All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- No changes yet.
0.2.1 - 2016-07-31
- SolutionInspector.exe is now available on as well (
- SolutionInspector's code now has 100% coverage by tests.
- SolutionInspector now has more options to define which configuration file is to be used:
: Use the SolutionInspector.exe.config file (is and was the default).--configurationFile=Solution
: Use the <SolutionName>.sln.SolutionInspectorConfig file lying next to the inspected solution.--configurationFile=<configFilePath>
: Use the specified configuration file.
- SolutionInspector now has a new command:
initialize [-f|--force] <configFilePath>
- Creates a pristine copy of a SolutionInspector config file at the given path. The command will require confirmation (except when the force flag is used) when the file would be overwritten.
- Changed the way SolutionInspector includes MSBuild DLLs:
- SolutionInspector no longer requires the installation of the MSBuild tools 2015, the DLLs are now directly included.
- SolutionInspector now has better support for project items that contain wildcards (*) in their include/exclude paths or links (IProjectItem has new properties: IsLink, IsIncludedByWildcard, WildcardInclude, WildcardExclude).
- ProjectReferencesMustBeValidRule: Verifies that all ProjectReferences in the project are valid (i.e. point to existing csproj files included in the solution and have the correct project GUID).
- ProjectGuidsMustBeUniqueRule: Verifies that every project in the solution has a unique GUID.
- NuGetReferenceHintPathsMustBeValidRule: Verifies that all NuGet references in the project have correct hint paths (pointing to an actually existing file).
- NonDevelopmentNuGetReferencesShouldHaveIsPrivateSetToTrueRule: Verifies that all non-development NuGet references in the project have their 'IsPrivate' flag (also referred to as 'Copy Local') set to true.
- ProjectItemMustBeIncludedByWildcardRule/ProjectItemMustNotBeIncludedByWildcardRule: Verifies that project items are included/not included by wildcards.
- RequiredResourceLanguagesRule: Checks that all given resource files are localized in all given languages in the project.
- Renamed AllProjectItemsMustBePresentRule to ProjectItemsMustBePresentRule to be more in line with the newly added rules.
0.1.0 - 2016-06-05
- Initial release