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Using Reach from a FAT JAR

Tom Hicks edited this page Aug 16, 2017 · 26 revisions

Creating a FAT JAR

Reach can be compiled, along with all its required dependencies, into a single JVM JAR file, known as a 'FAT' JAR. To produce a default FAT JAR for Reach:

sbt assembly

The resulting FAT JAR will be located in the target/scala-2.11 subdirectory and will be named with the current project version number and the suffix '-FAT.jar' (e.g., reach-1.3.5-FAT.jar)

By default, the Reach FAT JAR runs in 'batch' mode: processing papers from an input directory and producing output into an output directory. Both directories, and many other configuration options, may be specified in the application.conf configuration file. For more information on running Reach over multiple papers ('batch' mode) see the Running Reach Wiki page.

The FAT JAR may also be configured to run a different main program. For instance, to produce a FAT JAR which runs the interactive Reach Shell, compile it like this:

sbt -DmainClass=org.clulab.reach.ReachShell assembly

To produce a FAT JAR which runs a small web service to process files, compile the FAT JAR like this:

sbt -DmainClass=org.clulab.reach.export.server.FileProcessorWebUI assembly

Running the FAT JAR

To run the Reach FAT JAR, simply call it from using the Java runtime system:

java -jar reach-1.3.5-FAT.jar

Additional arguments to the embedded 'main' program may be provided on the command line after the JAR name. For example, when starting the file processing server, you may specify a port for the server to use as follows:

java -jar reach-1.3.5-FAT.jar --port 8088