This script is not supported by Checkmarx and edge cases are not tested.
The file bashCxCLI example uses the Checkmarx CLI to run a SAST scan on a folder that combines multiple repositiories of a whitelist of specific file extensions. This should be used as an example only and the repositories, & user specific values need to be replaced.
Additional CxCLI commands can be found usage Complete the following as shown in bashCxCLIexample.txt
- Install wget & unzip
git clone
cd multi-repo-whitelist-scan
- Download CxCLI & unzip
wget -O ./ && unzip ./ && rm
- Generate the CxCLI token replacing <> with your values
sh ./CxConsolePlugin-8.90.2/ GenerateToken -v -CxUser <yourusername> -CxPassword <yourpassword> -CxServer https://<yourcxserver>
- Add the following environment variables replacing <> with your values
- CXSERVER=https://<>
- CXTOKEN=<5ee933c250fca59650db60a65a3b08b4>
- PROJECT=<CxServer\SP\Company\Users\microservices-demo>
- must escape \s in linux for fully qualified project name
- Edit the giturls.txt urls with your git repo urls