diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 995d24304..93331f58d 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ set(FAKER_SOURCES src/modules/weather/Weather.cpp src/modules/weather/WeatherData.cpp src/modules/word/Word.cpp + src/modules/word/WordData.cpp src/common/FormatHelper.cpp src/common/LuhnCheck.cpp src/common/StringHelper.cpp diff --git a/src/modules/word/Word.cpp b/src/modules/word/Word.cpp index 5a226418c..b3b624ba8 100644 --- a/src/modules/word/Word.cpp +++ b/src/modules/word/Word.cpp @@ -2,15 +2,12 @@ #include #include -#include #include #include #include -#include -#include "../../common/StringHelper.h" -#include "data/All.h" #include "faker-cxx/Helper.h" +#include "WordData.h" namespace faker::word { @@ -60,7 +57,7 @@ std::string words(unsigned numberOfWords) std::string combined_words; if (numberOfWords <= 256) { - std::array tmp; // fitting 1024 bytes worth of integers* + std::array tmp{}; // fitting 1024 bytes worth of integers* const size_t last_index = _allWords.size() - 1; size_t reserve_size = 0; diff --git a/src/modules/word/WordData.cpp b/src/modules/word/WordData.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5ba935084 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/modules/word/WordData.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,14370 @@ +#include "WordData.h" + +#include +#include + +namespace faker::word +{ +const std::array adjectives = { + "abandoned", + "able", + "absolute", + "adorable", + "adventurous", + "academic", + "acceptable", + "acclaimed", + "accomplished", + "accurate", + "aching", + "acidic", + "acrobatic", + "active", + "actual", + "adept", + "admirable", + "admired", + "adolescent", + "adored", + "advanced", + "afraid", + "affectionate", + "aged", + "aggravating", + "aggressive", + "agile", + "agitated", + "agonizing", + "agreeable", + "ajar", + "alarmed", + "alarming", + "alert", + "alienated", + "alive", + "all", + "altruistic", + "amazing", + "ambitious", + "ample", + "amused", + "amusing", + "anchored", + "ancient", + "angelic", + "angry", + "anguished", + "animated", + "annual", + "another", + "antique", + "anxious", + "any", + "apprehensive", + "appropriate", + "apt", + "arctic", + "arid", + "aromatic", + "artistic", + "ashamed", + "assured", + "astonishing", + "athletic", + "attached", + "attentive", + "attractive", + "austere", + "authentic", + "authorized", + "automatic", + "avaricious", + "average", + "aware", + "awesome", + "awful", + "awkward", + "babyish", + "bad", + "back", + "baggy", + "bare", + "barren", + "basic", + "beautiful", + "belated", + "beloved", + "beneficial", + "better", + "best", + "bewitched", + "big", + "big-hearted", + "biodegradable", + "bite-sized", + "bitter", + "black", + "black-and-white", + "bland", + "blank", + "blaring", + "bleak", + "blind", + "blissful", + "blond", + "blue", + "blushing", + "bogus", + "boiling", + "bold", + "bony", + "boring", + "bossy", + "both", + "bouncy", + "bountiful", + "bowed", + "brave", + "breakable", + "brief", + "bright", + "brilliant", + "brisk", + 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a/src/modules/word/data/Adjectives.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1336 +0,0 @@ -#pragma once - -#include -#include - -namespace faker::word -{ -const std::array adjectives = {"abandoned", - "able", - "absolute", - "adorable", - "adventurous", - "academic", - "acceptable", - "acclaimed", - "accomplished", - "accurate", - "aching", - "acidic", - "acrobatic", - "active", - "actual", - "adept", - "admirable", - "admired", - "adolescent", - "adored", - "advanced", - "afraid", - "affectionate", - "aged", - "aggravating", - "aggressive", - "agile", - "agitated", - "agonizing", - "agreeable", - "ajar", - "alarmed", - "alarming", - "alert", - "alienated", - "alive", - "all", - "altruistic", - "amazing", - "ambitious", - "ample", - "amused", - "amusing", - "anchored", - "ancient", - "angelic", - "angry", - "anguished", - "animated", - "annual", - "another", - "antique", - "anxious", - "any", - "apprehensive", - "appropriate", - "apt", - "arctic", - "arid", - "aromatic", - "artistic", - "ashamed", - 