release is typically supported. Upgrading CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} directly from one Innovation release to the next Innovation release is not supported.
-When upgrading a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster to a new major version, once all nodes are running the new version, you have approximately 72 hours before the upgrade is automatically finalized. During this window, if you see unexpected behavior, you can trigger a rollback to the previous major version from the CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Console.
+To opt out of Innovation releases entirely and hide them from your CockroachDB organization, contact Support.{{site.data.alerts.end}}
-To stop the upgrade and roll back to the latest patch release of the previous major version, click **Roll back** in the banner at the top of the CockroachDB Cloud Console, and then click **Roll back upgrade**.
+To summarize the available major-version upgrade paths for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }}:
-If you choose to roll back a major version upgrade, your cluster will be rolled back to the latest patch release of the previous major version, which may differ from the patch release you were running before you initiated the upgrade.
+- When your cluster is running a Regular release, you can select which of the next two major versions to upgrade to:
+ - The next version, an Innovation release.
+ - The Regular release that follows that Innovation release, when it is available.
+- When your cluster is running an Innovation release, you can upgrade only to the subsequent Regular release, not directly to the newer Innovation release, if it is available.
+### Pre-production preview upgrades
-During rollback, nodes are reverted to that prior major version's latest patch one at a time, without interrupting the cluster's health and availability.
+Prior to the GA release of a major CockroachDB version, CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} organizations can create new Dedicated clusters or upgrade existing clusters to a Pre-Production Preview release for testing and experimentation using a beta or release candidate (RC) of that next major version. Upgrading to a Pre-Production Preview is a major-version upgrade. After a cluster is upgraded to a Pre-Production Preview release, it is automatically upgraded to all subsequent releases within the same major version—including additional beta and RC releases, the GA release, and subsequent production patch releases as [patch version upgrades](#patch-version-upgrades). Upgrading to a Pre-Production Preview follows the same procedure as updating to a Production release. To learn more, refer to [Upgrade to {{ site.current_cloud_version }}]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-{{ site.current_cloud_version }}.md %}).
-If you notice problems after a major version upgrade has been finalized, it will not be possible to roll back via the CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Console. For assistance, [contact support](https://support.cockroachlabs.com/hc/requests/new).
+### Rollback support
-### End of Support for CockroachDB versions
+When upgrading a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster to a new major version, once all nodes are running the new version, the upgrade is finalized automatically in approximately 72 hours. During this window, if you see unexpected behavior, you can [trigger a rollback]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-{{ site.current_cloud_version }}.md %}#roll-back-the-upgrade) to the previous major version from the [CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Console](https://cockroachlabs.cloud).
-As CockroachDB releases new major versions, older versions reach their End of Support (EOS) on CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }}. A CockroachDB version reaches EOS when it is two major versions behind the latest version. For example, when CockroachDB v21.2 was released, CockroachDB v20.2 reached EOS.
+If you choose to roll back a major version upgrade, your cluster will be rolled back to the latest patch release of the previous major version, which may differ from the patch release you were running before you initiated the upgrade.
-Clusters running unsupported CockroachDB versions are not eligible for our [availability SLA](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/cloud-terms-and-conditions/). Further downgrades in support may occur as per the [CockroachDB Release Support Policy](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/release-support-policy).
+During rollback, nodes are reverted one at a time to reduce the impact of the operation on the cluster's health and availability.
-If you are running a CockroachDB version nearing EOS, you will be reminded at minimum one month before that version’s EOS that your clusters must be upgraded by the EOS date to avoid losing support. A Org Administrator can [upgrade your cluster]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v23.2.md %}) directly from the CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Console.
+If you notice problems after a major version upgrade has been finalized, it will not be possible to roll back via the CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Console. For assistance, [contact Support](https://support.cockroachlabs.com/hc/requests/new).
## Additional information
-For more details about the upgrade and finalization process, see [Upgrade to the Latest CockroachDB Version](https://cockroachlabs.com/docs/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v23.1).
+For more details about the upgrade and finalization process in CockroachDB, refer to the instructions on [upgrading to the latest CockroachDB version]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-{{site.current_cloud_version}}.md %}).
diff --git a/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v23.2.md b/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v23.2.md
index c12bf0aed67..e3f6e2dfa0f 100644
--- a/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v23.2.md
+++ b/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v23.2.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ pre_production_preview_version: v23.2.0-rc.2
[CockroachDB {{ page.pre_production_preview_version }}](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/{{ page.page_version }}#{{ page.pre_production_preview_version | replace: ".","-"}}) is available to CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters as an opt-in upgrade for testing and experimentation.
-[Testing releases]({% link releases/index.md %}#release-naming) are not qualified for production environments and not eligible for support or uptime SLA commitments.
+[Testing releases]({% link releases/index.md %}#overview) are not qualified for production environments and not eligible for support or uptime SLA commitments.
