`, { raw: true })
+ term.echo(`
+[[b;;]Solution Version:] ${BUSTUB_PRIVATE_VERSION_VAR} . [[b;;]BusTub Version:] ${BUSTUB_PUBLIC_VERSION_VAR} . [[b;;]Built Date:] ${BUSTUB_BUILD_TIME_VAR}
-BusTub is a relational database management system built at Carnegie Mellon University for the Introduction to Database Systems (15-445/645) course. This system was developed for educational purposes and should not be used in production environments. [[!;;;;https://github.com/cmu-db/bustub]BusTub on GitHub] [[!;;;;https://15445.courses.cs.cmu.edu/]Course Website] [[!;;;;https://github.com/cmu-db/bustub/issues/new]Report Bugs]
+BusTub is a relational database management system built at Carnegie Mellon University for the Introduction to Database Systems (15-445/645) course. This system was developed for educational purposes and should not be used in production environments. [[[!;;;;https://github.com/cmu-db/bustub]BusTub on GitHub]] [[[!;;;;https://15445.courses.cs.cmu.edu/]Course Website]] [[[!;;;;https://github.com/cmu-db/bustub/issues/new]Report Bugs]]
-This is BusTub reference solution running in your browser. Solution Version: ${BUSTUB_PRIVATE_VERSION_VAR}, BusTub Version: ${BUSTUB_PUBLIC_VERSION_VAR}, built at ${BUSTUB_BUILD_TIME_VAR}.
- prompt: () => initialized ? "[[b;;]printer> ]" : "leaf_max_size and internal_max_size? (e.g., 3 3) "
- })
@@ -172,4 +190,4 @@
gtag('config', 'UA-52525161-8');
\ No newline at end of file