Represents a {@link google_gkeonprem_bare_metal_cluster}.
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalCluster(scope Construct, id *string, config GkeonpremBareMetalClusterConfig) GkeonpremBareMetalCluster
Name | Type | Description |
scope | |
The scope in which to define this construct. |
id |
*string |
The scoped construct ID. |
config |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterConfig |
No description. |
- Type:
The scope in which to define this construct.
- Type: *string
The scoped construct ID.
Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope
Name | Description |
ToString |
Returns a string representation of this construct. |
AddOverride |
No description. |
OverrideLogicalId |
Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. |
ResetOverrideLogicalId |
Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. |
ToHclTerraform |
No description. |
ToMetadata |
No description. |
ToTerraform |
Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. |
AddMoveTarget |
Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
HasResourceMove |
No description. |
ImportFrom |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
MoveFromId |
Move the resource corresponding to "id" to this resource. |
MoveTo |
Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. |
MoveToId |
Moves this resource to the resource corresponding to "id". |
PutBinaryAuthorization |
No description. |
PutClusterOperations |
No description. |
PutControlPlane |
No description. |
PutLoadBalancer |
No description. |
PutMaintenanceConfig |
No description. |
PutNetworkConfig |
No description. |
PutNodeAccessConfig |
No description. |
PutNodeConfig |
No description. |
PutOsEnvironmentConfig |
No description. |
PutProxy |
No description. |
PutSecurityConfig |
No description. |
PutStorage |
No description. |
PutTimeouts |
No description. |
PutUpgradePolicy |
No description. |
ResetAnnotations |
No description. |
ResetBinaryAuthorization |
No description. |
ResetClusterOperations |
No description. |
ResetDescription |
No description. |
ResetId |
No description. |
ResetMaintenanceConfig |
No description. |
ResetNodeAccessConfig |
No description. |
ResetNodeConfig |
No description. |
ResetOsEnvironmentConfig |
No description. |
ResetProject |
No description. |
ResetProxy |
No description. |
ResetSecurityConfig |
No description. |
ResetTimeouts |
No description. |
ResetUpgradePolicy |
No description. |
func ToString() *string
Returns a string representation of this construct.
func AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
- Type: *string
- Type: interface{}
func OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
- Type: *string
The new logical ID to use for this stack element.
func ResetOverrideLogicalId()
Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again.
func ToHclTerraform() interface{}
func ToMetadata() interface{}
func ToTerraform() interface{}
Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output.
func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string)
Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move.
- Type: *string
The string move target that will correspond to this resource.
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func HasResourceMove() interface{}
func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider)
- Type: *string
- Type:
func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func MoveFromId(id *string)
Move the resource corresponding to "id" to this resource.
Note that the resource being moved from must be marked as moved using it's instance function.
- Type: *string
Full id of resource being moved from, e.g. "aws_s3_bucket.example".
func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{})
Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget.
- Type: *string
The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to.
- Type: interface{}
Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to.
func MoveToId(id *string)
Moves this resource to the resource corresponding to "id".
- Type: *string
Full id of resource to move to, e.g. "aws_s3_bucket.example".
func PutBinaryAuthorization(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterBinaryAuthorization)
func PutClusterOperations(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterClusterOperations)
func PutControlPlane(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlane)
func PutLoadBalancer(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancer)
func PutMaintenanceConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterMaintenanceConfig)
func PutNetworkConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfig)
func PutNodeAccessConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeAccessConfig)
func PutNodeConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeConfig)
func PutOsEnvironmentConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterOsEnvironmentConfig)
func PutProxy(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterProxy)
func PutSecurityConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfig)
func PutStorage(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorage)
func PutTimeouts(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterTimeouts)
func PutUpgradePolicy(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterUpgradePolicy)
func ResetAnnotations()
func ResetBinaryAuthorization()
func ResetClusterOperations()
func ResetDescription()
func ResetId()
func ResetMaintenanceConfig()
func ResetNodeAccessConfig()
func ResetNodeConfig()
func ResetOsEnvironmentConfig()
func ResetProject()
func ResetProxy()
func ResetSecurityConfig()
func ResetTimeouts()
func ResetUpgradePolicy()
Name | Description |
IsConstruct |
Checks if x is a construct. |
IsTerraformElement |
No description. |
IsTerraformResource |
No description. |
GenerateConfigForImport |
Generates CDKTF code for importing a GkeonpremBareMetalCluster resource upon running "cdktf plan ". |
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalCluster_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool
Checks if x
is a construct.
Use this method instead of instanceof
to properly detect Construct
instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.
Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the constructs
library on
disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a
consequence, the class Construct
in each copy of the constructs
is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as
the other class. npm install
will not create installations
like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or
use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the constructs
library can be accidentally installed, and instanceof
will behave
unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using instanceof
, and using
this type-testing method instead.
- Type: interface{}
Any object.
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalCluster_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalCluster_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalCluster_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource
Generates CDKTF code for importing a GkeonpremBareMetalCluster resource upon running "cdktf plan ".
- Type:
The scope in which to define this construct.
- Type: *string
The construct id used in the generated config for the GkeonpremBareMetalCluster to import.
- Type: *string
The id of the existing GkeonpremBareMetalCluster that should be imported.
Refer to the {@link import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
- Type:
? Optional instance of the provider where the GkeonpremBareMetalCluster to import is found.
func Node() Node
- Type:
The tree node.
func CdktfStack() TerraformStack
- Type:
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func FriendlyUniqueId() *string
- Type: *string
func TerraformMetaArguments() *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *map[string]interface{}
func TerraformResourceType() *string
- Type: *string
func TerraformGeneratorMetadata() TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata
- Type:
func Connection() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Count() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func DependsOn() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func ForEach() ITerraformIterator
- Type:
func Lifecycle() TerraformResourceLifecycle
- Type:
func Provider() TerraformProvider
- Type:
func Provisioners() *[]interface{}
- Type: *[]interface{}
func BinaryAuthorization() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterBinaryAuthorizationOutputReference
func ClusterOperations() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterClusterOperationsOutputReference
func ControlPlane() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneOutputReference
func CreateTime() *string
- Type: *string
func DeleteTime() *string
- Type: *string
func EffectiveAnnotations() StringMap
- Type:
func Endpoint() *string
- Type: *string
func Etag() *string
- Type: *string
func Fleet() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterFleetList
func LoadBalancer() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerOutputReference
func LocalName() *string
- Type: *string
func MaintenanceConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterMaintenanceConfigOutputReference
func NetworkConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigOutputReference
func NodeAccessConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeAccessConfigOutputReference
func NodeConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeConfigOutputReference
func OsEnvironmentConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterOsEnvironmentConfigOutputReference
func Proxy() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterProxyOutputReference
func Reconciling() IResolvable
- Type:
func SecurityConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigOutputReference
func State() *string
- Type: *string
func Status() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusList
func Storage() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageOutputReference
func Timeouts() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterTimeoutsOutputReference
func Uid() *string
- Type: *string
func UpdateTime() *string
- Type: *string
func UpgradePolicy() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterUpgradePolicyOutputReference
func ValidationCheck() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckList
func AdminClusterMembershipInput() *string
- Type: *string
func AnnotationsInput() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func BareMetalVersionInput() *string
- Type: *string
func BinaryAuthorizationInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterBinaryAuthorization
func ClusterOperationsInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterClusterOperations
func ControlPlaneInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlane
func DescriptionInput() *string
- Type: *string
func IdInput() *string
- Type: *string
func LoadBalancerInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancer
func LocationInput() *string
- Type: *string
func MaintenanceConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterMaintenanceConfig
func NameInput() *string
- Type: *string
func NetworkConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfig
func NodeAccessConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeAccessConfig
func NodeConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeConfig
func OsEnvironmentConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterOsEnvironmentConfig
func ProjectInput() *string
- Type: *string
func ProxyInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterProxy
func SecurityConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfig
func StorageInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorage
func TimeoutsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func UpgradePolicyInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterUpgradePolicy
func AdminClusterMembership() *string
- Type: *string
func Annotations() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func BareMetalVersion() *string
- Type: *string
func Description() *string
- Type: *string
func Id() *string
- Type: *string
func Location() *string
- Type: *string
func Name() *string
- Type: *string
func Project() *string
- Type: *string
Name | Type | Description |
TfResourceType |
*string |
No description. |
func TfResourceType() *string
- Type: *string
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterBinaryAuthorization {
EvaluationMode: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
EvaluationMode |
*string |
Mode of operation for binauthz policy evaluation. If unspecified, defaults to DISABLED. Possible values: ["DISABLED", "PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE"]. |
EvaluationMode *string
- Type: *string
Mode of operation for binauthz policy evaluation. If unspecified, defaults to DISABLED. Possible values: ["DISABLED", "PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE"].