An [Org Administrator]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#org-administrator) can upgrade your CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster from the CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Console. This page guides you through the process of upgrading.
diff --git a/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v24.1.md b/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v24.1.md
index 9116975078c..306b8fb17ea 100644
--- a/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v24.1.md
+++ b/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v24.1.md
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ pre_production_preview_version: v24.1.0-rc.1
{% if page.pre_production_preview == true %}
[CockroachDB {{ page.pre_production_preview_version }}](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/{{ page.page_version }}#{{ page.pre_production_preview_version | replace: ".","-"}}) is available to CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters as an opt-in upgrade for testing and experimentation.
-{{site.data.alerts.callout_danger}} [Testing releases]({% link releases/index.md %}#release-naming) are not qualified for production environments and not eligible for support or uptime SLA commitments.
+[Testing releases]({% link releases/index.md %}#overview) are not qualified for production environments and not eligible for support or uptime SLA commitments.
An [Org Administrator]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#org-administrator) can upgrade your CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster from the CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Console. This page shows how to upgrade a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster to {{ page.pre_production_preview_version }} for testing and experimentation.
diff --git a/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v24.2.md b/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v24.2.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c93e0b56e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/current/cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-v24.2.md
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+title: Upgrade to CockroachDB v24.2
+summary: Learn how to upgrade a cluster in CockroachDB Cloud to v24.2
+toc: true
+docs_area: manage
+page_version: v24.2
+pre_production_preview: false
+{% assign DEBUG = false %}
+{% comment %}Determine Cloud support{% endcomment %}
+{% comment %}Date to compare support dates against. To test, replace today with YYYY-MM-DD.{% endcomment %}
+{% assign today = "today" | date: "%s" | plus: 0 %}
+{% comment %}Get the major version object{% endcomment %}
+{% assign x = site.data.versions | where_exp: "m", "m.major_version == page.page_version" | first %}
+{% comment %}Is it Production?{% endcomment %}
+{% assign released = false %}
+{% if x.release_date == "N/A" and x.maint_supp_exp_date == "N/A" %}
+ {% comment %}Get the object for the latest Testing release in the major version{% endcomment %}
+ {% assign latest_patch = site.data.releases | where_exp: "releases", "releases.major_version == page.page_version" | where_exp: "releases", "release_type == Testing" | sort: "release_date" | reverse | first %}
+{% else %}
+ {% comment %}Get the object for the latest Production release in the major version{% endcomment %}
+ {% assign released = true %}
+ {% assign latest_patch = site.data.releases | where_exp: "releases", "releases.major_version == page.page_version" | where_exp: "releases", "release_type == Production" | sort: "release_date" | reverse | first %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if DEBUG == true %}
+x: {{ x }}
+x.major_version: {{ x.major_version }}
+x.release_date: {{ x.release_date }}
+x.maint_supp_exp_date: {{ x.maint_supp_exp_date }}
+x.previous_version: {{ x.previous_version }}
+released: {{ released }}
+latest_patch: {{ latest_patch }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if released == true %}
+ {% assign release_date_seconds = x.release_date | date: "%s" %}
+ {% if x.asst_supp_exp_date == "N/A" %}
+ {% assign skippable = true %}
+ {% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% assign supported = false %}
+{% if released == true %}
+ {% if skippable == true %}
+ {% assign eos_date_seconds = x.release_date | date: "%s" | plus: 15638400 %}{% comment %}6 months{% endcomment %}
+ {% assign purple_date = eos_date_seconds | minus: 5097600 %}{% comment %}2 months in seconds{% endcomment %}
+ {% assign red_date = eos_date_seconds | minus: 2678400 %}{% comment %}1 month in seconds{% endcomment %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% assign eos_date_seconds = 31536000 %}{% comment %}1 year{% endcomment %}
+ {% assign purple_date = eos_date_seconds | minus: 10368000 %}{% comment %}4 months in seconds{% endcomment %}
+ {% assign red_date = eos_date_seconds | minus: 5097600 %}{% comment %}2 months in seconds{% endcomment %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if DEBUG == true %}
+ today: {{ today }}
+ x.asst_supp_exp_date: {{ x.asst_supp_exp_date }}
+ release_date_seconds: {{ release_date_seconds }}
+ eos_date_seconds: {{ eos_date_seconds }}
+ skippable: {{ skippable }}
+ purple_date: {{ purple_date }}
+ red_date: {{ red_date }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% assign eos = eos_date_seconds | date: '%B %d, %Y' %}
+ {% if today <= eos_date_seconds %}
+ {% assign supported = true %}
+ {% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if DEBUG == true %}
+supported: {{ supported }}
+eos: {{ eos }}
+{% endif %}
+{% comment %}Detect EOS status and show admonitions accordingly{% endcomment %}
+{% if released == true and supported == true %}
+ {% if today >= red_date %}
+Support for CockroachDB {{ x.major_version }} will end on **{{ eos}}** at the end of its Maintenance Support phase.{% if skippable == true %} Optional innovation releases are not eligible for Assistance Support.{% endif %} Prior to that date, upgrade to a newer version. For more details, refer to [CockroachDB Cloud Upgrade Policy]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}).
