Releases: cmu-sei/Gameboard
Fixes a bug that caused the team captain's name not to correctly show in the event log when finding a codex and other small changes.
What's Changed
- Cubespace scoring and logging updates by @sei-bstein in #69
- 3.6.5 by @sei-bstein in #70
Full Changelog: 3.6.4...3.6.5
Version 3.6.4 contains a UI updates, stability improvements, bug fixes, and infrastructure changes to support future versions.
UI improvements
- Changes to how the app is sized to improve appearance on small screens and support the Unity loading screen
- Unity client now centers itself vertically if its aspect ratio doesn't fill the viewport.
- The Unity game loading experience has been improved with a new font face and colored text.
- Some entries in the loading text have been replaced with more... peaceful alternatives.
- The name of the team leader, its label, and the "connection status" hub light have been reduced to a size that doesn't threaten to leap off the screen into the viewer's retinas.
- The "Connecting to launch control" text on the loading screen has been hidden in production environments.
Stability improvements
- Extraneous keys are no longer created in local storage when a Cubespace game begins.
- Gameboard now creates an additional namespaced local storage key upon launch of the Cubespace match. This key is not currently consumed by Cubespace but may be in a future version.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused the nav bar to appear below some content.
- "Cubespace" is now properly capitalized across the app.
What's Changed
- Enable score reporting from Gamebrain by @sei-bstein in #67
- 3.6.4 by @sei-bstein in #68
Full Changelog: 3.6.3...3.6.4
Fix permissions when creating Unity challenges
What's Changed
- Hotfix/extend permissions on unity challenge creation by @sei-bstein in #66
Full Changelog: 3.6.2...3.6.3
Permissions fix during Unity challenge creation
Hotfix to address console authentication for Cubespace virtual machines
Matching UI release:
What's Changed
- Synchronize Unity challenge ID with TopoMojo gamespace by @sei-bstein in #65
Full Changelog: 3.6.1...3.6.2
API fixes that restore compatibility with standard Gameboard challenges. Also reverts Serilog changes to keep logging consistent with TopoMojo and Identity.
Matching UI release:
What's Changed
- Revert use of Serilog by @sei-bstein in #62
- Add Gamebrain call to register console URLs by @sei-bstein in #63
- 3.6.1 by @sei-bstein in #64
Full Changelog: 3.6.0...3.6.1
This release adds endpoints and other functionality to work with the Cubespace video game currently under development. The game is scheduled for open source release in early 2023.
Also, you can now specify a default sponsor with Defaults__DefaultSponsor
in appsettings.conf.
Matching UI release:
What's Changed
- refactor hasDeployedGamespace field by @sei-jmattson in #55
- sponsor tweaks by @sei-jmattson in #56
- Better gamebrain and cubespace integration by @sei-jperrino in #57
- Add endpoints for Gamebrain by @sei-bstein in #61
Full Changelog: 3.5.5...3.6.0
fix team sponsor on advancement
This release incorporates improvements and bug fixes collected from President's Cup IV Round 1. Updates include:
- Limiting permissions for Support role in the Admin area
- Adding new fields to participation reports as well as improving the accuracy of other stats
- Support shift windows are now configurable via an API deployment setting.
- Certificates only appear for competitors who started a session on a given board.
Matching UI release:
What's Changed
- Miscellaneous admin and support improvements by @sei-jperrino in #53
- Certificate and board report bugfixes by @sei-jperrino in #54
Full Changelog: 3.5.4...3.5.5
Various bugfixes across reporting, support and certificate generation