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#evaluation_mode}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterClusterOperations {
EnableApplicationLogs: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
EnableApplicationLogs |
interface{} |
Whether collection of application logs/metrics should be enabled (in addition to system logs/metrics). |
EnableApplicationLogs interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Whether collection of application logs/metrics should be enabled (in addition to system logs/metrics).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#enable_application_logs}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterConfig {
Connection: interface{},
Count: interface{},
DependsOn: *[],
Provisioners: *[]interface{},
AdminClusterMembership: *string,
BareMetalVersion: *string,
Location: *string,
Name: *string,
Annotations: *map[string]*string,
Description: *string,
Id: *string,
Project: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Connection |
interface{} |
No description. |
Count |
interface{} |
No description. |
DependsOn |
*[] |
No description. |
ForEach | |
No description. |
Lifecycle | |
No description. |
Provider | |
No description. |
Provisioners |
*[]interface{} |
No description. |
AdminClusterMembership |
*string |
The Admin Cluster this Bare Metal User Cluster belongs to. |
BareMetalVersion |
*string |
A human readable description of this Bare Metal User Cluster. |
ControlPlane |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlane |
control_plane block. |
LoadBalancer |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancer |
load_balancer block. |
Location |
*string |
The location of the resource. |
Name |
*string |
The bare metal cluster name. |
NetworkConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfig |
network_config block. |
Storage |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorage |
storage block. |
Annotations |
*map[string]*string |
Annotations on the Bare Metal User Cluster. |
BinaryAuthorization |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterBinaryAuthorization |
binary_authorization block. |
ClusterOperations |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterClusterOperations |
cluster_operations block. |
Description |
*string |
A human readable description of this Bare Metal User Cluster. |
Id |
*string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#id}. |
MaintenanceConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterMaintenanceConfig |
maintenance_config block. |
NodeAccessConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeAccessConfig |
node_access_config block. |
NodeConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeConfig |
node_config block. |
OsEnvironmentConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterOsEnvironmentConfig |
os_environment_config block. |
Project |
*string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#project}. |
Proxy |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterProxy |
proxy block. |
SecurityConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfig |
security_config block. |
Timeouts |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterTimeouts |
timeouts block. |
UpgradePolicy |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterUpgradePolicy |
upgrade_policy block. |
Connection interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Count interface{}
- Type: interface{}
DependsOn *[]ITerraformDependable
- Type: *[]
ForEach ITerraformIterator
- Type:
Lifecycle TerraformResourceLifecycle
- Type:
Provider TerraformProvider
- Type:
Provisioners *[]interface{}
- Type: *[]interface{}
AdminClusterMembership *string
- Type: *string
The Admin Cluster this Bare Metal User Cluster belongs to.
This is the full resource name of the Admin Cluster's hub membership.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#admin_cluster_membership}
BareMetalVersion *string
- Type: *string
A human readable description of this Bare Metal User Cluster.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#bare_metal_version}
ControlPlane GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlane
control_plane block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#control_plane}
LoadBalancer GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancer
load_balancer block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#load_balancer}
Location *string
- Type: *string
The location of the resource.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#location}
Name *string
- Type: *string
The bare metal cluster name.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#name}
NetworkConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfig
network_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#network_config}
Storage GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorage
storage block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#storage}
Annotations *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
Annotations on the Bare Metal User Cluster.
This field has the same restrictions as Kubernetes annotations. The total size of all keys and values combined is limited to 256k. Key can have 2 segments: prefix (optional) and name (required), separated by a slash (/). Prefix must be a DNS subdomain. Name must be 63 characters or less, begin and end with alphanumerics, with dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between.
Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the annotations present in your configuration. Please refer to the field 'effective_annotations' for all of the annotations present on the resource.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#annotations}
BinaryAuthorization GkeonpremBareMetalClusterBinaryAuthorization
binary_authorization block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#binary_authorization}
ClusterOperations GkeonpremBareMetalClusterClusterOperations
cluster_operations block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#cluster_operations}
Description *string
- Type: *string
A human readable description of this Bare Metal User Cluster.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#description}
Id *string
- Type: *string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#id}.
Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
MaintenanceConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterMaintenanceConfig
maintenance_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#maintenance_config}
NodeAccessConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeAccessConfig
node_access_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_access_config}
NodeConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeConfig
node_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_config}
OsEnvironmentConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterOsEnvironmentConfig
os_environment_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#os_environment_config}
Project *string
- Type: *string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#project}.
Proxy GkeonpremBareMetalClusterProxy
proxy block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#proxy}
SecurityConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfig
security_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#security_config}
Timeouts GkeonpremBareMetalClusterTimeouts
timeouts block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#timeouts}
UpgradePolicy GkeonpremBareMetalClusterUpgradePolicy
upgrade_policy block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#upgrade_policy}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlane {
ApiServerArgs: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
ControlPlaneNodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfig |
control_plane_node_pool_config block. |
ApiServerArgs |
interface{} |
api_server_args block. |
ControlPlaneNodePoolConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfig
control_plane_node_pool_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#control_plane_node_pool_config}
ApiServerArgs interface{}
- Type: interface{}
api_server_args block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#api_server_args}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneApiServerArgs {
Argument: *string,
Value: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Argument |
*string |
The argument name as it appears on the API Server command line please make sure to remove the leading dashes. |
Value |
*string |
The value of the arg as it will be passed to the API Server command line. |
Argument *string
- Type: *string
The argument name as it appears on the API Server command line please make sure to remove the leading dashes.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#argument}
Value *string
- Type: *string
The value of the arg as it will be passed to the API Server command line.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#value}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfig {
Name | Type | Description |
NodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig |
node_pool_config block. |
NodePoolConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig
node_pool_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_pool_config}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig {
Labels: *map[string]*string,
NodeConfigs: interface{},
OperatingSystem: *string,
Taints: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. |
NodeConfigs |
interface{} |
node_configs block. |
OperatingSystem |
*string |
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX). |
Taints |
interface{} |
taints block. |
Labels *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node.