+ {% elsif today >= purple_date %}
+Support for CockroachDB {{ x.major_version }} will end on **{{ eos}}** at the end of its Maintenance Support phase.{% if skippable == true %} Optional innovation releases are not eligible for Assistance Support.{% endif %} Prior to that date, upgrade to a newer version. For more details, refer to [CockroachDB Cloud Upgrade Policy]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}).
+ {% endif %}
+{% elsif released == true and supported == false %}
+As of **{{ eos }}**, CockroachDB {{ x.major_version }} is no longer supported.{% if skippable == true %} Optional innovation releases are not eligible for Assistance Support. {% endif %}For more details, refer to [CockroachDB Cloud Upgrade Policy]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}).
+{% elsif released == false and supported == false %}
+CockroachDB {{ x.major_version }} is a testing release{% if page.pre_production_preview == false %} and is not yet available in CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }}{% endif %}. [Testing releases]({% link releases/index.md %}#release-naming) are not qualified for production environments and not eligible for support or uptime SLA commitments. This page is provided for reference only and is subject to change. For more details, refer to [CockroachDB Cloud Upgrade Policy]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}).
+{% endif %}
+{% comment %}Adapt the intro based on release and support status{% endcomment %}
+{% if released == false and page.pre_production_preview == true %}
+[CockroachDB {{ latest_patch.major_version }} Pre-Production Preview](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/{{ x.major_version }}#{{ latest_patch.release_name | replace: ".","-"}}) is available to CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters as an opt-in upgrade for testing and experimentation. An [Org Administrator]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#org-administrator) can upgrade your CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster from the CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Console. This page shows how to upgrade a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster to {{ latest_release.release_name }} Pre-Production Preview.
+Upgrading from {{ x.previous_version }} to {{ x.major_version }} Pre-Production Preview is a major-version upgrade. Upgrading a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster to a new major version is opt-in. Before proceeding, review the [CockroachDB Cloud Upgrade Policy](https://cockroachlabs.com/docs/cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy#pre-production-preview). After a cluster is upgraded to a Pre-Production Preview release, it is automatically upgraded to all subsequent releases within the same major version—including additional beta and RC releases, the GA release, and subsequent patch releases after GA, as patch version upgrades. To learn more, refer to [Patch Version Upgrades]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}#patch-version-upgrades).
+{% elsif released == true and supported == true %}
+[CockroachDB {{ latest_patch.major_version }}](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/{{ x.major_version }}#{{ latest_patch.release_name | replace: ".","-"}}) is available to CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters as an opt-in upgrade. An [Org Administrator]({% link cockroachcloud/authorization.md %}#org-administrator) can upgrade your CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster from the CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }} Console. This page shows how to upgrade a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster to {{ latest_release.release_name }}. This page shows how to upgrade a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster to {{ latest_release.release_name }} Pre-Production Preview.
+Upgrading from {{ x.previous_version }} to {{ x.major_version }} is a major-version upgrade. Upgrading a CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} cluster to a new major version is opt-in. Before proceeding, review the [CockroachDB Cloud Upgrade Policy](https://cockroachlabs.com/docs/cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy#pre-production-preview). After a cluster is upgraded, it is automatically upgraded to all subsequent releases within the same major version as patch version upgrades. To learn more, refer to [Patch Version Upgrades]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}#patch-version-upgrades).
+{% elsif released == true and supported == false %}
+[CockroachDB {{ latest_patch.major_version }}](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/{{ x.major_version }}#{{ latest_patch.release_name | replace: ".","-"}}) is no longer supported for new clusters or upgrades in CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.cloud }}. This page is provided for reference only. For details about currently-supported releases, refer to [CockroachDB Cloud Release Notes]({% link releases/cloud.md %}).
+{% endif %}
+{% capture previous_version_numeric %}{{ x.major_version | remove_first: 'v' }}{% endcapture %}
+{% capture major_version_numeric %}{{ x.previous_version | remove_first: 'v' }}{% endcapture %}
+{% if DEBUG == true %}
+previous_version_numeric: {{ previous_version_numeric }}
+major_version_numeric: {{ major_version_numeric }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if released == true %}
+CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }} clusters are upgraded automatically to new patch versions, as well as new major versions, to maintain uninterrupted support and SLA guarantees.
