Display tooltips on primary and secondary ingredients for Herblore.
I was collecting herbs on my low level ironman and had no idea what I could do with them as I was collecting them.
So I wrote this plugin to help me plan what potions I want to make as well as which herbs I want to pick up to save
precious inventory space.
Tooltip on a finished potion, showing the ingredients.
Tooltip on a primary ingredient.
Tooltip on an unfinished potion.
Tooltip on a secondary ingredient.
If a potion is an ingredient for another potion, it will show that.
The tooltip will show no matter the dosage of the potion.
If an ingredient is both a primary and a secondary for different potions, it will reflect that.
And seeds!
Feature added thanks to this raised issue.
You can display the tooltip with a custom keybind if you don't want it to be always present.
Feature added thanks to this raised issue
- As of now this plugin does not support barbarian mixes.
- The ingredients for some combination potions (e.g. super combat potion) will show up as
secondary ingredients even though they're technically primary ingredients.
If you have issues with this plugin, please let me know here.