Using with new optimise-webp-nginx
mode so instead of manually setting IMAGICK_WEBP='y'
as in example at WebP conversion, you can automatically set it from command line and it automatically outputs a sample Nginx vhost configuration so you can conditionally server WebP images to web browsers that support it - example for Nginx. For more info on WebP.
Usage options:
./ {optimise-webp-nginx} /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/WITH/IMAGES
./ {install}
./ {bench}
./ {bench-compare}
./ {bench-webp}
./ {bench-webpcompare}
./ {bench} all
./ {bench-compare} all
./ {bench-webp} all
./ {bench-webpcompare} all
Original Image Profile for images at /home/nginx/domains/
/root/tools/optimise-images/ profile /home/nginx/domains/
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/nginx/domains/
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-300417-190052.log
image : bees.png : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 177424 : root : nginx
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 90 : False : 8 : 207430 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg : 6000 : 4000 : 96 : False : 8 : 10806424 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg : 4000 : 6000 : 90 : False : 8 : 3899287 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 400998 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 456949 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 4032 : 3024 : 92 : False : 8 : 2100858 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1206455 : root : nginx
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 2238 | 1954 | 92 | 2406978 | 19255825 | 18805 |
ImageMagick Resource Limits
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.8-4 Q16 x86_64 2017-04-25
Resource limits:
Width: 214.7MP
Height: 214.7MP
Area: 67.057GP
Memory: 31.226GiB
Map: 62.4521GiB
Disk: unlimited
File: 196608
Thread: 4
Throttle: 0
Time: unlimited
Completion Time: 0.50 seconds
variable controls whether to create the webp copy and IMAGICK_WEBPLOSSLES
controls whether webp copy is lossless or glossy. It defaults to IMAGICK_WEBP='n'
so you need to change the default settings usually.
But with the new optimise-webp-nginx
command, this can be done automatically and a bonus is it outputs a sample Nginx vhost configuration so you can conditionally server WebP images to web browsers that support it - example for Nginx.
Then optimise for images at /home/nginx/domains/
/root/tools/optimise-images/ optimise-webp-nginx /home/nginx/domains/
mode automatically runs the profiler routine listing immediately after the optimisation and will list non-webp and webp images together but report average and total sizes separately. Additionally, a static image gallery named gallery-webp.html
is created in image directory which lists the original optimised file side by side with the webp converted file so you can visually compare the two. You can disable static gallery generation by setting GALLERY_WEBP='n'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en-us'>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>Resized/Optimised vs WebP</title>
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'>
body { font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial; }
#group-wrap { width:100%; max-width:640px; margin:auto 0; text-align:center }
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.group:before,.group:after { content:""; display:table }
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<div id="group-wrap">
<div class="section group">
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="bees.png"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp-thumbnails/bees.png" alt="resized/optimised 444x258 (png 171.18 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">bees.png<br>resized/optimised 444x258 (png 171.18 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="bees.png.webp"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp-thumbnails/bees.png.webp" alt="webp 444x258 (webp 10.27 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">bees.png.webp<br>webp 444x258 (webp 10.27 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp- thumbnails/dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg" alt="resized/optimised 1200x800 (jpg 157.31 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg<br>resized/optimised 1200x800 (jpg 157.31 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg.webp"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp- thumbnails/dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg.webp" alt="webp 1200x800 (webp 60.10 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg.webp<br>webp 1200x800 (webp 60.10 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp-thumbnails/dslr_nikon_d7200_1. jpg" alt="resized/optimised 2048x1365 (jpg 366.16 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg<br>resized/optimised 2048x1365 (jpg 366.16 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg.webp"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp- thumbnails/dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg.webp" alt="webp 2048x1365 (webp 169.34 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg.webp<br>webp 2048x1365 (webp 169.34 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp-thumbnails/dslr_nikon_d7200_2. jpg" alt="resized/optimised 1365x2048 (jpg 504.12 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg<br>resized/optimised 1365x2048 (jpg 504.12 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg.webp"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp- thumbnails/dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg.webp" alt="webp 1365x2048 (webp 207.76 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg.webp<br>webp 1365x2048 (webp 207.76 