Thank you for your interest in helping OSR!
This project, as all of the OSR community, grows through the gifts of energy and time of many people. You are apparently considering giving some of yours, and that is much appreciated!
As a community we like to maintain some simple good-manners rules so everyone can get along together. We call it our code of conduct and you can find it here. As this project is part of OSR, we will ask you to respect it in your issues, PR or code comment.
We are an active online community and we mostly hang around discord. If you are interested in our code, we would be happy to talk with you. If you have any questions about the code, or want to talk with us for any reason, feel free to meet us there.
We manage bug reports as GitHub issues.
If you spot a bug, please make sure the issue is not already opened in our issue list. If not, you can create a new issue. Explain the problem and include additional details to help maintainers reproduce the problem:
- Use a clear and descriptive title for the issue to identify the problem.
- Describe the exact steps to reproduce the problem with as much detail as possible: What url you are at, whether you are logged in, the browser you are using, your OS and type of device (computer, tablet, phone), etc.
We also manage enhancement suggestions as GitHub issues. Again, make sure this idea hasn't been raised before in our issue list.
Definitely join us in Discord first.
If you have any trouble getting started, ask for help there.
You'll need to fork the repository to your own github account, clone it to your machine, and get it running locally. You will find all of the information you need to get started in this tutorial.
You should be running the project locally with test data in less than 10 minutes.
is what is in production.
is where most development happens.
As long as you are working in a fork of the repository, it doesn't matter too much which branch you work on.
Submit pull requests to the dev
Your code should pass ruff lints.
You can run it with the command ruff .
or let GitHub actions run it automatically when you create the pull request.
Brilliant! You'll find instructions for contributing translations here