Inline YAML templating via line-comments
Yampl (yaml + tmpl) templates YAML values based on line-comments. YAML data can be piped to stdin or files/dirs can be passed as arguments.
yampl [files | dirs] [-v key=value...] [flags]
--completion string Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell (one of bash, zsh, fish, powershell)
-h, --help help for yampl
--ignore-template-errors Continue processing a file even if a template fails
--ignore-unset-errors Exit with an error if a template variable is not set (default true)
-I, --indent int Override output indentation (default 2)
-i, --inplace Edit files in place
--left-delim string Override template left delimiter (default "{{")
--log-format string Log format (auto, color, plain, json) (default "auto")
-l, --log-level string Log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic) (default "info")
--no-source-comment Disables source path comment when run against multiple files or a dir
-p, --prefix string Template comments must begin with this prefix. The beginning '#' is implied. (default "#yampl")
--right-delim string Override template right delimiter (default "}}")
-s, --strip Strip template comments from output
-v, --var stringToString Define a template variable. Can be used more than once. (default [])
--version version for yampl