Opensource repository for grid3 projects
- Dictionaries Files to support the cleaning and standardization of data
- POI_processing Main set of pure python code for cleaning and exploring points of interest.
- Utilities Main shared code base for functions used in various pipelines
Download the installer from the anaconda website. An ad to buy the commercial version will pop up, but you can just close that.
The installer default options are all fine. Install spyder or pycharm community
Open anaconda prompt -> Start -> Anaconda3 -> Anaconda Prompt
The prompt will show your current directory.
Run the following commands, one at a time, to create a new Conda environment called geo_env
conda create -n geo_env
conda activate geo_env
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
conda install python=3 geopandas
conda install unidecode pointpats fuzzywuzzy configparser openpyxl rapidfuzz
pip install ordered_set jellyfish
All pipelines require a coresponding .ini file which specifies all our configuration.
Github includes a .ini.template file which specifies the paramaters needed, you should edit as needed. When saving, choose the save as type "all_files" and make sure the file name ends in .ini
The pipeline assumes a configuration file exists in the same directory with [pipeline-name].ini. You can override this by running the pipeline with "-c path\to\config.ini"
Assuming your code is in the directory is D:\git\GRID3
1. launch the Anaconda Prompt
activate geo_env
2. run once:
conda develop D:\git\GRID3
Example of running a matching_pipeline in windows with an optional config:
1. launch the anaconda prompt
activate geo_env
cd git\GRID3
python POI_processing\ -c POI_processing\my_processing_config.ini