These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node. In case of conflict in label keys, the applied set may differ depending on the Kubernetes version -- it's best to assume the behavior is undefined and conflicts should be avoided. For more information, including usage and the valid values, see:
- An object containing a list of "key": value pairs. For example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1.3kg", "count": "3" }.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#labels}
NodeConfigs interface{}
- Type: interface{}
node_configs block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_configs}
OperatingSystem *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#operating_system}
Taints interface{}
- Type: interface{}
taints block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#taints}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigs {
Labels: *map[string]*string,
NodeIp: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. |
NodeIp |
*string |
The default IPv4 address for SSH access and Kubernetes node. Example: |
Labels *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node.
These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node. In case of conflict in label keys, the applied set may differ depending on the Kubernetes version -- it's best to assume the behavior is undefined and conflicts should be avoided. For more information, including usage and the valid values, see:
- An object containing a list of "key": value pairs. Example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1.3kg", "count": "3" }.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#labels}
NodeIp *string
- Type: *string
The default IPv4 address for SSH access and Kubernetes node. Example:
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_ip}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaints {
Effect: *string,
Key: *string,
Value: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Effect |
*string |
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX). Possible values: ["EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED", "PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE", "NO_EXECUTE"]. |
Key |
*string |
Key associated with the effect. |
Value |
*string |
Value associated with the effect. |
Effect *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX). Possible values: ["EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED", "PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE", "NO_EXECUTE"].
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#effect}
Key *string
- Type: *string
Key associated with the effect.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#key}
Value *string
- Type: *string
Value associated with the effect.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#value}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterFleet {
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancer {
Name | Type | Description |
PortConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerPortConfig |
port_config block. |
VipConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerVipConfig |
vip_config block. |
BgpLbConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfig |
bgp_lb_config block. |
ManualLbConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerManualLbConfig |
manual_lb_config block. |
MetalLbConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfig |
metal_lb_config block. |
PortConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerPortConfig
port_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#port_config}
VipConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerVipConfig
vip_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#vip_config}
BgpLbConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfig
bgp_lb_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#bgp_lb_config}
ManualLbConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerManualLbConfig
manual_lb_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#manual_lb_config}
MetalLbConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfig
metal_lb_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#metal_lb_config}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfig {
AddressPools: interface{},
Asn: *f64,
BgpPeerConfigs: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
AddressPools |
interface{} |
address_pools block. |
Asn |
*f64 |
BGP autonomous system number (ASN) of the cluster. This field can be updated after cluster creation. |
BgpPeerConfigs |
interface{} |
bgp_peer_configs block. |
LoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
load_balancer_node_pool_config block. |
AddressPools interface{}
- Type: interface{}
address_pools block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#address_pools}
Asn *f64
- Type: *f64
BGP autonomous system number (ASN) of the cluster. This field can be updated after cluster creation.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#asn}
BgpPeerConfigs interface{}
- Type: interface{}
bgp_peer_configs block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#bgp_peer_configs}
LoadBalancerNodePoolConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig
load_balancer_node_pool_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#load_balancer_node_pool_config}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigAddressPools {
Addresses: *[]*string,
Pool: *string,
AvoidBuggyIps: interface{},
ManualAssign: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Addresses |
*[]*string |
The addresses that are part of this pool. |
Pool |
*string |
The name of the address pool. |
AvoidBuggyIps |
interface{} |
If true, avoid using IPs ending in .0 or .255. This avoids buggy consumer devices mistakenly dropping IPv4 traffic for those special IP addresses. |
ManualAssign |
*string |
If true, prevent IP addresses from being automatically assigned. |
Addresses *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The addresses that are part of this pool.
Each address must be either in the CIDR form ( or range form (
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#addresses}
Pool *string
- Type: *string
The name of the address pool.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#pool}
AvoidBuggyIps interface{}
- Type: interface{}
If true, avoid using IPs ending in .0 or .255. This avoids buggy consumer devices mistakenly dropping IPv4 traffic for those special IP addresses.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#avoid_buggy_ips}
ManualAssign *string
- Type: *string
If true, prevent IP addresses from being automatically assigned.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#manual_assign}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigBgpPeerConfigs {
Asn: *f64,
IpAddress: *string,
ControlPlaneNodes: *[]*string,
Name | Type | Description |
Asn |
*f64 |
BGP autonomous system number (ASN) for the network that contains the external peer device. |
IpAddress |
*string |
The IP address of the external peer device. |
ControlPlaneNodes |
*[]*string |
The IP address of the control plane node that connects to the external peer. |
Asn *f64
- Type: *f64
BGP autonomous system number (ASN) for the network that contains the external peer device.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#asn}
IpAddress *string
- Type: *string
The IP address of the external peer device.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#ip_address}
ControlPlaneNodes *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The IP address of the control plane node that connects to the external peer.
If you don't specify any control plane nodes, all control plane nodes can connect to the external peer. If you specify one or more IP addresses, only the nodes specified participate in peering sessions.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#control_plane_nodes}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig {
Name | Type | Description |
NodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig |
node_pool_config block. |
NodePoolConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig
node_pool_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_pool_config}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig {
Labels: *map[string]*string,
NodeConfigs: interface{},
OperatingSystem: *string,
Taints: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
KubeletConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigKubeletConfig |
kubelet_config block. |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. |
NodeConfigs |
interface{} |
node_configs block. |
OperatingSystem |
*string |
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX). |
Taints |
interface{} |
taints block. |
KubeletConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigKubeletConfig
kubelet_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#kubelet_config}
Labels *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node.
These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node. In case of conflict in label keys, the applied set may differ depending on the Kubernetes version -- it's best to assume the behavior is undefined and conflicts should be avoided. For more information, including usage and the valid values, see:
- An object containing a list of "key": value pairs. For example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1.3kg", "count": "3" }.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#labels}
NodeConfigs interface{}
- Type: interface{}
node_configs block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_configs}
OperatingSystem *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#operating_system}
Taints interface{}
- Type: interface{}
taints block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#taints}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigKubeletConfig {
RegistryBurst: *f64,
RegistryPullQps: *f64,
SerializeImagePullsDisabled: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
RegistryBurst |
*f64 |
The maximum size of bursty pulls, temporarily allows pulls to burst to this number, while still not exceeding registry_pull_qps. |
RegistryPullQps |
*f64 |
The limit of registry pulls per second. |
SerializeImagePullsDisabled |
interface{} |
Prevents the Kubelet from pulling multiple images at a time. |
RegistryBurst *f64
- Type: *f64
The maximum size of bursty pulls, temporarily allows pulls to burst to this number, while still not exceeding registry_pull_qps.
The value must not be a negative number. Updating this field may impact scalability by changing the amount of traffic produced by image pulls. Defaults to 10.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#registry_burst}
RegistryPullQps *f64
- Type: *f64
The limit of registry pulls per second.