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="png24-image1.png"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp-thumbnails/png24-image1.png" alt="resized/optimised 600x400 (png 377.01 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">png24-image1.png<br>resized/optimised 600x400 (png 377.01 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="png24-image1.png.webp"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp-thumbnails/png24-image1.png. webp" alt="webp 600x400 (webp 26.46 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">png24-image1.png.webp<br>webp 600x400 (webp 26.46 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="png24-interlaced-image1.png"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp-thumbnails/png24- interlaced-image1.png" alt="resized/optimised 600x400 (png 433.52 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">png24-interlaced-image1.png<br>resized/optimised 600x400 (png 433.52 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="png24-interlaced-image1.png.webp"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp-thumbnails/png24- interlaced-image1.png.webp" alt="webp 600x400 (webp 26.46 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">png24-interlaced-image1.png.webp<br>webp 600x400 (webp 26.46 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp- thumbnails/samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg" alt="resized/optimised 2048x1536 (jpg 250.24 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg<br>resized/optimised 2048x1536 (jpg 250.24 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg.webp"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp- thumbnails/samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg.webp" alt="webp 2048x1536 (webp 67.86 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg.webp<br>webp 2048x1536 (webp 67.86 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="webp-study-source-firebreathing.png"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp-thumbnails/webp- study-source-firebreathing.png" alt="resized/optimised 1024x752 (png 1166.10 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">webp-study-source-firebreathing.png<br>resized/optimised 1024x752 (png 1166.10 KB)</p></div>
<div class="col span_1_of_2"><a href="webp-study-source-firebreathing.png.webp"> <img class="b-lazy" src="" data-src="gallery-webp- thumbnails/webp-study-source-firebreathing.png.webp" alt="webp 1024x752 (webp 70.17 KB)" width="240px" /></a>
<p class="medium-font">webp-study-source-firebreathing.png.webp<br>webp 1024x752 (webp 70.17 KB)</p></div>
<script src="gallery-webp-thumbnails/blazy.min.js"></script>
<script> window.bLazy=new Blazy({ successClass: 'b-loaded',success:function(e){console.log("Element loaded: ",e.nodeName)}}); </script>
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/nginx/domains/
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-020517-193612.log
image : bees.png : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 175296 : root : nginx
image : bees.png.webp : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 10520 : root : nginx
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 161086 : root : nginx
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg.webp : 1200 : 800 : 92 : False : 8 : 61544 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg : 2048 : 1365 : 82 : False : 8 : 374954 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg.webp : 2048 : 1365 : 92 : False : 8 : 173414 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg : 1365 : 2048 : 82 : False : 8 : 516224 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg.webp : 1365 : 2048 : 92 : False : 8 : 212754 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png.webp : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 27104 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 443931 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png.webp : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 27104 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 82 : False : 8 : 256253 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg.webp : 2048 : 1536 : 92 : False : 8 : 69490 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1194091 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png.webp : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 71860 : root : nginx
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1166 | 945 | 87 | 438487 | 3507898 | 3426 |
Optimised WebP Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1166 | 945 | 92 | 81724 | 653790 | 638 |
ImageMagick Resource Limits
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.8-4 Q16 x86_64 2017-04-25
Resource limits:
Width: 214.7MP
Height: 214.7MP
Area: 67.057GP
Memory: 31.226GiB
Map: 62.4521GiB
Disk: unlimited
File: 196608
Thread: 4
Throttle: 0
Time: unlimited
Completion Time: 0.31 seconds
See for more details
sample nginx vhost locaton context for conditional webp serving
create /usr/local/nginx/conf/webp.conf and add to it:
map $http_accept $webpok {
default 0;
"~*webp" 1;
map $http_cf_cache_status $iscf {
default 1;
"" 0;
map $webpok$iscf $webp_extension {
11 "";
10 ".webp";
01 "";
00 "";
add to your nginx.conf i.e. /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf and
include file for /usr/local/nginx/conf/webp.conf within the
http{} context location
include /usr/local/nginx/conf/webp.conf;
Then within your nginx vhost add or append/edit your location for
location /images {
#pagespeed off;
autoindex on;
add_header X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow";
location ~* ^/images/.+\.(png|jpe?g)$ {
expires 30d;
add_header Vary "Accept-Encoding";
add_header Cache-Control "public, no-transform";
try_files $uri$webp_extension $uri =404;
Generated gallery output with original resized/optimised on left and webp converted on right. Images are also now lazy loaded.