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"tinker", - "tinkling", - "tint", - "tip", - "tippex", - "tipple", - "tiptoe", - "tire", - "titillate", - "titivate", - "title", - "titrate", - "titter", - "toady", - "toast", - "toboggan", - "toddle", - "toe", - "tog", - "toggle", - "toil", - "tolerate", - "toll", - "tone", - "tongue", - "tonify", - "tool", - "toot", - "tootle", - "top", - "topple", - "torch", - "torment", - "torpedo", - "toss", - "tot", - "total", - "tote", - "totter", - "touch", - "tough", - "toughen", - "tour", - "tousle", - "tout", - "tow", - "towel", - "tower", - "toy", - "trace", - "track", - "trade", - "traduce", - "traffic", - "trail", - "train", - "traipse", - "trammel", - "trample", - "trampoline", - "tranquilize", - "tranquillize", - "transact", - "transcend", - "transcribe", - "transfer", - "transfigure", - "transfix", - "transform", - "transfuse", - "transgress", - "transit", - "translate", - "transliterate", - "transmit", - "transmogrify", - "transmute", - "transpire", - "transplant", - "transport", - "transpose", - "trap", - "trash", - "traumatise", - "traumatize", - "travel", - "traverse", - "trawl", - "tread", - "treasure", - "treat", - "treble", - "trek", - "tremble", - "trembling", - "trepan", - "trespass", - "trial", - "trick", - "trickle", - "trifle", - "trigger", - "trill", - "trim", - "trip", - "triple", - "triumph", - "trivialise", - "trivialize", - "troll", - "tromp", - "troop", - "trot", - "trouble", - "troubleshoot", - "trounce", - "trouser", - "truant", - "truck", - "trudge", - "trump", - "trumpet", - "truncate", - "trundle", - "truss", - "trust", - "try", - "tuck", - "tug", - "tugboat", - "tumble", - "tune", - "tunnel", - "turbocharge", - "turf", - "turn", - "tussle", - "tut", - "tutor", - "twang", - "tweak", - "tweet", - "twiddle", - "twig", - "twin", - "twine", - "twinkle", - "twirl", - "twist", - "twitch", - "twitter", - "twittering", - "type", - "typecast", - "typeset", - "typify", - "tyrannise", - "tyrannize", - "ulcerate", - "ululate", - "ump", - "umpire", - "unbalance", - "unban", - "unbend", - "unblock", - "unbuckle", - "unburden", - "unbutton", - "uncoil", - "uncork", - "uncouple", - "uncover", - "uncurl", - "undelete", - "underachieve", - "underbid", - "undercharge", - "undercook", - "undercut", - "underestimate", - "underestimation", - "underexpose", - "undergo", - "underlie", - "underline", - "undermine", - "underpay", - "underperform", - "underpin", - "underplay", - "underrate", - "underscore", - "undersell", - "undershoot", - "underspend", - "understand", - "understate", - "understudy", - "undertake", - "undervalue", - "underwrite", - "undo", - "undock", - "undress", - "undulate", - "unearth", - "unfasten", - "unfold", - "unfreeze", - "unfurl", - "unhand", - "unhinge", - "unhitch", - "unhook", - "unify", - "uninstall", - "unionise", - "unionize", - "unite", - "unlace", - "unlearn", - "unleash", - "unload", - "unlock", - "unloose", - "unloosen", - "unmask", - "unnerve", - "unpack", - "unpick", - "unplug", - "unravel", - "unroll", - "unsaddle", - "unscramble", - "unscrew", - "unseat", - "unsettle", - "unsubscribe", - "untangle", - "untie", - "unveil", - "unwind", - "unwrap", - "unzip", - "up", - "upbraid", - "upchange", - "upchuck", - "update", - "upend", - "upgrade", - "uphold", - "upholster", - "uplift", - "upload", - "uproot", - "upsell", - "upset", - "upshift", - "upskill", - "upstage