A Node-RED node for making predictions with Cloud Annotations models.
If you plan to use this Node-RED node on a Nvidia Jetson Nano, follow these official TensorFlow 1.x release instructions for Jetson Nano before installing this node.
Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-cloud-annotations-gpu
You will notice that npm installs a @cloud-annotations/models-node-gpu
dependency. That package requires a dependency on @tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu
After a lengthy build process, it will download a set of libtensorflow*.so libraries.
If you are running on a Jetson Nano, that's where the Nvidia Jetson package installed initially becomes important. You may need to copy the libtensorflow.so and libtensorflow_framework.so from the Nvidia Jetson python package to
Feed the model an image and get a list of predictions.
Model path
: The path to the Cloud Annotations model.
: The payload can either be a string path to an image file or a buffer object holding the image bytes.
: A list of predictions.
The prediction array varies depending on the type of model loaded.
Object detection model example:
label: 'dog',
bbox: [
330.9269714355469, // x coordinate
281.0324728488922, // y coordinate
374.56329345703125, // width
550.1768910884857 // height
score: 0.92
label: 'cat',
bbox: [
1168.9867401123047, // x coordinate
431.68705701828003, // y coordinate
412.3546600341797, // width
522.2745037078857 // height
score: 0.72
Classification model example:
{ label: 'dog', score: 0.92 },
{ label: 'cat', score: 0.72 }