Goal of this repo is to provide a set of code for creating computational chemistry tools to be run on the cloud at ECL in collaboration with CMU. This will be done via a webserver that responds to requests by running DFT calculations.
is provided as an application with both a command line interface (CLI) and a set of python bindings that can be used in additional application logic. The CLI can run both local calculations and spin up a webserver that serves calculation requests to the python bindings.
The web server is built on Flask, and has one primary endpoint (for now), /energy
. The /energy
endpoint serves to calculate the single point energy of a molecule and return the total and orbital energies (along with other metadata). A successful calculation returns a 200
OK, when run as a server, and gives a 400
Bad Request if any part of the input is malformed. It may also give a 401
Unauthorized if the user is either not logged in or provides an invalid auth token.
Create a fresh virtual environment (e.g. with conda
, venv
, etc.). Once the environment has been built and activated, pip install -e .
while in the application directory. For developers, go to the cloudcompchem
directory and pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
To test that it installed correctly, attempt to run it:
cloudcompchem serve
This will launch the web service locally on port 5000 with 4 workers. It should start up without errors.
You can modify the state of the web server with additional keyword arguments:
cloudcompchem serve --bind --workers 16
The above command directs the server to bind to port 5400
at local host (
) and increases the number of workers (threads) to 16
To check what the web service returns, you can use curl from a separate terminal to make the following requests:
curl http://localhost/health-check
To run an energy calculation from the command line, you may:
cloudcompchem energy input.json
where input.json
is a structured file containing functional/basis set information along with molecule details.
To run an energy calculation, the input payload must be correctly specified. A typical input structure looks like:
"config": {
"basis_set": "ccpvdz",
"functional": "pbe,pbe",
"molecule": {
"charge": 0,
"spin_multiplicity": 1,
"atoms": [
{"position": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "symbol": "H"},
{"position": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], "symbol": "H"},
This payload can be inputted as a body to a json HTTP request, or as a file to the command line invocation. The basis_set
has to be specified according to pyscf
specifications, and the functional
value must be present in the LibXC
library. Note that the functional
value has two components separated by a comma (without a space) representing the exchange and correlation functionals separately.
To make sure that all tests are passing, call:
pytest . -s
The webserver will be run through a docker image containing the server code and all the installed dependencies. To build the image, call from the ECL-collab
This should build the docker image for you. If something goes wrong, make sure you have docker installed and running.
Once your docker image is built, you may run it locally via:
docker run -p 5000:5000 <image_name>
The image name will be printed by the build script in the previous step.
You may then send requests against port 5000 in the same way as with a locally running python version. For example:
We use celery to power our asynchronous runtime and enable long-running computations to run in the background without blocking the user.
Celery requires a message broker to queue up the task definitions and store the results. We use
redis for that purpose. The easiest way to get redis
running locally is through
docker run --rm --name=cloudcompchem-celery-redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis
A simple example of a long-running task can be found in the /aadd
(for asynchronous add) endpoint.
Let's make a call to it:
$ http --form POST :5000/aadd a=100 b=99
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 53
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 00:15:26 GMT
Server: gunicorn
"result_id": "1d1347ab-0031-4f70-8d7a-b5f7c16e203f"
Because waiting for the actual results is prohibitive, what we get instead a result_id
, a unique
identifier for the task that our asynchronous runtime should process. We can refer to this ID to
query the status of our computation:
http :5000/result/1d1347ab-0031-4f70-8d7a-b5f7c16e203f
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 48
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 00:18:56 GMT
Server: gunicorn
"ready": false,
"successful": false,
"value": null
We need a celery
worker to actually run the computation. Here's how we launch celery
celery -A cloudcompchem.make_celery worker --loglevel INFO
The Celery worker connects to Redis and it sees that there's a message in queue corresponding to the computation we requested earlier. It picks up the message from the queue and actually runs it in a dedicated process. After some time, you should be able to query your results again:
http :5000/result/1d1347ab-0031-4f70-8d7a-b5f7c16e203f
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 45
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 00:20:44 GMT
Server: gunicorn
"ready": true,
"successful": true,
"value": 199
If all of that sounded like a lot of steps, you might want to use docker-compose to bring all of those services up with a single command:
docker-compose up