You can use following guide to setup a cluster in a virtual machine.
- Virtualbox
- Vagrant
To start the cluster run following:
vagrant up
At this point the VM will have a single node mesos cluster running.
To ssh in the cluster run following:
vagrant ssh
The password for vagrant user is 'vagrant'.
To setup YARN/Hadoop inside VM, run following:
cd /vagrant
This will create a user hduser in group hadoop. Remember the password that you provide for this user.
Now, do following:
sudo su - hduser
cd /vagrant
If everything goes fine you'll see following processes running (process ids will be different):
9844 Jps
6709 NameNode
6393 JobHistoryServer
6874 DataNode
To build myriad scheduler inside VM, you can do following:
cd /vagrant
./gradlew build
At this point, myriad's scheduler jar and all the runtime dependencies will be available here: /vagrant/build/libs/*. Please copy these jars to $YARN_HOME/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/.
To build self-contained executable JAR, you can run following:
cd /vagrant
./gradlew capsuleExecutor
At this point, the self-contained myriad executor jar will be available here: /vagrant/build/libs/myriad-executor-x.y.z.jar. Please copy this jar to /usr/local/libexec/mesos/.
To configure YARN to use Myriad, please update $YARN_HOME/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml
with following:
<!-- Configure Myriad Scheduler here -->
<description>One can configure other scehdulers as well from following list: com.ebay.myriad.scheduler.yarn.MyriadCapacityScheduler, com.ebay.myriad.scheduler.yarn.MyriadFifoScheduler</description>
To configure Myriad itself, please add following file to $YARN_HOME/etc/hadoop/myriad-default-config.yml
checkpoint: false
frameworkFailoverTimeout: 43200000
frameworkName: MyriadAlpha
nativeLibrary: /usr/local/lib/
zkServers: localhost:2181
zkTimeout: 20000
cpu: 1
mem: 1100
cpu: 2
mem: 2048
cpu: 4
mem: 4096
rebalancer: true
jvmMaxMemoryMB: 1024
user: hduser
cpus: 0.2
cgroups: false
jvmMaxMemoryMB: 256
path: file://localhost/usr/local/libexec/mesos/myriad-executor-0.0.1.jar
To launch Myriad, you can run following:
sudo su hduser start resourcemanager