This is a simple application for looking up movies and building a collection of favorites. If you'd like to host this project yourself, use the following instructions:
For the frontend, the root folder should be set to /frontend.
- You will need the following .env variable on the frontend:
- VITE_URL The domain name of the backend to concatenate with API calls.
- The front end should be run on Node version 22.6.0 or higher for best results.
- If hosting on a static site platform, you will need to add a Rewrite rule to funnel everything through the index.html file.
- The rewrite source should be /*
- The rewrite destination should be /index.html
For the backend, the root folder should be set to /backend.
- You will need the following .env variable on the backend:
- OMDB_API_KEY The api key for linking to the OMDB service for looking up movie data.
- PRODUCTION_ORIGIN The domain name of the frontend to allow cross origin requests.
- SESSION_SECRET For encrypting user sessions; not very important for this type of application.
The database is SQLite, so you can just reuse the sqlite.db file in the backend folder.