Setting this value to 0 means no limit. Updating this field may impact scalability by changing the amount of traffic produced by image pulls. Defaults to 5.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#registry_pull_qps}
SerializeImagePullsDisabled interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Prevents the Kubelet from pulling multiple images at a time.
We recommend not changing the default value on nodes that run docker daemon with version < 1.9 or an Another Union File System (Aufs) storage backend. Issue kubernetes/kubernetes#10959 has more details.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#serialize_image_pulls_disabled}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigs {
Labels: *map[string]*string,
NodeIp: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. |
NodeIp |
*string |
The default IPv4 address for SSH access and Kubernetes node. Example: |
Labels *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node.
These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node. In case of conflict in label keys, the applied set may differ depending on the Kubernetes version -- it's best to assume the behavior is undefined and conflicts should be avoided. For more information, including usage and the valid values, see:
- An object containing a list of "key": value pairs. For example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1.3kg", "count": "3" }.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#labels}
NodeIp *string
- Type: *string
The default IPv4 address for SSH access and Kubernetes node. Example:
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_ip}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaints {
Effect: *string,
Key: *string,
Value: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Effect |
*string |
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX). Possible values: ["EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED", "PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE", "NO_EXECUTE"]. |
Key |
*string |
Key associated with the effect. |
Value |
*string |
Value associated with the effect. |
Effect *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX). Possible values: ["EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED", "PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE", "NO_EXECUTE"].
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#effect}
Key *string
- Type: *string
Key associated with the effect.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#key}
Value *string
- Type: *string
Value associated with the effect.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#value}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerManualLbConfig {
Enabled: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
Enabled |
interface{} |
Whether manual load balancing is enabled. |
Enabled interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Whether manual load balancing is enabled.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#enabled}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfig {
AddressPools: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
AddressPools |
interface{} |
address_pools block. |
LoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
load_balancer_node_pool_config block. |
AddressPools interface{}
- Type: interface{}
address_pools block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#address_pools}
LoadBalancerNodePoolConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig
load_balancer_node_pool_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#load_balancer_node_pool_config}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigAddressPools {
Addresses: *[]*string,
Pool: *string,
AvoidBuggyIps: interface{},
ManualAssign: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
Addresses |
*[]*string |
The addresses that are part of this pool. |
Pool |
*string |
The name of the address pool. |
AvoidBuggyIps |
interface{} |
If true, avoid using IPs ending in .0 or .255. This avoids buggy consumer devices mistakenly dropping IPv4 traffic for those special IP addresses. |
ManualAssign |
interface{} |
If true, prevent IP addresses from being automatically assigned. |
Addresses *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The addresses that are part of this pool.
Each address must be either in the CIDR form ( or range form (
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#addresses}
Pool *string
- Type: *string
The name of the address pool.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#pool}
AvoidBuggyIps interface{}
- Type: interface{}
If true, avoid using IPs ending in .0 or .255. This avoids buggy consumer devices mistakenly dropping IPv4 traffic for those special IP addresses.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#avoid_buggy_ips}
ManualAssign interface{}
- Type: interface{}
If true, prevent IP addresses from being automatically assigned.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#manual_assign}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig {
Name | Type | Description |
NodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig |
node_pool_config block. |
NodePoolConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig
node_pool_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_pool_config}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig {
Labels: *map[string]*string,
NodeConfigs: interface{},
OperatingSystem: *string,
Taints: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. |
NodeConfigs |
interface{} |
node_configs block. |
OperatingSystem |
*string |
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX). |
Taints |
interface{} |
taints block. |
Labels *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node.
These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node. In case of conflict in label keys, the applied set may differ depending on the Kubernetes version -- it's best to assume the behavior is undefined and conflicts should be avoided. For more information, including usage and the valid values, see:
- An object containing a list of "key": value pairs. For example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1.3kg", "count": "3" }.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#labels}
NodeConfigs interface{}
- Type: interface{}
node_configs block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_configs}
OperatingSystem *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#operating_system}
Taints interface{}
- Type: interface{}
taints block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#taints}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigs {
Labels: *map[string]*string,
NodeIp: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. |
NodeIp |
*string |
The default IPv4 address for SSH access and Kubernetes node. Example: |
Labels *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node.
These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node. In case of conflict in label keys, the applied set may differ depending on the Kubernetes version -- it's best to assume the behavior is undefined and conflicts should be avoided. For more information, including usage and the valid values, see:
- An object containing a list of "key": value pairs. For example: { "name": "wrench", "mass": "1.3kg", "count": "3" }.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#labels}
NodeIp *string
- Type: *string
The default IPv4 address for SSH access and Kubernetes node. Example:
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#node_ip}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaints {
Effect: *string,
Key: *string,
Value: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Effect |
*string |
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX). Possible values: ["EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED", "PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE", "NO_EXECUTE"]. |
Key |
*string |
Key associated with the effect. |
Value |
*string |
Value associated with the effect. |
Effect *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the nodes operating system (default: LINUX). Possible values: ["EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED", "PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE", "NO_EXECUTE"].
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#effect}
Key *string
- Type: *string
Key associated with the effect.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#key}
Value *string
- Type: *string
Value associated with the effect.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#value}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerPortConfig {
ControlPlaneLoadBalancerPort: *f64,
Name | Type | Description |
ControlPlaneLoadBalancerPort |
*f64 |
The port that control plane hosted load balancers will listen on. |
ControlPlaneLoadBalancerPort *f64
- Type: *f64
The port that control plane hosted load balancers will listen on.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#control_plane_load_balancer_port}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerVipConfig {
ControlPlaneVip: *string,
IngressVip: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
ControlPlaneVip |
*string |
The VIP which you previously set aside for the Kubernetes API of this Bare Metal User Cluster. |
IngressVip |
*string |
The VIP which you previously set aside for ingress traffic into this Bare Metal User Cluster. |
ControlPlaneVip *string
- Type: *string
The VIP which you previously set aside for the Kubernetes API of this Bare Metal User Cluster.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#control_plane_vip}
IngressVip *string
- Type: *string
The VIP which you previously set aside for ingress traffic into this Bare Metal User Cluster.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#ingress_vip}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterMaintenanceConfig {
MaintenanceAddressCidrBlocks: *[]*string,
Name | Type | Description |
MaintenanceAddressCidrBlocks |
*[]*string |
All IPv4 address from these ranges will be placed into maintenance mode. |
MaintenanceAddressCidrBlocks *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
All IPv4 address from these ranges will be placed into maintenance mode.
Nodes in maintenance mode will be cordoned and drained. When both of these are true, the "" annotation will be set on the node resource.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#maintenance_address_cidr_blocks}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfig {
AdvancedNetworking: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
AdvancedNetworking |
interface{} |
Enables the use of advanced Anthos networking features, such as Bundled Load Balancing with BGP or the egress NAT gateway. |
IslandModeCidr |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidr |
island_mode_cidr block. |
MultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig |
multiple_network_interfaces_config block. |
SrIovConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfig |
sr_iov_config block. |
AdvancedNetworking interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Enables the use of advanced Anthos networking features, such as Bundled Load Balancing with BGP or the egress NAT gateway.
