Run Presto on Azure HDInsight
Run a cutsom action script on existing or new HDInsight hadoop cluster (version 3.5 or above) with following as your bash script URI and run it on "HEAD" and "WORKER":
Now you can SSH to your cluster and start using presto:
presto --schema default
This will connect to hive metastore via hive connector. On a N worker node cluster, you will have N-2 presto worker nodes and 1 coordinator node. The setup also configures TPCH connector, so you can run TPCH queries directly.
To optinally install airpal,
SSH to the cluster and run the following command to know address of the presto server
sudo slider registry --name presto1 --getexp presto
You will see output like following, note the IP:Port.
{ "coordinator_address" : [ { "value" : "", "level" : "application", "updatedTime" : "Sat Feb 25 05:45:14 UTC 2017" }
Click here the below link to add an edge node to the cluster where airpal is going to be installed. Provide Clustername, EdgeNodeSize and PrestoAddress (noted above).
To access the airpal, go to azure portal, your cluster and navigate to Applications and click on portal. You have to login with cluster login credentials.
Does it work with Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS)?
Not yet.
If you want to customize presto (change the memory settings, change connectors etc.),
Create a presto cluster without customization following the steps above.
SSH to the cluster and specify your customizations. The configuration file is located at
Stop and destroy the current running instance of presto.
sudo slider stop presto1 --force sudo slider destroy presto1 --force
Start a new instance of presto with the customizations.
sudo slider create presto1 --template /var/lib/presto/presto-hdinsight-master/appConfig-default.json --resources /var/lib/presto/presto-hdinsight-master/resources-default.json
Wait for the new instance to be ready and note presto coordinator address.
sudo slider registry --name presto1 --getexp presto