A CRUD webapp to store knowledge like Wikipedia, but organize and present it in a way that facilitates prerequisite-by-prerequisite learning.
Deployed on Heroku at lilypad-proto.herokuapp.com.
Written in Clojure with the Compojure web framework. HTML generated with Hiccup. Content stored in a PostgreSQL database.
Table name: nodes
- id, smallserial Internal database ID number, also used for node URLs
- title, text Node name
- prereq, smallint[] Prerequisites, stored as an array of IDs
- desc_is, text Node description: what it is
- desc_does, text Node description: what it does
- desc_use, text Node description: how to use it
- example, text Example(s) of how a node's knowledge can be applied
- comm, text Internal comments for our benefit during development
Generate an empty nodes table:
- in the Leiningen REPL
(sql/db-do-commands DB (sql/create-table-ddl TABLE_KEY [:id :smallserial] [:title :text] [:prereq "smallint[]"] [:desc_is :text] [:desc_does :text] [:desc_use :text] [:example :text] [:comm :text]))
- or analogously in psql (though this may cause permissions issues)
create table nodes (id smallserial, title text, prereq smallint[], desc_is text, desc_does text, desc_use text, example text, comm text);