Setting configuration for advanced networking features will automatically set this flag.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#advanced_networking}
IslandModeCidr GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidr
island_mode_cidr block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#island_mode_cidr}
MultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig
multiple_network_interfaces_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#multiple_network_interfaces_config}
SrIovConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfig
sr_iov_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#sr_iov_config}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidr {
PodAddressCidrBlocks: *[]*string,
ServiceAddressCidrBlocks: *[]*string,
Name | Type | Description |
PodAddressCidrBlocks |
*[]*string |
All pods in the cluster are assigned an RFC1918 IPv4 address from these ranges. |
ServiceAddressCidrBlocks |
*[]*string |
All services in the cluster are assigned an RFC1918 IPv4 address from these ranges. |
PodAddressCidrBlocks *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
All pods in the cluster are assigned an RFC1918 IPv4 address from these ranges.
This field cannot be changed after creation.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#pod_address_cidr_blocks}
ServiceAddressCidrBlocks *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
All services in the cluster are assigned an RFC1918 IPv4 address from these ranges.
This field cannot be changed after creation.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#service_address_cidr_blocks}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig {
Enabled: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
Enabled |
interface{} |
Whether to enable multiple network interfaces for your pods. When set network_config.advanced_networking is automatically set to true. |
Enabled interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Whether to enable multiple network interfaces for your pods. When set network_config.advanced_networking is automatically set to true.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#enabled}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfig {
Enabled: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
Enabled |
interface{} |
Whether to install the SR-IOV operator. |
Enabled interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Whether to install the SR-IOV operator.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#enabled}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeAccessConfig {
LoginUser: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
LoginUser |
*string |
LoginUser is the user name used to access node machines. It defaults to "root" if not set. |
LoginUser *string
- Type: *string
LoginUser is the user name used to access node machines. It defaults to "root" if not set.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#login_user}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeConfig {
ContainerRuntime: *string,
MaxPodsPerNode: *f64,
Name | Type | Description |
ContainerRuntime |
*string |
The available runtimes that can be used to run containers in a Bare Metal User Cluster. |
MaxPodsPerNode |
*f64 |
The maximum number of pods a node can run. |
ContainerRuntime *string
- Type: *string
The available runtimes that can be used to run containers in a Bare Metal User Cluster.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#container_runtime}
MaxPodsPerNode *f64
- Type: *f64
The maximum number of pods a node can run.
The size of the CIDR range assigned to the node will be derived from this parameter.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#max_pods_per_node}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterOsEnvironmentConfig {
PackageRepoExcluded: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
PackageRepoExcluded |
interface{} |
Whether the package repo should not be included when initializing bare metal machines. |
PackageRepoExcluded interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Whether the package repo should not be included when initializing bare metal machines.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#package_repo_excluded}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterProxy {
Uri: *string,
NoProxy: *[]*string,
Name | Type | Description |
Uri |
*string |
Specifies the address of your proxy server. |
NoProxy |
*[]*string |
A list of IPs, hostnames, and domains that should skip the proxy. For example ["", "", ".corp", "localhost"]. |
Uri *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the address of your proxy server.
For example: http://domain WARNING: Do not provide credentials in the format of http://(username:password@)domain these will be rejected by the server.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#uri}
NoProxy *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
A list of IPs, hostnames, and domains that should skip the proxy. For example ["", "", ".corp", "localhost"].
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#no_proxy}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfig {
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorization |
authorization block. |
Authorization GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorization
authorization block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#authorization}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorization {
AdminUsers: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
AdminUsers |
interface{} |
admin_users block. |
AdminUsers interface{}
- Type: interface{}
admin_users block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#admin_users}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationAdminUsers {
Username: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Username |
*string |
The name of the user, e.g. ''. |
Username *string
- Type: *string
The name of the user, e.g. ''.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#username}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatus {
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusConditions {
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorage {
Name | Type | Description |
LvpNodeMountsConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfig |
lvp_node_mounts_config block. |
LvpShareConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfig |
lvp_share_config block. |
LvpNodeMountsConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfig
lvp_node_mounts_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#lvp_node_mounts_config}
LvpShareConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfig
lvp_share_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#lvp_share_config}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfig {
Path: *string,
StorageClass: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Path |
*string |
The host machine path. |
StorageClass |
*string |
The StorageClass name that PVs will be created with. |
Path *string
- Type: *string
The host machine path.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#path}
StorageClass *string
- Type: *string
The StorageClass name that PVs will be created with.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#storage_class}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfig {
SharedPathPvCount: *f64,
Name | Type | Description |
LvpConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfig |
lvp_config block. |
SharedPathPvCount |
*f64 |
The number of subdirectories to create under path. |
LvpConfig GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfig
lvp_config block.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#lvp_config}
SharedPathPvCount *f64
- Type: *f64
The number of subdirectories to create under path.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#shared_path_pv_count}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfig {
Path: *string,
StorageClass: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Path |
*string |
The host machine path. |
StorageClass |
*string |
The StorageClass name that PVs will be created with. |
Path *string
- Type: *string
The host machine path.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#path}
StorageClass *string
- Type: *string
The StorageClass name that PVs will be created with.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#storage_class}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterTimeouts {
Create: *string,
Delete: *string,
Update: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Create |
*string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#create}. |
Delete |
*string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#delete}. |
Update |
*string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#update}. |
Create *string
- Type: *string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#create}.
Delete *string
- Type: *string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#delete}.
Update *string
- Type: *string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#update}.
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterUpgradePolicy {
Policy: *string,
Name | Type | Description |
Policy |
*string |
Specifies which upgrade policy to use. Possible values: ["SERIAL", "CONCURRENT"]. |
Policy *string
- Type: *string
Specifies which upgrade policy to use. Possible values: ["SERIAL", "CONCURRENT"].