When using default IMAGICK_RESIZE='y'
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/nginx/domains/
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-010517-115230.log
image : bees.png : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 175296 : root : nginx
image : bees.png.webp : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 10520 : root : nginx
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 161086 : root : nginx
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg.webp : 1200 : 800 : 92 : False : 8 : 61544 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg : 2048 : 1365 : 82 : False : 8 : 374954 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg.webp : 2048 : 1365 : 92 : False : 8 : 173414 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg : 1365 : 2048 : 82 : False : 8 : 516224 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg.webp : 1365 : 2048 : 92 : False : 8 : 212754 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 386063 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png.webp : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 27104 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 443931 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png.webp : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 27104 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 2048 : 1536 : 82 : False : 8 : 256253 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg.webp : 2048 : 1536 : 92 : False : 8 : 69490 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1194091 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png.webp : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 71860 : root : nginx
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1166 | 945 | 87 | 438487 | 3507898 | 3426 |
Optimised WebP Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 1166 | 945 | 92 | 81724 | 653790 | 638 |
When resizing is disabled to work with original images via IMAGICK_RESIZE='n'
image profile
image name : width : height : quality : transparency : image depth (bits) : size : user: group
images in /home/nginx/domains/
logged at /home/optimise-logs/profile-log-010517-114117.log
image : bees.png : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 175467 : root : nginx
image : bees.png.webp : 444 : 258 : 92 : False : 8 : 10520 : root : nginx
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg : 1200 : 800 : 82 : False : 8 : 164947 : root : nginx
image : dslr_canon_eos_m6_1.jpg.webp : 1200 : 800 : 92 : False : 8 : 61544 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg : 6000 : 4000 : 82 : False : 8 : 3701729 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_1.jpg.webp : 6000 : 4000 : 92 : False : 8 : 1639822 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg : 4000 : 6000 : 82 : False : 8 : 3177146 : root : nginx
image : dslr_nikon_d7200_2.jpg.webp : 4000 : 6000 : 92 : False : 8 : 1094418 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 387519 : root : nginx
image : png24-image1.png.webp : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 27104 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 444852 : root : nginx
image : png24-interlaced-image1.png.webp : 600 : 400 : 92 : False : 8 : 27104 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg : 4032 : 3024 : 82 : False : 8 : 1106190 : root : nginx
image : samsung_s7_mobile_1.jpg.webp : 4032 : 3024 : 92 : False : 8 : 214324 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 1206431 : root : nginx
image : webp-study-source-firebreathing.png.webp : 1024 : 752 : 92 : False : 8 : 71860 : root : nginx
Original or Existing Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 2238 | 1954 | 87 | 1295535 | 10364281 | 10121 |
Optimised WebP Images:
| Avg width | Avg height | Avg quality | Avg size | Total size (Bytes) | Total size (KB) |
| --------- | ---------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | --------------- |
| 2238 | 1954 | 92 | 393337 | 3146696 | 3073 |
Images are also now lazy loaded.
Image State | Avg Width | Avg Height | Avg Quality | Avg Size (bytes) | Total Size (KB) | Reduction |
Original Images | 2238 | 1954 | 92 | 2406978 | 18805 | |
Optimised Default JpegOptim/OptiPNG | 1166 | 945 | 87 | 438487 | 3426 | -81.78% |
Optimised WebP | 1166 | 945 | 92 | 81724 | 638 | -96.61% |