", - "urge", - "use", - "usher", - "usurp", - "utilise", - "utilize", - "utter", - "vacate", - "vacation", - "vaccinate", - "vacillate", - "vacuum", - "valet", - "validate", - "value", - "vamoose", - "vandalise", - "vandalize", - "vanish", - "vanquish", - "vaporise", - "vaporize", - "varnish", - "vary", - "vault", - "veer", - "veg", - "vegetate", - "veil", - "vend", - "veneer", - "venerate", - "vent", - "ventilate", - "venture", - "verbalise", - "verbalize", - "verge", - "verify", - "versify", - "vest", - "vet", - "veto", - "vex", - "vibrate", - "victimise", - "victimize", - "vide", - "video", - "videotape", - "vie", - "view", - "viewing", - "vilify", - "vindicate", - "violate", - "visit", - "visualise", - "visualize", - "vitiate", - "vitrify", - "vocalize", - "voice", - "void", - "volley", - "volumise", - "volumize", - "volunteer", - "vote", - "vouch", - "vouchsafe", - "vow", - "voyage", - "vulgarise", - "vulgarize", - "waddle", - "wade", - "waffle", - "waft", - "wag", - "wage", - "wager", - "waggle", - "wail", - "wait", - "waive", - "wake", - "wakeboard", - "waken", - "walk", - "wall", - "wallop", - "wallow", - "wallpaper", - "waltz", - "wander", - "wane", - "wangle", - "want", - "warble", - "ward", - "warm", - "warn", - "warp", - "warrant", - "wash", - "wassail", - "waste", - "watch", - "water", - "waterproof", - "waterski", - "wave", - "waver", - "wax", - "waylay", - "weaken", - "wean", - "weaponise", - "weaponize", - "wear", - "weary", - "weasel", - "weather", - "weatherise", - "weatherize", - "weave", - "wed", - "wedge", - "weekend", - "weep", - "weigh", - "weight", - "weird", - "welch", - "welcome", - "weld", - "well", - "welly", - "wend", - "westernise", - "westernize", - "wet", - "whack", - "wheedle", - "wheel", - "wheeze", - "whelp", - "whet", - "whiff", - "while", - "whilst", - "whimper", - "whine", - "whinge", - "whinny", - "whip", - "whirl", - "whirr", - "whirring", - "whisk", - "whisper", - "whispering", - "whistle", - "whiten", - "whitewash", - "whittle", - "whoop", - "whoosh", - "whup", - "wick", - "widen", - "widow", - "wield", - "wig", - "wiggle", - "wildcat", - "will", - "wilt", - "wimp", - "win", - "wince", - "winch", - "wind", - "winds", - "windsurf", - "wine", - "wing", - "wink", - "winkle", - "winnow", - "winter", - "wipe", - "wire", - "wiretap", - "wise", - "wisecrack", - "wish", - "withdraw", - "wither", - "withhold", - "withstand", - "witness", - "witter", - "wobble", - "wolf", - "wonder", - "woo", - "woof", - "word", - "work", - "worm", - "worry", - "worsen", - "worship", - "worst", - "wound", - "wow", - "wowee", - "wrangle", - "wrap", - "wreak", - "wreathe", - "wreck", - "wrench", - "wrest", - "wrestle", - "wriggle", - "wring", - "wrinkle", - "writ", - "write", - "writhe", - "wrong", - "wrought", - "xerox", - "yack", - "yak", - "yap", - "yaw", - "yawn", - "yearn", - "yell", - "yellow", - "yelp", - "yield", - "yodel", - "yoke", - "yomp", - "yowl", - "yuppify", - "zap", - "zero", - "zigzag", - "zing", - "zip", - "zone", - "zoom"}; -} diff --git a/tests/modules/internet/InternetTest.cpp b/tests/modules/internet/InternetTest.cpp index c518f83b0..54197f732 100644 --- a/tests/modules/internet/InternetTest.cpp +++ b/tests/modules/internet/InternetTest.cpp @@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ #include "internet/InternetData.h" #include "person/PersonData.h" #include "string/StringData.h" -#include "word/data/Adjectives.h" -#include "word/data/Nouns.h" +#include "word/WordData.h" using namespace ::testing; using namespace faker; diff --git a/tests/modules/person/PersonTest.cpp b/tests/modules/person/PersonTest.cpp index 6009406ca..cbcecf3ce 100644 --- a/tests/modules/person/PersonTest.cpp +++ b/tests/modules/person/PersonTest.cpp @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ #include "faker-cxx/types/Country.h" #include "person/PersonData.h" #include "StringHelper.h" -#include "word/data/Nouns.h" +#include "word/WordData.h" using namespace ::testing; using namespace faker; @@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ bool checkTokenFormat(const std::string& bio) { // In this case the bio is in the format {noun} {bio_supporter}, {bio_part} so check that the value is // present in the bio_part vector. - if (std::find(word::nouns.begin(), word::nouns.end(), std::string{matches[1]}) != word::nouns.end() && + if (std::find(word::nouns.begin(), word::nouns.end(), std::string{matches[1]}) != word::nouns.end() && std::find(bioSupporters.begin(), bioSupporters.end(), std::string{matches[2]}) != bioSupporters.end() && std::find(bioParts.begin(), bioParts.end(), std::string{matches[3]}) != bioParts.end()) return true; diff --git a/tests/modules/word/WordTest.cpp b/tests/modules/word/WordTest.cpp index df4b946ae..57f6d595a 100644 --- a/tests/modules/word/WordTest.cpp +++ b/tests/modules/word/WordTest.cpp @@ -7,13 +7,7 @@ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "common/StringHelper.h" -#include "word/data/Adjectives.h" -#include "word/data/Adverbs.h" -#include "word/data/Conjunctions.h" -#include "word/data/Interjections.h" -#include "word/data/Nouns.h" -#include "word/data/Prepositions.h" -#include "word/data/Verbs.h" +#include "word/WordData.h" using namespace faker::word; using namespace ::testing; @@ -21,18 +15,6 @@ using namespace ::testing; class WordTest : public Test { public: - WordTest() - { - allWords.insert(allWords.end(), adjectives.begin(), adjectives.end()); - allWords.insert(allWords.end(), adverbs.begin(), adverbs.end()); - allWords.insert(allWords.end(), conjunctions.begin(), conjunctions.end()); - allWords.insert(allWords.end(), interjections.begin(), interjections.end()); - allWords.insert(allWords.end(), nouns.begin(), nouns.end()); - allWords.insert(allWords.end(), prepositions.begin(), prepositions.end()); - allWords.insert(allWords.end(), verbs.begin(), verbs.end()); - } - - std::vector allWords; }; TEST_F(WordTest, shouldGenerateAdjective) @@ -207,24 +189,24 @@ TEST_F(WordTest, shouldGenerateSample) { const auto generatedSample = sample(); - ASSERT_TRUE( - std::ranges::any_of(allWords, [generatedSample](const std::string& word) { return word == generatedSample; })); + ASSERT_TRUE(std::ranges::any_of(_allWords, [generatedSample](const std::string_view& word) + { return word == generatedSample; })); } TEST_F(WordTest, shouldGenerateSampleWithExistingLength) { const auto generatedSample = sample(5); - ASSERT_TRUE( - std::ranges::any_of(allWords, [generatedSample](const std::string& word) { return word == generatedSample; })); + ASSERT_TRUE(std::ranges::any_of(_allWords, [generatedSample](const std::string_view& word) + { return word == generatedSample; })); } TEST_F(WordTest, shouldGenerateSampleWithNonExistingLength) { const auto generatedSample = sample(100); - ASSERT_TRUE( - std::ranges::any_of(allWords, [generatedSample](const std::string& word) { return word == generatedSample; })); + ASSERT_TRUE(std::ranges::any_of(_allWords, [generatedSample](const std::string_view& word) + { return word == generatedSample; })); } TEST_F(WordTest, shouldGenerateWords) @@ -233,7 +215,6 @@ TEST_F(WordTest, shouldGenerateWords) const auto separatedWords = faker::StringHelper::split(generatedWords, " "); - ASSERT_TRUE(std::ranges::all_of(separatedWords, [this](const std::string& separatedWord) - { return std::ranges::find(allWords, separatedWord) != allWords.end(); })); + ASSERT_TRUE(std::ranges::all_of(separatedWords, [](const std::string& separatedWord) + { return std::ranges::find(_allWords, separatedWord) != _allWords.end(); })); } -