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Kai Koenig edited this page Jul 16, 2017 · 24 revisions


*** Note: deprecated page - this content moves into README with release of CFLint 1.2.0 and will be removed.
*** Please do NOT edit anymore, see @TheRealAgentK for any content changes

Quick Trial

Looking for a quick trial run with CFLint? Download the latest jar (CFLint-0.11.0-all.jar) from It includes everything you need. Just run it as a regular jar from your command line. For many, this is all you will need.


For running it, you just need a Java JRE (1.6+)

For building from source, you will need to have:
 * A JDK (not JRE) installed  
 * Maven ( from
 * [PGP software]-should you require GPG 
 * log4j configured on your machine
  • Ensure your Java is at a suitable version (minimum 1.6, 1.7 preferred)

  • Ensure you have a Java SDK available (Maven can't build off a JRE alone)

  • Install Win4GPG (or Mac equivalent)

  • Create a PGP Certificate (Maven finds this automatically when building CFlint and requires it) note: Newer version of CFLint may not require this

  • Install Maven (again alter the M2_HOME and/or M2 env.vars) (excellent instructions on the Maven site)

  • Download and unzip (from GitHub) or use Git to install

     `git clone`
  • Run <CFLint-master folder>mvn clean install

    Check build output for errors - should see BUILD SUCCESSFUL at the end

Quick way to get a text file output:

    if you are using the cflint-ui.bat (or unix cflint-ui),
    cflint-ui.bat -textfile 
    cflint-ui.bat -textfile c:\temp\out.txt