##2.2.2 Fix gzip validation not to return true if only file extension is gz Make logstash 8/9 compatible Inhouse mixin components BUGFIX for JRuby 9.4+ FEATURE move_to_bucket (PR #82) ##2.2.0 -AWS-SDK-3 update ##2.1.3 -SECURITY: Raise MIXIN to a newer Version -fix: runs now on logstash 7.16 ##2.1.2
- FEATURE: Now it´s possible to use queue urls and names.
- FEATURE: Add sqs long polling config parameter: sqs_wait_time_seconds
- FIX: Valid UTF-8 byte sequences in logs are munged
- CLEANUP: Remove tests. (as a begin for clean testing) ##2.1.1
- FEATURE: Enable Multiregion Support for included S3 client.
- Add region by bucket feature ##2.1.0
- FEATURE: Add S3 metadata -> config :include_object_properties
- FEATURE: Watch for threads in exception state and restart... ##2.0.9 -gzip dectection should return false for files smaller than gzip_signiture_bytes ##2.0.8 -fix nil class error ##2.0.7 -fix gem error ##2.0.6 -fix: fix crash of extender ##2.0.5 -fix: crash on 0 byte file -fix: type by folder function ##2.0.4 -fix: type-by-folder repair -fix: crash on 0 byte file ##2.0.3
- Increase max parsing time -> drop event if reached
- watcher thread should raise an error in poller loop if timeout reached.
- remove some debug logs
##2.0.2 FIX:
- Terminate every input line by \n (BufferedReader does not)
- Wrong input for type folder, leads to empty types ##2.0.1 FIX:
- Deadlock while message decoding
- make method stop? public
##2.0.0 Breaking Changes:
- s3_key_prefix was never functional and will be removed. Actually only used for metadata.folder backward compatibility. config for s3 paths are regex (if not exact match)
- s3_options_by_bucket substitutes all s3_* options We will merge deprecated options into the new structure for one release Changes:
- Refactor plugin structure to be more modular
- Rework threadding design
- introduce s3_options_by_bucket to configure settings (e.g aws_options_hash or type) ##1.6.1
- Fix typo in gzip error logging ##1.6.0
- add a test to tmp file deletion
- revert type folder regex ##1.5.9
- Fix regex for type folder ##1.5.8
- Add some debug and a toggle for delete ##1.5.7
- Remove Debug poutput ##1.5.6 -BugFix ##1.5.5
- Memo to me: better testing :-) Fix msg -> message ##1.5.4
- BugFix ##1.5.3
- Try to fix requeue Problem
- BugFix Set Metadata bucket,key,folder
- Feature: Possibility to fall back to old threadding model by unset consumer_threads
- BugFix: rescue all AWS::S3 errors
- Feature: Use own magicbyte detector (small&fast)
- Feature: Detect filetype with MagicByte
- Bufix: CF Metadata events Bug #7
- Feature: use aws-role for s3 client connection.
Remove from rubygems.org
- BugFix: jRuby > 2 : No return from block
- BugFix: No exit on gzip error
- BugFix: undeclared var in rescue
- Feature: make set_codec_by_folder match as regex e.g.: set_codec_by_folder => { ".*-ELB-logs" => "plain"}
- Fix: skip_delete on S3::Errors::AccessDenied
- Feature: codec per s3 folder
- Feature: Alpha phase: different credentials for s3 / default credentials for sqs
- Feature: Find files folder.
- Fix: Thread shutdown method should kill in case of wakeup fails
- Fix: Last event in file not decorated
- Adjust metadata namings
- Event decoration in private method now.
- Filehandling rewritten THX to logstash-input-s3 for inspiration
- Improve performance of gzip decoding by 10x by using Java's Zlib
- Added multithreading via config Use: consumer_threads in config
- Add codec suggestion by content-type
- enrich metadata
- Fix some bugs
- Add config for s3 folder prefix, auto codec and auto type
- Add config switch for delivery with or without SNS
- Fix a nil exception in message parsing
- Fix loglevel for some debug messages
- Add Account-ID to config
- Fix a Bug in the S3 Key generation
- Enable shipping throug SNS Topic (needs another toJSON)
- Added the ability to remove objects from S3 after processing.
- Workaround an issue with the Ruby autoload that causes "uninitialized constant
" errors.
- Logstash 5 compatibility
- added some metadata to the event (bucket and object name as commited by joshuaspence)
- also try to unzip files ending with ".gz" (ALB logs are zipped but not marked with proper Content-Encoding)
- fix for broken UTF-8 (so we won't lose a whole s3 log file because of a single invalid line, ruby's split will die on those)
- same (because of screwed up rubygems.org release)
- Initial Release