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Seamless Terminus Integration

David Refoua edited this page Aug 15, 2022 · 5 revisions

Terminus with Cmder

Running Cmder in Terminus (now called Tabby) is super simple.

  1. Press Win + Pause/Break to open the System Preferences, then click on Advanced system settingsEnvironment Variables.
  2. In System variables, click on New... to add a new variable as follows. (If you've installed Cmder in your user profile, use User variables instead.)
  3. Set the environment variable called CMDER_ROOT to your root Cmder installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Cmder, or wherever you've installed Cmder.)

That's it! Terminus/Tabby will automatically find Cmder and show it in the shell settings. Click Settings → Terminal and Choose Cmder from the Shell section.

For more information/issues, post a comment here (Credits thanks to @Eugeny)