Sample codes on how to configure session pool in Node.js client for Cloud Spanner
- Configure Maximum gRPC channel number
"channelPool": {
#increase channel number, and this channel number * 100 = maximum sessions number
"maxSize": 10,
"maxConcurrentStreamsLowWatermark": 100
- Configure SessionPoolOptions to specify the session pool configuration
const mySessionPoolOptions ={
max: 100,
maxIdle: 1,
min: 100,
idlesAfter: 1,
const database = instance.database(databaseId,mySessionPoolOptions);
- Start express
npm start
- Open http://localhost:3000, see the following response, and it means that data connection is created.
- Use gcloud to check the session number
gcloud spanner databases sessions list --instance=testing --database=db > /tmp/1.lst
paste -d' ' - - - - </tmp/1.lst >/tmp/final.lst //format the output
below is sessions information, you could check how many session are created. Please note the session has the TTL even after the node.js program is terminated.
--- approximateLastUseTime: '2020-06-11T08:05:22.417261Z' createTime: '2020-06-11T07:55:17.420371Z' name: projects/test/instances/testing/databases/db/sessions/AN4G3x8L4DrriZbcY0fbsJYVev8awfQce8JcOZHXwNcsVekkLxasCUb_gc65qw