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File metadata and controls

162 lines (114 loc) · 6.63 KB

DINOv2 for Computational Pathology


The training and evaluation code requires PyTorch 2.0 and xFormers 0.0.18 as well as a number of other 3rd party packages. Note that the code has only been tested with the specified versions and also expects a Linux environment. To setup all the required dependencies for training and evaluation, please follow the instructions below:

Clone the repository and then create and activate a dinov2 conda environment using the provided environment definition:

conda env create -f conda.yaml
conda activate dinov2

For dense tasks (depth estimation and semantic segmentation), there are additional dependencies (specific versions of mmcv and mmsegmentation) which are captured in the extras dependency specifications:

conda env create -f conda-extras.yaml
conda activate dinov2-extras

Data preparation

You need to wrap up your data in a tarball file:

  1. Ensure images are all in one directory

  2. Create a single large tarball file that contains all images and name it pretrain_dataset.tar :

    tar -chf pretrain_dataset.tar /path/to/image/folder

Using whole dataset

  1. Infer the auxiliary files pretrain_entries.npy and pretrain_file_indices.npy :

    python scripts/ \
        --tarball_path /path/to/pretrain_dataset.tar \
        --output_root /path/to/output/folder \
        --name pretrain

    The pretrain_entries.npy file will record:

    • a dummy class index (we set it to 0 for all images since we’re not using classes)
    • a unique filename index for each image
    • the start and end offsets of each image within the tarball file

    The pretrain_file_indices.npy file consists in a dictionnary mapping filename index to corresponding filename.

  2. Dump pretrain_dataset.tar, pretrain_entries.npy and pretrain_file_indices.npy in a common folder (e.g. /root/data)

Restricting to a subset

You may not want to use all the patches of a cohort, but only a subset of them (e.g. the cohort comes with a train/tune/test split and you only want to use the patches belonging to slides in the train partition).

Then, follow these simple steps:

  1. Dump the image filenames (e.g. patch1.jpg) of the subset of interest in a .txt file (e.g. {subset}.txt)

  2. Infer the corresponding auxiliary files pretrain_entries_{subset}.npy

    python scripts/ \
      --tarball_path /path/to/pretrain_dataset.tar \
      --output_root /path/to/output/folder \
      --keep /path/to/{subset}.txt \
      --name pretrain \
      --suffix {subset}

    The pretrain_entries_{subset}.npy file will record:

    • a dummy class index (we set it to 0 for all images since we’re not using classes)
    • a unique filename index for each image listed in {subset}.txt
    • the start and end offsets of each image within the tarball file

    A generic pretrain_file_indices.npy file will be saved the first time you run this command.
    It consists in a dictionnary mapping filename index to corresponding filename for the entire tarball file.

  3. Dump pretrain_dataset.tar, pretrain_entries_{subset}.npy and pretrain_file_indices.npy in a common folder (e.g. /root/data)

(optional) Downstream data preparation

This section describes the steps to follow in case you want to run tuning on a downstream task dataset with patch-level labels.

  1. Create a .csv file containing downstream patches' filenames and labels:

  2. Create a single tarball file that contains all downstream tuning patches and name it downstream_dataset.tar

    tar -chf downstream_dataset.tar /path/to/downstream/dataset/image/folder
  3. Infer the auxiliary files query_entries.npy and query_file_indices.npy :

    python3 scripts/ \
      --tarball_path /path/to/downstream_dataset.tar \
      --output_root /path/to/output/folder \
      --csv /path/to/csv/file.csv \
      --keep /path/to/output/query.txt \
      --prefix query

    /path/to/csv/file.csv should point to the .csv file created in step 1. just above
    /path/to/output/query.txt should contain the list of filnames for the patches in the query subset of the downstream dataset.

  4. Infer the auxiliary file test_entries.npy and test_file_indices.npy:

    python3 scripts/ \
      --tarball_path /path/to/downstream_dataset.tar \
      --output_root /path/to/output/folder \
      --csv /path/to/csv/file.csv \
      --keep /path/to/output/test.txt \
      --prefix test

    /path/to/csv/file.csv should point to the .csv file created in step 1. just above
    /path/to/output/test.txt should contain the list of filnames for the patches in the test subset of the downstream dataset.

  5. dump the .tar file and the .npy files in a common folder (e.g. /root/data)


⚠️ To execute the commands provided in this section, make sure the dinov2 package is included in the Python module search path:

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/your/dinov2"

Training a ViT-L/14

Update dinov2/configs/train/vitl14.yaml if you want to change some parameters (e.g. enabling early stopping).
Then run:

python -m --nproc_per_node=gpu dinov2/train/ \
    --config-file dinov2/configs/train/vitl14.yaml \

Replace {path/to/data/root} with the root folder where tarballs are saved, and {path/to/entry/root} with the root folder where numpy entry files are saved (e.g. Pathology:root=/root/data:extra=/root/data).
Leave out :subset={subset} if you didn't restrict the dataset to a specific subset when preparing data.
Otherwise, replace {subset} with the suffix you chose for --suffix in data preparation (e.g. Pathology:root=/root/data:extra=/root/data:subset=train).

In case you want to run downstream tuning, make sure to update the following two parameters in your config:

  query_dataset_path: KNN:root={path/to/data/root}:extra={path/to/entry/root}:split=query
  test_dataset_path: KNN:root={path/to/data/root}:extra={path/to/entry/root}:split=test

Replace {path/to/data/root} with the folder where you dumped the downstream .tar files. Replace {path/to/entry/root} with the folder where you dumped the downstream .npy entry files.