+{% endif %}
+{% comment %}An unreleased version can't yet be skippable{% endcomment %}
+{% if released == true %}
+CockroachDB {{ x.major_version }} {% if supported == false %}was a{% else %}is a{% endif %}{% if skippable == true %}n [Innovation release]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}#major-version-upgrades), which {% if supported == false %}was{% else %}is{% endif %} optional for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} clusters{% if supported == true %} but required for CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }}{% endif %}{% else %} [Regular release]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}#major-version-upgrades), which is a required upgrade for both CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.dedicated }} and CockroachDB {{ site.data.products.serverless }}.{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+Refer to [CockroachDB Cloud Upgrade Policy]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-policy.md %}) before installing or upgrading for release timing and support details.
+## Step 1. Verify that you can upgrade
+To upgrade to CockroachDB {{ x.major_version }}, you must be running {{ x.previous_version }}. If you are not running {{ x.previous_version }}, first [upgrade to {{ x.previous_version }}]({% link cockroachcloud/upgrade-to-{{ x.previous_version }}.md %}). Then return to this page and continue to [Step 2](#step-2-select-your-cluster-size).
+## Step 2. Select your cluster size
+The upgrade process depends on the number of nodes in your cluster. Select whether your cluster has multiple nodes or a single node:
Patch Release Type | +Naming | +Description | +
Production | +vYY.R.0 - vYY.R.n (ex. v24.2.1) |
+ Production releases are qualified for production environments. The type and duration of support for a production release may vary depending on the major release type, according to the Release Support Policy. | +
Testing | +vYY.R.0-alpha.1+ ,vYY.R.0-beta.1+ ,vYY.R.0-rc.1+ (ex. v24.3.1-alpha.2) |
+ Produced during development of a new major version, testing releases are intended for testing and experimentation only, and are not qualified for production environments or eligible for support or uptime SLA commitments. | +
{{ v.major_version }}{% if will_never_have_lts == false and v.initial_lts_patch == "N/A" %} *{% endif %} | + {% comment %} Always print a GA row. + For regular releases not yet in LTS, add a link to the first footnote + For currently supported skippable releases, add a link to the second footnote + {% endcomment %} +|||
{{ v.major_version }}{% if will_never_have_lts == false and v.initial_lts_patch == "N/A" %} *{% elsif skippable == true %} **{% endif %} | {% if v.last_ga_patch != "N/A" %}{{ v.major_version }}.0 - {{ v.last_ga_patch }}{% else %}{{ v.major_version }}.0+{% endif %} | GA | {{ v.release_date }} | @@ -120,10 +162,11 @@ Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
{{ v.major_version }} | +{{ v.major_version }}{% if skippable == true %} *{% endif %} | {% if v.last_ga_patch != "N/A" %}{{ v.major_version }}.0 - {{ v.last_ga_patch }}{% else %}{{ v.major_version }}.0+{% endif %} | GA | {{ v.release_date }} | @@ -180,5 +257,8 @@ The following releases are no longer supported. {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% comment %} Display each EOL version, its release date, its maintenance support expiration date, and its assistance support expiration date, and its LTS maintenance and assistance support dates. Also include links to the latest hotfix version. {% endcomment %} +
On macOS ARM systems, spatial features are disabled due to an issue with macOS code signing for the GEOS libraries. Users needing spatial features on an ARM Mac may instead use Rosetta to run the Intel binary or use the Docker image distribution. Refer to GitHub tracking issue for more information.
-{{site.data.alerts.end}} +{% include latest-release-details.md %} {% capture arch_note_homebrew %}For CockroachDB v22.2.x and above, Homebrew installs binaries for your system architecture, either Intel or ARM (Apple Silicon).
For previous releases, Homebrew installs Intel binaries. Intel binaries can run on ARM systems, but with a significant reduction in performance. CockroachDB on ARM for macOS is experimental and is not yet qualified for production use and not eligible for support or uptime SLA commitments.
{% endcapture %} @@ -28,7 +23,11 @@ See [Release Notes](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/releases/{{page.version.v {% capture arch_note_docker %}For CockroachDB v22.2.beta-5 and above, Docker images are multi-platform images that contain binaries for both Intel and ARM (Apple Silicon). Multi-platform images do not take up additional space on your Docker host.
Docker images for previous releases contain Intel binaries only. Intel binaries can run on ARM systems, but with a significant reduction in performance.
CockroachDB on ARM for macOS is experimental and is not yet qualified for production use and not eligible for support or uptime SLA commitments.
{% endcapture %} -Use one of the options below to install CockroachDB. +{{site.data.alerts.callout_info}} +CockroachDB on macOS is experimental and not suitable for production deployments. +{{site.data.alerts.end}} + +Use one of the options below to install CockroachDB. To upgrade an existing cluster, refer to [Upgrade to {{ page.version.version }}]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/upgrade-cockroach-version.md %}). For limitations specific to geospatial features, refer to [Limitations](#limitations).