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277 lines (209 loc) · 7.4 KB

File metadata and controls

277 lines (209 loc) · 7.4 KB

User Guide

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Table of Content

  1. Memory Lane
  2. Setting up
  3. Features
  4. Usage
    1. list - List all tasks
    2. find - Search for specific task that contains the search term
    3. todo - Add a todo task to the list
    4. event - Add an event task to the list
    5. deadline - Add a deadline task to the list
    6. done - Mark task as done
    7. delete - Delete a task
    8. clear - Clear the list
    9. help - Print help menu
    10. bye - Exit the program
  5. Command Summary

Memory Lane

A simple task tracker that helps you to remember all that things to do that you chose to forget.

Your second brain.

Setting up

Prerequisites: JDK 11

  1. Download MemoryLane.jar from here.

  2. Move the jar file into an empty folder.

  3. Enter WINDOWS + R and type cmd to run the windows command prompt.

  4. Setup the command prompt as follows:

    1. Right click the top of the Command Prompt window.
    2. Select Properties and under the Font section, scroll down and select NSimSun.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Type the following command chcp 65001 and hit Enter.
  5. Use the cd <directory_path> command to navigate the directory to the folder where MemoryLane.jar is located at.

  6. Type in java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar MemoryLane.jar to run the program.


  • Stores different types of task.
  • Keep track of status of each task.
  • Search for a specific task.
  • Delete tasks that deemed useless.
  • Save all the tasks into local memory.
  • Load tasks from local memory.


list - List all tasks

This command prints the list of tasks added by user and loaded from local memory.

Information in outcome:

  • Type of the task - The letter in the first pair of square brackets.

      T - Todo
      E - Event
      D - Deadline
  • Completion status - Icon in the second pair of square brackets.

  • Description of task - Text after the square brackets.

  • Date and time of task* - In the round brackets .

Only for Events* and Deadlines*

Syntax: list

Example: list

Expected outcome:

Here you go...
1. [D][✓] submit assignment (by: Sep 26 2020 23:59)
2. [E][✘] family dinner (at: Oct 10 2020 18:30)
3. [T][✘] buy groceries 
4. [E][✘] dinner with friends (at: Oct 15 2020 19:00)
5. [D][✘] submit SEP application (by: Oct 09 2020 23:59)
6. [T][✘] drink bbt 
You have 6 items.

find - Search for specific task that contains the search term

This command searches for all tasks that matches with the search term.

Syntax: find <search_term>

Required Option:

  • search_term - Search term.

Information in outcome:

  • Numbers in the bracket are the task number that can be used in done and delete command.

Example: find dinner

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
	1. (2) [E][✘] family dinner (at: Oct 10 2020 18:30)
	2. (4) [E][✘] dinner with friends (at: Oct 15 2020 19:00)

todo - Add a todo task to the list

This command creates a new entry of todo task.

Syntax: todo <task_description>

Required Option:

  • task_description - Description of the task.

Example: todo buy groceries

Expected outcome:

New memory entry: [T][✘] buy groceries 
You have 6 items.

event - Add an event task to the list

This command creates a new entry of event.

Syntax: event <task_description> /at <date_time>

Required Option:

  • task_description - Description of the event.
  • date_time - Date and time of the event.

Support format for date_time: YYYY-MM-DD HHMM

Example: event family dinner /at 2020-10-10 1830

Expected outcome:

New memory entry: [E][✘] family dinner (at: Oct 10 2020 18:30)
You have 7 items.

deadline - Add a deadline task to the list

This command creates a new entry of deadline

Syntax: deadline <task_description> /by <date_time>

Required Option:

  • task_description - Description of the deadline.
  • date_time - Date and time of the deadline.

Support format for date_time: YYYY-MM-DD HHMM

Example: deadline submit assignment /by 2020-09-26 2359

Expected outcome:

New memory entry: [D][✘] submit assignment (by: Sep 26 2020 23:59)
You have 7 items.

done - Mark task as done

This command marks a task as completed.

Syntax: done <task_number>

Required Option:

  • task_number - Task number (Same as the order of task creation).

Example: done 2

Expected outcome:

Okay. [E][✓] dinner with friends (at: Oct 15 2020 19:00) completed.

delete - Delete a task

This command removes a task from the list.

Syntax: delete <task_number>

Required Option:

  • task_number - Task number (Same as the order of task creation).

Example: delete 5

Expected outcome:

Okay. [T][✘] buy groceries  deleted.

clear - Clear the list

This command removes all task from the list.

Syntax: clear

Example: clear

Expected outcome:

Memory cleared.

help - Print help menu

This command prints the help menu.

Syntax: help

Example: help

Expected outcome:

List all tasks.
Usage: list

Clear all tasks.
Usage: clear

Exit the program.
Usage: bye

Mark task as done.
Usage: done <task_number>

Delete a task.
Usage: delete <task_number>

Add a todo task to the list.
Usage: todo <task_description>

Add a deadline task to the list.
Usage: deadline <task_description> /by <date_time>
Supported format for date_time: YYYY-MM-DD HHMM

Add an event task to the list..
Usage: event <task_description> /at <date_time>
Supported format for date_time: YYYY-MM-DD HHMM

Search for specific task that contains the search term..
Usage: find <search_term>

bye - Exit the program

This command exits the program

Syntax: bye

Example: bye

Expected outcome:

Until next time...

Process finished with exit code 0

Command Summary

Command Summary