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From solo Chaos Engineer to organization Chaos Engineering capability

This simple demo will walk you through how you can benefit from the Chaos Toolkit to start on your journey and get to a team Chaos Engineering capability.

Chaos Engineering is practice as much as a discipline, it takes trials to get your own approach of the topic right. Chaos Toolkit aims at providing a protocol as well as a platform to put you on the right track.


This demo is purposefully simple from an application perspective so that we can focus on the Chaos Engineering side.

Application Design

The application is a simple HTTP endpoint that, when called, returns a JSON payload:

  "svc": "service1",
  "version": "1",
  "timestamp": 1558335507.2725668,
  "count": 2752

The count value is an integer that is incremented by the service everytime you call the endpoint.

Initially, the service, called service1, generates the value on its own. But in a second version, we decide to have another service, called service2, that generates the value while service1 then calls it internally over HTTP to fetch that value to pass it back to the user.

  "svc": "service1",
  "version": "2",
  "timestamp": 1558335867.205336,
  "count": 2802
  "svc": "service2",
  "version": "1",
  "last": 2802

Both services expose as well:

  • a /health endpoint for probing the health of the service
  • a /metrics endpoint for collecting metrics (from Prometheus)

Operational Design

We use Kubernetes to manage our application's lifecycle. Both have their own deployment strategies.

When a new version is rolled out, Kubernetes waits up a certain amount of time before accepting that the new version is allowed to take trafic in.

This allows us to reduce the impact on our users shoudld a new version breaks on deployment.

This demo is going to focus on scenarios around rollouts essentially.

Setup your Environment

This demo is not really difficult to deploy but hasn't been tested against all environments yet. So please report any issue you might encounter.

Create a Kubernetes cluster

You obviously need to start with running a Kubernetes cluster. It does not have to very powerful as we will run a minimal set of pods in there. Our applications have resource limits which are fairly low.

The demo has been tested on Ubuntu 19.04 against a local Kubernetes cluster deployed with microk8s.

As this only works on Linux, you might want to try minikube, k3s or a cloud offering.

Make sure ~/.kube/config is properly configured so that you can query the cluster from your local machine.

Install system dependencies

This demo is concerned about showing you how Chaos Toolkit can integrates smoothly with your existing tooling (observability, CI/CD...). For the purpose of the demo, please install Jaeger and Prometheus in your cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f
git clone
cd kube-prometheus
kubectl apply -f manifests/

Configure your shell environment

Once deployed and running, please make sure the following variables are populated anywhere you will be running Chaos Toolkit:

export JAEGER_HOST=$(kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].status.podIP}' -l app=jaeger)
export PROMETHEUS_URL="http://$(kubectl -n monitoring get svc prometheus-k8s -o=jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'):9090"

In addition, the demo may send logs to a central logging service, such as [Humio][]. Please set these two variables:


If you do not have an account with Humio, or do not wish to create one, simply leave these variables empty.

Finally, we pretend to have a domain called pointing at service1. If you run everything locally, please add the following entry to your /etc/hosts file.

Then add export the following variable:


Deploy the application resources

The last thing is to deploy some resources we'll need for the demo:

$ kubectl apply --record \
    -f manifests/ingress/ \
    -f manifests/prometheus/

Install Chaos Toolkit dependencies

You will need to install the Chaos Toolkit and then its dependencies for this demo:

$ pip3 install -U experiments/requirements.txt

Get Started

A single service...

First, we'll be deploying v1 of our service1. That version generates the counter value on its own.

$ kubectl apply --record \
    -f manifests/deployment/service1.yaml \
    -f manifests/service/service1.yaml

Once deployed, check you can call the service:

$ curl --silent $COUNTER_URL

You should see traces for this service in Jaeger's UI.

Jaeger Service1 v1

A microservice architecture !

We are now moving to a microservice architecture whereby a second service is deployed to actually manage the counter. The first service simply calls that new service to fetch the value and pass it along to users.

$ kubectl apply --record \
    -f manifests/deployment/service2.yaml \
    -f manifests/service/service2.yaml
export SVC2="http://$(kubectl get svc service2 -o=jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'):8000"
$ curl --silent $SVC2

However, for now our first service is not aware of the new service. We update service1's code and deploy v2.

$ kubectl set image deployment service1 service1=lawouach/service1:v2

You should see traces for both services in Jaeger's UI.

Jaeger Service1 v2

At this stage, we are now ready to try various Chaos Engineering scenarios which will surface potential issues when rolling out new versions of service2 and how this impacts service1, potentially thus our users.

Run Chaos Engineering experiments with the Chaos Toolkit

Can we roll the same version of a service without problem?

The hypothesis here is the null hypothesis. Do we impact anyone when we rollout the same version of a service?

The experiment is experiments/rollout-v1-service2.json, run it as follows:

$ cd experiments
$ chaos run --journal-path=v1.json rollout-v1-service2.json

This experiment shows that we do not hurt our users, nor service1 when we rollout the same version which is already running of service2.

Can we roll a new version of a service without problem?

Do we impact anyone when we rollout a newer version of a service?

The experiment is experiments/rollout-v2-service2.json, run it as follows:

$ cd experiments
$ chaos run --journal-path=v2.json rollout-v2-service2.json

This experiment shows that we do not hurt our users, nor service1 when we rollout a new version of service2.

Can we roll a new version of an unhealthy service without problem?

Do we impact anyone when we rollout a newer version of a service that reports being unhealthy to Kubernetes?

The experiment is experiments/rollout-v3-service2.json, run it as follows:

$ cd experiments
$ chaos run --journal-path=v3.json rollout-v3-service2.json

This experiment shows that we do not hurt our users, nor service1 when we rollout a new version of service2 if that new version reports being unhealthy. Kubernetes won't let it be deployed.

Can we roll a new version of a slow service without problem?

Do we impact anyone when we rollout a newer version of a service that reports being healthy to Kubernetes, even if it is too slow and adds latency?

The experiment is experiments/rollout-v4-service2.json, run it as follows:

$ cd experiments
$ chaos run --journal-path=v4.json rollout-v4-service2.json

This experiment shows that we do hurt our users and service1 when we rollout a new version of service2 if that new version reports being healthy but is actually broken because it is now too slow and the latency is not tolerated by service1 which expects a faster response.

Jaeger Service1 v4

Humio v4

Generate a PDF report

You can now generate a report from all those runs:

$ cd experiments
$ docker run \
    --user `id -u` \
    -v `pwd`:/tmp/result \
    -it \
    chaostoolkit/reporting -- report --export-format=pdf v?.json report.pdf

Automate running the experiments with a Kubernetes Job

Finally, you may decide to run the Chaos Toolkit automatically as a Kubernetes Job, or from your CI/CD for instance.

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/job/toolkit-as-kubejob.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f manifests/job/chaostoolkit-rollout-v2-service2.yaml
$ kubectl -n chaostoolkit logs -c chaostoolkit -l app=chaostoolkit