- Assignment: Congress
** Student info:
- Group name: Cool Guys Dont Look At Explosions
- Name1: Jesper Nysteen
- Email1: [email protected]
- Name2: Jacob Cholewa
- Email2: [email protected]
- Operating system: Windows 7
- Compiler: javac 1.7.0_07
- Text editor / IDE: DrJava
** Assignment info: Mark one of the following boxes with an X [X] Yes, to the best of our knowledge, everything works as it should. In particular, our code gives the expected output on the test files. [ ] No, our solution does not work. (We will not get credit for this.) Here's what doesn't work:
- Total hours to complete the assignment (optional): ...
Please check (all are OK) [ ] We wrote our own priority queue, which we include [ ] as a separate .java file [ ] as an inner class [X] We used the queue from java.lang [ ] We used another implementation that we found at ...
** Help List whatever help (if any) that you received, including help from TAs or fellow students. (Such help is allowed, but we want you to acknowledge it.)
** Comments List any other comments here. Feel free to provide any feedback on how much you learned from doing the assignment, and whether you enjoyed doing it. In particular, tell us how this exercise could be improved.