diff --git a/src/Rel8/Expr/Eq.hs b/src/Rel8/Expr/Eq.hs index 4878e454..95b6a0c0 100644 --- a/src/Rel8/Expr/Eq.hs +++ b/src/Rel8/Expr/Eq.hs @@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ infix 4 ==. -- | Test if two expressions are different (not equal). -- -- This corresponds to the SQL @IS DISTINCT FROM@ operator, and will return --- @false@ when comparing two @null@ values. This differs from ordinary @=@ --- which would return @null@. This operator is closer to Haskell's '==' --- operator. For an operator identical to SQL @=@, see '/=?'. +-- @false@ when comparing two @null@ values. This differs from ordinary @<>@ +-- which would return @null@. This operator is closer to Haskell's '/=' +-- operator. For an operator identical to SQL @<>@, see '/=?'. (/=.) :: forall a. Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool (/=.) = case nullable @a of Null -> \ma mb -> isNull ma `ne` isNull mb ||. ma /=? mb