name | category |
NatSpec Status |
The Ethereum (centralised) network status monitor (known sometimes as "eth-netstats") is a web-based application to monitor the health of the testnet/mainnet through a group of nodes.
To list your node, you must install the client-side information relay, a node module. Instructions given here work on Ubuntu (Mac OS X follow same instructions, but sudo may be unnecessary). Other platforms vary (please make sure that nodejs-legacy is also installed, otherwise some modules might fail).
Clone the git repo, then install pm2:
git clone
cd eth-net-intelligence-api
npm install
sudo npm install -g pm2
Then edit the app.json
file in it to configure for your node:
- alter the value to the right of
to the ethereum listening port (default: 30303) - alter the value to the right of
to whatever you wish to name your node; - alter the value to the right of
if you wish to share your contact details - alter the value to the right of
to the rpc port for your node (by default 8545 for both cpp and go); - and alter the value to the right of
to the secret (you'll have to get this off the official skype channel).
Finally run the process with:
pm2 start app.json
Several commands are available:
pm2 list
to display the process status;pm2 logs
to display logs;pm2 gracefulReload node-app
for a soft reload;pm2 stop node-app
to stop the app;pm2 kill
to kill the daemon.
In order to update you have to do the following:
git pull
to pull the latest versionsudo npm update
to update the dependenciespm2 gracefulReload node-app
to reload the client
Fetch and run the build shell. This will install everything you need: latest ethereum - CLI from develop branch (you can choose between eth or geth), node.js, npm & pm2.
bash <(curl
Configure the app modifying processes.json. Note that you have to modify the backup processes.json file located in ./bin/processes.json
(to allow you to set your env vars without being rewritten when updating).
"NODE_ENV" : "production", // tell the client we're in production environment
"RPC_HOST" : "localhost", // eth JSON-RPC host the default is 8545
"RPC_PORT" : "8545", // eth JSON-RPC port
"LISTENING_PORT" : "30303", // eth listening port (only used for display)
"INSTANCE_NAME" : "", // whatever you wish to name your node
"CONTACT_DETAILS" : "", // add your contact details here if you wish (email/skype)
"WS_SERVER" : "wss://", // path to eth-netstats WebSockets api server
"WS_SECRET" : "", // WebSockets api server secret used for login
Run it using pm2:
cd ~/bin
pm2 start processes.json
ethereum (eth or geth) must be running with rpc enabled.
geth --rpc
the default port (if one is not specified) for rpc under geth is 8545
To update the API client use the following command:
It will stop the current netstats client processes, automatically detect your ethereum implementation and version, update it to the latest develop build, update netstats client and reload the processes.