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link GkeonpremBareMetalCluster#policy}
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheck {
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatus {
import ""
&gkeonprembaremetalcluster.GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusResult {
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterBinaryAuthorizationOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterBinaryAuthorizationOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetEvaluationMode |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetEvaluationMode()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
EvaluationModeInput |
*string |
No description. |
EvaluationMode |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterBinaryAuthorization |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func EvaluationModeInput() *string
- Type: *string
func EvaluationMode() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterBinaryAuthorization
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterClusterOperationsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterClusterOperationsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetEnableApplicationLogs |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetEnableApplicationLogs()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
EnableApplicationLogsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
EnableApplicationLogs |
interface{} |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterClusterOperations |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func EnableApplicationLogsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func EnableApplicationLogs() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterClusterOperations
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneApiServerArgsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneApiServerArgsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneApiServerArgsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneApiServerArgsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneApiServerArgsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
ArgumentInput |
*string |
No description. |
ValueInput |
*string |
No description. |
Argument |
*string |
No description. |
Value |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func ArgumentInput() *string
- Type: *string
func ValueInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Argument() *string
- Type: *string
func Value() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetLabels |
No description. |
ResetNodeIp |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetLabels()
func ResetNodeIp()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
LabelsInput |
*map[string]*string |
No description. |
NodeIpInput |
*string |
No description. |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
No description. |
NodeIp |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func LabelsInput() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func NodeIpInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Labels() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func NodeIp() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutNodeConfigs |
No description. |
PutTaints |
No description. |
ResetLabels |
No description. |
ResetNodeConfigs |
No description. |
ResetOperatingSystem |
No description. |
ResetTaints |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutNodeConfigs(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
func PutTaints(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
func ResetLabels()
func ResetNodeConfigs()
func ResetOperatingSystem()
func ResetTaints()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
NodeConfigs |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList |
No description. |
Taints |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList |
No description. |
LabelsInput |
*map[string]*string |
No description. |
NodeConfigsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
OperatingSystemInput |
*string |
No description. |
TaintsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
No description. |
OperatingSystem |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func NodeConfigs() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList
func Taints() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList
func LabelsInput() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func NodeConfigsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func OperatingSystemInput() *string
- Type: *string
func TaintsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Labels() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func OperatingSystem() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetEffect |
No description. |
ResetKey |
No description. |
ResetValue |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetEffect()
func ResetKey()
func ResetValue()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
EffectInput |
*string |
No description. |
KeyInput |
*string |
No description. |
ValueInput |
*string |
No description. |
Effect |
*string |
No description. |
Key |
*string |
No description. |
Value |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func EffectInput() *string
- Type: *string
func KeyInput() *string
- Type: *string
func ValueInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Effect() *string
- Type: *string
func Key() *string
- Type: *string
func Value() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutNodePoolConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig)
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
NodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
NodePoolConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func NodePoolConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference
func NodePoolConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutApiServerArgs |
No description. |
PutControlPlaneNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
ResetApiServerArgs |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutApiServerArgs(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
func PutControlPlaneNodePoolConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfig)
func ResetApiServerArgs()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
ApiServerArgs |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneApiServerArgsList |
No description. |
ControlPlaneNodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
ApiServerArgsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
ControlPlaneNodePoolConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlane |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func ApiServerArgs() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneApiServerArgsList
func ControlPlaneNodePoolConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfigOutputReference
func ApiServerArgsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func ControlPlaneNodePoolConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlaneControlPlaneNodePoolConfig
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterControlPlane
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterFleetList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterFleetList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterFleetOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterFleetOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterFleetOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
Membership |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterFleet |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func Membership() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterFleet
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigAddressPoolsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigAddressPoolsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigAddressPoolsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigAddressPoolsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigAddressPoolsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetAvoidBuggyIps |
No description. |
ResetManualAssign |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetAvoidBuggyIps()
func ResetManualAssign()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
AddressesInput |
*[]*string |
No description. |
AvoidBuggyIpsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
ManualAssignInput |
*string |
No description. |
PoolInput |
*string |
No description. |
Addresses |
*[]*string |
No description. |
AvoidBuggyIps |
interface{} |
No description. |
ManualAssign |
*string |
No description. |
Pool |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func AddressesInput() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func AvoidBuggyIpsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func ManualAssignInput() *string
- Type: *string
func PoolInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Addresses() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func AvoidBuggyIps() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func ManualAssign() *string
- Type: *string
func Pool() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigBgpPeerConfigsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigBgpPeerConfigsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigBgpPeerConfigsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigBgpPeerConfigsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigBgpPeerConfigsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetControlPlaneNodes |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetControlPlaneNodes()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
AsnInput |
*f64 |
No description. |
ControlPlaneNodesInput |
*[]*string |
No description. |
IpAddressInput |
*string |
No description. |
Asn |
*f64 |
No description. |
ControlPlaneNodes |
*[]*string |
No description. |
IpAddress |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func AsnInput() *f64
- Type: *f64
func ControlPlaneNodesInput() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func IpAddressInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Asn() *f64
- Type: *f64
func ControlPlaneNodes() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func IpAddress() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigKubeletConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigKubeletConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetRegistryBurst |
No description. |
ResetRegistryPullQps |
No description. |
ResetSerializeImagePullsDisabled |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetRegistryBurst()
func ResetRegistryPullQps()
func ResetSerializeImagePullsDisabled()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
RegistryBurstInput |
*f64 |
No description. |
RegistryPullQpsInput |
*f64 |
No description. |
SerializeImagePullsDisabledInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
RegistryBurst |
*f64 |
No description. |
RegistryPullQps |
*f64 |
No description. |
SerializeImagePullsDisabled |
interface{} |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigKubeletConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func RegistryBurstInput() *f64
- Type: *f64
func RegistryPullQpsInput() *f64
- Type: *f64
func SerializeImagePullsDisabledInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func RegistryBurst() *f64
- Type: *f64
func RegistryPullQps() *f64
- Type: *f64
func SerializeImagePullsDisabled() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigKubeletConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetLabels |
No description. |
ResetNodeIp |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetLabels()
func ResetNodeIp()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
LabelsInput |
*map[string]*string |
No description. |
NodeIpInput |
*string |
No description. |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
No description. |
NodeIp |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func LabelsInput() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func NodeIpInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Labels() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func NodeIp() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutKubeletConfig |
No description. |
PutNodeConfigs |
No description. |
PutTaints |
No description. |
ResetKubeletConfig |
No description. |
ResetLabels |
No description. |
ResetNodeConfigs |
No description. |
ResetOperatingSystem |
No description. |
ResetTaints |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutKubeletConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigKubeletConfig)
func PutNodeConfigs(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
func PutTaints(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
func ResetKubeletConfig()
func ResetLabels()
func ResetNodeConfigs()
func ResetOperatingSystem()
func ResetTaints()
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func KubeletConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigKubeletConfigOutputReference
func NodeConfigs() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList
func Taints() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList
- Type: GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList
func KubeletConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigKubeletConfig
func LabelsInput() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func NodeConfigsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func OperatingSystemInput() *string
- Type: *string
func TaintsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Labels() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func OperatingSystem() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetEffect |
No description. |
ResetKey |
No description. |
ResetValue |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetEffect()
func ResetKey()
func ResetValue()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
EffectInput |
*string |
No description. |
KeyInput |
*string |
No description. |
ValueInput |
*string |
No description. |
Effect |
*string |
No description. |
Key |
*string |
No description. |
Value |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func EffectInput() *string
- Type: *string
func KeyInput() *string
- Type: *string
func ValueInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Effect() *string
- Type: *string
func Key() *string
- Type: *string
func Value() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
ResetNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutNodePoolConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig)
func ResetNodePoolConfig()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
NodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
NodePoolConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func NodePoolConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference
func NodePoolConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutAddressPools |
No description. |
PutBgpPeerConfigs |
No description. |
PutLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
ResetLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutAddressPools(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
func PutBgpPeerConfigs(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
func PutLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig)
func ResetLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
AddressPools |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigAddressPoolsList |
No description. |
BgpPeerConfigs |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigBgpPeerConfigsList |
No description. |
LoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
AddressPoolsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
AsnInput |
*f64 |
No description. |
BgpPeerConfigsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
LoadBalancerNodePoolConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
Asn |
*f64 |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func AddressPools() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigAddressPoolsList
func BgpPeerConfigs() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigBgpPeerConfigsList
func LoadBalancerNodePoolConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigOutputReference
func AddressPoolsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func AsnInput() *f64
- Type: *f64
func BgpPeerConfigsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func LoadBalancerNodePoolConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig
func Asn() *f64
- Type: *f64
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerManualLbConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerManualLbConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
EnabledInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
Enabled |
interface{} |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerManualLbConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func EnabledInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Enabled() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerManualLbConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigAddressPoolsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigAddressPoolsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigAddressPoolsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigAddressPoolsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigAddressPoolsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetAvoidBuggyIps |
No description. |
ResetManualAssign |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetAvoidBuggyIps()
func ResetManualAssign()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
AddressesInput |
*[]*string |
No description. |
AvoidBuggyIpsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
ManualAssignInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
PoolInput |
*string |
No description. |
Addresses |
*[]*string |
No description. |
AvoidBuggyIps |
interface{} |
No description. |
ManualAssign |
interface{} |
No description. |
Pool |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func AddressesInput() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func AvoidBuggyIpsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func ManualAssignInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func PoolInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Addresses() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func AvoidBuggyIps() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func ManualAssign() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Pool() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetLabels |
No description. |
ResetNodeIp |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetLabels()
func ResetNodeIp()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
LabelsInput |
*map[string]*string |
No description. |
NodeIpInput |
*string |
No description. |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
No description. |
NodeIp |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func LabelsInput() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func NodeIpInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Labels() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func NodeIp() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutNodeConfigs |
No description. |
PutTaints |
No description. |
ResetLabels |
No description. |
ResetNodeConfigs |
No description. |
ResetOperatingSystem |
No description. |
ResetTaints |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutNodeConfigs(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
func PutTaints(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
func ResetLabels()
func ResetNodeConfigs()
func ResetOperatingSystem()
func ResetTaints()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
NodeConfigs |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList |
No description. |
Taints |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList |
No description. |
LabelsInput |
*map[string]*string |
No description. |
NodeConfigsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
OperatingSystemInput |
*string |
No description. |
TaintsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
Labels |
*map[string]*string |
No description. |
OperatingSystem |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func NodeConfigs() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigNodeConfigsList
func Taints() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList
- Type: GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList
func LabelsInput() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func NodeConfigsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func OperatingSystemInput() *string
- Type: *string
func TaintsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Labels() *map[string]*string
- Type: *map[string]*string
func OperatingSystem() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigTaintsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetEffect |
No description. |
ResetKey |
No description. |
ResetValue |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetEffect()
func ResetKey()
func ResetValue()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
EffectInput |
*string |
No description. |
KeyInput |
*string |
No description. |
ValueInput |
*string |
No description. |
Effect |
*string |
No description. |
Key |
*string |
No description. |
Value |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func EffectInput() *string
- Type: *string
func KeyInput() *string
- Type: *string
func ValueInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Effect() *string
- Type: *string
func Key() *string
- Type: *string
func Value() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
ResetNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutNodePoolConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig)
func ResetNodePoolConfig()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
NodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
NodePoolConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func NodePoolConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfigOutputReference
func NodePoolConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigNodePoolConfig
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutAddressPools |
No description. |
PutLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
ResetLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutAddressPools(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
func PutLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig)
func ResetLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
AddressPools |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigAddressPoolsList |
No description. |
LoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
AddressPoolsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
LoadBalancerNodePoolConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func AddressPools() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigAddressPoolsList
func LoadBalancerNodePoolConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfigOutputReference
func AddressPoolsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func LoadBalancerNodePoolConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutBgpLbConfig |
No description. |
PutManualLbConfig |
No description. |
PutMetalLbConfig |
No description. |
PutPortConfig |
No description. |
PutVipConfig |
No description. |
ResetBgpLbConfig |
No description. |
ResetManualLbConfig |
No description. |
ResetMetalLbConfig |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutBgpLbConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfig)
func PutManualLbConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerManualLbConfig)
func PutMetalLbConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfig)
func PutPortConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerPortConfig)
func PutVipConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerVipConfig)
func ResetBgpLbConfig()
func ResetManualLbConfig()
func ResetMetalLbConfig()
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func BgpLbConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfigOutputReference
func ManualLbConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerManualLbConfigOutputReference
func MetalLbConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfigOutputReference
func PortConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerPortConfigOutputReference
func VipConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerVipConfigOutputReference
func BgpLbConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerBgpLbConfig
func ManualLbConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerManualLbConfig
func MetalLbConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerMetalLbConfig
func PortConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerPortConfig
func VipConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerVipConfig
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancer
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerPortConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerPortConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
ControlPlaneLoadBalancerPortInput |
*f64 |
No description. |
ControlPlaneLoadBalancerPort |
*f64 |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerPortConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func ControlPlaneLoadBalancerPortInput() *f64
- Type: *f64
func ControlPlaneLoadBalancerPort() *f64
- Type: *f64
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerPortConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerVipConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerVipConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
ControlPlaneVipInput |
*string |
No description. |
IngressVipInput |
*string |
No description. |
ControlPlaneVip |
*string |
No description. |
IngressVip |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerVipConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func ControlPlaneVipInput() *string
- Type: *string
func IngressVipInput() *string
- Type: *string
func ControlPlaneVip() *string
- Type: *string
func IngressVip() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterLoadBalancerVipConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterMaintenanceConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterMaintenanceConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
MaintenanceAddressCidrBlocksInput |
*[]*string |
No description. |
MaintenanceAddressCidrBlocks |
*[]*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterMaintenanceConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func MaintenanceAddressCidrBlocksInput() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func MaintenanceAddressCidrBlocks() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterMaintenanceConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidrOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidrOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
PodAddressCidrBlocksInput |
*[]*string |
No description. |
ServiceAddressCidrBlocksInput |
*[]*string |
No description. |
PodAddressCidrBlocks |
*[]*string |
No description. |
ServiceAddressCidrBlocks |
*[]*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidr |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func PodAddressCidrBlocksInput() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func ServiceAddressCidrBlocksInput() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func PodAddressCidrBlocks() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func ServiceAddressCidrBlocks() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidr
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetEnabled |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetEnabled()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
EnabledInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
Enabled |
interface{} |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func EnabledInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Enabled() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutIslandModeCidr |
No description. |
PutMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig |
No description. |
PutSrIovConfig |
No description. |
ResetAdvancedNetworking |
No description. |
ResetIslandModeCidr |
No description. |
ResetMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig |
No description. |
ResetSrIovConfig |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutIslandModeCidr(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidr)
func PutMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig)
func PutSrIovConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfig)
func ResetAdvancedNetworking()
func ResetIslandModeCidr()
func ResetMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig()
func ResetSrIovConfig()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
IslandModeCidr |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidrOutputReference |
No description. |
MultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
SrIovConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
AdvancedNetworkingInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
IslandModeCidrInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidr |
No description. |
MultipleNetworkInterfacesConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig |
No description. |
SrIovConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfig |
No description. |
AdvancedNetworking |
interface{} |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func IslandModeCidr() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidrOutputReference
func MultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfigOutputReference
func SrIovConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfigOutputReference
func AdvancedNetworkingInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func IslandModeCidrInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigIslandModeCidr
func MultipleNetworkInterfacesConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig
func SrIovConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfig
func AdvancedNetworking() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetEnabled |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetEnabled()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
EnabledInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
Enabled |
interface{} |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func EnabledInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Enabled() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNetworkConfigSrIovConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeAccessConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeAccessConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetLoginUser |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetLoginUser()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
LoginUserInput |
*string |
No description. |
LoginUser |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeAccessConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func LoginUserInput() *string
- Type: *string
func LoginUser() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeAccessConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetContainerRuntime |
No description. |
ResetMaxPodsPerNode |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetContainerRuntime()
func ResetMaxPodsPerNode()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
ContainerRuntimeInput |
*string |
No description. |
MaxPodsPerNodeInput |
*f64 |
No description. |
ContainerRuntime |
*string |
No description. |
MaxPodsPerNode |
*f64 |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func ContainerRuntimeInput() *string
- Type: *string
func MaxPodsPerNodeInput() *f64
- Type: *f64
func ContainerRuntime() *string
- Type: *string
func MaxPodsPerNode() *f64
- Type: *f64
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterNodeConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterOsEnvironmentConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterOsEnvironmentConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
PackageRepoExcludedInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
PackageRepoExcluded |
interface{} |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterOsEnvironmentConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func PackageRepoExcludedInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func PackageRepoExcluded() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterOsEnvironmentConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterProxyOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterProxyOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetNoProxy |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetNoProxy()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
NoProxyInput |
*[]*string |
No description. |
UriInput |
*string |
No description. |
NoProxy |
*[]*string |
No description. |
Uri |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterProxy |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func NoProxyInput() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func UriInput() *string
- Type: *string
func NoProxy() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func Uri() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterProxy
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationAdminUsersList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationAdminUsersList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationAdminUsersOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationAdminUsersOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationAdminUsersOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
UsernameInput |
*string |
No description. |
Username |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func UsernameInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Username() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutAdminUsers |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutAdminUsers(value interface{})
- Type: interface{}
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
AdminUsers |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationAdminUsersList |
No description. |
AdminUsersInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorization |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func AdminUsers() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationAdminUsersList
func AdminUsersInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorization
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutAuthorization |
No description. |
ResetAuthorization |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutAuthorization(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorization)
func ResetAuthorization()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
Authorization |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationOutputReference |
No description. |
AuthorizationInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorization |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func Authorization() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorizationOutputReference
func AuthorizationInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfigAuthorization
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterSecurityConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusConditionsList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusConditionsList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusConditionsOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusConditionsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusConditionsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
LastTransitionTime |
*string |
No description. |
Message |
*string |
No description. |
Reason |
*string |
No description. |
State |
*string |
No description. |
Type |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusConditions |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func LastTransitionTime() *string
- Type: *string
func Message() *string
- Type: *string
func Reason() *string
- Type: *string
func State() *string
- Type: *string
func Type() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusConditions
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
Conditions |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusConditionsList |
No description. |
ErrorMessage |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatus |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func Conditions() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatusConditionsList
func ErrorMessage() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStatus
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
PathInput |
*string |
No description. |
StorageClassInput |
*string |
No description. |
Path |
*string |
No description. |
StorageClass |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func PathInput() *string
- Type: *string
func StorageClassInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Path() *string
- Type: *string
func StorageClass() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
PathInput |
*string |
No description. |
StorageClassInput |
*string |
No description. |
Path |
*string |
No description. |
StorageClass |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func PathInput() *string
- Type: *string
func StorageClassInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Path() *string
- Type: *string
func StorageClass() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutLvpConfig |
No description. |
ResetSharedPathPvCount |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutLvpConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfig)
func ResetSharedPathPvCount()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
LvpConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
LvpConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfig |
No description. |
SharedPathPvCountInput |
*f64 |
No description. |
SharedPathPvCount |
*f64 |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfig |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func LvpConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfigOutputReference
func LvpConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigLvpConfig
func SharedPathPvCountInput() *f64
- Type: *f64
func SharedPathPvCount() *f64
- Type: *f64
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfig
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
PutLvpNodeMountsConfig |
No description. |
PutLvpShareConfig |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func PutLvpNodeMountsConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfig)
func PutLvpShareConfig(value GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfig)
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
LvpNodeMountsConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
LvpShareConfig |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigOutputReference |
No description. |
LvpNodeMountsConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfig |
No description. |
LvpShareConfigInput |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfig |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorage |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func LvpNodeMountsConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfigOutputReference
func LvpShareConfig() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfigOutputReference
func LvpNodeMountsConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpNodeMountsConfig
func LvpShareConfigInput() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorageLvpShareConfig
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterStorage
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterTimeoutsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterTimeoutsOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetCreate |
No description. |
ResetDelete |
No description. |
ResetUpdate |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetCreate()
func ResetDelete()
func ResetUpdate()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
CreateInput |
*string |
No description. |
DeleteInput |
*string |
No description. |
UpdateInput |
*string |
No description. |
Create |
*string |
No description. |
Delete |
*string |
No description. |
Update |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
interface{} |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func CreateInput() *string
- Type: *string
func DeleteInput() *string
- Type: *string
func UpdateInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Create() *string
- Type: *string
func Delete() *string
- Type: *string
func Update() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterUpgradePolicyOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterUpgradePolicyOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
ResetPolicy |
No description. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func ResetPolicy()
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
PolicyInput |
*string |
No description. |
Policy |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterUpgradePolicy |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func PolicyInput() *string
- Type: *string
func Policy() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterUpgradePolicy
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
Options |
*string |
No description. |
Scenario |
*string |
No description. |
Status |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusList |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheck |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func Options() *string
- Type: *string
func Scenario() *string
- Type: *string
func Status() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusList
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheck
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
Result |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusResultList |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatus |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func Result() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusResultList
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatus
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusResultList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusResultList
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
wrapsSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
AllWithMapKey |
Creating an iterator for this complex list. |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
Get |
No description. |
func AllWithMapKey(mapKeyAttributeName *string) DynamicListTerraformIterator
Creating an iterator for this complex list.
The list will be converted into a map with the mapKeyAttributeName as the key.
- Type: *string
func ComputeFqn() *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
func Get(index *f64) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusResultOutputReference
- Type: *f64
the index of the item to return.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
import ""
gkeonprembaremetalcluster.NewGkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusResultOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusResultOutputReference
Name | Type | Description |
terraformResource | |
The parent resource. |
terraformAttribute |
*string |
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
complexObjectIndex |
*f64 |
the index of this item in the list. |
complexObjectIsFromSet |
*bool |
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
- Type:
The parent resource.
- Type: *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
- Type: *f64
the index of this item in the list.
- Type: *bool
whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
Name | Description |
ComputeFqn |
No description. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
Resolve |
Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
ToString |
Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
func ComputeFqn() *string
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
- Type:
func ToString() *string
Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
Name | Type | Description |
CreationStack |
*[]*string |
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
Category |
*string |
No description. |
Description |
*string |
No description. |
Details |
*string |
No description. |
Options |
*string |
No description. |
Reason |
*string |
No description. |
InternalValue |
GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusResult |
No description. |
func CreationStack() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func Category() *string
- Type: *string
func Description() *string
- Type: *string
func Details() *string
- Type: *string
func Options() *string
- Type: *string
func Reason() *string
- Type: *string
func InternalValue() GkeonpremBareMetalClusterValidationCheckStatusResult