If you are interested to contribute to chaostoolkit-oci, you also need to install some additional libraries:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Your contributions should follow the OCI Python SDK API model for example:
- Compute is under
, - VCN is under
, - MySQL should be under
, and so on.
Commits need to be signed.
You also need to submit tests for your functions. Tests follow the package convention as the OCI Python SDK API model.
To run the tests for the project execute the following:
If you wish to contribute to this project, follow this process:
- Fork this project
- Create your issue branch (issue-xxx)
- Write your code and push to your issue branch.
- Raise a pull request to https://github.com/chaostoolkit-incubator/chaostoolkit-oci/master
The Chaos Toolkit projects require all contributors must sign a Developer Certificate of Origin on each commit they would like to merge into the master branch of the repository. Please, make sure you can abide by the rules of the DCO before submitting a PR.
To run the tests for the project execute the following: