diff --git a/docs/API.csharp.md b/docs/API.csharp.md
index 3f283ab5e..fc29931cf 100644
--- a/docs/API.csharp.md
+++ b/docs/API.csharp.md
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ The following submodules are available:
- [databaseConnectionPool](./databaseConnectionPool.csharp.md)
- [databaseDb](./databaseDb.csharp.md)
- [databaseFirewall](./databaseFirewall.csharp.md)
+- [databaseKafkaTopic](./databaseKafkaTopic.csharp.md)
+- [databaseMysqlConfig](./databaseMysqlConfig.csharp.md)
+- [databaseRedisConfig](./databaseRedisConfig.csharp.md)
- [databaseReplica](./databaseReplica.csharp.md)
- [databaseUser](./databaseUser.csharp.md)
- [domain](./domain.csharp.md)
diff --git a/docs/API.go.md b/docs/API.go.md
index 08117f447..f1b595d17 100644
--- a/docs/API.go.md
+++ b/docs/API.go.md
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ The following submodules are available:
- [databaseConnectionPool](./databaseConnectionPool.go.md)
- [databaseDb](./databaseDb.go.md)
- [databaseFirewall](./databaseFirewall.go.md)
+- [databaseKafkaTopic](./databaseKafkaTopic.go.md)
+- [databaseMysqlConfig](./databaseMysqlConfig.go.md)
+- [databaseRedisConfig](./databaseRedisConfig.go.md)
- [databaseReplica](./databaseReplica.go.md)
- [databaseUser](./databaseUser.go.md)
- [domain](./domain.go.md)
diff --git a/docs/API.java.md b/docs/API.java.md
index 4ae400cf6..e597d61e5 100644
--- a/docs/API.java.md
+++ b/docs/API.java.md
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ The following submodules are available:
- [databaseConnectionPool](./databaseConnectionPool.java.md)
- [databaseDb](./databaseDb.java.md)
- [databaseFirewall](./databaseFirewall.java.md)
+- [databaseKafkaTopic](./databaseKafkaTopic.java.md)
+- [databaseMysqlConfig](./databaseMysqlConfig.java.md)
+- [databaseRedisConfig](./databaseRedisConfig.java.md)
- [databaseReplica](./databaseReplica.java.md)
- [databaseUser](./databaseUser.java.md)
- [domain](./domain.java.md)
diff --git a/docs/API.python.md b/docs/API.python.md
index f9625fec3..02e36177e 100644
--- a/docs/API.python.md
+++ b/docs/API.python.md
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ The following submodules are available:
- [databaseConnectionPool](./databaseConnectionPool.python.md)
- [databaseDb](./databaseDb.python.md)
- [databaseFirewall](./databaseFirewall.python.md)
+- [databaseKafkaTopic](./databaseKafkaTopic.python.md)
+- [databaseMysqlConfig](./databaseMysqlConfig.python.md)
+- [databaseRedisConfig](./databaseRedisConfig.python.md)
- [databaseReplica](./databaseReplica.python.md)
- [databaseUser](./databaseUser.python.md)
- [domain](./domain.python.md)
diff --git a/docs/API.typescript.md b/docs/API.typescript.md
index 3ae9e3671..d9eb413ca 100644
--- a/docs/API.typescript.md
+++ b/docs/API.typescript.md
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ The following submodules are available:
- [databaseConnectionPool](./databaseConnectionPool.typescript.md)
- [databaseDb](./databaseDb.typescript.md)
- [databaseFirewall](./databaseFirewall.typescript.md)
+- [databaseKafkaTopic](./databaseKafkaTopic.typescript.md)
+- [databaseMysqlConfig](./databaseMysqlConfig.typescript.md)
+- [databaseRedisConfig](./databaseRedisConfig.typescript.md)
- [databaseReplica](./databaseReplica.typescript.md)
- [databaseUser](./databaseUser.typescript.md)
- [domain](./domain.typescript.md)
diff --git a/docs/app.csharp.md b/docs/app.csharp.md
index 90403ddcf..3311d1140 100644
--- a/docs/app.csharp.md
+++ b/docs/app.csharp.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# `digitalocean_app`
-Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`digitalocean_app`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app).
+Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`digitalocean_app`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app).
# `app` Submodule
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`digitalocean_app`](https://registry
### App
-Represents a {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app digitalocean_app}.
+Represents a {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app digitalocean_app}.
#### Initializers
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ The construct id used in the generated config for the App to import.
The id of the existing App that should be imported.
-Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
+Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ new AppConfig {
| Lifecycle
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle
| *No description.* |
| Provider
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.TerraformProvider
| *No description.* |
| Provisioners
| object[]
| *No description.* |
-| Id
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}. |
+| Id
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}. |
| Spec
| AppSpec
| spec block. |
| Timeouts
| AppTimeouts
| timeouts block. |
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ public string Id { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}.
Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2.
If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ public AppSpec Spec { get; set; }
spec block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#spec App#spec}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#spec App#spec}
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ public AppTimeouts Timeouts { get; set; }
timeouts block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#timeouts App#timeouts}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#timeouts App#timeouts}
@@ -961,6 +961,7 @@ new AppSpec {
string[] Domains = null,
object Env = null,
object Function = null,
+ AppSpecIngress Ingress = null,
object Job = null,
string Region = null,
object Service = null,
@@ -977,9 +978,10 @@ new AppSpec {
| Alert
| object
| alert block. |
| Database
| object
| database block. |
| Domain
| object
| domain block. |
-| Domains
| string[]
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}. |
+| Domains
| string[]
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}. |
| Env
| object
| env block. |
| Function
| object
| function block. |
+| Ingress
| AppSpecIngress
| ingress block. |
| Job
| object
| job block. |
| Region
| string
| The slug for the DigitalOcean data center region hosting the app. |
| Service
| object
| service block. |
@@ -998,7 +1000,7 @@ public string Name { get; set; }
The name of the app. Must be unique across all apps in the same account.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1012,7 +1014,7 @@ public object Alert { get; set; }
alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
@@ -1026,7 +1028,7 @@ public object Database { get; set; }
database block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#database App#database}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#database App#database}
@@ -1040,7 +1042,7 @@ public object Domain { get; set; }
domain block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#domain App#domain}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#domain App#domain}
@@ -1052,7 +1054,7 @@ public string[] Domains { get; set; }
- *Type:* string[]
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}.
@@ -1066,7 +1068,7 @@ public object Env { get; set; }
env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
@@ -1080,7 +1082,21 @@ public object Function { get; set; }
function block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#function App#function}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#function App#function}
+##### `Ingress`Optional
+public AppSpecIngress Ingress { get; set; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngress
+ingress block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#ingress App#ingress}
@@ -1094,7 +1110,7 @@ public object Job { get; set; }
job block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#job App#job}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#job App#job}
@@ -1108,7 +1124,7 @@ public string Region { get; set; }
The slug for the DigitalOcean data center region hosting the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#region App#region}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#region App#region}
@@ -1122,7 +1138,7 @@ public object Service { get; set; }
service block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#service App#service}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#service App#service}
@@ -1136,7 +1152,7 @@ public object StaticSite { get; set; }
static_site block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#static_site App#static_site}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#static_site App#static_site}
@@ -1150,7 +1166,7 @@ public object Worker { get; set; }
worker block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#worker App#worker}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#worker App#worker}
@@ -1171,8 +1187,8 @@ new AppSpecAlert {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Rule
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| Disabled
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| Rule
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| Disabled
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
@@ -1184,7 +1200,7 @@ public string Rule { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
@@ -1196,7 +1212,7 @@ public object Disabled { get; set; }
- *Type:* object
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
@@ -1244,7 +1260,7 @@ The name of the underlying DigitalOcean DBaaS cluster.
This is required for production databases. For dev databases, if cluster_name is not set, a new cluster will be provisioned.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cluster_name App#cluster_name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cluster_name App#cluster_name}
@@ -1258,7 +1274,7 @@ public string DbName { get; set; }
The name of the MySQL or PostgreSQL database to configure.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#db_name App#db_name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#db_name App#db_name}
@@ -1272,7 +1288,7 @@ public string DbUser { get; set; }
The name of the MySQL or PostgreSQL user to configure.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#db_user App#db_user}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#db_user App#db_user}
@@ -1286,7 +1302,7 @@ public string Engine { get; set; }
The database engine to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#engine App#engine}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#engine App#engine}
@@ -1300,7 +1316,7 @@ public string Name { get; set; }
The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1314,7 +1330,7 @@ public object Production { get; set; }
Whether this is a production or dev database.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#production App#production}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#production App#production}
@@ -1328,7 +1344,7 @@ public string Version { get; set; }
The version of the database engine.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#version App#version}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#version App#version}
@@ -1368,7 +1384,7 @@ public string Name { get; set; }
The hostname for the domain.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1382,7 +1398,7 @@ public string Type { get; set; }
The type of the domain.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
@@ -1396,7 +1412,7 @@ public object Wildcard { get; set; }
Indicates whether the domain includes all sub-domains, in addition to the given domain.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#wildcard App#wildcard}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#wildcard App#wildcard}
@@ -1410,7 +1426,7 @@ public string Zone { get; set; }
If the domain uses DigitalOcean DNS and you would like App Platform to automatically manage it for you, set this to the name of the domain on your account.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#zone App#zone}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#zone App#zone}
@@ -1450,7 +1466,7 @@ public string Key { get; set; }
The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
@@ -1464,7 +1480,7 @@ public string Scope { get; set; }
The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
@@ -1478,7 +1494,7 @@ public string Type { get; set; }
The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
@@ -1492,7 +1508,7 @@ public string Value { get; set; }
The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
@@ -1544,7 +1560,7 @@ public string Name { get; set; }
The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1558,7 +1574,7 @@ public object Alert { get; set; }
alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
@@ -1572,7 +1588,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionCors Cors { get; set; }
cors block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
@@ -1586,7 +1602,7 @@ public object Env { get; set; }
env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
@@ -1600,7 +1616,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionGit Git { get; set; }
git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
@@ -1614,7 +1630,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionGithub Github { get; set; }
github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
@@ -1628,7 +1644,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionGitlab Gitlab { get; set; }
gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
@@ -1642,7 +1658,7 @@ public object LogDestination { get; set; }
log_destination block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
@@ -1656,7 +1672,7 @@ public object Routes { get; set; }
routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
@@ -1670,7 +1686,7 @@ public string SourceDir { get; set; }
An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
@@ -1694,11 +1710,11 @@ new AppSpecFunctionAlert {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Operator
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| Rule
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| Value
| double
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| Window
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| Disabled
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| Operator
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| Rule
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| Value
| double
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| Window
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| Disabled
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
@@ -1710,7 +1726,7 @@ public string Operator { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
@@ -1722,7 +1738,7 @@ public string Rule { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
@@ -1734,7 +1750,7 @@ public double Value { get; set; }
- *Type:* double
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
@@ -1746,7 +1762,7 @@ public string Window { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
@@ -1758,7 +1774,7 @@ public object Disabled { get; set; }
- *Type:* object
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
@@ -1804,7 +1820,7 @@ Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code w
This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
@@ -1818,7 +1834,7 @@ public string[] AllowHeaders { get; set; }
The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
@@ -1832,7 +1848,7 @@ public string[] AllowMethods { get; set; }
The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
@@ -1846,7 +1862,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins { get; set; }
allow_origins block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
@@ -1860,7 +1876,7 @@ public string[] ExposeHeaders { get; set; }
The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
@@ -1876,7 +1892,7 @@ An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a pre
This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
@@ -1914,7 +1930,7 @@ public string Exact { get; set; }
Exact string match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
@@ -1928,7 +1944,7 @@ public string Prefix { get; set; }
Prefix-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
@@ -1942,7 +1958,7 @@ public string Regex { get; set; }
RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
@@ -1982,7 +1998,7 @@ public string Key { get; set; }
The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
@@ -1996,7 +2012,7 @@ public string Scope { get; set; }
The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
@@ -2010,7 +2026,7 @@ public string Type { get; set; }
The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
@@ -2024,7 +2040,7 @@ public string Value { get; set; }
The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
@@ -2060,7 +2076,7 @@ public string Branch { get; set; }
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
@@ -2074,7 +2090,7 @@ public string RepoCloneUrl { get; set; }
The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
@@ -2112,7 +2128,7 @@ public string Branch { get; set; }
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
@@ -2126,7 +2142,7 @@ public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
@@ -2140,7 +2156,7 @@ public string Repo { get; set; }
The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
@@ -2178,7 +2194,7 @@ public string Branch { get; set; }
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
@@ -2192,7 +2208,7 @@ public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
@@ -2206,7 +2222,7 @@ public string Repo { get; set; }
The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
@@ -2246,7 +2262,7 @@ public string Name { get; set; }
Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -2260,7 +2276,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog Datadog { get; set; }
datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
@@ -2274,7 +2290,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail Logtail { get; set; }
logtail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
@@ -2288,7 +2304,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail { get; set; }
papertrail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
@@ -2324,7 +2340,7 @@ public string ApiKey { get; set; }
Datadog API key.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
@@ -2338,7 +2354,7 @@ public string Endpoint { get; set; }
Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
@@ -2372,7 +2388,7 @@ public string Token { get; set; }
Logtail token.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
@@ -2406,7 +2422,7 @@ public string Endpoint { get; set; }
Papertrail syslog endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
@@ -2444,7 +2460,7 @@ Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
@@ -2458,34 +2474,19 @@ public object PreservePathPrefix { get; set; }
An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
-### AppSpecJob
+### AppSpecIngress
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecJob {
- string Name,
- object Alert = null,
- string BuildCommand = null,
- string DockerfilePath = null,
- object Env = null,
- string EnvironmentSlug = null,
- AppSpecJobGit Git = null,
- AppSpecJobGithub Github = null,
- AppSpecJobGitlab Gitlab = null,
- AppSpecJobImage Image = null,
- double InstanceCount = null,
- string InstanceSizeSlug = null,
- string Kind = null,
- object LogDestination = null,
- string RunCommand = null,
- string SourceDir = null
+new AppSpecIngress {
+ object Rule = null
@@ -2493,262 +2494,295 @@ new AppSpecJob {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| string
| The name of the component. |
-| Alert
| object
| alert block. |
-| BuildCommand
| string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| DockerfilePath
| string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| Env
| object
| env block. |
-| EnvironmentSlug
| string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| Git
| AppSpecJobGit
| git block. |
-| Github
| AppSpecJobGithub
| github block. |
-| Gitlab
| AppSpecJobGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| Image
| AppSpecJobImage
| image block. |
-| InstanceCount
| double
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
-| InstanceSizeSlug
| string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
-| Kind
| string
| The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process. |
-| LogDestination
| object
| log_destination block. |
-| RunCommand
| string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
-| SourceDir
| string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+| Rule
| object
| rule block. |
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Rule`Optional
-public string Name { get; set; }
+public object Rule { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-The name of the component.
+rule block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}
-##### `Alert`Optional
+### AppSpecIngressRule
+#### Initializer
-public object Alert { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* object
+new AppSpecIngressRule {
+ AppSpecIngressRuleComponent Component = null,
+ AppSpecIngressRuleCors Cors = null,
+ AppSpecIngressRuleMatch Match = null,
+ AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect Redirect = null
-alert block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Component
| AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
| component block. |
+| Cors
| AppSpecIngressRuleCors
| cors block. |
+| Match
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
| match block. |
+| Redirect
| AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
| redirect block. |
-##### `BuildCommand`Optional
+##### `Component`Optional
-public string BuildCommand { get; set; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleComponent Component { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+component block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#component App#component}
-##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `Cors`Optional
-public string DockerfilePath { get; set; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleCors Cors { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+cors block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
-##### `Env`Optional
+##### `Match`Optional
-public object Env { get; set; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleMatch Match { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-env block.
+match block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#match App#match}
-##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
+##### `Redirect`Optional
-public string EnvironmentSlug { get; set; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect Redirect { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+redirect block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#redirect App#redirect}
-##### `Git`Optional
+### AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecJobGit Git { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobGit
+new AppSpecIngressRuleComponent {
+ string Name = null,
+ object PreservePathPrefix = null,
+ string Rewrite = null
-git block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}. |
+| PreservePathPrefix
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}. |
+| Rewrite
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rewrite App#rewrite}. |
-##### `Github`Optional
+##### `Name`Optional
-public AppSpecJobGithub Github { get; set; }
+public string Name { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobGithub
-github block.
+- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}.
-##### `Gitlab`Optional
+##### `PreservePathPrefix`Optional
-public AppSpecJobGitlab Gitlab { get; set; }
+public object PreservePathPrefix { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobGitlab
-gitlab block.
+- *Type:* object
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}.
-##### `Image`Optional
+##### `Rewrite`Optional
-public AppSpecJobImage Image { get; set; }
+public string Rewrite { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobImage
+- *Type:* string
-image block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rewrite App#rewrite}.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
+### AppSpecIngressRuleCors
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecIngressRuleCors {
+ object AllowCredentials = null,
+ string[] AllowHeaders = null,
+ string[] AllowMethods = null,
+ AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins = null,
+ string[] ExposeHeaders = null,
+ string MaxAge = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AllowCredentials
| object
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
+| AllowHeaders
| string[]
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
+| AllowMethods
| string[]
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
+| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
+| ExposeHeaders
| string[]
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
+| MaxAge
| string
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
-##### `InstanceCount`Optional
+##### `AllowCredentials`Optional
-public double InstanceCount { get; set; }
+public object AllowCredentials { get; set; }
-- *Type:* double
+- *Type:* object
-The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
+This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
+##### `AllowHeaders`Optional
-public string InstanceSizeSlug { get; set; }
+public string[] AllowHeaders { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
-The instance size to use for this component.
+The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
-##### `Kind`Optional
+##### `AllowMethods`Optional
-public string Kind { get; set; }
+public string[] AllowMethods { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
-The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process.
+The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#kind App#kind}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
-##### `LogDestination`Optional
+##### `AllowOrigins`Optional
-public object LogDestination { get; set; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-log_destination block.
+allow_origins block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
-##### `RunCommand`Optional
+##### `ExposeHeaders`Optional
-public string RunCommand { get; set; }
+public string[] ExposeHeaders { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
-An optional run command to override the component's default.
+The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
-##### `SourceDir`Optional
+##### `MaxAge`Optional
-public string SourceDir { get; set; }
+public string MaxAge { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
+This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
-### AppSpecJobAlert
+### AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecJobAlert {
- string Operator,
- string Rule,
- double Value,
- string Window,
- object Disabled = null
+new AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins {
+ string Exact = null,
+ string Prefix = null,
+ string Regex = null
@@ -2756,86 +2790,97 @@ new AppSpecJobAlert {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Operator
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| Rule
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| Value
| double
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| Window
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| Disabled
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| Exact
| string
| Exact string match. |
+| Prefix
| string
| Prefix-based match. |
+| Regex
| string
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `Operator`Required
+##### `Exact`Optional
-public string Operator { get; set; }
+public string Exact { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Exact string match.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
-##### `Rule`Required
+##### `Prefix`Optional
-public string Rule { get; set; }
+public string Prefix { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Prefix-based match.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
-##### `Value`Required
+##### `Regex`Optional
-public double Value { get; set; }
+public string Regex { get; set; }
-- *Type:* double
+- *Type:* string
+RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
-##### `Window`Required
+### AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
+#### Initializer
-public string Window { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecIngressRuleMatch {
+ AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath Path = null
-- *Type:* string
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Path
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
| path block. |
-##### `Disabled`Optional
+##### `Path`Optional
-public object Disabled { get; set; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath Path { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+path block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
-### AppSpecJobEnv
+### AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecJobEnv {
- string Key = null,
- string Scope = null,
- string Type = null,
- string Value = null
+new AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath {
+ string Prefix = null
@@ -2843,130 +2888,134 @@ new AppSpecJobEnv {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Key
| string
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| Scope
| string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| Type
| string
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| Value
| string
| The value of the environment variable. |
+| Prefix
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}. |
-##### `Key`Optional
+##### `Prefix`Optional
-public string Key { get; set; }
+public string Prefix { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}.
-##### `Scope`Optional
+### AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
+#### Initializer
-public string Scope { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* string
+new AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect {
+ string Authority = null,
+ double Port = null,
+ double RedirectCode = null,
+ string Scheme = null,
+ string Uri = null
-The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Authority
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#authority App#authority}. |
+| Port
| double
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#port App#port}. |
+| RedirectCode
| double
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#redirect_code App#redirect_code}. |
+| Scheme
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scheme App#scheme}. |
+| Uri
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#uri App#uri}. |
-##### `Type`Optional
+##### `Authority`Optional
-public string Type { get; set; }
+public string Authority { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#authority App#authority}.
-##### `Value`Optional
+##### `Port`Optional
-public string Value { get; set; }
+public double Port { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
-The value of the environment variable.
+- *Type:* double
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#port App#port}.
-### AppSpecJobGit
-#### Initializer
+##### `RedirectCode`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+public double RedirectCode { get; set; }
-new AppSpecJobGit {
- string Branch = null,
- string RepoCloneUrl = null
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* double
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| RepoCloneUrl
| string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#redirect_code App#redirect_code}.
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Scheme`Optional
-public string Branch { get; set; }
+public string Scheme { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scheme App#scheme}.
-##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `Uri`Optional
-public string RepoCloneUrl { get; set; }
+public string Uri { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#uri App#uri}.
-### AppSpecJobGithub
+### AppSpecJob
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecJobGithub {
- string Branch = null,
- object DeployOnPush = null,
- string Repo = null
+new AppSpecJob {
+ string Name,
+ object Alert = null,
+ string BuildCommand = null,
+ string DockerfilePath = null,
+ object Env = null,
+ string EnvironmentSlug = null,
+ AppSpecJobGit Git = null,
+ AppSpecJobGithub Github = null,
+ AppSpecJobGitlab Gitlab = null,
+ AppSpecJobImage Image = null,
+ double InstanceCount = null,
+ string InstanceSizeSlug = null,
+ string Kind = null,
+ object LogDestination = null,
+ string RunCommand = null,
+ string SourceDir = null
@@ -2974,264 +3023,262 @@ new AppSpecJobGithub {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+| Name
| string
| The name of the component. |
+| Alert
| object
| alert block. |
+| BuildCommand
| string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| DockerfilePath
| string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| Env
| object
| env block. |
+| EnvironmentSlug
| string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| Git
| AppSpecJobGit
| git block. |
+| Github
| AppSpecJobGithub
| github block. |
+| Gitlab
| AppSpecJobGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| Image
| AppSpecJobImage
| image block. |
+| InstanceCount
| double
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
+| InstanceSizeSlug
| string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
+| Kind
| string
| The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process. |
+| LogDestination
| object
| log_destination block. |
+| RunCommand
| string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
+| SourceDir
| string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-public string Branch { get; set; }
+public string Name { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the branch to use.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `Alert`Optional
-public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+public object Alert { get; set; }
- *Type:* object
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `BuildCommand`Optional
-public string Repo { get; set; }
+public string BuildCommand { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-### AppSpecJobGitlab
-#### Initializer
+##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecJobGitlab {
- string Branch = null,
- object DeployOnPush = null,
- string Repo = null
+public string DockerfilePath { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Env`Optional
-public string Branch { get; set; }
+public object Env { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-The name of the branch to use.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
-public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+public string EnvironmentSlug { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `Git`Optional
-public string Repo { get; set; }
+public AppSpecJobGit Git { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobGit
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-### AppSpecJobImage
-#### Initializer
+##### `Github`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecJobImage {
- string RegistryType,
- string Repository,
- object DeployOnPush = null,
- string Registry = null,
- string Tag = null
+public AppSpecJobGithub Github { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobGithub
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| RegistryType
| string
| The registry type. |
-| Repository
| string
| The repository name. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| deploy_on_push block. |
-| Registry
| string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
-| Tag
| string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+github block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-##### `RegistryType`Required
+##### `Gitlab`Optional
-public string RegistryType { get; set; }
+public AppSpecJobGitlab Gitlab { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobGitlab
-The registry type.
+gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `Repository`Required
+##### `Image`Optional
-public string Repository { get; set; }
+public AppSpecJobImage Image { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobImage
-The repository name.
+image block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `InstanceCount`Optional
-public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+public double InstanceCount { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* double
-deploy_on_push block.
+The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
-##### `Registry`Optional
+##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
-public string Registry { get; set; }
+public string InstanceSizeSlug { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+The instance size to use for this component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
-##### `Tag`Optional
+##### `Kind`Optional
-public string Tag { get; set; }
+public string Kind { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
+The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#kind App#kind}
-### AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush
-#### Initializer
+##### `LogDestination`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+public object LogDestination { get; set; }
-new AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush {
- object Enabled = null
+- *Type:* object
+log_destination block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+##### `RunCommand`Optional
+public string RunCommand { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Enabled
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+An optional run command to override the component's default.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-##### `Enabled`Optional
+##### `SourceDir`Optional
-public object Enabled { get; set; }
+public string SourceDir { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-### AppSpecJobLogDestination
+### AppSpecJobAlert
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecJobLogDestination {
- string Name,
- AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog Datadog = null,
- AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail Logtail = null,
- AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail = null
+new AppSpecJobAlert {
+ string Operator,
+ string Rule,
+ double Value,
+ string Window,
+ object Disabled = null
@@ -3239,79 +3286,86 @@ new AppSpecJobLogDestination {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| string
| Name of the log destination. |
-| Datadog
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
-| Logtail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
-| Papertrail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
+| Operator
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| Rule
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| Value
| double
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| Window
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| Disabled
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Operator`Required
-public string Name { get; set; }
+public string Operator { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
-##### `Datadog`Optional
+##### `Rule`Required
-public AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog Datadog { get; set; }
+public string Rule { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* string
-datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
-##### `Logtail`Optional
+##### `Value`Required
-public AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail Logtail { get; set; }
+public double Value { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
-logtail block.
+- *Type:* double
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
-##### `Papertrail`Optional
+##### `Window`Required
-public AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail { get; set; }
+public string Window { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* string
-papertrail block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+##### `Disabled`Optional
+public object Disabled { get; set; }
+- *Type:* object
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
-### AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
+### AppSpecJobEnv
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog {
- string ApiKey,
- string Endpoint = null
+new AppSpecJobEnv {
+ string Key = null,
+ string Scope = null,
+ string Type = null,
+ string Value = null
@@ -3319,82 +3373,79 @@ new AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| ApiKey
| string
| Datadog API key. |
-| Endpoint
| string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+| Key
| string
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| Scope
| string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| Type
| string
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| Value
| string
| The value of the environment variable. |
-##### `ApiKey`Required
+##### `Key`Optional
-public string ApiKey { get; set; }
+public string Key { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Datadog API key.
+The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
-##### `Endpoint`Optional
+##### `Scope`Optional
-public string Endpoint { get; set; }
+public string Scope { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
-### AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
-#### Initializer
+##### `Type`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail {
- string Token
+public string Type { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Token
| string
| Logtail token. |
+The type of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
-##### `Token`Required
+##### `Value`Optional
-public string Token { get; set; }
+public string Value { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Logtail token.
+The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
-### AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
+### AppSpecJobGit
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail {
- string Endpoint
+new AppSpecJobGit {
+ string Branch = null,
+ string RepoCloneUrl = null
@@ -3402,52 +3453,50 @@ new AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Endpoint
| string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| RepoCloneUrl
| string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
-##### `Endpoint`Required
+##### `Branch`Optional
-public string Endpoint { get; set; }
+public string Branch { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-### AppSpecService
+##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
-#### Initializer
+public string RepoCloneUrl { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The clone URL of the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+### AppSpecJobGithub
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecService {
- string Name,
- object Alert = null,
- string BuildCommand = null,
- AppSpecServiceCors Cors = null,
- string DockerfilePath = null,
- object Env = null,
- string EnvironmentSlug = null,
- AppSpecServiceGit Git = null,
- AppSpecServiceGithub Github = null,
- AppSpecServiceGitlab Gitlab = null,
- AppSpecServiceHealthCheck HealthCheck = null,
- double HttpPort = null,
- AppSpecServiceImage Image = null,
- double InstanceCount = null,
- string InstanceSizeSlug = null,
- double[] InternalPorts = null,
- object LogDestination = null,
- object Routes = null,
- string RunCommand = null,
- string SourceDir = null
+new AppSpecJobGithub {
+ string Branch = null,
+ object DeployOnPush = null,
+ string Repo = null
@@ -3455,320 +3504,344 @@ new AppSpecService {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| string
| The name of the component. |
-| Alert
| object
| alert block. |
-| BuildCommand
| string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| Cors
| AppSpecServiceCors
| cors block. |
-| DockerfilePath
| string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| Env
| object
| env block. |
-| EnvironmentSlug
| string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| Git
| AppSpecServiceGit
| git block. |
-| Github
| AppSpecServiceGithub
| github block. |
-| Gitlab
| AppSpecServiceGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| HealthCheck
| AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
| health_check block. |
-| HttpPort
| double
| The internal port on which this service's run command will listen. |
-| Image
| AppSpecServiceImage
| image block. |
-| InstanceCount
| double
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
-| InstanceSizeSlug
| string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
-| InternalPorts
| double[]
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}. |
-| LogDestination
| object
| log_destination block. |
-| Routes
| object
| routes block. |
-| RunCommand
| string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
-| SourceDir
| string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Branch`Optional
-public string Name { get; set; }
+public string Branch { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the component.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `Alert`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-public object Alert { get; set; }
+public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
- *Type:* object
-alert block.
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `BuildCommand`Optional
+##### `Repo`Optional
-public string BuildCommand { get; set; }
+public string Repo { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-##### `Cors`Optional
+### AppSpecJobGitlab
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecServiceCors Cors { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCors
+new AppSpecJobGitlab {
+ string Branch = null,
+ object DeployOnPush = null,
+ string Repo = null
-cors block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `Branch`Optional
-public string DockerfilePath { get; set; }
+public string Branch { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `Env`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-public object Env { get; set; }
+public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
- *Type:* object
-env block.
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
+##### `Repo`Optional
-public string EnvironmentSlug { get; set; }
+public string Repo { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-##### `Git`Optional
+### AppSpecJobImage
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecServiceGit Git { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGit
+new AppSpecJobImage {
+ string RegistryType,
+ string Repository,
+ object DeployOnPush = null,
+ string Registry = null,
+ string Tag = null
-git block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| RegistryType
| string
| The registry type. |
+| Repository
| string
| The repository name. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| deploy_on_push block. |
+| Registry
| string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
+| Tag
| string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
-##### `Github`Optional
+##### `RegistryType`Required
-public AppSpecServiceGithub Github { get; set; }
+public string RegistryType { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGithub
+- *Type:* string
-github block.
+The registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
-##### `Gitlab`Optional
+##### `Repository`Required
-public AppSpecServiceGitlab Gitlab { get; set; }
+public string Repository { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGitlab
+- *Type:* string
-gitlab block.
+The repository name.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
-##### `HealthCheck`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-public AppSpecServiceHealthCheck HealthCheck { get; set; }
+public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
+- *Type:* object
-health_check block.
+deploy_on_push block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#health_check App#health_check}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `HttpPort`Optional
+##### `Registry`Optional
-public double HttpPort { get; set; }
+public string Registry { get; set; }
-- *Type:* double
+- *Type:* string
-The internal port on which this service's run command will listen.
+The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#http_port App#http_port}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
-##### `Image`Optional
+##### `Tag`Optional
-public AppSpecServiceImage Image { get; set; }
+public string Tag { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceImage
+- *Type:* string
-image block.
+The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
-##### `InstanceCount`Optional
+### AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush
+#### Initializer
-public double InstanceCount { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* double
+new AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush {
+ object Enabled = null
-The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Enabled
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
-##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
+##### `Enabled`Optional
-public string InstanceSizeSlug { get; set; }
+public object Enabled { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-The instance size to use for this component.
+Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
-##### `InternalPorts`Optional
+### AppSpecJobLogDestination
+#### Initializer
-public double[] InternalPorts { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecJobLogDestination {
+ string Name,
+ AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog Datadog = null,
+ AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail Logtail = null,
+ AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail = null
-- *Type:* double[]
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| string
| Name of the log destination. |
+| Datadog
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
+| Logtail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
+| Papertrail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
-##### `LogDestination`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-public object LogDestination { get; set; }
+public string Name { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-log_destination block.
+Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `Routes`Optional
+##### `Datadog`Optional
-public object Routes { get; set; }
+public AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog Datadog { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
-routes block.
+datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
-##### `RunCommand`Optional
+##### `Logtail`Optional
-public string RunCommand { get; set; }
+public AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail Logtail { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
-An optional run command to override the component's default.
+logtail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
-##### `SourceDir`Optional
+##### `Papertrail`Optional
-public string SourceDir { get; set; }
+public AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+papertrail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
-### AppSpecServiceAlert
+### AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceAlert {
- string Operator,
- string Rule,
- double Value,
- string Window,
- object Disabled = null
+new AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog {
+ string ApiKey,
+ string Endpoint = null
@@ -3776,88 +3849,82 @@ new AppSpecServiceAlert {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Operator
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| Rule
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| Value
| double
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| Window
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| Disabled
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| ApiKey
| string
| Datadog API key. |
+| Endpoint
| string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
-##### `Operator`Required
+##### `ApiKey`Required
-public string Operator { get; set; }
+public string ApiKey { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Datadog API key.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
-##### `Rule`Required
+##### `Endpoint`Optional
-public string Rule { get; set; }
+public string Endpoint { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-##### `Value`Required
+### AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
+#### Initializer
-public double Value { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail {
+ string Token
-- *Type:* double
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Token
| string
| Logtail token. |
-##### `Window`Required
+##### `Token`Required
-public string Window { get; set; }
+public string Token { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
-##### `Disabled`Optional
-public object Disabled { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+Logtail token.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
-### AppSpecServiceCors
+### AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceCors {
- object AllowCredentials = null,
- string[] AllowHeaders = null,
- string[] AllowMethods = null,
- AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins = null,
- string[] ExposeHeaders = null,
- string MaxAge = null
+new AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail {
+ string Endpoint
@@ -3865,378 +3932,373 @@ new AppSpecServiceCors {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| AllowCredentials
| object
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
-| AllowHeaders
| string[]
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
-| AllowMethods
| string[]
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
-| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
-| ExposeHeaders
| string[]
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
-| MaxAge
| string
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
+| Endpoint
| string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
-##### `AllowCredentials`Optional
+##### `Endpoint`Required
-public object AllowCredentials { get; set; }
+public string Endpoint { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
-Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
+- *Type:* string
-This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
+Papertrail syslog endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-##### `AllowHeaders`Optional
+### AppSpecService
+#### Initializer
-public string[] AllowHeaders { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* string[]
+new AppSpecService {
+ string Name,
+ object Alert = null,
+ string BuildCommand = null,
+ AppSpecServiceCors Cors = null,
+ string DockerfilePath = null,
+ object Env = null,
+ string EnvironmentSlug = null,
+ AppSpecServiceGit Git = null,
+ AppSpecServiceGithub Github = null,
+ AppSpecServiceGitlab Gitlab = null,
+ AppSpecServiceHealthCheck HealthCheck = null,
+ double HttpPort = null,
+ AppSpecServiceImage Image = null,
+ double InstanceCount = null,
+ string InstanceSizeSlug = null,
+ double[] InternalPorts = null,
+ object LogDestination = null,
+ object Routes = null,
+ string RunCommand = null,
+ string SourceDir = null
-The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| string
| The name of the component. |
+| Alert
| object
| alert block. |
+| BuildCommand
| string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| Cors
| AppSpecServiceCors
| cors block. |
+| DockerfilePath
| string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| Env
| object
| env block. |
+| EnvironmentSlug
| string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| Git
| AppSpecServiceGit
| git block. |
+| Github
| AppSpecServiceGithub
| github block. |
+| Gitlab
| AppSpecServiceGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| HealthCheck
| AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
| health_check block. |
+| HttpPort
| double
| The internal port on which this service's run command will listen. |
+| Image
| AppSpecServiceImage
| image block. |
+| InstanceCount
| double
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
+| InstanceSizeSlug
| string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
+| InternalPorts
| double[]
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}. |
+| LogDestination
| object
| log_destination block. |
+| Routes
| object
| routes block. |
+| RunCommand
| string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
+| SourceDir
| string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `AllowMethods`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-public string[] AllowMethods { get; set; }
+public string Name { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string[]
+- *Type:* string
-The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `AllowOrigins`Optional
+##### `Alert`Optional
-public AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins { get; set; }
+public object Alert { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
+- *Type:* object
-allow_origins block.
+alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
-##### `ExposeHeaders`Optional
+##### `BuildCommand`Optional
-public string[] ExposeHeaders { get; set; }
+public string BuildCommand { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string[]
+- *Type:* string
-The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-##### `MaxAge`Optional
+##### `Cors`Optional
-public string MaxAge { get; set; }
+public AppSpecServiceCors Cors { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
-An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCors
-This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
+cors block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
-### AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializer
+##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins {
- string Exact = null,
- string Prefix = null,
- string Regex = null
+public string DockerfilePath { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Exact
| string
| Exact string match. |
-| Prefix
| string
| Prefix-based match. |
-| Regex
| string
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `Exact`Optional
+##### `Env`Optional
-public string Exact { get; set; }
+public object Env { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-Exact string match.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `Prefix`Optional
+##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
-public string Prefix { get; set; }
+public string EnvironmentSlug { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Prefix-based match.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-##### `Regex`Optional
+##### `Git`Optional
-public string Regex { get; set; }
+public AppSpecServiceGit Git { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGit
-RE2 style regex-based match.
+git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-### AppSpecServiceEnv
-#### Initializer
+##### `Github`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceEnv {
- string Key = null,
- string Scope = null,
- string Type = null,
- string Value = null
+public AppSpecServiceGithub Github { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGithub
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Key
| string
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| Scope
| string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| Type
| string
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| Value
| string
| The value of the environment variable. |
+github block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-##### `Key`Optional
+##### `Gitlab`Optional
-public string Key { get; set; }
+public AppSpecServiceGitlab Gitlab { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGitlab
-The name of the environment variable.
+gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `Scope`Optional
+##### `HealthCheck`Optional
-public string Scope { get; set; }
+public AppSpecServiceHealthCheck HealthCheck { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
-The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+health_check block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#health_check App#health_check}
-##### `Type`Optional
+##### `HttpPort`Optional
-public string Type { get; set; }
+public double HttpPort { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* double
-The type of the environment variable.
+The internal port on which this service's run command will listen.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#http_port App#http_port}
-##### `Value`Optional
+##### `Image`Optional
-public string Value { get; set; }
+public AppSpecServiceImage Image { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceImage
-The value of the environment variable.
+image block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-### AppSpecServiceGit
-#### Initializer
+##### `InstanceCount`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceGit {
- string Branch = null,
- string RepoCloneUrl = null
+public double InstanceCount { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* double
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| RepoCloneUrl
| string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
-public string Branch { get; set; }
+public string InstanceSizeSlug { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the branch to use.
+The instance size to use for this component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
-##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `InternalPorts`Optional
-public string RepoCloneUrl { get; set; }
+public double[] InternalPorts { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
-The clone URL of the repo.
+- *Type:* double[]
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}.
-### AppSpecServiceGithub
-#### Initializer
+##### `LogDestination`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceGithub {
- string Branch = null,
- object DeployOnPush = null,
- string Repo = null
+public object LogDestination { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* object
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+log_destination block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Routes`Optional
-public string Branch { get; set; }
+public object Routes { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-The name of the branch to use.
+routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `RunCommand`Optional
-public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+public string RunCommand { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+An optional run command to override the component's default.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `SourceDir`Optional
-public string Repo { get; set; }
+public string SourceDir { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-### AppSpecServiceGitlab
+### AppSpecServiceAlert
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceGitlab {
- string Branch = null,
- object DeployOnPush = null,
- string Repo = null
+new AppSpecServiceAlert {
+ string Operator,
+ string Rule,
+ double Value,
+ string Window,
+ object Disabled = null
@@ -4244,312 +4306,270 @@ new AppSpecServiceGitlab {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+| Operator
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| Rule
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| Value
| double
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| Window
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| Disabled
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Operator`Required
-public string Branch { get; set; }
+public string Operator { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `Rule`Required
-public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+public string Rule { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `Value`Required
-public string Repo { get; set; }
+public double Value { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+- *Type:* double
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
-### AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
-#### Initializer
+##### `Window`Required
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceHealthCheck {
- double FailureThreshold = null,
- string HttpPath = null,
- double InitialDelaySeconds = null,
- double PeriodSeconds = null,
- double SuccessThreshold = null,
- double TimeoutSeconds = null
+public string Window { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| FailureThreshold
| double
| The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy. |
-| HttpPath
| string
| The route path used for the HTTP health check ping. |
-| InitialDelaySeconds
| double
| The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks. |
-| PeriodSeconds
| double
| The number of seconds to wait between health checks. |
-| SuccessThreshold
| double
| The number of successful health checks before considered healthy. |
-| TimeoutSeconds
| double
| The number of seconds after which the check times out. |
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
-##### `FailureThreshold`Optional
+##### `Disabled`Optional
-public double FailureThreshold { get; set; }
+public object Disabled { get; set; }
-- *Type:* double
-The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy.
+- *Type:* object
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#failure_threshold App#failure_threshold}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
-##### `HttpPath`Optional
-public string HttpPath { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
-The route path used for the HTTP health check ping.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#http_path App#http_path}
+### AppSpecServiceCors
-##### `InitialDelaySeconds`Optional
+#### Initializer
-public double InitialDelaySeconds { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* double
+new AppSpecServiceCors {
+ object AllowCredentials = null,
+ string[] AllowHeaders = null,
+ string[] AllowMethods = null,
+ AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins = null,
+ string[] ExposeHeaders = null,
+ string MaxAge = null
-The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#initial_delay_seconds App#initial_delay_seconds}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AllowCredentials
| object
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
+| AllowHeaders
| string[]
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
+| AllowMethods
| string[]
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
+| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
+| ExposeHeaders
| string[]
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
+| MaxAge
| string
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
-##### `PeriodSeconds`Optional
+##### `AllowCredentials`Optional
-public double PeriodSeconds { get; set; }
+public object AllowCredentials { get; set; }
-- *Type:* double
+- *Type:* object
-The number of seconds to wait between health checks.
+Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#period_seconds App#period_seconds}
+This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `SuccessThreshold`Optional
+##### `AllowHeaders`Optional
-public double SuccessThreshold { get; set; }
+public string[] AllowHeaders { get; set; }
-- *Type:* double
+- *Type:* string[]
-The number of successful health checks before considered healthy.
+The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#success_threshold App#success_threshold}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
-##### `TimeoutSeconds`Optional
+##### `AllowMethods`Optional
-public double TimeoutSeconds { get; set; }
+public string[] AllowMethods { get; set; }
-- *Type:* double
+- *Type:* string[]
-The number of seconds after which the check times out.
+The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#timeout_seconds App#timeout_seconds}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
-### AppSpecServiceImage
-#### Initializer
+##### `AllowOrigins`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceImage {
- string RegistryType,
- string Repository,
- object DeployOnPush = null,
- string Registry = null,
- string Tag = null
+public AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| RegistryType
| string
| The registry type. |
-| Repository
| string
| The repository name. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| deploy_on_push block. |
-| Registry
| string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
-| Tag
| string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+allow_origins block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
-##### `RegistryType`Required
+##### `ExposeHeaders`Optional
-public string RegistryType { get; set; }
+public string[] ExposeHeaders { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
-The registry type.
+The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
-##### `Repository`Required
+##### `MaxAge`Optional
-public string Repository { get; set; }
+public string MaxAge { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The repository name.
+An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
+This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
+#### Initializer
-public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* object
+new AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins {
+ string Exact = null,
+ string Prefix = null,
+ string Regex = null
-deploy_on_push block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Exact
| string
| Exact string match. |
+| Prefix
| string
| Prefix-based match. |
+| Regex
| string
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `Registry`Optional
+##### `Exact`Optional
-public string Registry { get; set; }
+public string Exact { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+Exact string match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
-##### `Tag`Optional
+##### `Prefix`Optional
-public string Tag { get; set; }
+public string Prefix { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
-### AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush
-#### Initializer
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush {
- object Enabled = null
-#### Properties
+Prefix-based match.
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Enabled
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
-##### `Enabled`Optional
+##### `Regex`Optional
-public object Enabled { get; set; }
+public string Regex { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestination
+### AppSpecServiceEnv
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceLogDestination {
- string Name,
- AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog Datadog = null,
- AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail Logtail = null,
- AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail = null
+new AppSpecServiceEnv {
+ string Key = null,
+ string Scope = null,
+ string Type = null,
+ string Value = null
@@ -4557,79 +4577,79 @@ new AppSpecServiceLogDestination {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| string
| Name of the log destination. |
-| Datadog
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
-| Logtail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
-| Papertrail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
+| Key
| string
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| Scope
| string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| Type
| string
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| Value
| string
| The value of the environment variable. |
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Key`Optional
-public string Name { get; set; }
+public string Key { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Name of the log destination.
+The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
-##### `Datadog`Optional
+##### `Scope`Optional
-public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog Datadog { get; set; }
+public string Scope { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* string
-datadog block.
+The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
-##### `Logtail`Optional
+##### `Type`Optional
-public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail Logtail { get; set; }
+public string Type { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* string
-logtail block.
+The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
-##### `Papertrail`Optional
+##### `Value`Optional
-public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail { get; set; }
+public string Value { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* string
-papertrail block.
+The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
+### AppSpecServiceGit
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog {
- string ApiKey,
- string Endpoint = null
+new AppSpecServiceGit {
+ string Branch = null,
+ string RepoCloneUrl = null
@@ -4637,48 +4657,50 @@ new AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| ApiKey
| string
| Datadog API key. |
-| Endpoint
| string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| RepoCloneUrl
| string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
-##### `ApiKey`Required
+##### `Branch`Optional
-public string ApiKey { get; set; }
+public string Branch { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Datadog API key.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `Endpoint`Optional
+##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
-public string Endpoint { get; set; }
+public string RepoCloneUrl { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
+### AppSpecServiceGithub
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail {
- string Token
+new AppSpecServiceGithub {
+ string Branch = null,
+ object DeployOnPush = null,
+ string Repo = null
@@ -4686,68 +4708,65 @@ new AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Token
| string
| Logtail token. |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `Token`Required
+##### `Branch`Optional
-public string Token { get; set; }
+public string Branch { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Logtail token.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
-#### Initializer
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail {
- string Endpoint
+public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* object
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Endpoint
| string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `Endpoint`Required
+##### `Repo`Optional
-public string Endpoint { get; set; }
+public string Repo { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-### AppSpecServiceRoutes
+### AppSpecServiceGitlab
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecServiceRoutes {
- string Path = null,
- object PreservePathPrefix = null
+new AppSpecServiceGitlab {
+ string Branch = null,
+ object DeployOnPush = null,
+ string Repo = null
@@ -4755,64 +4774,68 @@ new AppSpecServiceRoutes {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Path
| string
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
-| PreservePathPrefix
| object
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `Path`Optional
+##### `Branch`Optional
-public string Path { get; set; }
+public string Branch { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
-Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `PreservePathPrefix`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-public object PreservePathPrefix { get; set; }
+public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
- *Type:* object
-An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-### AppSpecStaticSite
+##### `Repo`Optional
-#### Initializer
+public string Repo { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+### AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecStaticSite {
- string Name,
- string BuildCommand = null,
- string CatchallDocument = null,
- AppSpecStaticSiteCors Cors = null,
- string DockerfilePath = null,
- object Env = null,
- string EnvironmentSlug = null,
- string ErrorDocument = null,
- AppSpecStaticSiteGit Git = null,
- AppSpecStaticSiteGithub Github = null,
- AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab Gitlab = null,
- string IndexDocument = null,
- string OutputDir = null,
- object Routes = null,
- string SourceDir = null
+new AppSpecServiceHealthCheck {
+ double FailureThreshold = null,
+ string HttpPath = null,
+ double InitialDelaySeconds = null,
+ double PeriodSeconds = null,
+ double SuccessThreshold = null,
+ double TimeoutSeconds = null
@@ -4820,250 +4843,243 @@ new AppSpecStaticSite {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| string
| The name of the component. |
-| BuildCommand
| string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| CatchallDocument
| string
| The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site. |
-| Cors
| AppSpecStaticSiteCors
| cors block. |
-| DockerfilePath
| string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| Env
| object
| env block. |
-| EnvironmentSlug
| string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| ErrorDocument
| string
| The name of the error document to use when serving this static site. |
-| Git
| AppSpecStaticSiteGit
| git block. |
-| Github
| AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
| github block. |
-| Gitlab
| AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| IndexDocument
| string
| The name of the index document to use when serving this static site. |
-| OutputDir
| string
| An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context. |
-| Routes
| object
| routes block. |
-| SourceDir
| string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+| FailureThreshold
| double
| The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy. |
+| HttpPath
| string
| The route path used for the HTTP health check ping. |
+| InitialDelaySeconds
| double
| The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks. |
+| PeriodSeconds
| double
| The number of seconds to wait between health checks. |
+| SuccessThreshold
| double
| The number of successful health checks before considered healthy. |
+| TimeoutSeconds
| double
| The number of seconds after which the check times out. |
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `FailureThreshold`Optional
-public string Name { get; set; }
+public double FailureThreshold { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* double
-The name of the component.
+The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#failure_threshold App#failure_threshold}
-##### `BuildCommand`Optional
+##### `HttpPath`Optional
-public string BuildCommand { get; set; }
+public string HttpPath { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+The route path used for the HTTP health check ping.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#http_path App#http_path}
-##### `CatchallDocument`Optional
+##### `InitialDelaySeconds`Optional
-public string CatchallDocument { get; set; }
+public double InitialDelaySeconds { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* double
-The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site.
+The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#catchall_document App#catchall_document}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#initial_delay_seconds App#initial_delay_seconds}
-##### `Cors`Optional
+##### `PeriodSeconds`Optional
-public AppSpecStaticSiteCors Cors { get; set; }
+public double PeriodSeconds { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCors
+- *Type:* double
-cors block.
+The number of seconds to wait between health checks.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#period_seconds App#period_seconds}
-##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `SuccessThreshold`Optional
-public string DockerfilePath { get; set; }
+public double SuccessThreshold { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* double
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+The number of successful health checks before considered healthy.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#success_threshold App#success_threshold}
-##### `Env`Optional
+##### `TimeoutSeconds`Optional
-public object Env { get; set; }
+public double TimeoutSeconds { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* double
-env block.
+The number of seconds after which the check times out.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#timeout_seconds App#timeout_seconds}
-##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceImage
+#### Initializer
-public string EnvironmentSlug { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* string
+new AppSpecServiceImage {
+ string RegistryType,
+ string Repository,
+ object DeployOnPush = null,
+ string Registry = null,
+ string Tag = null
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| RegistryType
| string
| The registry type. |
+| Repository
| string
| The repository name. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| deploy_on_push block. |
+| Registry
| string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
+| Tag
| string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
-##### `ErrorDocument`Optional
+##### `RegistryType`Required
-public string ErrorDocument { get; set; }
+public string RegistryType { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the error document to use when serving this static site.
+The registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#error_document App#error_document}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
-##### `Git`Optional
+##### `Repository`Required
-public AppSpecStaticSiteGit Git { get; set; }
+public string Repository { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGit
+- *Type:* string
-git block.
+The repository name.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
-##### `Github`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-public AppSpecStaticSiteGithub Github { get; set; }
+public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
+- *Type:* object
-github block.
+deploy_on_push block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `Gitlab`Optional
+##### `Registry`Optional
-public AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab Gitlab { get; set; }
+public string Registry { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
+- *Type:* string
-gitlab block.
+The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
-##### `IndexDocument`Optional
+##### `Tag`Optional
-public string IndexDocument { get; set; }
+public string Tag { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the index document to use when serving this static site.
+The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#index_document App#index_document}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
-##### `OutputDir`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush
+#### Initializer
-public string OutputDir { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush {
+ object Enabled = null
-- *Type:* string
+#### Properties
-An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context.
-If not set, App Platform will automatically scan for these directory names: `_static`, `dist`, `public`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#output_dir App#output_dir}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Enabled
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
-##### `Routes`Optional
+##### `Enabled`Optional
-public object Routes { get; set; }
+public object Enabled { get; set; }
- *Type:* object
-routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
-##### `SourceDir`Optional
-public string SourceDir { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteCors
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestination
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecStaticSiteCors {
- object AllowCredentials = null,
- string[] AllowHeaders = null,
- string[] AllowMethods = null,
- AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins = null,
- string[] ExposeHeaders = null,
- string MaxAge = null
+new AppSpecServiceLogDestination {
+ string Name,
+ AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog Datadog = null,
+ AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail Logtail = null,
+ AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail = null
@@ -5071,114 +5087,79 @@ new AppSpecStaticSiteCors {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| AllowCredentials
| object
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
-| AllowHeaders
| string[]
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
-| AllowMethods
| string[]
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
-| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
-| ExposeHeaders
| string[]
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
-| MaxAge
| string
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
-##### `AllowCredentials`Optional
-public object AllowCredentials { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
-Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
-This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `AllowHeaders`Optional
-public string[] AllowHeaders { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string[]
-The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
+| Name
| string
| Name of the log destination. |
+| Datadog
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
+| Logtail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
+| Papertrail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
-##### `AllowMethods`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-public string[] AllowMethods { get; set; }
+public string Name { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string[]
+- *Type:* string
-The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
+Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `AllowOrigins`Optional
+##### `Datadog`Optional
-public AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins { get; set; }
+public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog Datadog { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
-allow_origins block.
+datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
-##### `ExposeHeaders`Optional
+##### `Logtail`Optional
-public string[] ExposeHeaders { get; set; }
+public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail Logtail { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string[]
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
-The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
+logtail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
-##### `MaxAge`Optional
+##### `Papertrail`Optional
-public string MaxAge { get; set; }
+public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
-An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
-This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
+papertrail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins {
- string Exact = null,
- string Prefix = null,
- string Regex = null
+new AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog {
+ string ApiKey,
+ string Endpoint = null
@@ -5186,66 +5167,48 @@ new AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Exact
| string
| Exact string match. |
-| Prefix
| string
| Prefix-based match. |
-| Regex
| string
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `Exact`Optional
-public string Exact { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
-Exact string match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
+| ApiKey
| string
| Datadog API key. |
+| Endpoint
| string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
-##### `Prefix`Optional
+##### `ApiKey`Required
-public string Prefix { get; set; }
+public string ApiKey { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Prefix-based match.
+Datadog API key.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
-##### `Regex`Optional
+##### `Endpoint`Optional
-public string Regex { get; set; }
+public string Endpoint { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-RE2 style regex-based match.
+Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteEnv
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecStaticSiteEnv {
- string Key = null,
- string Scope = null,
- string Type = null,
- string Value = null
+new AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail {
+ string Token
@@ -5253,79 +5216,68 @@ new AppSpecStaticSiteEnv {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Key
| string
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| Scope
| string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| Type
| string
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| Value
| string
| The value of the environment variable. |
+| Token
| string
| Logtail token. |
-##### `Key`Optional
+##### `Token`Required
-public string Key { get; set; }
+public string Token { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the environment variable.
+Logtail token.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
-##### `Scope`Optional
-public string Scope { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
-The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
-##### `Type`Optional
+#### Initializer
-public string Type { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* string
+new AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail {
+ string Endpoint
-The type of the environment variable.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Endpoint
| string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
-##### `Value`Optional
+##### `Endpoint`Required
-public string Value { get; set; }
+public string Endpoint { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The value of the environment variable.
+Papertrail syslog endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteGit
+### AppSpecServiceRoutes
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecStaticSiteGit {
- string Branch = null,
- string RepoCloneUrl = null
+new AppSpecServiceRoutes {
+ string Path = null,
+ object PreservePathPrefix = null
@@ -5333,494 +5285,430 @@ new AppSpecStaticSiteGit {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| RepoCloneUrl
| string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+| Path
| string
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
+| PreservePathPrefix
| object
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Path`Optional
-public string Branch { get; set; }
+public string Path { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the branch to use.
+Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
+Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
-##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `PreservePathPrefix`Optional
-public string RepoCloneUrl { get; set; }
+public object PreservePathPrefix { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-The clone URL of the repo.
+An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
+### AppSpecStaticSite
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecStaticSiteGithub {
- string Branch = null,
- object DeployOnPush = null,
- string Repo = null
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+new AppSpecStaticSite {
+ string Name,
+ string BuildCommand = null,
+ string CatchallDocument = null,
+ AppSpecStaticSiteCors Cors = null,
+ string DockerfilePath = null,
+ object Env = null,
+ string EnvironmentSlug = null,
+ string ErrorDocument = null,
+ AppSpecStaticSiteGit Git = null,
+ AppSpecStaticSiteGithub Github = null,
+ AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab Gitlab = null,
+ string IndexDocument = null,
+ string OutputDir = null,
+ object Routes = null,
+ string SourceDir = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| string
| The name of the component. |
+| BuildCommand
| string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| CatchallDocument
| string
| The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site. |
+| Cors
| AppSpecStaticSiteCors
| cors block. |
+| DockerfilePath
| string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| Env
| object
| env block. |
+| EnvironmentSlug
| string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| ErrorDocument
| string
| The name of the error document to use when serving this static site. |
+| Git
| AppSpecStaticSiteGit
| git block. |
+| Github
| AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
| github block. |
+| Gitlab
| AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| IndexDocument
| string
| The name of the index document to use when serving this static site. |
+| OutputDir
| string
| An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context. |
+| Routes
| object
| routes block. |
+| SourceDir
| string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-public string Branch { get; set; }
+public string Name { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the branch to use.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `BuildCommand`Optional
-public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+public string BuildCommand { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `CatchallDocument`Optional
-public string Repo { get; set; }
+public string CatchallDocument { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#catchall_document App#catchall_document}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
-#### Initializer
+##### `Cors`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab {
- string Branch = null,
- object DeployOnPush = null,
- string Repo = null
+public AppSpecStaticSiteCors Cors { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCors
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+cors block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
-public string Branch { get; set; }
+public string DockerfilePath { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the branch to use.
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `Env`Optional
-public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+public object Env { get; set; }
- *Type:* object
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
-public string Repo { get; set; }
+public string EnvironmentSlug { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes
-#### Initializer
+##### `ErrorDocument`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes {
- string Path = null,
- object PreservePathPrefix = null
+public string ErrorDocument { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Path
| string
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
-| PreservePathPrefix
| object
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
+The name of the error document to use when serving this static site.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#error_document App#error_document}
-##### `Path`Optional
+##### `Git`Optional
-public string Path { get; set; }
+public AppSpecStaticSiteGit Git { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
-Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGit
-Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
+git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-##### `PreservePathPrefix`Optional
+##### `Github`Optional
-public object PreservePathPrefix { get; set; }
+public AppSpecStaticSiteGithub Github { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
-An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
+github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-### AppSpecWorker
-#### Initializer
+##### `Gitlab`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorker {
- string Name,
- object Alert = null,
- string BuildCommand = null,
- string DockerfilePath = null,
- object Env = null,
- string EnvironmentSlug = null,
- AppSpecWorkerGit Git = null,
- AppSpecWorkerGithub Github = null,
- AppSpecWorkerGitlab Gitlab = null,
- AppSpecWorkerImage Image = null,
- double InstanceCount = null,
- string InstanceSizeSlug = null,
- object LogDestination = null,
- string RunCommand = null,
- string SourceDir = null
+public AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab Gitlab { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| string
| The name of the component. |
-| Alert
| object
| alert block. |
-| BuildCommand
| string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| DockerfilePath
| string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| Env
| object
| env block. |
-| EnvironmentSlug
| string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| Git
| AppSpecWorkerGit
| git block. |
-| Github
| AppSpecWorkerGithub
| github block. |
-| Gitlab
| AppSpecWorkerGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| Image
| AppSpecWorkerImage
| image block. |
-| InstanceCount
| double
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
-| InstanceSizeSlug
| string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
-| LogDestination
| object
| log_destination block. |
-| RunCommand
| string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
-| SourceDir
| string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+gitlab block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `IndexDocument`Optional
-public string Name { get; set; }
+public string IndexDocument { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The name of the component.
+The name of the index document to use when serving this static site.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#index_document App#index_document}
-##### `Alert`Optional
+##### `OutputDir`Optional
-public object Alert { get; set; }
+public string OutputDir { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-alert block.
+An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context.
+If not set, App Platform will automatically scan for these directory names: `_static`, `dist`, `public`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#output_dir App#output_dir}
-##### `BuildCommand`Optional
+##### `Routes`Optional
-public string BuildCommand { get; set; }
+public object Routes { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
-##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `SourceDir`Optional
-public string DockerfilePath { get; set; }
+public string SourceDir { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-##### `Env`Optional
+### AppSpecStaticSiteCors
+#### Initializer
-public object Env { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* object
+new AppSpecStaticSiteCors {
+ object AllowCredentials = null,
+ string[] AllowHeaders = null,
+ string[] AllowMethods = null,
+ AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins = null,
+ string[] ExposeHeaders = null,
+ string MaxAge = null
-env block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AllowCredentials
| object
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
+| AllowHeaders
| string[]
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
+| AllowMethods
| string[]
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
+| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
+| ExposeHeaders
| string[]
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
+| MaxAge
| string
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
-##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
+##### `AllowCredentials`Optional
-public string EnvironmentSlug { get; set; }
+public object AllowCredentials { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
+This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `Git`Optional
+##### `AllowHeaders`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerGit Git { get; set; }
+public string[] AllowHeaders { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGit
+- *Type:* string[]
-git block.
+The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
-##### `Github`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerGithub Github { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGithub
-github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-##### `Gitlab`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerGitlab Gitlab { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGitlab
-gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `Image`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerImage Image { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerImage
-image block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-##### `InstanceCount`Optional
+##### `AllowMethods`Optional
-public double InstanceCount { get; set; }
+public string[] AllowMethods { get; set; }
-- *Type:* double
+- *Type:* string[]
-The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
-##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
+##### `AllowOrigins`Optional
-public string InstanceSizeSlug { get; set; }
+public AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins AllowOrigins { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
-The instance size to use for this component.
+allow_origins block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
-##### `LogDestination`Optional
+##### `ExposeHeaders`Optional
-public object LogDestination { get; set; }
+public string[] ExposeHeaders { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string[]
-log_destination block.
+The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
-##### `RunCommand`Optional
+##### `MaxAge`Optional
-public string RunCommand { get; set; }
+public string MaxAge { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-An optional run command to override the component's default.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-##### `SourceDir`Optional
-public string SourceDir { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
-### AppSpecWorkerAlert
+### AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerAlert {
- string Operator,
- string Rule,
- double Value,
- string Window,
- object Disabled = null
+new AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins {
+ string Exact = null,
+ string Prefix = null,
+ string Regex = null
@@ -5828,82 +5716,62 @@ new AppSpecWorkerAlert {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Operator
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| Rule
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| Value
| double
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| Window
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| Disabled
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| Exact
| string
| Exact string match. |
+| Prefix
| string
| Prefix-based match. |
+| Regex
| string
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `Operator`Required
+##### `Exact`Optional
-public string Operator { get; set; }
+public string Exact { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Exact string match.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
-##### `Rule`Required
+##### `Prefix`Optional
-public string Rule { get; set; }
+public string Prefix { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
-##### `Value`Required
-public double Value { get; set; }
-- *Type:* double
+Prefix-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
-##### `Window`Required
+##### `Regex`Optional
-public string Window { get; set; }
+public string Regex { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
-##### `Disabled`Optional
-public object Disabled { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
-### AppSpecWorkerEnv
+### AppSpecStaticSiteEnv
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerEnv {
+new AppSpecStaticSiteEnv {
string Key = null,
string Scope = null,
string Type = null,
@@ -5915,14 +5783,14 @@ new AppSpecWorkerEnv {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Key
| string
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| Scope
| string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| Type
| string
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| Value
| string
| The value of the environment variable. |
+| Key
| string
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| Scope
| string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| Type
| string
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| Value
| string
| The value of the environment variable. |
-##### `Key`Optional
+##### `Key`Optional
public string Key { get; set; }
@@ -5932,11 +5800,11 @@ public string Key { get; set; }
The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
-##### `Scope`Optional
+##### `Scope`Optional
public string Scope { get; set; }
@@ -5946,11 +5814,11 @@ public string Scope { get; set; }
The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
-##### `Type`Optional
+##### `Type`Optional
public string Type { get; set; }
@@ -5960,11 +5828,11 @@ public string Type { get; set; }
The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
-##### `Value`Optional
+##### `Value`Optional
public string Value { get; set; }
@@ -5974,18 +5842,18 @@ public string Value { get; set; }
The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
-### AppSpecWorkerGit
+### AppSpecStaticSiteGit
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerGit {
+new AppSpecStaticSiteGit {
string Branch = null,
string RepoCloneUrl = null
@@ -5995,12 +5863,12 @@ new AppSpecWorkerGit {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| RepoCloneUrl
| string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| RepoCloneUrl
| string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Branch`Optional
public string Branch { get; set; }
@@ -6010,11 +5878,11 @@ public string Branch { get; set; }
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
public string RepoCloneUrl { get; set; }
@@ -6024,18 +5892,18 @@ public string RepoCloneUrl { get; set; }
The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
-### AppSpecWorkerGithub
+### AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerGithub {
+new AppSpecStaticSiteGithub {
string Branch = null,
object DeployOnPush = null,
string Repo = null
@@ -6046,13 +5914,13 @@ new AppSpecWorkerGithub {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Branch`Optional
public string Branch { get; set; }
@@ -6062,11 +5930,11 @@ public string Branch { get; set; }
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
@@ -6076,11 +5944,11 @@ public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `Repo`Optional
public string Repo { get; set; }
@@ -6090,18 +5958,18 @@ public string Repo { get; set; }
The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-### AppSpecWorkerGitlab
+### AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerGitlab {
+new AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab {
string Branch = null,
object DeployOnPush = null,
string Repo = null
@@ -6112,13 +5980,13 @@ new AppSpecWorkerGitlab {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Branch`Optional
public string Branch { get; set; }
@@ -6128,11 +5996,11 @@ public string Branch { get; set; }
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
@@ -6142,11 +6010,11 @@ public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `Repo`Optional
public string Repo { get; set; }
@@ -6156,23 +6024,20 @@ public string Repo { get; set; }
The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-### AppSpecWorkerImage
+### AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerImage {
- string RegistryType,
- string Repository,
- object DeployOnPush = null,
- string Registry = null,
- string Tag = null
+new AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes {
+ string Path = null,
+ object PreservePathPrefix = null
@@ -6180,327 +6045,312 @@ new AppSpecWorkerImage {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| RegistryType
| string
| The registry type. |
-| Repository
| string
| The repository name. |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| deploy_on_push block. |
-| Registry
| string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
-| Tag
| string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+| Path
| string
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
+| PreservePathPrefix
| object
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
-##### `RegistryType`Required
+##### `Path`Optional
-public string RegistryType { get; set; }
+public string Path { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
-##### `Repository`Required
-public string Repository { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
-The repository name.
+Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `PreservePathPrefix`Optional
-public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+public object PreservePathPrefix { get; set; }
- *Type:* object
-deploy_on_push block.
+An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
-##### `Registry`Optional
+### AppSpecWorker
+#### Initializer
-public string Registry { get; set; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-- *Type:* string
+new AppSpecWorker {
+ string Name,
+ object Alert = null,
+ string BuildCommand = null,
+ string DockerfilePath = null,
+ object Env = null,
+ string EnvironmentSlug = null,
+ AppSpecWorkerGit Git = null,
+ AppSpecWorkerGithub Github = null,
+ AppSpecWorkerGitlab Gitlab = null,
+ AppSpecWorkerImage Image = null,
+ double InstanceCount = null,
+ string InstanceSizeSlug = null,
+ object LogDestination = null,
+ string RunCommand = null,
+ string SourceDir = null
-The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| string
| The name of the component. |
+| Alert
| object
| alert block. |
+| BuildCommand
| string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| DockerfilePath
| string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| Env
| object
| env block. |
+| EnvironmentSlug
| string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| Git
| AppSpecWorkerGit
| git block. |
+| Github
| AppSpecWorkerGithub
| github block. |
+| Gitlab
| AppSpecWorkerGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| Image
| AppSpecWorkerImage
| image block. |
+| InstanceCount
| double
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
+| InstanceSizeSlug
| string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
+| LogDestination
| object
| log_destination block. |
+| RunCommand
| string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
+| SourceDir
| string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `Tag`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-public string Tag { get; set; }
+public string Name { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-### AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush
-#### Initializer
+##### `Alert`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush {
- object Enabled = null
+public object Alert { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* object
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Enabled
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+alert block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
-##### `Enabled`Optional
+##### `BuildCommand`Optional
-public object Enabled { get; set; }
+public string BuildCommand { get; set; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestination
-#### Initializer
+##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerLogDestination {
- string Name,
- AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog Datadog = null,
- AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail Logtail = null,
- AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail = null
+public string DockerfilePath { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| string
| Name of the log destination. |
-| Datadog
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
-| Logtail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
-| Papertrail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Env`Optional
-public string Name { get; set; }
+public object Env { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-Name of the log destination.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `Datadog`Optional
+##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog Datadog { get; set; }
+public string EnvironmentSlug { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* string
-datadog block.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-##### `Logtail`Optional
+##### `Git`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail Logtail { get; set; }
+public AppSpecWorkerGit Git { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGit
-logtail block.
+git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-##### `Papertrail`Optional
+##### `Github`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail { get; set; }
+public AppSpecWorkerGithub Github { get; set; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGithub
-papertrail block.
+github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
-#### Initializer
+##### `Gitlab`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog {
- string ApiKey,
- string Endpoint = null
+public AppSpecWorkerGitlab Gitlab { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGitlab
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| ApiKey
| string
| Datadog API key. |
-| Endpoint
| string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+gitlab block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `ApiKey`Required
+##### `Image`Optional
-public string ApiKey { get; set; }
+public AppSpecWorkerImage Image { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerImage
-Datadog API key.
+image block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-##### `Endpoint`Optional
+##### `InstanceCount`Optional
-public string Endpoint { get; set; }
+public double InstanceCount { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* double
-Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
-#### Initializer
+##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail {
- string Token
+public string InstanceSizeSlug { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Token
| string
| Logtail token. |
+The instance size to use for this component.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
-##### `Token`Required
+##### `LogDestination`Optional
-public string Token { get; set; }
+public object LogDestination { get; set; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-Logtail token.
+log_destination block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
-#### Initializer
+##### `RunCommand`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail {
- string Endpoint
+public string RunCommand { get; set; }
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Endpoint
| string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+An optional run command to override the component's default.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-##### `Endpoint`Required
+##### `SourceDir`Optional
-public string Endpoint { get; set; }
+public string SourceDir { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-### AppTimeouts
+### AppSpecWorkerAlert
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppTimeouts {
- string Create = null
+new AppSpecWorkerAlert {
+ string Operator,
+ string Rule,
+ double Value,
+ string Window,
+ object Disabled = null
@@ -6508,59 +6358,3010 @@ new AppTimeouts {
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Create
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}. |
+| Operator
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| Rule
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| Value
| double
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| Window
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| Disabled
| object
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
-##### `Create`Optional
+##### `Operator`Required
-public string Create { get; set; }
+public string Operator { get; set; }
- *Type:* string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
-## Classes
-### AppSpecAlertList
-#### Initializers
+##### `Rule`Required
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecAlertList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+public string Rule { get; set; }
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+- *Type:* string
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+public double Value { get; set; }
-The parent resource.
+- *Type:* double
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+##### `Window`Required
+public string Window { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+##### `Disabled`Optional
+public object Disabled { get; set; }
+- *Type:* object
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+### AppSpecWorkerEnv
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecWorkerEnv {
+ string Key = null,
+ string Scope = null,
+ string Type = null,
+ string Value = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Key
| string
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| Scope
| string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| Type
| string
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| Value
| string
| The value of the environment variable. |
+##### `Key`Optional
+public string Key { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The name of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+##### `Scope`Optional
+public string Scope { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+##### `Type`Optional
+public string Type { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The type of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+##### `Value`Optional
+public string Value { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The value of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+### AppSpecWorkerGit
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecWorkerGit {
+ string Branch = null,
+ string RepoCloneUrl = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| RepoCloneUrl
| string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+##### `Branch`Optional
+public string Branch { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The name of the branch to use.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
+public string RepoCloneUrl { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The clone URL of the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+### AppSpecWorkerGithub
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecWorkerGithub {
+ string Branch = null,
+ object DeployOnPush = null,
+ string Repo = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+##### `Branch`Optional
+public string Branch { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The name of the branch to use.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+- *Type:* object
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+##### `Repo`Optional
+public string Repo { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+### AppSpecWorkerGitlab
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecWorkerGitlab {
+ string Branch = null,
+ object DeployOnPush = null,
+ string Repo = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Branch
| string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+##### `Branch`Optional
+public string Branch { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The name of the branch to use.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+- *Type:* object
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+##### `Repo`Optional
+public string Repo { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+### AppSpecWorkerImage
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecWorkerImage {
+ string RegistryType,
+ string Repository,
+ object DeployOnPush = null,
+ string Registry = null,
+ string Tag = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| RegistryType
| string
| The registry type. |
+| Repository
| string
| The repository name. |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| deploy_on_push block. |
+| Registry
| string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
+| Tag
| string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+##### `RegistryType`Required
+public string RegistryType { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The registry type.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
+##### `Repository`Required
+public string Repository { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The repository name.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+public object DeployOnPush { get; set; }
+- *Type:* object
+deploy_on_push block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+##### `Registry`Optional
+public string Registry { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+##### `Tag`Optional
+public string Tag { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
+### AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush {
+ object Enabled = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Enabled
| object
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+##### `Enabled`Optional
+public object Enabled { get; set; }
+- *Type:* object
+Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestination
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecWorkerLogDestination {
+ string Name,
+ AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog Datadog = null,
+ AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail Logtail = null,
+ AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| string
| Name of the log destination. |
+| Datadog
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
+| Logtail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
+| Papertrail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
+##### `Name`Required
+public string Name { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+Name of the log destination.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+##### `Datadog`Optional
+public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog Datadog { get; set; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+datadog block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+##### `Logtail`Optional
+public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail Logtail { get; set; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+logtail block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+##### `Papertrail`Optional
+public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail Papertrail { get; set; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+papertrail block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog {
+ string ApiKey,
+ string Endpoint = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| ApiKey
| string
| Datadog API key. |
+| Endpoint
| string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+##### `ApiKey`Required
+public string ApiKey { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+Datadog API key.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+##### `Endpoint`Optional
+public string Endpoint { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail {
+ string Token
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Token
| string
| Logtail token. |
+##### `Token`Required
+public string Token { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+Logtail token.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail {
+ string Endpoint
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Endpoint
| string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+##### `Endpoint`Required
+public string Endpoint { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+### AppTimeouts
+#### Initializer
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppTimeouts {
+ string Create = null
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Create
| string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}. |
+##### `Create`Optional
+public string Create { get; set; }
+- *Type:* string
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}.
+## Classes
+### AppSpecAlertList
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecAlertList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `WrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+private AppSpecAlertOutputReference Get(double Index)
+###### `Index`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public object InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+### AppSpecAlertOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecAlertOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetDisabled
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetDisabled`
+private void ResetDisabled()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| DisabledInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| RuleInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Disabled
| object
| *No description.* |
+| Rule
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `DisabledInput`Optional
+public object DisabledInput { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+##### `RuleInput`Optional
+public string RuleInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Disabled`Required
+public object Disabled { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+##### `Rule`Required
+public string Rule { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public object InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+### AppSpecDatabaseList
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecDatabaseList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `WrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+private AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference Get(double Index)
+###### `Index`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public object InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+### AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetClusterName
| *No description.* |
+| ResetDbName
| *No description.* |
+| ResetDbUser
| *No description.* |
+| ResetEngine
| *No description.* |
+| ResetName
| *No description.* |
+| ResetProduction
| *No description.* |
+| ResetVersion
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetClusterName`
+private void ResetClusterName()
+##### `ResetDbName`
+private void ResetDbName()
+##### `ResetDbUser`
+private void ResetDbUser()
+##### `ResetEngine`
+private void ResetEngine()
+##### `ResetName`
+private void ResetName()
+##### `ResetProduction`
+private void ResetProduction()
+##### `ResetVersion`
+private void ResetVersion()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ClusterNameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| DbNameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| DbUserInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| EngineInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| NameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ProductionInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| VersionInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ClusterName
| string
| *No description.* |
+| DbName
| string
| *No description.* |
+| DbUser
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Engine
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Name
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Production
| object
| *No description.* |
+| Version
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `ClusterNameInput`Optional
+public string ClusterNameInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `DbNameInput`Optional
+public string DbNameInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `DbUserInput`Optional
+public string DbUserInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `EngineInput`Optional
+public string EngineInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `NameInput`Optional
+public string NameInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `ProductionInput`Optional
+public object ProductionInput { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+##### `VersionInput`Optional
+public string VersionInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `ClusterName`Required
+public string ClusterName { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `DbName`Required
+public string DbName { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `DbUser`Required
+public string DbUser { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Engine`Required
+public string Engine { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Name`Required
+public string Name { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Production`Required
+public object Production { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+##### `Version`Required
+public string Version { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public object InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+### AppSpecDomainList
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecDomainList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `WrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+private AppSpecDomainOutputReference Get(double Index)
+###### `Index`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public object InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+### AppSpecDomainOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecDomainOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetType
| *No description.* |
+| ResetWildcard
| *No description.* |
+| ResetZone
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetType`
+private void ResetType()
+##### `ResetWildcard`
+private void ResetWildcard()
+##### `ResetZone`
+private void ResetZone()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| NameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| TypeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| WildcardInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| ZoneInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Name
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Type
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Wildcard
| object
| *No description.* |
+| Zone
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `NameInput`Optional
+public string NameInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `TypeInput`Optional
+public string TypeInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `WildcardInput`Optional
+public object WildcardInput { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+##### `ZoneInput`Optional
+public string ZoneInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Name`Required
+public string Name { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Type`Required
+public string Type { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Wildcard`Required
+public object Wildcard { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+##### `Zone`Required
+public string Zone { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public object InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+### AppSpecEnvList
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecEnvList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `WrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+private AppSpecEnvOutputReference Get(double Index)
+###### `Index`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public object InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+### AppSpecEnvOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecEnvOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetKey
| *No description.* |
+| ResetScope
| *No description.* |
+| ResetType
| *No description.* |
+| ResetValue
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetKey`
+private void ResetKey()
+##### `ResetScope`
+private void ResetScope()
+##### `ResetType`
+private void ResetType()
+##### `ResetValue`
+private void ResetValue()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| KeyInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ScopeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| TypeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ValueInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Key
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Scope
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Type
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Value
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `KeyInput`Optional
+public string KeyInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `ScopeInput`Optional
+public string ScopeInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `TypeInput`Optional
+public string TypeInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `ValueInput`Optional
+public string ValueInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Key`Required
+public string Key { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Scope`Required
+public string Scope { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Type`Required
+public string Type { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Value`Required
+public string Value { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public object InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+### AppSpecFunctionAlertList
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecFunctionAlertList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `WrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+private AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference Get(double Index)
+###### `Index`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public object InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* object
+### AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `WrapsSet`Required
+##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
- *Type:* bool
@@ -6572,20 +9373,150 @@ whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an it
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetDisabled
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -6593,13 +9524,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -6609,32 +9540,34 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `ResetDisabled`
-private AppSpecAlertOutputReference Get(double Index)
+private void ResetDisabled()
-###### `Index`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of the item to return.
#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| DisabledInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| OperatorInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| RuleInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ValueInput
| double
| *No description.* |
+| WindowInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Disabled
| object
| *No description.* |
+| Operator
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Rule
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Value
| double
| *No description.* |
+| Window
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -6648,7 +9581,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -6658,498 +9591,471 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `DisabledInput`Optional
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+public object DisabledInput { get; }
- *Type:* object
-### AppSpecAlertOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+##### `OperatorInput`Optional
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecAlertOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+public string OperatorInput { get; }
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+- *Type:* string
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-The parent resource.
+##### `RuleInput`Optional
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+public string RuleInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+##### `ValueInput`Optional
-- *Type:* double
+public double ValueInput { get; }
-the index of this item in the list.
+- *Type:* double
-##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+##### `WindowInput`Optional
-#### Methods
+public string WindowInput { get; }
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetDisabled
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ComputeFqn`
-private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `Disabled`Required
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public object Disabled { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `Operator`Required
-private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string Operator { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `Rule`Required
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string Rule { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `Value`Required
-private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public double Value { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* double
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `Window`Required
-private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string Window { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public object InternalValue { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+### AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
+#### Initializers
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+new AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
-- *Type:* string
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
-private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+#### Methods
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetExact
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPrefix
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRegex
| *No description.* |
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
-private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ToString`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-private string ToString()
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-Returns a reversible string representation.
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ResetDisabled`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
-private void ResetDisabled()
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| DisabledInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| RuleInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Disabled
| object
| *No description.* |
-| Rule
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* string[]
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-public string Fqn { get; }
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `DisabledInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-public object DisabledInput { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* object
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `RuleInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-public string RuleInput { get; }
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Disabled`Required
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-public object Disabled { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* object
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Rule`Required
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-public string Rule { get; }
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `Resolve`
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-- *Type:* object
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-### AppSpecDatabaseList
-#### Initializers
+##### `ToString`
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecDatabaseList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+private string ToString()
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `ResetExact`
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+private void ResetExact()
-The parent resource.
+##### `ResetPrefix`
+private void ResetPrefix()
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `ResetRegex`
-- *Type:* string
+private void ResetRegex()
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+#### Properties
-##### `WrapsSet`Required
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ExactInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| PrefixInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| RegexInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Exact
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Prefix
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Regex
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-#### Methods
+- *Type:* string[]
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `Fqn`Required
-private string ComputeFqn()
+public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `Resolve`
+- *Type:* string
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+##### `ExactInput`Optional
-###### `Context`Required
+public string ExactInput { get; }
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ToString`
+##### `PrefixInput`Optional
-private string ToString()
+public string PrefixInput { get; }
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+- *Type:* string
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `RegexInput`Optional
-private AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference Get(double Index)
+public string RegexInput { get; }
-###### `Index`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Exact`Required
-#### Properties
+public string Exact { get; }
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `Prefix`Required
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+public string Prefix { get; }
-- *Type:* string[]
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Regex`Required
-public string Fqn { get; }
+public string Regex { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
-### AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+new AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -7157,7 +10063,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -7165,176 +10071,160 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of this item in the list.
-##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetClusterName
| *No description.* |
-| ResetDbName
| *No description.* |
-| ResetDbUser
| *No description.* |
-| ResetEngine
| *No description.* |
-| ResetName
| *No description.* |
-| ResetProduction
| *No description.* |
-| ResetVersion
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowCredentials
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowHeaders
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowMethods
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ResetExposeHeaders
| *No description.* |
+| ResetMaxAge
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -7342,13 +10232,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -7358,46 +10248,52 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetClusterName`
+##### `PutAllowOrigins`
-private void ResetClusterName()
+private void PutAllowOrigins(AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins Value)
-##### `ResetDbName`
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
+##### `ResetAllowCredentials`
-private void ResetDbName()
+private void ResetAllowCredentials()
-##### `ResetDbUser`
+##### `ResetAllowHeaders`
-private void ResetDbUser()
+private void ResetAllowHeaders()
-##### `ResetEngine`
+##### `ResetAllowMethods`
-private void ResetEngine()
+private void ResetAllowMethods()
-##### `ResetName`
+##### `ResetAllowOrigins`
-private void ResetName()
+private void ResetAllowOrigins()
-##### `ResetProduction`
+##### `ResetExposeHeaders`
-private void ResetProduction()
+private void ResetExposeHeaders()
-##### `ResetVersion`
+##### `ResetMaxAge`
-private void ResetVersion()
+private void ResetMaxAge()
@@ -7405,27 +10301,25 @@ private void ResetVersion()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ClusterNameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| DbNameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| DbUserInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| EngineInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| NameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ProductionInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| VersionInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ClusterName
| string
| *No description.* |
-| DbName
| string
| *No description.* |
-| DbUser
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Engine
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Name
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Production
| object
| *No description.* |
-| Version
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| AllowCredentialsInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| AllowHeadersInput
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| AllowMethodsInput
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| AllowOriginsInput
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ExposeHeadersInput
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| MaxAgeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowCredentials
| object
| *No description.* |
+| AllowHeaders
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| AllowMethods
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| ExposeHeaders
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| MaxAge
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionCors
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -7439,7 +10333,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -7449,176 +10343,156 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `ClusterNameInput`Optional
-public string ClusterNameInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
-##### `DbNameInput`Optional
-public string DbNameInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
-##### `DbUserInput`Optional
+##### `AllowOrigins`Required
-public string DbUserInput { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference AllowOrigins { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
-##### `EngineInput`Optional
+##### `AllowCredentialsInput`Optional
-public string EngineInput { get; }
+public object AllowCredentialsInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `NameInput`Optional
+##### `AllowHeadersInput`Optional
-public string NameInput { get; }
+public string[] AllowHeadersInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `ProductionInput`Optional
+##### `AllowMethodsInput`Optional
-public object ProductionInput { get; }
+public string[] AllowMethodsInput { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `VersionInput`Optional
+##### `AllowOriginsInput`Optional
-public string VersionInput { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins AllowOriginsInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
-##### `ClusterName`Required
+##### `ExposeHeadersInput`Optional
-public string ClusterName { get; }
+public string[] ExposeHeadersInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `DbName`Required
+##### `MaxAgeInput`Optional
-public string DbName { get; }
+public string MaxAgeInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `DbUser`Required
+##### `AllowCredentials`Required
-public string DbUser { get; }
+public object AllowCredentials { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `Engine`Required
+##### `AllowHeaders`Required
-public string Engine { get; }
+public string[] AllowHeaders { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `AllowMethods`Required
-public string Name { get; }
+public string[] AllowMethods { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `Production`Required
+##### `ExposeHeaders`Required
-public object Production { get; }
+public string[] ExposeHeaders { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `Version`Required
+##### `MaxAge`Required
-public string Version { get; }
+public string MaxAge { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionCors InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
-### AppSpecDomainList
+### AppSpecFunctionEnvList
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecDomainList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+new AppSpecFunctionEnvList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -7626,7 +10500,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -7634,7 +10508,7 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `WrapsSet`Required
+##### `WrapsSet`Required
- *Type:* bool
@@ -7646,20 +10520,20 @@ whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an it
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -7667,13 +10541,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -7683,13 +10557,13 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `Get`
-private AppSpecDomainOutputReference Get(double Index)
+private AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference Get(double Index)
-###### `Index`Required
+###### `Index`Required
- *Type:* double
@@ -7702,13 +10576,13 @@ the index of the item to return.
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -7722,7 +10596,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -7732,7 +10606,7 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
public object InternalValue { get; }
@@ -7743,26 +10617,26 @@ public object InternalValue { get; }
-### AppSpecDomainOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecDomainOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+new AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -7770,7 +10644,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -7778,7 +10652,7 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
- *Type:* double
@@ -7786,7 +10660,7 @@ the index of this item in the list.
-##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
- *Type:* bool
@@ -7798,152 +10672,153 @@ whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an it
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetType
| *No description.* |
-| ResetWildcard
| *No description.* |
-| ResetZone
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetKey
| *No description.* |
+| ResetScope
| *No description.* |
+| ResetType
| *No description.* |
+| ResetValue
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -7951,13 +10826,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -7967,22 +10842,28 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetType`
+##### `ResetKey`
-private void ResetType()
+private void ResetKey()
-##### `ResetWildcard`
+##### `ResetScope`
-private void ResetWildcard()
+private void ResetScope()
-##### `ResetZone`
+##### `ResetType`
-private void ResetZone()
+private void ResetType()
+##### `ResetValue`
+private void ResetValue()
@@ -7990,21 +10871,21 @@ private void ResetZone()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| NameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| TypeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| WildcardInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| ZoneInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Name
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Type
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Wildcard
| object
| *No description.* |
-| Zone
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| KeyInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ScopeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| TypeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ValueInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Key
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Scope
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Type
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Value
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -8018,7 +10899,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -8028,87 +10909,87 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `NameInput`Optional
+##### `KeyInput`Optional
-public string NameInput { get; }
+public string KeyInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `TypeInput`Optional
+##### `ScopeInput`Optional
-public string TypeInput { get; }
+public string ScopeInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `WildcardInput`Optional
+##### `TypeInput`Optional
-public object WildcardInput { get; }
+public string TypeInput { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ZoneInput`Optional
+##### `ValueInput`Optional
-public string ZoneInput { get; }
+public string ValueInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Key`Required
-public string Name { get; }
+public string Key { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `Type`Required
+##### `Scope`Required
-public string Type { get; }
+public string Scope { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `Wildcard`Required
+##### `Type`Required
-public object Wildcard { get; }
+public string Type { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Zone`Required
+##### `Value`Required
-public string Zone { get; }
+public string Value { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
public object InternalValue { get; }
@@ -8119,25 +11000,24 @@ public object InternalValue { get; }
-### AppSpecEnvList
+### AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecEnvList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+new AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -8145,7 +11025,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -8153,661 +11033,663 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `WrapsSet`Required
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
+| ResetDeployOnPush
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRepo
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ToString`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-private string ToString()
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-Returns a reversible string representation.
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Get`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-private AppSpecEnvOutputReference Get(double Index)
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `Index`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* double
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-#### Properties
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* string[]
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-public string Fqn { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* object
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-### AppSpecEnvOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecEnvOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* string
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-The parent resource.
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+##### `Resolve`
-- *Type:* double
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-the index of this item in the list.
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
-##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
-#### Methods
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetKey
| *No description.* |
-| ResetScope
| *No description.* |
-| ResetType
| *No description.* |
-| ResetValue
| *No description.* |
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetBranch`
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+private void ResetBranch()
+##### `ResetDeployOnPush`
-private string ComputeFqn()
+private void ResetDeployOnPush()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `ResetRepo`
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void ResetRepo()
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| BranchInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| DeployOnPushInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| RepoInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Branch
| string
| *No description.* |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| *No description.* |
+| Repo
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGithub
| *No description.* |
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string[]
-- *Type:* string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `Fqn`Required
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string Fqn { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `BranchInput`Optional
-private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string BranchInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `DeployOnPushInput`Optional
-private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public object DeployOnPushInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `RepoInput`Optional
-private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string RepoInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `Branch`Required
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string Branch { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `DeployOnPush`Required
-private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public object DeployOnPush { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `Repo`Required
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string Repo { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+public AppSpecFunctionGithub InternalValue { get; }
-###### `Property`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
-##### `Resolve`
+### AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
+#### Initializers
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-###### `Context`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
-##### `ToString`
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-private string ToString()
+- *Type:* string
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
+| ResetDeployOnPush
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRepo
| *No description.* |
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetKey`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-private void ResetKey()
+private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `ResetScope`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
-private void ResetScope()
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-##### `ResetType`
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-private void ResetType()
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ResetValue`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-private void ResetValue()
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| KeyInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ScopeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| TypeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ValueInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Key
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Scope
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Type
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Value
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* string[]
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `GetListAttribute`
-public string Fqn { get; }
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `KeyInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-public string KeyInput { get; }
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `ScopeInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-public string ScopeInput { get; }
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `TypeInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-public string TypeInput { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `ValueInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-public string ValueInput { get; }
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Key`Required
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-public string Key { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Scope`Required
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-public string Scope { get; }
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Type`Required
+##### `Resolve`
-public string Type { get; }
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-- *Type:* string
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `Value`Required
+##### `ToString`
-public string Value { get; }
+private string ToString()
-- *Type:* string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `ResetBranch`
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+private void ResetBranch()
-- *Type:* object
+##### `ResetDeployOnPush`
-### AppSpecFunctionAlertList
+private void ResetDeployOnPush()
-#### Initializers
+##### `ResetRepo`
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionAlertList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+private void ResetRepo()
+#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| BranchInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| DeployOnPushInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| RepoInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Branch
| string
| *No description.* |
+| DeployOnPush
| object
| *No description.* |
+| Repo
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGitlab
| *No description.* |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-The parent resource.
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string[]
-- *Type:* string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `WrapsSet`Required
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+##### `Fqn`Required
-#### Methods
+public string Fqn { get; }
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ComputeFqn`
-private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `BranchInput`Optional
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+public string BranchInput { get; }
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ToString`
+##### `DeployOnPushInput`Optional
-private string ToString()
+public object DeployOnPushInput { get; }
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+- *Type:* object
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `RepoInput`Optional
-private AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference Get(double Index)
+public string RepoInput { get; }
-###### `Index`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Branch`Required
-#### Properties
+public string Branch { get; }
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `DeployOnPush`Required
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+public object DeployOnPush { get; }
-- *Type:* string[]
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* object
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Repo`Required
-public string Fqn { get; }
+public string Repo { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionGitlab InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
-### AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+new AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -8815,7 +11697,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -8823,170 +11705,155 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of this item in the list.
-##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetDisabled
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRepoCloneUrl
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -8994,13 +11861,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -9010,10 +11877,16 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetDisabled`
+##### `ResetBranch`
-private void ResetDisabled()
+private void ResetBranch()
+##### `ResetRepoCloneUrl`
+private void ResetRepoCloneUrl()
@@ -9021,23 +11894,17 @@ private void ResetDisabled()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| DisabledInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| OperatorInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| RuleInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ValueInput
| double
| *No description.* |
-| WindowInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Disabled
| object
| *No description.* |
-| Operator
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Rule
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Value
| double
| *No description.* |
-| Window
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| BranchInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| RepoCloneUrlInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Branch
| string
| *No description.* |
+| RepoCloneUrl
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGit
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -9051,7 +11918,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -9061,107 +11928,190 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `DisabledInput`Optional
+##### `BranchInput`Optional
-public object DisabledInput { get; }
+public string BranchInput { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-##### `OperatorInput`Optional
+##### `RepoCloneUrlInput`Optional
-public string OperatorInput { get; }
+public string RepoCloneUrlInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `RuleInput`Optional
+##### `Branch`Required
-public string RuleInput { get; }
+public string Branch { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `ValueInput`Optional
+##### `RepoCloneUrl`Required
-public double ValueInput { get; }
+public string RepoCloneUrl { get; }
-- *Type:* double
+- *Type:* string
-##### `WindowInput`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public string WindowInput { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionGit InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
-##### `Disabled`Required
+### AppSpecFunctionList
+#### Initializers
-public object Disabled { get; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecFunctionList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
-- *Type:* object
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `Operator`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `WrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-public string Operator { get; }
+private string ComputeFqn()
-- *Type:* string
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `Rule`Required
+##### `ToString`
-public string Rule { get; }
+private string ToString()
-- *Type:* string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+private AppSpecFunctionOutputReference Get(double Index)
+###### `Index`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `Value`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-public double Value { get; }
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-- *Type:* double
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Window`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
-public string Window { get; }
+public string Fqn { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
public object InternalValue { get; }
@@ -9172,24 +12122,24 @@ public object InternalValue { get; }
-### AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
+new AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -9197,7 +12147,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -9209,152 +12159,150 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetExact
| *No description.* |
-| ResetPrefix
| *No description.* |
-| ResetRegex
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetEndpoint
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -9362,13 +12310,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -9378,22 +12326,10 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetExact`
-private void ResetExact()
-##### `ResetPrefix`
-private void ResetPrefix()
-##### `ResetRegex`
+##### `ResetEndpoint`
-private void ResetRegex()
+private void ResetEndpoint()
@@ -9401,19 +12337,17 @@ private void ResetRegex()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ExactInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| PrefixInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| RegexInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Exact
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Prefix
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Regex
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ApiKeyInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| EndpointInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ApiKey
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Endpoint
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -9427,7 +12361,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -9437,95 +12371,218 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `ExactInput`Optional
+##### `ApiKeyInput`Optional
+public string ApiKeyInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `EndpointInput`Optional
+public string EndpointInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `ApiKey`Required
+public string ApiKey { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Endpoint`Required
+public string Endpoint { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
+### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `WrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `Resolve`
-public string ExactInput { get; }
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-- *Type:* string
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `PrefixInput`Optional
+##### `ToString`
-public string PrefixInput { get; }
+private string ToString()
-- *Type:* string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `RegexInput`Optional
+##### `Get`
-public string RegexInput { get; }
+private AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference Get(double Index)
-- *Type:* string
+###### `Index`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of the item to return.
-##### `Exact`Required
-public string Exact { get; }
+#### Properties
-- *Type:* string
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `Prefix`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-public string Prefix { get; }
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Regex`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
-public string Regex { get; }
+public string Fqn { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins InternalValue { get; }
+public object InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
+- *Type:* object
-### AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
+new AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -9533,7 +12590,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -9545,156 +12602,149 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| PutAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
-| ResetAllowCredentials
| *No description.* |
-| ResetAllowHeaders
| *No description.* |
-| ResetAllowMethods
| *No description.* |
-| ResetAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
-| ResetExposeHeaders
| *No description.* |
-| ResetMaxAge
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -9702,13 +12752,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -9718,365 +12768,479 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `PutAllowOrigins`
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| TokenInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Token
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-private void PutAllowOrigins(AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins Value)
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `TokenInput`Optional
+public string TokenInput { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Token`Required
+public string Token { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* double
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
+the index of this item in the list.
-##### `ResetAllowCredentials`
-private void ResetAllowCredentials()
+##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-##### `ResetAllowHeaders`
+- *Type:* bool
-private void ResetAllowHeaders()
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
-##### `ResetAllowMethods`
-private void ResetAllowMethods()
+#### Methods
-##### `ResetAllowOrigins`
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutDatadog
| *No description.* |
+| PutLogtail
| *No description.* |
+| PutPapertrail
| *No description.* |
+| ResetDatadog
| *No description.* |
+| ResetLogtail
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPapertrail
| *No description.* |
-private void ResetAllowOrigins()
-##### `ResetExposeHeaders`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-private void ResetExposeHeaders()
+private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `ResetMaxAge`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
-private void ResetMaxAge()
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| AllowCredentialsInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| AllowHeadersInput
| string[]
| *No description.* |
-| AllowMethodsInput
| string[]
| *No description.* |
-| AllowOriginsInput
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
-| ExposeHeadersInput
| string[]
| *No description.* |
-| MaxAgeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| AllowCredentials
| object
| *No description.* |
-| AllowHeaders
| string[]
| *No description.* |
-| AllowMethods
| string[]
| *No description.* |
-| ExposeHeaders
| string[]
| *No description.* |
-| MaxAge
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionCors
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* string[]
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-public string Fqn { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `AllowOrigins`Required
+##### `GetListAttribute`
-public AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference AllowOrigins { get; }
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `AllowCredentialsInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-public object AllowCredentialsInput { get; }
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* object
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `AllowHeadersInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-public string[] AllowHeadersInput { get; }
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* string[]
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `AllowMethodsInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-public string[] AllowMethodsInput { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* string[]
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `AllowOriginsInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-public AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins AllowOriginsInput { get; }
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ExposeHeadersInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-public string[] ExposeHeadersInput { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* string[]
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `MaxAgeInput`Optional
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-public string MaxAgeInput { get; }
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `AllowCredentials`Required
+##### `Resolve`
-public object AllowCredentials { get; }
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-- *Type:* object
-##### `AllowHeaders`Required
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-public string[] AllowHeaders { get; }
+###### `Context`Required
-- *Type:* string[]
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `AllowMethods`Required
+##### `ToString`
-public string[] AllowMethods { get; }
+private string ToString()
-- *Type:* string[]
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ExposeHeaders`Required
+##### `PutDatadog`
-public string[] ExposeHeaders { get; }
+private void PutDatadog(AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog Value)
-- *Type:* string[]
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
-##### `MaxAge`Required
+##### `PutLogtail`
-public string MaxAge { get; }
+private void PutLogtail(AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail Value)
-- *Type:* string
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `PutPapertrail`
-public AppSpecFunctionCors InternalValue { get; }
+private void PutPapertrail(AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail Value)
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+##### `ResetDatadog`
-### AppSpecFunctionEnvList
+private void ResetDatadog()
-#### Initializers
+##### `ResetLogtail`
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionEnvList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+private void ResetLogtail()
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `ResetPapertrail`
+private void ResetPapertrail()
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+#### Properties
-The parent resource.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Datadog
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Logtail
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Papertrail
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| DatadogInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
| *No description.* |
+| LogtailInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
| *No description.* |
+| NameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| PapertrailInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
| *No description.* |
+| Name
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-##### `WrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* string[]
-- *Type:* bool
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-#### Methods
+##### `Fqn`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `Datadog`Required
-private string ComputeFqn()
+public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference Datadog { get; }
-##### `Resolve`
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+##### `Logtail`Required
-###### `Context`Required
+public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference Logtail { get; }
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
-##### `ToString`
+##### `Papertrail`Required
-private string ToString()
+public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference Papertrail { get; }
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `DatadogInput`Optional
-private AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference Get(double Index)
+public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog DatadogInput { get; }
-###### `Index`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
+##### `LogtailInput`Optional
-#### Properties
+public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail LogtailInput { get; }
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `NameInput`Optional
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+public string NameInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string[]
+- *Type:* string
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `PapertrailInput`Optional
+public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail PapertrailInput { get; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Name`Required
-public string Fqn { get; }
+public string Name { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
public object InternalValue { get; }
@@ -10087,26 +13251,24 @@ public object InternalValue { get; }
-### AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+new AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -10114,7 +13276,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -10122,576 +13284,630 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of this item in the list.
-##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetKey
| *No description.* |
-| ResetScope
| *No description.* |
-| ResetType
| *No description.* |
-| ResetValue
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| EndpointInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Endpoint
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+public string Fqn { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `EndpointInput`Optional
+public string EndpointInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `Endpoint`Required
-private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+public string Endpoint { get; }
-###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail InternalValue { get; }
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
-###### `Context`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+### AppSpecFunctionOutputReference
-##### `ToString`
+#### Initializers
-private string ToString()
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecFunctionOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetKey`
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
-private void ResetKey()
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-##### `ResetScope`
+The parent resource.
-private void ResetScope()
-##### `ResetType`
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-private void ResetType()
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ResetValue`
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-private void ResetValue()
+##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* double
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| KeyInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ScopeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| TypeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ValueInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Key
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Scope
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Type
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Value
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+the index of this item in the list.
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* bool
-- *Type:* string[]
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutAlert
| *No description.* |
+| PutCors
| *No description.* |
+| PutEnv
| *No description.* |
+| PutGit
| *No description.* |
+| PutGithub
| *No description.* |
+| PutGitlab
| *No description.* |
+| PutLogDestination
| *No description.* |
+| PutRoutes
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAlert
| *No description.* |
+| ResetCors
| *No description.* |
+| ResetEnv
| *No description.* |
+| ResetGit
| *No description.* |
+| ResetGithub
| *No description.* |
+| ResetGitlab
| *No description.* |
+| ResetLogDestination
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRoutes
| *No description.* |
+| ResetSourceDir
| *No description.* |
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-public string Fqn { get; }
+private string ComputeFqn()
-- *Type:* string
-##### `KeyInput`Optional
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
-public string KeyInput { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `ScopeInput`Optional
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-public string ScopeInput { get; }
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `TypeInput`Optional
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-public string TypeInput { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `ValueInput`Optional
+##### `GetListAttribute`
-public string ValueInput { get; }
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Key`Required
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-public string Key { get; }
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Scope`Required
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-public string Scope { get; }
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Type`Required
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-public string Type { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Value`Required
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-public string Value { get; }
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* object
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-### AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+###### `Property`Required
-The parent resource.
+- *Type:* string
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+##### `Resolve`
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-#### Methods
+###### `Context`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
-| ResetDeployOnPush
| *No description.* |
-| ResetRepo
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ComputeFqn`
-private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `ToString`
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private string ToString()
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `PutAlert`
-private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void PutAlert(object Value)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `PutCors`
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void PutCors(AppSpecFunctionCors Value)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `PutEnv`
-private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void PutEnv(object Value)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `PutGit`
-private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void PutGit(AppSpecFunctionGit Value)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `PutGithub`
-private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void PutGithub(AppSpecFunctionGithub Value)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `PutGitlab`
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void PutGitlab(AppSpecFunctionGitlab Value)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `PutLogDestination`
-private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void PutLogDestination(object Value)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `PutRoutes`
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void PutRoutes(object Value)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `ResetAlert`
-private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+private void ResetAlert()
-###### `Property`Required
-- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `ResetCors`
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+private void ResetCors()
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+##### `ResetEnv`
-###### `Context`Required
+private void ResetEnv()
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ResetGit`
+private void ResetGit()
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ResetGithub`
-private string ToString()
+private void ResetGithub()
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+##### `ResetGitlab`
-Returns a reversible string representation.
+private void ResetGitlab()
-##### `ResetBranch`
+##### `ResetLogDestination`
-private void ResetBranch()
+private void ResetLogDestination()
-##### `ResetDeployOnPush`
+##### `ResetRoutes`
-private void ResetDeployOnPush()
+private void ResetRoutes()
-##### `ResetRepo`
+##### `ResetSourceDir`
-private void ResetRepo()
+private void ResetSourceDir()
@@ -10699,19 +13915,33 @@ private void ResetRepo()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| BranchInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| DeployOnPushInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| RepoInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Branch
| string
| *No description.* |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| *No description.* |
-| Repo
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGithub
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Alert
| AppSpecFunctionAlertList
| *No description.* |
+| Cors
| AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Env
| AppSpecFunctionEnvList
| *No description.* |
+| Git
| AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Github
| AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Gitlab
| AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| LogDestination
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
| *No description.* |
+| Routes
| AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
| *No description.* |
+| AlertInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| CorsInput
| AppSpecFunctionCors
| *No description.* |
+| EnvInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| GithubInput
| AppSpecFunctionGithub
| *No description.* |
+| GitInput
| AppSpecFunctionGit
| *No description.* |
+| GitlabInput
| AppSpecFunctionGitlab
| *No description.* |
+| LogDestinationInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| NameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| RoutesInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| SourceDirInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Name
| string
| *No description.* |
+| SourceDir
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -10725,7 +13955,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -10735,431 +13965,380 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `BranchInput`Optional
+##### `Alert`Required
-public string BranchInput { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionAlertList Alert { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionAlertList
-##### `DeployOnPushInput`Optional
+##### `Cors`Required
-public object DeployOnPushInput { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference Cors { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
-##### `RepoInput`Optional
+##### `Env`Required
-public string RepoInput { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionEnvList Env { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionEnvList
-##### `Branch`Required
+##### `Git`Required
-public string Branch { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference Git { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
-##### `DeployOnPush`Required
+##### `Github`Required
-public object DeployOnPush { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference Github { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
-##### `Repo`Required
+##### `Gitlab`Required
-public string Repo { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference Gitlab { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `LogDestination`Required
-public AppSpecFunctionGithub InternalValue { get; }
+public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList LogDestination { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
-### AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+##### `Routes`Required
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
+public AppSpecFunctionRoutesList Routes { get; }
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `AlertInput`Optional
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+public object AlertInput { get; }
-The parent resource.
+- *Type:* object
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `CorsInput`Optional
-#### Methods
+public AppSpecFunctionCors CorsInput { get; }
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
-| ResetDeployOnPush
| *No description.* |
-| ResetRepo
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
-##### `ComputeFqn`
-private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `EnvInput`Optional
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public object EnvInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GithubInput`Optional
-private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public AppSpecFunctionGithub GithubInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GitInput`Optional
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public AppSpecFunctionGit GitInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GitlabInput`Optional
-private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public AppSpecFunctionGitlab GitlabInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `LogDestinationInput`Optional
-private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public object LogDestinationInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `NameInput`Optional
-private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string NameInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `RoutesInput`Optional
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public object RoutesInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `SourceDirInput`Optional
-private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string SourceDirInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `Name`Required
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string Name { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `SourceDir`Required
-private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+public string SourceDir { get; }
-###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+public object InternalValue { get; }
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+- *Type:* object
-###### `Context`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+### AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
-##### `ToString`
+#### Initializers
-private string ToString()
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-Returns a reversible string representation.
+new AppSpecFunctionRoutesList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
-##### `ResetBranch`
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-private void ResetBranch()
-##### `ResetDeployOnPush`
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
-private void ResetDeployOnPush()
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-##### `ResetRepo`
+The parent resource.
-private void ResetRepo()
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| BranchInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| DeployOnPushInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| RepoInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Branch
| string
| *No description.* |
-| DeployOnPush
| object
| *No description.* |
-| Repo
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGitlab
| *No description.* |
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `WrapsSet`Required
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+- *Type:* bool
-- *Type:* string[]
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-public string Fqn { get; }
+private string ComputeFqn()
-- *Type:* string
-##### `BranchInput`Optional
+##### `Resolve`
-public string BranchInput { get; }
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-- *Type:* string
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `DeployOnPushInput`Optional
+##### `ToString`
-public object DeployOnPushInput { get; }
+private string ToString()
-- *Type:* object
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `RepoInput`Optional
+##### `Get`
-public string RepoInput { get; }
+private AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference Get(double Index)
-- *Type:* string
+###### `Index`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of the item to return.
-##### `Branch`Required
-public string Branch { get; }
+#### Properties
-- *Type:* string
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `DeployOnPush`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-public object DeployOnPush { get; }
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Repo`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
-public string Repo { get; }
+public string Fqn { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public AppSpecFunctionGitlab InternalValue { get; }
+public object InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
+- *Type:* object
-### AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
+new AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -11167,7 +14346,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -11175,155 +14354,171 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-#### Methods
+##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
-| ResetRepoCloneUrl
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* double
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetPath
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPreservePathPrefix
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -11331,13 +14526,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -11347,16 +14542,16 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetBranch`
+##### `ResetPath`
-private void ResetBranch()
+private void ResetPath()
-##### `ResetRepoCloneUrl`
+##### `ResetPreservePathPrefix`
-private void ResetRepoCloneUrl()
+private void ResetPreservePathPrefix()
@@ -11364,17 +14559,17 @@ private void ResetRepoCloneUrl()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| BranchInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| RepoCloneUrlInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Branch
| string
| *No description.* |
-| RepoCloneUrl
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGit
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| PathInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| PreservePathPrefixInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| Path
| string
| *No description.* |
+| PreservePathPrefix
| object
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -11388,7 +14583,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -11398,76 +14593,75 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `BranchInput`Optional
+##### `PathInput`Optional
-public string BranchInput { get; }
+public string PathInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `RepoCloneUrlInput`Optional
+##### `PreservePathPrefixInput`Optional
-public string RepoCloneUrlInput { get; }
+public object PreservePathPrefixInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `Branch`Required
+##### `Path`Required
-public string Branch { get; }
+public string Path { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `RepoCloneUrl`Required
+##### `PreservePathPrefix`Required
-public string RepoCloneUrl { get; }
+public object PreservePathPrefix { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public AppSpecFunctionGit InternalValue { get; }
+public object InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
+- *Type:* object
-### AppSpecFunctionList
+### AppSpecIngressOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+new AppSpecIngressOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -11475,7 +14669,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -11483,32 +14677,155 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `WrapsSet`Required
+#### Methods
-- *Type:* bool
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutRule
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRule
| *No description.* |
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-#### Methods
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-private string ComputeFqn()
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-##### `Resolve`
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -11516,13 +14833,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -11532,32 +14849,38 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `PutRule`
-private AppSpecFunctionOutputReference Get(double Index)
+private void PutRule(object Value)
-###### `Index`Required
-- *Type:* double
+###### `Value`Required
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* object
+##### `ResetRule`
+private void ResetRule()
#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Rule
| AppSpecIngressRuleList
| *No description.* |
+| RuleInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngress
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -11571,7 +14894,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -11581,35 +14904,55 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `Rule`Required
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleList Rule { get; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleList
+##### `RuleInput`Optional
+public object RuleInput { get; }
- *Type:* object
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
+public AppSpecIngress InternalValue { get; }
-#### Initializers
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngress
+### AppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
+new AppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -11617,7 +14960,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -11629,150 +14972,152 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetEndpoint
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetName
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPreservePathPrefix
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRewrite
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -11780,13 +15125,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -11796,10 +15141,22 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetEndpoint`
+##### `ResetName`
-private void ResetEndpoint()
+private void ResetName()
+##### `ResetPreservePathPrefix`
+private void ResetPreservePathPrefix()
+##### `ResetRewrite`
+private void ResetRewrite()
@@ -11807,17 +15164,19 @@ private void ResetEndpoint()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ApiKeyInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| EndpointInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| ApiKey
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Endpoint
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| NameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| PreservePathPrefixInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| RewriteInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Name
| string
| *No description.* |
+| PreservePathPrefix
| object
| *No description.* |
+| Rewrite
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -11831,7 +15190,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -11841,218 +15200,95 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `ApiKeyInput`Optional
-public string ApiKeyInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
-##### `EndpointInput`Optional
+##### `NameInput`Optional
-public string EndpointInput { get; }
+public string NameInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `ApiKey`Required
+##### `PreservePathPrefixInput`Optional
-public string ApiKey { get; }
+public object PreservePathPrefixInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `Endpoint`Required
+##### `RewriteInput`Optional
-public string Endpoint { get; }
+public string RewriteInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
-### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
-#### Initializers
+##### `Name`Required
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+public string Name { get; }
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `WrapsSet`Required
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
-#### Methods
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
-private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `Resolve`
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
-private string ToString()
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
-private AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference Get(double Index)
-###### `Index`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of the item to return.
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `PreservePathPrefix`Required
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+public object PreservePathPrefix { get; }
-- *Type:* string[]
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* object
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Rewrite`Required
-public string Fqn { get; }
+public string Rewrite { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleComponent InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
-### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
+### AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
+new AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -12060,7 +15296,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -12068,153 +15304,156 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-#### Methods
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetExact
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPrefix
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRegex
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -12222,13 +15461,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -12238,20 +15477,42 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetExact`
+private void ResetExact()
+##### `ResetPrefix`
+private void ResetPrefix()
+##### `ResetRegex`
+private void ResetRegex()
#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| TokenInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Token
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| ExactInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| PrefixInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| RegexInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Exact
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Prefix
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Regex
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -12265,7 +15526,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -12275,57 +15536,95 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `TokenInput`Optional
+##### `ExactInput`Optional
-public string TokenInput { get; }
+public string ExactInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `Token`Required
+##### `PrefixInput`Optional
-public string Token { get; }
+public string PrefixInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `RegexInput`Optional
-public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail InternalValue { get; }
+public string RegexInput { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Exact`Required
-### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference
+public string Exact { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Prefix`Required
+public string Prefix { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Regex`Required
+public string Regex { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializers
+### AppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+new AppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -12333,7 +15632,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -12341,376 +15640,542 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+#### Methods
-- *Type:* double
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowCredentials
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowHeaders
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowMethods
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ResetExposeHeaders
| *No description.* |
+| ResetMaxAge
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-the index of this item in the list.
+private string ComputeFqn()
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-- *Type:* bool
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-#### Methods
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| PutDatadog
| *No description.* |
-| PutLogtail
| *No description.* |
-| PutPapertrail
| *No description.* |
-| ResetDatadog
| *No description.* |
-| ResetLogtail
| *No description.* |
-| ResetPapertrail
| *No description.* |
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+private string ToString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `PutAllowOrigins`
+private void PutAllowOrigins(AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins Value)
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ResetAllowCredentials`
-private string ComputeFqn()
+private void ResetAllowCredentials()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `ResetAllowHeaders`
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void ResetAllowHeaders()
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+##### `ResetAllowMethods`
+private void ResetAllowMethods()
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `ResetAllowOrigins`
-private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void ResetAllowOrigins()
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+##### `ResetExposeHeaders`
+private void ResetExposeHeaders()
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `ResetMaxAge`
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+private void ResetMaxAge()
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| AllowCredentialsInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| AllowHeadersInput
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| AllowMethodsInput
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| AllowOriginsInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ExposeHeadersInput
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| MaxAgeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowCredentials
| object
| *No description.* |
+| AllowHeaders
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| AllowMethods
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| ExposeHeaders
| string[]
| *No description.* |
+| MaxAge
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleCors
| *No description.* |
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string[]
-- *Type:* string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `Fqn`Required
-private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string Fqn { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `AllowOrigins`Required
-private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference AllowOrigins { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `AllowCredentialsInput`Optional
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public object AllowCredentialsInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* object
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `AllowHeadersInput`Optional
-private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string[] AllowHeadersInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `AllowMethodsInput`Optional
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+public string[] AllowMethodsInput { get; }
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `AllowOriginsInput`Optional
-private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+public AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins AllowOriginsInput { get; }
-###### `Property`Required
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `ExposeHeadersInput`Optional
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+public string[] ExposeHeadersInput { get; }
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `ToString`
+##### `MaxAgeInput`Optional
-private string ToString()
+public string MaxAgeInput { get; }
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+- *Type:* string
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `PutDatadog`
+##### `AllowCredentials`Required
-private void PutDatadog(AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog Value)
+public object AllowCredentials { get; }
-###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* object
-##### `PutLogtail`
+##### `AllowHeaders`Required
-private void PutLogtail(AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail Value)
+public string[] AllowHeaders { get; }
-###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `PutPapertrail`
+##### `AllowMethods`Required
-private void PutPapertrail(AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail Value)
+public string[] AllowMethods { get; }
-###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* string[]
-##### `ResetDatadog`
+##### `ExposeHeaders`Required
-private void ResetDatadog()
+public string[] ExposeHeaders { get; }
-##### `ResetLogtail`
+- *Type:* string[]
+##### `MaxAge`Required
-private void ResetLogtail()
+public string MaxAge { get; }
-##### `ResetPapertrail`
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-private void ResetPapertrail()
+public AppSpecIngressRuleCors InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Datadog
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| Logtail
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| Papertrail
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| DatadogInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
| *No description.* |
-| LogtailInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
| *No description.* |
-| NameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| PapertrailInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
| *No description.* |
-| Name
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+### AppSpecIngressRuleList
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+#### Initializers
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecIngressRuleList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
-- *Type:* string[]
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-##### `Fqn`Required
+The parent resource.
-public string Fqn { get; }
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `Datadog`Required
+##### `WrapsSet`Required
-public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference Datadog { get; }
+- *Type:* bool
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
-##### `Logtail`Required
-public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference Logtail { get; }
+#### Methods
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
-##### `Papertrail`Required
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference Papertrail { get; }
+private string ComputeFqn()
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
+##### `Resolve`
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `DatadogInput`Optional
+##### `ToString`
-public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog DatadogInput { get; }
+private string ToString()
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `LogtailInput`Optional
+##### `Get`
-public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail LogtailInput { get; }
+private AppSpecIngressRuleOutputReference Get(double Index)
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+###### `Index`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of the item to return.
-##### `NameInput`Optional
-public string NameInput { get; }
+#### Properties
-- *Type:* string
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `PapertrailInput`Optional
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail PapertrailInput { get; }
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* string[]
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
-public string Name { get; }
+public string Fqn { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
public object InternalValue { get; }
@@ -12721,24 +16186,24 @@ public object InternalValue { get; }
-### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
+### AppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
+new AppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -12746,7 +16211,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -12754,153 +16219,155 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-#### Methods
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutPath
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPath
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -12908,13 +16375,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -12924,20 +16391,38 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `PutPath`
+private void PutPath(AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath Value)
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
+##### `ResetPath`
+private void ResetPath()
#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| EndpointInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Endpoint
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Path
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| PathInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -12951,7 +16436,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -12961,57 +16446,55 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `EndpointInput`Optional
+##### `Path`Required
-public string EndpointInput { get; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference Path { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference
-##### `Endpoint`Required
+##### `PathInput`Optional
-public string Endpoint { get; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath PathInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail InternalValue { get; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleMatch InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-### AppSpecFunctionOutputReference
+### AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+new AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -13019,7 +16502,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -13027,357 +16510,181 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of this item in the list.
-##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| PutAlert
| *No description.* |
-| PutCors
| *No description.* |
-| PutEnv
| *No description.* |
-| PutGit
| *No description.* |
-| PutGithub
| *No description.* |
-| PutGitlab
| *No description.* |
-| PutLogDestination
| *No description.* |
-| PutRoutes
| *No description.* |
-| ResetAlert
| *No description.* |
-| ResetCors
| *No description.* |
-| ResetEnv
| *No description.* |
-| ResetGit
| *No description.* |
-| ResetGithub
| *No description.* |
-| ResetGitlab
| *No description.* |
-| ResetLogDestination
| *No description.* |
-| ResetRoutes
| *No description.* |
-| ResetSourceDir
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetPrefix
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
-private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
-- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
-private string ToString()
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `PutAlert`
-private void PutAlert(object Value)
-###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* object
-##### `PutCors`
-private void PutCors(AppSpecFunctionCors Value)
-###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
-##### `PutEnv`
-private void PutEnv(object Value)
-###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* object
-##### `PutGit`
-private void PutGit(AppSpecFunctionGit Value)
-###### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
-##### `PutGithub`
-private void PutGithub(AppSpecFunctionGithub Value)
-###### `Value`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
+- *Type:* string
-##### `PutGitlab`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-private void PutGitlab(AppSpecFunctionGitlab Value)
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `Value`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
+- *Type:* string
-##### `PutLogDestination`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-private void PutLogDestination(object Value)
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `Value`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-##### `PutRoutes`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-private void PutRoutes(object Value)
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `Value`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-##### `ResetAlert`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-private void ResetAlert()
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-##### `ResetCors`
-private void ResetCors()
+###### `Property`Required
-##### `ResetEnv`
+- *Type:* string
-private void ResetEnv()
-##### `ResetGit`
+##### `Resolve`
-private void ResetGit()
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-##### `ResetGithub`
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-private void ResetGithub()
+###### `Context`Required
-##### `ResetGitlab`
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-private void ResetGitlab()
-##### `ResetLogDestination`
+##### `ToString`
-private void ResetLogDestination()
+private string ToString()
-##### `ResetRoutes`
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
-private void ResetRoutes()
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetSourceDir`
+##### `ResetPrefix`
-private void ResetSourceDir()
+private void ResetPrefix()
@@ -13385,33 +16692,15 @@ private void ResetSourceDir()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Alert
| AppSpecFunctionAlertList
| *No description.* |
-| Cors
| AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| Env
| AppSpecFunctionEnvList
| *No description.* |
-| Git
| AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| Github
| AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| Gitlab
| AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| LogDestination
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
| *No description.* |
-| Routes
| AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
| *No description.* |
-| AlertInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| CorsInput
| AppSpecFunctionCors
| *No description.* |
-| EnvInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| GithubInput
| AppSpecFunctionGithub
| *No description.* |
-| GitInput
| AppSpecFunctionGit
| *No description.* |
-| GitlabInput
| AppSpecFunctionGitlab
| *No description.* |
-| LogDestinationInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| NameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| RoutesInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| SourceDirInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| Name
| string
| *No description.* |
-| SourceDir
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| PrefixInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Prefix
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -13425,7 +16714,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -13435,350 +16724,462 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `Alert`Required
+##### `PrefixInput`Optional
-public AppSpecFunctionAlertList Alert { get; }
+public string PrefixInput { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionAlertList
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Cors`Required
+##### `Prefix`Required
-public AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference Cors { get; }
+public string Prefix { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Env`Required
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-public AppSpecFunctionEnvList Env { get; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath InternalValue { get; }
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionEnvList
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-##### `Git`Required
+### AppSpecIngressRuleOutputReference
+#### Initializers
-public AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference Git { get; }
+using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+new AppSpecIngressRuleOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `Github`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
-public AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference Github { get; }
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
+The parent resource.
-##### `Gitlab`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
-public AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference Gitlab { get; }
+- *Type:* string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `LogDestination`Required
+##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* double
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutComponent
| *No description.* |
+| PutCors
| *No description.* |
+| PutMatch
| *No description.* |
+| PutRedirect
| *No description.* |
+| ResetComponent
| *No description.* |
+| ResetCors
| *No description.* |
+| ResetMatch
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRedirect
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList LogDestination { get; }
+private string ComputeFqn()
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `Routes`Required
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-public AppSpecFunctionRoutesList Routes { get; }
+private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `AlertInput`Optional
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-public object AlertInput { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* object
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `CorsInput`Optional
+##### `GetListAttribute`
-public AppSpecFunctionCors CorsInput { get; }
+private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `EnvInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-public object EnvInput { get; }
+private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* object
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `GithubInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-public AppSpecFunctionGithub GithubInput { get; }
+private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `GitInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-public AppSpecFunctionGit GitInput { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `GitlabInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-public AppSpecFunctionGitlab GitlabInput { get; }
+private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `LogDestinationInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-public object LogDestinationInput { get; }
+private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-- *Type:* object
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string
-##### `NameInput`Optional
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-public string NameInput { get; }
+private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `RoutesInput`Optional
+##### `Resolve`
-public object RoutesInput { get; }
+private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-- *Type:* object
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `Context`Required
+- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `SourceDirInput`Optional
+##### `ToString`
-public string SourceDirInput { get; }
+private string ToString()
-- *Type:* string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `PutComponent`
+private void PutComponent(AppSpecIngressRuleComponent Value)
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `PutCors`
-public string Name { get; }
+private void PutCors(AppSpecIngressRuleCors Value)
-- *Type:* string
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-##### `SourceDir`Required
+##### `PutMatch`
-public string SourceDir { get; }
+private void PutMatch(AppSpecIngressRuleMatch Value)
-- *Type:* string
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `PutRedirect`
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+private void PutRedirect(AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect Value)
-- *Type:* object
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
+##### `ResetComponent`
-### AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
+private void ResetComponent()
-#### Initializers
+##### `ResetCors`
-using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
+private void ResetCors()
-new AppSpecFunctionRoutesList(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, bool WrapsSet);
+##### `ResetMatch`
+private void ResetMatch()
+##### `ResetRedirect`
+private void ResetRedirect()
+#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| WrapsSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Component
| AppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Cors
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Match
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Redirect
| AppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| ComponentInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
| *No description.* |
+| CorsInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleCors
| *No description.* |
+| MatchInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
| *No description.* |
+| RedirectInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-The parent resource.
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+public string[] CreationStack { get; }
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* string[]
-- *Type:* string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `WrapsSet`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
-- *Type:* bool
+public string Fqn { get; }
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+- *Type:* string
-#### Methods
+##### `Component`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+public AppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference Component { get; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `Cors`Required
-private string ComputeFqn()
+public AppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference Cors { get; }
-##### `Resolve`
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference
-private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+##### `Match`Required
-###### `Context`Required
+public AppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference Match { get; }
-- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference
-##### `ToString`
+##### `Redirect`Required
-private string ToString()
+public AppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference Redirect { get; }
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `ComponentInput`Optional
-private AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference Get(double Index)
+public AppSpecIngressRuleComponent ComponentInput { get; }
-###### `Index`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
+##### `CorsInput`Optional
-#### Properties
+public AppSpecIngressRuleCors CorsInput { get; }
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `MatchInput`Optional
-public string[] CreationStack { get; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleMatch MatchInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string[]
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `RedirectInput`Optional
-public string Fqn { get; }
+public AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect RedirectInput { get; }
-- *Type:* string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
public object InternalValue { get; }
@@ -13789,26 +17190,24 @@ public object InternalValue { get; }
-### AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference
+### AppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
using HashiCorp.Cdktf.Providers.Digitalocean;
-new AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute, double ComplexObjectIndex, bool ComplexObjectIsFromSet);
+new AppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent TerraformResource, string TerraformAttribute);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| ComplexObjectIndex
| double
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| ComplexObjectIsFromSet
| bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| TerraformResource
| HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| TerraformAttribute
| string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `TerraformResource`Required
+##### `TerraformResource`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -13816,7 +17215,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+##### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
@@ -13824,171 +17223,158 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `ComplexObjectIndex`Required
-- *Type:* double
-the index of this item in the list.
-##### `ComplexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetPath
| *No description.* |
-| ResetPreservePathPrefix
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetAuthority
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPort
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRedirectCode
| *No description.* |
+| ResetScheme
| *No description.* |
+| ResetUri
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
private string ComputeFqn()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetAnyMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
private IResolvable GetBooleanAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetBooleanMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
private string[] GetListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
private double GetNumberAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
private double[] GetNumberListAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetNumberMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
private string GetStringAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
private System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetStringMapAttribute(string TerraformAttribute)
-###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
+###### `TerraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
private IResolvable InterpolationForAttribute(string Property)
-###### `Property`Required
+###### `Property`Required
- *Type:* string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
@@ -13996,13 +17382,13 @@ private object Resolve(IResolveContext Context)
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `Context`Required
+###### `Context`Required
- *Type:* HashiCorp.Cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
private string ToString()
@@ -14012,16 +17398,34 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetPath`
+##### `ResetAuthority`
-private void ResetPath()
+private void ResetAuthority()
-##### `ResetPreservePathPrefix`
+##### `ResetPort`
-private void ResetPreservePathPrefix()
+private void ResetPort()
+##### `ResetRedirectCode`
+private void ResetRedirectCode()
+##### `ResetScheme`
+private void ResetScheme()
+##### `ResetUri`
+private void ResetUri()
@@ -14029,17 +17433,23 @@ private void ResetPreservePathPrefix()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
-| PathInput
| string
| *No description.* |
-| PreservePathPrefixInput
| object
| *No description.* |
-| Path
| string
| *No description.* |
-| PreservePathPrefix
| object
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| object
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| string[]
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| string
| *No description.* |
+| AuthorityInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| PortInput
| double
| *No description.* |
+| RedirectCodeInput
| double
| *No description.* |
+| SchemeInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| UriInput
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Authority
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Port
| double
| *No description.* |
+| RedirectCode
| double
| *No description.* |
+| Scheme
| string
| *No description.* |
+| Uri
| string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
public string[] CreationStack { get; }
@@ -14053,7 +17463,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
public string Fqn { get; }
@@ -14063,53 +17473,113 @@ public string Fqn { get; }
-##### `PathInput`Optional
+##### `AuthorityInput`Optional
-public string PathInput { get; }
+public string AuthorityInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `PreservePathPrefixInput`Optional
+##### `PortInput`Optional
-public object PreservePathPrefixInput { get; }
+public double PortInput { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* double
-##### `Path`Required
+##### `RedirectCodeInput`Optional
-public string Path { get; }
+public double RedirectCodeInput { get; }
+- *Type:* double
+##### `SchemeInput`Optional
+public string SchemeInput { get; }
- *Type:* string
-##### `PreservePathPrefix`Required
+##### `UriInput`Optional
-public object PreservePathPrefix { get; }
+public string UriInput { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `Authority`Required
-public object InternalValue { get; }
+public string Authority { get; }
-- *Type:* object
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Port`Required
+public double Port { get; }
+- *Type:* double
+##### `RedirectCode`Required
+public double RedirectCode { get; }
+- *Type:* double
+##### `Scheme`Required
+public string Scheme { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `Uri`Required
+public string Uri { get; }
+- *Type:* string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+public AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect InternalValue { get; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
@@ -19391,6 +22861,7 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
| PutDomain
| *No description.* |
| PutEnv
| *No description.* |
| PutFunction
| *No description.* |
+| PutIngress
| *No description.* |
| PutJob
| *No description.* |
| PutService
| *No description.* |
| PutStaticSite
| *No description.* |
@@ -19401,6 +22872,7 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
| ResetDomains
| *No description.* |
| ResetEnv
| *No description.* |
| ResetFunction
| *No description.* |
+| ResetIngress
| *No description.* |
| ResetJob
| *No description.* |
| ResetRegion
| *No description.* |
| ResetService
| *No description.* |
@@ -19619,6 +23091,18 @@ private void PutFunction(object Value)
+##### `PutIngress`
+private void PutIngress(AppSpecIngress Value)
+###### `Value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngress
##### `PutJob`
@@ -19703,6 +23187,12 @@ private void ResetEnv()
private void ResetFunction()
+##### `ResetIngress`
+private void ResetIngress()
##### `ResetJob`
@@ -19745,6 +23235,7 @@ private void ResetWorker()
| Domain
| AppSpecDomainList
| *No description.* |
| Env
| AppSpecEnvList
| *No description.* |
| Function
| AppSpecFunctionList
| *No description.* |
+| Ingress
| AppSpecIngressOutputReference
| *No description.* |
| Job
| AppSpecJobList
| *No description.* |
| Service
| AppSpecServiceList
| *No description.* |
| StaticSite
| AppSpecStaticSiteList
| *No description.* |
@@ -19755,6 +23246,7 @@ private void ResetWorker()
| DomainsInput
| string[]
| *No description.* |
| EnvInput
| object
| *No description.* |
| FunctionInput
| object
| *No description.* |
+| IngressInput
| AppSpecIngress
| *No description.* |
| JobInput
| object
| *No description.* |
| NameInput
| string
| *No description.* |
| RegionInput
| string
| *No description.* |
@@ -19842,6 +23334,16 @@ public AppSpecFunctionList Function { get; }
+##### `Ingress`Required
+public AppSpecIngressOutputReference Ingress { get; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressOutputReference
##### `Job`Required
@@ -19942,6 +23444,16 @@ public object FunctionInput { get; }
+##### `IngressInput`Optional
+public AppSpecIngress IngressInput { get; }
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngress
##### `JobInput`Optional
diff --git a/docs/app.go.md b/docs/app.go.md
index 1c8cd22e2..677af2a40 100644
--- a/docs/app.go.md
+++ b/docs/app.go.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# `digitalocean_app`
-Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`digitalocean_app`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app).
+Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`digitalocean_app`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app).
# `app` Submodule
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`digitalocean_app`](https://registry
### App
-Represents a {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app digitalocean_app}.
+Represents a {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app digitalocean_app}.
#### Initializers
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ The construct id used in the generated config for the App to import.
The id of the existing App that should be imported.
-Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
+Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| Lifecycle
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle
| *No description.* |
| Provider
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.TerraformProvider
| *No description.* |
| Provisioners
| *[]interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| Id
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}. |
+| Id
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}. |
| Spec
| AppSpec
| spec block. |
| Timeouts
| AppTimeouts
| timeouts block. |
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ Id *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}.
Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2.
If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ Spec AppSpec
spec block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#spec App#spec}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#spec App#spec}
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ Timeouts AppTimeouts
timeouts block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#timeouts App#timeouts}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#timeouts App#timeouts}
@@ -961,6 +961,7 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
Domains: *[]*string,
Env: interface{},
Function: interface{},
+ Ingress: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecIngress,
Job: interface{},
Region: *string,
Service: interface{},
@@ -977,9 +978,10 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| Alert
| interface{}
| alert block. |
| Database
| interface{}
| database block. |
| Domain
| interface{}
| domain block. |
-| Domains
| *[]*string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}. |
+| Domains
| *[]*string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}. |
| Env
| interface{}
| env block. |
| Function
| interface{}
| function block. |
+| Ingress
| AppSpecIngress
| ingress block. |
| Job
| interface{}
| job block. |
| Region
| *string
| The slug for the DigitalOcean data center region hosting the app. |
| Service
| interface{}
| service block. |
@@ -998,7 +1000,7 @@ Name *string
The name of the app. Must be unique across all apps in the same account.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1012,7 +1014,7 @@ Alert interface{}
alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
@@ -1026,7 +1028,7 @@ Database interface{}
database block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#database App#database}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#database App#database}
@@ -1040,7 +1042,7 @@ Domain interface{}
domain block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#domain App#domain}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#domain App#domain}
@@ -1052,7 +1054,7 @@ Domains *[]*string
- *Type:* *[]*string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}.
@@ -1066,7 +1068,7 @@ Env interface{}
env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
@@ -1080,7 +1082,21 @@ Function interface{}
function block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#function App#function}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#function App#function}
+##### `Ingress`Optional
+Ingress AppSpecIngress
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngress
+ingress block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#ingress App#ingress}
@@ -1094,7 +1110,7 @@ Job interface{}
job block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#job App#job}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#job App#job}
@@ -1108,7 +1124,7 @@ Region *string
The slug for the DigitalOcean data center region hosting the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#region App#region}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#region App#region}
@@ -1122,7 +1138,7 @@ Service interface{}
service block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#service App#service}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#service App#service}
@@ -1136,7 +1152,7 @@ StaticSite interface{}
static_site block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#static_site App#static_site}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#static_site App#static_site}
@@ -1150,7 +1166,7 @@ Worker interface{}
worker block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#worker App#worker}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#worker App#worker}
@@ -1171,8 +1187,8 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Rule
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| Disabled
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| Rule
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| Disabled
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
@@ -1184,7 +1200,7 @@ Rule *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
@@ -1196,7 +1212,7 @@ Disabled interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
@@ -1244,7 +1260,7 @@ The name of the underlying DigitalOcean DBaaS cluster.
This is required for production databases. For dev databases, if cluster_name is not set, a new cluster will be provisioned.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cluster_name App#cluster_name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cluster_name App#cluster_name}
@@ -1258,7 +1274,7 @@ DbName *string
The name of the MySQL or PostgreSQL database to configure.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#db_name App#db_name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#db_name App#db_name}
@@ -1272,7 +1288,7 @@ DbUser *string
The name of the MySQL or PostgreSQL user to configure.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#db_user App#db_user}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#db_user App#db_user}
@@ -1286,7 +1302,7 @@ Engine *string
The database engine to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#engine App#engine}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#engine App#engine}
@@ -1300,7 +1316,7 @@ Name *string
The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1314,7 +1330,7 @@ Production interface{}
Whether this is a production or dev database.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#production App#production}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#production App#production}
@@ -1328,7 +1344,7 @@ Version *string
The version of the database engine.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#version App#version}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#version App#version}
@@ -1368,7 +1384,7 @@ Name *string
The hostname for the domain.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1382,7 +1398,7 @@ Type *string
The type of the domain.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
@@ -1396,7 +1412,7 @@ Wildcard interface{}
Indicates whether the domain includes all sub-domains, in addition to the given domain.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#wildcard App#wildcard}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#wildcard App#wildcard}
@@ -1410,7 +1426,7 @@ Zone *string
If the domain uses DigitalOcean DNS and you would like App Platform to automatically manage it for you, set this to the name of the domain on your account.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#zone App#zone}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#zone App#zone}
@@ -1450,7 +1466,7 @@ Key *string
The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
@@ -1464,7 +1480,7 @@ Scope *string
The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
@@ -1478,7 +1494,7 @@ Type *string
The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
@@ -1492,7 +1508,7 @@ Value *string
The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
@@ -1544,7 +1560,7 @@ Name *string
The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1558,7 +1574,7 @@ Alert interface{}
alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
@@ -1572,7 +1588,7 @@ Cors AppSpecFunctionCors
cors block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
@@ -1586,7 +1602,7 @@ Env interface{}
env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
@@ -1600,7 +1616,7 @@ Git AppSpecFunctionGit
git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
@@ -1614,7 +1630,7 @@ Github AppSpecFunctionGithub
github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
@@ -1628,7 +1644,7 @@ Gitlab AppSpecFunctionGitlab
gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
@@ -1642,7 +1658,7 @@ LogDestination interface{}
log_destination block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
@@ -1656,7 +1672,7 @@ Routes interface{}
routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
@@ -1670,7 +1686,7 @@ SourceDir *string
An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
@@ -1694,11 +1710,11 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Operator
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| Rule
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| Value
| *f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| Window
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| Disabled
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| Operator
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| Rule
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| Value
| *f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| Window
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| Disabled
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
@@ -1710,7 +1726,7 @@ Operator *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
@@ -1722,7 +1738,7 @@ Rule *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
@@ -1734,7 +1750,7 @@ Value *f64
- *Type:* *f64
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
@@ -1746,7 +1762,7 @@ Window *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
@@ -1758,7 +1774,7 @@ Disabled interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
@@ -1804,7 +1820,7 @@ Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code w
This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
@@ -1818,7 +1834,7 @@ AllowHeaders *[]*string
The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
@@ -1832,7 +1848,7 @@ AllowMethods *[]*string
The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
@@ -1846,7 +1862,7 @@ AllowOrigins AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
allow_origins block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
@@ -1860,7 +1876,7 @@ ExposeHeaders *[]*string
The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
@@ -1876,7 +1892,7 @@ An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a pre
This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
@@ -1914,7 +1930,7 @@ Exact *string
Exact string match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
@@ -1928,7 +1944,7 @@ Prefix *string
Prefix-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
@@ -1942,7 +1958,7 @@ Regex *string
RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
@@ -1982,7 +1998,7 @@ Key *string
The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
@@ -1996,7 +2012,7 @@ Scope *string
The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
@@ -2010,7 +2026,7 @@ Type *string
The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
@@ -2024,7 +2040,7 @@ Value *string
The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
@@ -2060,7 +2076,7 @@ Branch *string
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
@@ -2074,7 +2090,7 @@ RepoCloneUrl *string
The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
@@ -2112,7 +2128,7 @@ Branch *string
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
@@ -2126,7 +2142,7 @@ DeployOnPush interface{}
Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
@@ -2140,7 +2156,7 @@ Repo *string
The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
@@ -2178,7 +2194,7 @@ Branch *string
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
@@ -2192,7 +2208,7 @@ DeployOnPush interface{}
Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
@@ -2206,7 +2222,7 @@ Repo *string
The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
@@ -2246,7 +2262,7 @@ Name *string
Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -2260,7 +2276,7 @@ Datadog AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
@@ -2274,7 +2290,7 @@ Logtail AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
logtail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
@@ -2288,7 +2304,7 @@ Papertrail AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
papertrail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
@@ -2324,7 +2340,7 @@ ApiKey *string
Datadog API key.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
@@ -2338,7 +2354,7 @@ Endpoint *string
Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
@@ -2372,7 +2388,7 @@ Token *string
Logtail token.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
@@ -2406,7 +2422,7 @@ Endpoint *string
Papertrail syslog endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
@@ -2444,7 +2460,7 @@ Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
@@ -2458,34 +2474,19 @@ PreservePathPrefix interface{}
An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
-### AppSpecJob
+### AppSpecIngress
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJob {
- Name: *string,
- Alert: interface{},
- BuildCommand: *string,
- DockerfilePath: *string,
- Env: interface{},
- EnvironmentSlug: *string,
- Git: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobGit,
- Github: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobGithub,
- Gitlab: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobGitlab,
- Image: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobImage,
- InstanceCount: *f64,
- InstanceSizeSlug: *string,
- Kind: *string,
- LogDestination: interface{},
- RunCommand: *string,
- SourceDir: *string,
+&app.AppSpecIngress {
+ Rule: interface{},
@@ -2493,262 +2494,295 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| *string
| The name of the component. |
-| Alert
| interface{}
| alert block. |
-| BuildCommand
| *string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| DockerfilePath
| *string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| Env
| interface{}
| env block. |
-| EnvironmentSlug
| *string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| Git
| AppSpecJobGit
| git block. |
-| Github
| AppSpecJobGithub
| github block. |
-| Gitlab
| AppSpecJobGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| Image
| AppSpecJobImage
| image block. |
-| InstanceCount
| *f64
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
-| InstanceSizeSlug
| *string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
-| Kind
| *string
| The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process. |
-| LogDestination
| interface{}
| log_destination block. |
-| RunCommand
| *string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
-| SourceDir
| *string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+| Rule
| interface{}
| rule block. |
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Rule`Optional
-Name *string
+Rule interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-The name of the component.
+rule block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}
-##### `Alert`Optional
+### AppSpecIngressRule
+#### Initializer
-Alert interface{}
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* interface{}
+&app.AppSpecIngressRule {
+ Component: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecIngressRuleComponent,
+ Cors: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecIngressRuleCors,
+ Match: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecIngressRuleMatch,
+ Redirect: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect,
-alert block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Component
| AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
| component block. |
+| Cors
| AppSpecIngressRuleCors
| cors block. |
+| Match
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
| match block. |
+| Redirect
| AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
| redirect block. |
-##### `BuildCommand`Optional
+##### `Component`Optional
-BuildCommand *string
+Component AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+component block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#component App#component}
-##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `Cors`Optional
-DockerfilePath *string
+Cors AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+cors block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
-##### `Env`Optional
+##### `Match`Optional
-Env interface{}
+Match AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-env block.
+match block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#match App#match}
-##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
+##### `Redirect`Optional
-EnvironmentSlug *string
+Redirect AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+redirect block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#redirect App#redirect}
-##### `Git`Optional
+### AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
+#### Initializer
-Git AppSpecJobGit
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobGit
+&app.AppSpecIngressRuleComponent {
+ Name: *string,
+ PreservePathPrefix: interface{},
+ Rewrite: *string,
-git block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}. |
+| PreservePathPrefix
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}. |
+| Rewrite
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rewrite App#rewrite}. |
-##### `Github`Optional
+##### `Name`Optional
-Github AppSpecJobGithub
+Name *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobGithub
-github block.
+- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}.
-##### `Gitlab`Optional
+##### `PreservePathPrefix`Optional
-Gitlab AppSpecJobGitlab
+PreservePathPrefix interface{}
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobGitlab
-gitlab block.
+- *Type:* interface{}
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}.
-##### `Image`Optional
+##### `Rewrite`Optional
-Image AppSpecJobImage
+Rewrite *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobImage
+- *Type:* *string
-image block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rewrite App#rewrite}.
+### AppSpecIngressRuleCors
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecIngressRuleCors {
+ AllowCredentials: interface{},
+ AllowHeaders: *[]*string,
+ AllowMethods: *[]*string,
+ AllowOrigins: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins,
+ ExposeHeaders: *[]*string,
+ MaxAge: *string,
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AllowCredentials
| interface{}
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
+| AllowHeaders
| *[]*string
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
+| AllowMethods
| *[]*string
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
+| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
+| ExposeHeaders
| *[]*string
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
+| MaxAge
| *string
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
-##### `InstanceCount`Optional
+##### `AllowCredentials`Optional
-InstanceCount *f64
+AllowCredentials interface{}
-- *Type:* *f64
+- *Type:* interface{}
-The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
+This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
+##### `AllowHeaders`Optional
-InstanceSizeSlug *string
+AllowHeaders *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-The instance size to use for this component.
+The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
-##### `Kind`Optional
+##### `AllowMethods`Optional
-Kind *string
+AllowMethods *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process.
+The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#kind App#kind}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
-##### `LogDestination`Optional
+##### `AllowOrigins`Optional
-LogDestination interface{}
+AllowOrigins AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-log_destination block.
+allow_origins block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
-##### `RunCommand`Optional
+##### `ExposeHeaders`Optional
-RunCommand *string
+ExposeHeaders *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-An optional run command to override the component's default.
+The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
-##### `SourceDir`Optional
+##### `MaxAge`Optional
-SourceDir *string
+MaxAge *string
- *Type:* *string
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
+This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
-### AppSpecJobAlert
+### AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJobAlert {
- Operator: *string,
- Rule: *string,
- Value: *f64,
- Window: *string,
- Disabled: interface{},
+&app.AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins {
+ Exact: *string,
+ Prefix: *string,
+ Regex: *string,
@@ -2756,86 +2790,97 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Operator
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| Rule
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| Value
| *f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| Window
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| Disabled
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| Exact
| *string
| Exact string match. |
+| Prefix
| *string
| Prefix-based match. |
+| Regex
| *string
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `Operator`Required
+##### `Exact`Optional
-Operator *string
+Exact *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Exact string match.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
-##### `Rule`Required
+##### `Prefix`Optional
-Rule *string
+Prefix *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Prefix-based match.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
-##### `Value`Required
+##### `Regex`Optional
-Value *f64
+Regex *string
-- *Type:* *f64
+- *Type:* *string
+RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
-##### `Window`Required
+### AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
+#### Initializer
-Window *string
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecIngressRuleMatch {
+ Path: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath,
-- *Type:* *string
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Path
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
| path block. |
-##### `Disabled`Optional
+##### `Path`Optional
-Disabled interface{}
+Path AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
+path block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
-### AppSpecJobEnv
+### AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJobEnv {
- Key: *string,
- Scope: *string,
- Type: *string,
- Value: *string,
+&app.AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath {
+ Prefix: *string,
@@ -2843,130 +2888,134 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Key
| *string
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| Scope
| *string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| Type
| *string
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| Value
| *string
| The value of the environment variable. |
+| Prefix
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}. |
-##### `Key`Optional
+##### `Prefix`Optional
-Key *string
+Prefix *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}.
-##### `Scope`Optional
+### AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
+#### Initializer
-Scope *string
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* *string
+&app.AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect {
+ Authority: *string,
+ Port: *f64,
+ RedirectCode: *f64,
+ Scheme: *string,
+ Uri: *string,
-The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Authority
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#authority App#authority}. |
+| Port
| *f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#port App#port}. |
+| RedirectCode
| *f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#redirect_code App#redirect_code}. |
+| Scheme
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scheme App#scheme}. |
+| Uri
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#uri App#uri}. |
-##### `Type`Optional
+##### `Authority`Optional
-Type *string
+Authority *string
- *Type:* *string
-The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#authority App#authority}.
-##### `Value`Optional
+##### `Port`Optional
-Value *string
+Port *f64
-- *Type:* *string
-The value of the environment variable.
+- *Type:* *f64
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#port App#port}.
-### AppSpecJobGit
-#### Initializer
+##### `RedirectCode`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJobGit {
- Branch: *string,
- RepoCloneUrl: *string,
+RedirectCode *f64
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *f64
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| RepoCloneUrl
| *string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#redirect_code App#redirect_code}.
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Scheme`Optional
-Branch *string
+Scheme *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scheme App#scheme}.
-##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `Uri`Optional
-RepoCloneUrl *string
+Uri *string
- *Type:* *string
-The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#uri App#uri}.
-### AppSpecJobGithub
+### AppSpecJob
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJobGithub {
- Branch: *string,
- DeployOnPush: interface{},
- Repo: *string,
+&app.AppSpecJob {
+ Name: *string,
+ Alert: interface{},
+ BuildCommand: *string,
+ DockerfilePath: *string,
+ Env: interface{},
+ EnvironmentSlug: *string,
+ Git: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobGit,
+ Github: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobGithub,
+ Gitlab: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobGitlab,
+ Image: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobImage,
+ InstanceCount: *f64,
+ InstanceSizeSlug: *string,
+ Kind: *string,
+ LogDestination: interface{},
+ RunCommand: *string,
+ SourceDir: *string,
@@ -2974,264 +3023,262 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+| Name
| *string
| The name of the component. |
+| Alert
| interface{}
| alert block. |
+| BuildCommand
| *string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| DockerfilePath
| *string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| Env
| interface{}
| env block. |
+| EnvironmentSlug
| *string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| Git
| AppSpecJobGit
| git block. |
+| Github
| AppSpecJobGithub
| github block. |
+| Gitlab
| AppSpecJobGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| Image
| AppSpecJobImage
| image block. |
+| InstanceCount
| *f64
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
+| InstanceSizeSlug
| *string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
+| Kind
| *string
| The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process. |
+| LogDestination
| interface{}
| log_destination block. |
+| RunCommand
| *string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
+| SourceDir
| *string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-Branch *string
+Name *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the branch to use.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `Alert`Optional
-DeployOnPush interface{}
+Alert interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `BuildCommand`Optional
-Repo *string
+BuildCommand *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-### AppSpecJobGitlab
-#### Initializer
+##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJobGitlab {
- Branch: *string,
- DeployOnPush: interface{},
- Repo: *string,
+DockerfilePath *string
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Env`Optional
-Branch *string
+Env interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-The name of the branch to use.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
-DeployOnPush interface{}
+EnvironmentSlug *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `Git`Optional
-Repo *string
+Git AppSpecJobGit
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobGit
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-### AppSpecJobImage
-#### Initializer
+##### `Github`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJobImage {
- RegistryType: *string,
- Repository: *string,
- DeployOnPush: interface{},
- Registry: *string,
- Tag: *string,
+Github AppSpecJobGithub
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobGithub
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| RegistryType
| *string
| The registry type. |
-| Repository
| *string
| The repository name. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| deploy_on_push block. |
-| Registry
| *string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
-| Tag
| *string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+github block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-##### `RegistryType`Required
+##### `Gitlab`Optional
-RegistryType *string
+Gitlab AppSpecJobGitlab
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobGitlab
-The registry type.
+gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `Repository`Required
+##### `Image`Optional
-Repository *string
+Image AppSpecJobImage
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobImage
-The repository name.
+image block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `InstanceCount`Optional
-DeployOnPush interface{}
+InstanceCount *f64
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *f64
-deploy_on_push block.
+The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
-##### `Registry`Optional
+##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
-Registry *string
+InstanceSizeSlug *string
- *Type:* *string
-The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+The instance size to use for this component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
-##### `Tag`Optional
+##### `Kind`Optional
-Tag *string
+Kind *string
- *Type:* *string
-The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
+The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#kind App#kind}
-### AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush
-#### Initializer
+##### `LogDestination`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+LogDestination interface{}
-&app.AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush {
- Enabled: interface{},
+- *Type:* interface{}
+log_destination block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+##### `RunCommand`Optional
+RunCommand *string
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Enabled
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+An optional run command to override the component's default.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-##### `Enabled`Optional
+##### `SourceDir`Optional
-Enabled interface{}
+SourceDir *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-### AppSpecJobLogDestination
+### AppSpecJobAlert
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJobLogDestination {
- Name: *string,
- Datadog: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog,
- Logtail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail,
- Papertrail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail,
+&app.AppSpecJobAlert {
+ Operator: *string,
+ Rule: *string,
+ Value: *f64,
+ Window: *string,
+ Disabled: interface{},
@@ -3239,79 +3286,86 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| *string
| Name of the log destination. |
-| Datadog
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
-| Logtail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
-| Papertrail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
+| Operator
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| Rule
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| Value
| *f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| Window
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| Disabled
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Operator`Required
-Name *string
+Operator *string
- *Type:* *string
-Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
-##### `Datadog`Optional
+##### `Rule`Required
-Datadog AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
+Rule *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* *string
-datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
-##### `Logtail`Optional
+##### `Value`Required
-Logtail AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
+Value *f64
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
-logtail block.
+- *Type:* *f64
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
-##### `Papertrail`Optional
+##### `Window`Required
-Papertrail AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
+Window *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* *string
-papertrail block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+##### `Disabled`Optional
+Disabled interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
-### AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
+### AppSpecJobEnv
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog {
- ApiKey: *string,
- Endpoint: *string,
+&app.AppSpecJobEnv {
+ Key: *string,
+ Scope: *string,
+ Type: *string,
+ Value: *string,
@@ -3319,82 +3373,79 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| ApiKey
| *string
| Datadog API key. |
-| Endpoint
| *string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+| Key
| *string
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| Scope
| *string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| Type
| *string
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| Value
| *string
| The value of the environment variable. |
-##### `ApiKey`Required
+##### `Key`Optional
-ApiKey *string
+Key *string
- *Type:* *string
-Datadog API key.
+The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
-##### `Endpoint`Optional
+##### `Scope`Optional
-Endpoint *string
+Scope *string
- *Type:* *string
-Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
-### AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
-#### Initializer
+##### `Type`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail {
- Token: *string,
+Type *string
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Token
| *string
| Logtail token. |
+The type of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
-##### `Token`Required
+##### `Value`Optional
-Token *string
+Value *string
- *Type:* *string
-Logtail token.
+The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
-### AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
+### AppSpecJobGit
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail {
- Endpoint: *string,
+&app.AppSpecJobGit {
+ Branch: *string,
+ RepoCloneUrl: *string,
@@ -3402,52 +3453,50 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Endpoint
| *string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| RepoCloneUrl
| *string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
-##### `Endpoint`Required
+##### `Branch`Optional
-Endpoint *string
+Branch *string
- *Type:* *string
-Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-### AppSpecService
+##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
-#### Initializer
+RepoCloneUrl *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The clone URL of the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+### AppSpecJobGithub
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecService {
- Name: *string,
- Alert: interface{},
- BuildCommand: *string,
- Cors: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceCors,
- DockerfilePath: *string,
- Env: interface{},
- EnvironmentSlug: *string,
- Git: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceGit,
- Github: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceGithub,
- Gitlab: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceGitlab,
- HealthCheck: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceHealthCheck,
- HttpPort: *f64,
- Image: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceImage,
- InstanceCount: *f64,
- InstanceSizeSlug: *string,
- InternalPorts: *[]*f64,
- LogDestination: interface{},
- Routes: interface{},
- RunCommand: *string,
- SourceDir: *string,
+&app.AppSpecJobGithub {
+ Branch: *string,
+ DeployOnPush: interface{},
+ Repo: *string,
@@ -3455,320 +3504,344 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| *string
| The name of the component. |
-| Alert
| interface{}
| alert block. |
-| BuildCommand
| *string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| Cors
| AppSpecServiceCors
| cors block. |
-| DockerfilePath
| *string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| Env
| interface{}
| env block. |
-| EnvironmentSlug
| *string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| Git
| AppSpecServiceGit
| git block. |
-| Github
| AppSpecServiceGithub
| github block. |
-| Gitlab
| AppSpecServiceGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| HealthCheck
| AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
| health_check block. |
-| HttpPort
| *f64
| The internal port on which this service's run command will listen. |
-| Image
| AppSpecServiceImage
| image block. |
-| InstanceCount
| *f64
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
-| InstanceSizeSlug
| *string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
-| InternalPorts
| *[]*f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}. |
-| LogDestination
| interface{}
| log_destination block. |
-| Routes
| interface{}
| routes block. |
-| RunCommand
| *string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
-| SourceDir
| *string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Branch`Optional
-Name *string
+Branch *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the component.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `Alert`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-Alert interface{}
+DeployOnPush interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
-alert block.
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `BuildCommand`Optional
+##### `Repo`Optional
-BuildCommand *string
+Repo *string
- *Type:* *string
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-##### `Cors`Optional
+### AppSpecJobGitlab
+#### Initializer
-Cors AppSpecServiceCors
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCors
+&app.AppSpecJobGitlab {
+ Branch: *string,
+ DeployOnPush: interface{},
+ Repo: *string,
-cors block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `Branch`Optional
-DockerfilePath *string
+Branch *string
- *Type:* *string
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `Env`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-Env interface{}
+DeployOnPush interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
-env block.
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
+##### `Repo`Optional
-EnvironmentSlug *string
+Repo *string
- *Type:* *string
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-##### `Git`Optional
+### AppSpecJobImage
+#### Initializer
-Git AppSpecServiceGit
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGit
+&app.AppSpecJobImage {
+ RegistryType: *string,
+ Repository: *string,
+ DeployOnPush: interface{},
+ Registry: *string,
+ Tag: *string,
-git block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| RegistryType
| *string
| The registry type. |
+| Repository
| *string
| The repository name. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| deploy_on_push block. |
+| Registry
| *string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
+| Tag
| *string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
-##### `Github`Optional
+##### `RegistryType`Required
-Github AppSpecServiceGithub
+RegistryType *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGithub
+- *Type:* *string
-github block.
+The registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
-##### `Gitlab`Optional
+##### `Repository`Required
-Gitlab AppSpecServiceGitlab
+Repository *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGitlab
+- *Type:* *string
-gitlab block.
+The repository name.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
-##### `HealthCheck`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-HealthCheck AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
+DeployOnPush interface{}
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
+- *Type:* interface{}
-health_check block.
+deploy_on_push block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#health_check App#health_check}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `HttpPort`Optional
+##### `Registry`Optional
-HttpPort *f64
+Registry *string
-- *Type:* *f64
+- *Type:* *string
-The internal port on which this service's run command will listen.
+The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#http_port App#http_port}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
-##### `Image`Optional
+##### `Tag`Optional
-Image AppSpecServiceImage
+Tag *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceImage
+- *Type:* *string
-image block.
+The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
-##### `InstanceCount`Optional
+### AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush
+#### Initializer
-InstanceCount *f64
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* *f64
+&app.AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush {
+ Enabled: interface{},
-The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Enabled
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
-##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
+##### `Enabled`Optional
-InstanceSizeSlug *string
+Enabled interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-The instance size to use for this component.
+Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
-##### `InternalPorts`Optional
+### AppSpecJobLogDestination
+#### Initializer
-InternalPorts *[]*f64
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecJobLogDestination {
+ Name: *string,
+ Datadog: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog,
+ Logtail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail,
+ Papertrail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail,
-- *Type:* *[]*f64
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| *string
| Name of the log destination. |
+| Datadog
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
+| Logtail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
+| Papertrail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
-##### `LogDestination`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-LogDestination interface{}
+Name *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-log_destination block.
+Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `Routes`Optional
+##### `Datadog`Optional
-Routes interface{}
+Datadog AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
-routes block.
+datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
-##### `RunCommand`Optional
+##### `Logtail`Optional
-RunCommand *string
+Logtail AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
-An optional run command to override the component's default.
+logtail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
-##### `SourceDir`Optional
+##### `Papertrail`Optional
-SourceDir *string
+Papertrail AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+papertrail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
-### AppSpecServiceAlert
+### AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceAlert {
- Operator: *string,
- Rule: *string,
- Value: *f64,
- Window: *string,
- Disabled: interface{},
+&app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog {
+ ApiKey: *string,
+ Endpoint: *string,
@@ -3776,88 +3849,82 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Operator
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| Rule
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| Value
| *f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| Window
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| Disabled
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| ApiKey
| *string
| Datadog API key. |
+| Endpoint
| *string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
-##### `Operator`Required
+##### `ApiKey`Required
-Operator *string
+ApiKey *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Datadog API key.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
-##### `Rule`Required
+##### `Endpoint`Optional
-Rule *string
+Endpoint *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-##### `Value`Required
+### AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
+#### Initializer
-Value *f64
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail {
+ Token: *string,
-- *Type:* *f64
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Token
| *string
| Logtail token. |
-##### `Window`Required
+##### `Token`Required
-Window *string
+Token *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
-##### `Disabled`Optional
-Disabled interface{}
-- *Type:* interface{}
+Logtail token.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
-### AppSpecServiceCors
+### AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceCors {
- AllowCredentials: interface{},
- AllowHeaders: *[]*string,
- AllowMethods: *[]*string,
- AllowOrigins: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins,
- ExposeHeaders: *[]*string,
- MaxAge: *string,
+&app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail {
+ Endpoint: *string,
@@ -3865,378 +3932,373 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| AllowCredentials
| interface{}
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
-| AllowHeaders
| *[]*string
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
-| AllowMethods
| *[]*string
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
-| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
-| ExposeHeaders
| *[]*string
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
-| MaxAge
| *string
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
+| Endpoint
| *string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
-##### `AllowCredentials`Optional
+##### `Endpoint`Required
-AllowCredentials interface{}
+Endpoint *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
-Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
+- *Type:* *string
-This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
+Papertrail syslog endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-##### `AllowHeaders`Optional
+### AppSpecService
+#### Initializer
-AllowHeaders *[]*string
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+&app.AppSpecService {
+ Name: *string,
+ Alert: interface{},
+ BuildCommand: *string,
+ Cors: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceCors,
+ DockerfilePath: *string,
+ Env: interface{},
+ EnvironmentSlug: *string,
+ Git: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceGit,
+ Github: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceGithub,
+ Gitlab: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceGitlab,
+ HealthCheck: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceHealthCheck,
+ HttpPort: *f64,
+ Image: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceImage,
+ InstanceCount: *f64,
+ InstanceSizeSlug: *string,
+ InternalPorts: *[]*f64,
+ LogDestination: interface{},
+ Routes: interface{},
+ RunCommand: *string,
+ SourceDir: *string,
-The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| *string
| The name of the component. |
+| Alert
| interface{}
| alert block. |
+| BuildCommand
| *string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| Cors
| AppSpecServiceCors
| cors block. |
+| DockerfilePath
| *string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| Env
| interface{}
| env block. |
+| EnvironmentSlug
| *string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| Git
| AppSpecServiceGit
| git block. |
+| Github
| AppSpecServiceGithub
| github block. |
+| Gitlab
| AppSpecServiceGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| HealthCheck
| AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
| health_check block. |
+| HttpPort
| *f64
| The internal port on which this service's run command will listen. |
+| Image
| AppSpecServiceImage
| image block. |
+| InstanceCount
| *f64
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
+| InstanceSizeSlug
| *string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
+| InternalPorts
| *[]*f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}. |
+| LogDestination
| interface{}
| log_destination block. |
+| Routes
| interface{}
| routes block. |
+| RunCommand
| *string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
+| SourceDir
| *string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `AllowMethods`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-AllowMethods *[]*string
+Name *string
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+- *Type:* *string
-The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `AllowOrigins`Optional
+##### `Alert`Optional
-AllowOrigins AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
+Alert interface{}
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
+- *Type:* interface{}
-allow_origins block.
+alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
-##### `ExposeHeaders`Optional
+##### `BuildCommand`Optional
-ExposeHeaders *[]*string
+BuildCommand *string
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+- *Type:* *string
-The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-##### `MaxAge`Optional
+##### `Cors`Optional
-MaxAge *string
+Cors AppSpecServiceCors
-- *Type:* *string
-An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCors
-This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
+cors block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
-### AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializer
+##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins {
- Exact: *string,
- Prefix: *string,
- Regex: *string,
+DockerfilePath *string
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Exact
| *string
| Exact string match. |
-| Prefix
| *string
| Prefix-based match. |
-| Regex
| *string
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `Exact`Optional
+##### `Env`Optional
-Exact *string
+Env interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-Exact string match.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `Prefix`Optional
+##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
-Prefix *string
+EnvironmentSlug *string
- *Type:* *string
-Prefix-based match.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-##### `Regex`Optional
+##### `Git`Optional
-Regex *string
+Git AppSpecServiceGit
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGit
-RE2 style regex-based match.
+git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-### AppSpecServiceEnv
-#### Initializer
+##### `Github`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceEnv {
- Key: *string,
- Scope: *string,
- Type: *string,
- Value: *string,
+Github AppSpecServiceGithub
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGithub
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Key
| *string
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| Scope
| *string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| Type
| *string
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| Value
| *string
| The value of the environment variable. |
+github block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-##### `Key`Optional
+##### `Gitlab`Optional
-Key *string
+Gitlab AppSpecServiceGitlab
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGitlab
-The name of the environment variable.
+gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `Scope`Optional
+##### `HealthCheck`Optional
-Scope *string
+HealthCheck AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
-The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+health_check block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#health_check App#health_check}
-##### `Type`Optional
+##### `HttpPort`Optional
-Type *string
+HttpPort *f64
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *f64
-The type of the environment variable.
+The internal port on which this service's run command will listen.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#http_port App#http_port}
-##### `Value`Optional
+##### `Image`Optional
-Value *string
+Image AppSpecServiceImage
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceImage
-The value of the environment variable.
+image block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-### AppSpecServiceGit
-#### Initializer
+##### `InstanceCount`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceGit {
- Branch: *string,
- RepoCloneUrl: *string,
+InstanceCount *f64
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *f64
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| RepoCloneUrl
| *string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
-Branch *string
+InstanceSizeSlug *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the branch to use.
+The instance size to use for this component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
-##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `InternalPorts`Optional
-RepoCloneUrl *string
+InternalPorts *[]*f64
-- *Type:* *string
-The clone URL of the repo.
+- *Type:* *[]*f64
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}.
-### AppSpecServiceGithub
-#### Initializer
+##### `LogDestination`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceGithub {
- Branch: *string,
- DeployOnPush: interface{},
- Repo: *string,
+LogDestination interface{}
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* interface{}
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+log_destination block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Routes`Optional
-Branch *string
+Routes interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-The name of the branch to use.
+routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `RunCommand`Optional
-DeployOnPush interface{}
+RunCommand *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+An optional run command to override the component's default.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `SourceDir`Optional
-Repo *string
+SourceDir *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-### AppSpecServiceGitlab
+### AppSpecServiceAlert
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceGitlab {
- Branch: *string,
- DeployOnPush: interface{},
- Repo: *string,
+&app.AppSpecServiceAlert {
+ Operator: *string,
+ Rule: *string,
+ Value: *f64,
+ Window: *string,
+ Disabled: interface{},
@@ -4244,312 +4306,270 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+| Operator
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| Rule
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| Value
| *f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| Window
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| Disabled
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Operator`Required
-Branch *string
+Operator *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `Rule`Required
-DeployOnPush interface{}
+Rule *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `Value`Required
-Repo *string
+Value *f64
-- *Type:* *string
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+- *Type:* *f64
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
-### AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
-#### Initializer
+##### `Window`Required
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceHealthCheck {
- FailureThreshold: *f64,
- HttpPath: *string,
- InitialDelaySeconds: *f64,
- PeriodSeconds: *f64,
- SuccessThreshold: *f64,
- TimeoutSeconds: *f64,
+Window *string
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| FailureThreshold
| *f64
| The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy. |
-| HttpPath
| *string
| The route path used for the HTTP health check ping. |
-| InitialDelaySeconds
| *f64
| The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks. |
-| PeriodSeconds
| *f64
| The number of seconds to wait between health checks. |
-| SuccessThreshold
| *f64
| The number of successful health checks before considered healthy. |
-| TimeoutSeconds
| *f64
| The number of seconds after which the check times out. |
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
-##### `FailureThreshold`Optional
+##### `Disabled`Optional
-FailureThreshold *f64
+Disabled interface{}
-- *Type:* *f64
-The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy.
+- *Type:* interface{}
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#failure_threshold App#failure_threshold}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
-##### `HttpPath`Optional
-HttpPath *string
-- *Type:* *string
-The route path used for the HTTP health check ping.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#http_path App#http_path}
+### AppSpecServiceCors
-##### `InitialDelaySeconds`Optional
+#### Initializer
-InitialDelaySeconds *f64
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* *f64
+&app.AppSpecServiceCors {
+ AllowCredentials: interface{},
+ AllowHeaders: *[]*string,
+ AllowMethods: *[]*string,
+ AllowOrigins: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins,
+ ExposeHeaders: *[]*string,
+ MaxAge: *string,
-The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#initial_delay_seconds App#initial_delay_seconds}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AllowCredentials
| interface{}
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
+| AllowHeaders
| *[]*string
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
+| AllowMethods
| *[]*string
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
+| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
+| ExposeHeaders
| *[]*string
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
+| MaxAge
| *string
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
-##### `PeriodSeconds`Optional
+##### `AllowCredentials`Optional
-PeriodSeconds *f64
+AllowCredentials interface{}
-- *Type:* *f64
+- *Type:* interface{}
-The number of seconds to wait between health checks.
+Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#period_seconds App#period_seconds}
+This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `SuccessThreshold`Optional
+##### `AllowHeaders`Optional
-SuccessThreshold *f64
+AllowHeaders *[]*string
-- *Type:* *f64
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-The number of successful health checks before considered healthy.
+The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#success_threshold App#success_threshold}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
-##### `TimeoutSeconds`Optional
+##### `AllowMethods`Optional
-TimeoutSeconds *f64
+AllowMethods *[]*string
-- *Type:* *f64
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-The number of seconds after which the check times out.
+The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#timeout_seconds App#timeout_seconds}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
-### AppSpecServiceImage
-#### Initializer
+##### `AllowOrigins`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceImage {
- RegistryType: *string,
- Repository: *string,
- DeployOnPush: interface{},
- Registry: *string,
- Tag: *string,
+AllowOrigins AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| RegistryType
| *string
| The registry type. |
-| Repository
| *string
| The repository name. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| deploy_on_push block. |
-| Registry
| *string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
-| Tag
| *string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+allow_origins block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
-##### `RegistryType`Required
+##### `ExposeHeaders`Optional
-RegistryType *string
+ExposeHeaders *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-The registry type.
+The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
-##### `Repository`Required
+##### `MaxAge`Optional
-Repository *string
+MaxAge *string
- *Type:* *string
-The repository name.
+An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
+This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
+#### Initializer
-DeployOnPush interface{}
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* interface{}
+&app.AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins {
+ Exact: *string,
+ Prefix: *string,
+ Regex: *string,
-deploy_on_push block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Exact
| *string
| Exact string match. |
+| Prefix
| *string
| Prefix-based match. |
+| Regex
| *string
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `Registry`Optional
+##### `Exact`Optional
-Registry *string
+Exact *string
- *Type:* *string
-The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+Exact string match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
-##### `Tag`Optional
+##### `Prefix`Optional
-Tag *string
+Prefix *string
- *Type:* *string
-The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
-### AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush
-#### Initializer
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush {
- Enabled: interface{},
-#### Properties
+Prefix-based match.
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Enabled
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
-##### `Enabled`Optional
+##### `Regex`Optional
-Enabled interface{}
+Regex *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestination
+### AppSpecServiceEnv
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceLogDestination {
- Name: *string,
- Datadog: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog,
- Logtail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail,
- Papertrail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail,
+&app.AppSpecServiceEnv {
+ Key: *string,
+ Scope: *string,
+ Type: *string,
+ Value: *string,
@@ -4557,79 +4577,79 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| *string
| Name of the log destination. |
-| Datadog
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
-| Logtail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
-| Papertrail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
+| Key
| *string
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| Scope
| *string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| Type
| *string
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| Value
| *string
| The value of the environment variable. |
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Key`Optional
-Name *string
+Key *string
- *Type:* *string
-Name of the log destination.
+The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
-##### `Datadog`Optional
+##### `Scope`Optional
-Datadog AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
+Scope *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* *string
-datadog block.
+The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
-##### `Logtail`Optional
+##### `Type`Optional
-Logtail AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
+Type *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* *string
-logtail block.
+The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
-##### `Papertrail`Optional
+##### `Value`Optional
-Papertrail AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
+Value *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* *string
-papertrail block.
+The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
+### AppSpecServiceGit
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog {
- ApiKey: *string,
- Endpoint: *string,
+&app.AppSpecServiceGit {
+ Branch: *string,
+ RepoCloneUrl: *string,
@@ -4637,48 +4657,50 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| ApiKey
| *string
| Datadog API key. |
-| Endpoint
| *string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| RepoCloneUrl
| *string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
-##### `ApiKey`Required
+##### `Branch`Optional
-ApiKey *string
+Branch *string
- *Type:* *string
-Datadog API key.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `Endpoint`Optional
+##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
-Endpoint *string
+RepoCloneUrl *string
- *Type:* *string
-Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
+### AppSpecServiceGithub
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail {
- Token: *string,
+&app.AppSpecServiceGithub {
+ Branch: *string,
+ DeployOnPush: interface{},
+ Repo: *string,
@@ -4686,68 +4708,65 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Token
| *string
| Logtail token. |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `Token`Required
+##### `Branch`Optional
-Token *string
+Branch *string
- *Type:* *string
-Logtail token.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
-#### Initializer
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail {
- Endpoint: *string,
+DeployOnPush interface{}
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* interface{}
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Endpoint
| *string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `Endpoint`Required
+##### `Repo`Optional
-Endpoint *string
+Repo *string
- *Type:* *string
-Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-### AppSpecServiceRoutes
+### AppSpecServiceGitlab
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecServiceRoutes {
- Path: *string,
- PreservePathPrefix: interface{},
+&app.AppSpecServiceGitlab {
+ Branch: *string,
+ DeployOnPush: interface{},
+ Repo: *string,
@@ -4755,64 +4774,68 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Path
| *string
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
-| PreservePathPrefix
| interface{}
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `Path`Optional
+##### `Branch`Optional
-Path *string
+Branch *string
- *Type:* *string
-Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
-Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `PreservePathPrefix`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-PreservePathPrefix interface{}
+DeployOnPush interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
-An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-### AppSpecStaticSite
+##### `Repo`Optional
-#### Initializer
+Repo *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+### AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecStaticSite {
- Name: *string,
- BuildCommand: *string,
- CatchallDocument: *string,
- Cors: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecStaticSiteCors,
- DockerfilePath: *string,
- Env: interface{},
- EnvironmentSlug: *string,
- ErrorDocument: *string,
- Git: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGit,
- Github: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGithub,
- Gitlab: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab,
- IndexDocument: *string,
- OutputDir: *string,
- Routes: interface{},
- SourceDir: *string,
+&app.AppSpecServiceHealthCheck {
+ FailureThreshold: *f64,
+ HttpPath: *string,
+ InitialDelaySeconds: *f64,
+ PeriodSeconds: *f64,
+ SuccessThreshold: *f64,
+ TimeoutSeconds: *f64,
@@ -4820,250 +4843,243 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| *string
| The name of the component. |
-| BuildCommand
| *string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| CatchallDocument
| *string
| The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site. |
-| Cors
| AppSpecStaticSiteCors
| cors block. |
-| DockerfilePath
| *string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| Env
| interface{}
| env block. |
-| EnvironmentSlug
| *string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| ErrorDocument
| *string
| The name of the error document to use when serving this static site. |
-| Git
| AppSpecStaticSiteGit
| git block. |
-| Github
| AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
| github block. |
-| Gitlab
| AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| IndexDocument
| *string
| The name of the index document to use when serving this static site. |
-| OutputDir
| *string
| An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context. |
-| Routes
| interface{}
| routes block. |
-| SourceDir
| *string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+| FailureThreshold
| *f64
| The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy. |
+| HttpPath
| *string
| The route path used for the HTTP health check ping. |
+| InitialDelaySeconds
| *f64
| The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks. |
+| PeriodSeconds
| *f64
| The number of seconds to wait between health checks. |
+| SuccessThreshold
| *f64
| The number of successful health checks before considered healthy. |
+| TimeoutSeconds
| *f64
| The number of seconds after which the check times out. |
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `FailureThreshold`Optional
-Name *string
+FailureThreshold *f64
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *f64
-The name of the component.
+The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#failure_threshold App#failure_threshold}
-##### `BuildCommand`Optional
+##### `HttpPath`Optional
-BuildCommand *string
+HttpPath *string
- *Type:* *string
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+The route path used for the HTTP health check ping.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#http_path App#http_path}
-##### `CatchallDocument`Optional
+##### `InitialDelaySeconds`Optional
-CatchallDocument *string
+InitialDelaySeconds *f64
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *f64
-The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site.
+The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#catchall_document App#catchall_document}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#initial_delay_seconds App#initial_delay_seconds}
-##### `Cors`Optional
+##### `PeriodSeconds`Optional
-Cors AppSpecStaticSiteCors
+PeriodSeconds *f64
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCors
+- *Type:* *f64
-cors block.
+The number of seconds to wait between health checks.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#period_seconds App#period_seconds}
-##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `SuccessThreshold`Optional
-DockerfilePath *string
+SuccessThreshold *f64
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *f64
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+The number of successful health checks before considered healthy.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#success_threshold App#success_threshold}
-##### `Env`Optional
+##### `TimeoutSeconds`Optional
-Env interface{}
+TimeoutSeconds *f64
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *f64
-env block.
+The number of seconds after which the check times out.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#timeout_seconds App#timeout_seconds}
-##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceImage
+#### Initializer
-EnvironmentSlug *string
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* *string
+&app.AppSpecServiceImage {
+ RegistryType: *string,
+ Repository: *string,
+ DeployOnPush: interface{},
+ Registry: *string,
+ Tag: *string,
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| RegistryType
| *string
| The registry type. |
+| Repository
| *string
| The repository name. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| deploy_on_push block. |
+| Registry
| *string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
+| Tag
| *string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
-##### `ErrorDocument`Optional
+##### `RegistryType`Required
-ErrorDocument *string
+RegistryType *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the error document to use when serving this static site.
+The registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#error_document App#error_document}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
-##### `Git`Optional
+##### `Repository`Required
-Git AppSpecStaticSiteGit
+Repository *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGit
+- *Type:* *string
-git block.
+The repository name.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
-##### `Github`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
-Github AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
+DeployOnPush interface{}
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
+- *Type:* interface{}
-github block.
+deploy_on_push block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `Gitlab`Optional
+##### `Registry`Optional
-Gitlab AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
+Registry *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
+- *Type:* *string
-gitlab block.
+The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
-##### `IndexDocument`Optional
+##### `Tag`Optional
-IndexDocument *string
+Tag *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the index document to use when serving this static site.
+The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#index_document App#index_document}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
-##### `OutputDir`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush
+#### Initializer
-OutputDir *string
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush {
+ Enabled: interface{},
-- *Type:* *string
+#### Properties
-An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context.
-If not set, App Platform will automatically scan for these directory names: `_static`, `dist`, `public`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#output_dir App#output_dir}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Enabled
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
-##### `Routes`Optional
+##### `Enabled`Optional
-Routes interface{}
+Enabled interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
-routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
-##### `SourceDir`Optional
-SourceDir *string
-- *Type:* *string
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteCors
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestination
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecStaticSiteCors {
- AllowCredentials: interface{},
- AllowHeaders: *[]*string,
- AllowMethods: *[]*string,
- AllowOrigins: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins,
- ExposeHeaders: *[]*string,
- MaxAge: *string,
+&app.AppSpecServiceLogDestination {
+ Name: *string,
+ Datadog: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog,
+ Logtail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail,
+ Papertrail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail,
@@ -5071,114 +5087,79 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| AllowCredentials
| interface{}
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
-| AllowHeaders
| *[]*string
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
-| AllowMethods
| *[]*string
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
-| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
-| ExposeHeaders
| *[]*string
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
-| MaxAge
| *string
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
-##### `AllowCredentials`Optional
-AllowCredentials interface{}
-- *Type:* interface{}
-Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
-This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `AllowHeaders`Optional
-AllowHeaders *[]*string
-- *Type:* *[]*string
-The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
+| Name
| *string
| Name of the log destination. |
+| Datadog
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
+| Logtail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
+| Papertrail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
-##### `AllowMethods`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-AllowMethods *[]*string
+Name *string
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+- *Type:* *string
-The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
+Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `AllowOrigins`Optional
+##### `Datadog`Optional
-AllowOrigins AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
+Datadog AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
-allow_origins block.
+datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
-##### `ExposeHeaders`Optional
+##### `Logtail`Optional
-ExposeHeaders *[]*string
+Logtail AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
-The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
+logtail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
-##### `MaxAge`Optional
+##### `Papertrail`Optional
-MaxAge *string
+Papertrail AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
-- *Type:* *string
-An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
-This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
+papertrail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins {
- Exact: *string,
- Prefix: *string,
- Regex: *string,
+&app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog {
+ ApiKey: *string,
+ Endpoint: *string,
@@ -5186,66 +5167,48 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Exact
| *string
| Exact string match. |
-| Prefix
| *string
| Prefix-based match. |
-| Regex
| *string
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `Exact`Optional
-Exact *string
-- *Type:* *string
-Exact string match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
+| ApiKey
| *string
| Datadog API key. |
+| Endpoint
| *string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
-##### `Prefix`Optional
+##### `ApiKey`Required
-Prefix *string
+ApiKey *string
- *Type:* *string
-Prefix-based match.
+Datadog API key.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
-##### `Regex`Optional
+##### `Endpoint`Optional
-Regex *string
+Endpoint *string
- *Type:* *string
-RE2 style regex-based match.
+Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteEnv
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecStaticSiteEnv {
- Key: *string,
- Scope: *string,
- Type: *string,
- Value: *string,
+&app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail {
+ Token: *string,
@@ -5253,79 +5216,68 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Key
| *string
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| Scope
| *string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| Type
| *string
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| Value
| *string
| The value of the environment variable. |
+| Token
| *string
| Logtail token. |
-##### `Key`Optional
+##### `Token`Required
-Key *string
+Token *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the environment variable.
+Logtail token.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
-##### `Scope`Optional
-Scope *string
-- *Type:* *string
-The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
-##### `Type`Optional
+#### Initializer
-Type *string
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* *string
+&app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail {
+ Endpoint: *string,
-The type of the environment variable.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Endpoint
| *string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
-##### `Value`Optional
+##### `Endpoint`Required
-Value *string
+Endpoint *string
- *Type:* *string
-The value of the environment variable.
+Papertrail syslog endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteGit
+### AppSpecServiceRoutes
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecStaticSiteGit {
- Branch: *string,
- RepoCloneUrl: *string,
+&app.AppSpecServiceRoutes {
+ Path: *string,
+ PreservePathPrefix: interface{},
@@ -5333,494 +5285,430 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| RepoCloneUrl
| *string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+| Path
| *string
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
+| PreservePathPrefix
| interface{}
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Path`Optional
-Branch *string
+Path *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the branch to use.
+Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
+Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
-##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `PreservePathPrefix`Optional
-RepoCloneUrl *string
+PreservePathPrefix interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-The clone URL of the repo.
+An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
+### AppSpecStaticSite
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecStaticSiteGithub {
- Branch: *string,
- DeployOnPush: interface{},
- Repo: *string,
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+&app.AppSpecStaticSite {
+ Name: *string,
+ BuildCommand: *string,
+ CatchallDocument: *string,
+ Cors: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecStaticSiteCors,
+ DockerfilePath: *string,
+ Env: interface{},
+ EnvironmentSlug: *string,
+ ErrorDocument: *string,
+ Git: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGit,
+ Github: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGithub,
+ Gitlab: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab,
+ IndexDocument: *string,
+ OutputDir: *string,
+ Routes: interface{},
+ SourceDir: *string,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| *string
| The name of the component. |
+| BuildCommand
| *string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| CatchallDocument
| *string
| The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site. |
+| Cors
| AppSpecStaticSiteCors
| cors block. |
+| DockerfilePath
| *string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| Env
| interface{}
| env block. |
+| EnvironmentSlug
| *string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| ErrorDocument
| *string
| The name of the error document to use when serving this static site. |
+| Git
| AppSpecStaticSiteGit
| git block. |
+| Github
| AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
| github block. |
+| Gitlab
| AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| IndexDocument
| *string
| The name of the index document to use when serving this static site. |
+| OutputDir
| *string
| An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context. |
+| Routes
| interface{}
| routes block. |
+| SourceDir
| *string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-Branch *string
+Name *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the branch to use.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `BuildCommand`Optional
-DeployOnPush interface{}
+BuildCommand *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `CatchallDocument`Optional
-Repo *string
+CatchallDocument *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#catchall_document App#catchall_document}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
-#### Initializer
+##### `Cors`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab {
- Branch: *string,
- DeployOnPush: interface{},
- Repo: *string,
+Cors AppSpecStaticSiteCors
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCors
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+cors block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
-Branch *string
+DockerfilePath *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the branch to use.
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `Env`Optional
-DeployOnPush interface{}
+Env interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
-Repo *string
+EnvironmentSlug *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes
-#### Initializer
+##### `ErrorDocument`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes {
- Path: *string,
- PreservePathPrefix: interface{},
+ErrorDocument *string
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Path
| *string
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
-| PreservePathPrefix
| interface{}
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
+The name of the error document to use when serving this static site.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#error_document App#error_document}
-##### `Path`Optional
+##### `Git`Optional
-Path *string
+Git AppSpecStaticSiteGit
-- *Type:* *string
-Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGit
-Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
+git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-##### `PreservePathPrefix`Optional
+##### `Github`Optional
-PreservePathPrefix interface{}
+Github AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
-An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
+github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-### AppSpecWorker
-#### Initializer
+##### `Gitlab`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorker {
- Name: *string,
- Alert: interface{},
- BuildCommand: *string,
- DockerfilePath: *string,
- Env: interface{},
- EnvironmentSlug: *string,
- Git: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerGit,
- Github: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerGithub,
- Gitlab: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerGitlab,
- Image: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerImage,
- InstanceCount: *f64,
- InstanceSizeSlug: *string,
- LogDestination: interface{},
- RunCommand: *string,
- SourceDir: *string,
+Gitlab AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| *string
| The name of the component. |
-| Alert
| interface{}
| alert block. |
-| BuildCommand
| *string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| DockerfilePath
| *string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| Env
| interface{}
| env block. |
-| EnvironmentSlug
| *string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| Git
| AppSpecWorkerGit
| git block. |
-| Github
| AppSpecWorkerGithub
| github block. |
-| Gitlab
| AppSpecWorkerGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| Image
| AppSpecWorkerImage
| image block. |
-| InstanceCount
| *f64
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
-| InstanceSizeSlug
| *string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
-| LogDestination
| interface{}
| log_destination block. |
-| RunCommand
| *string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
-| SourceDir
| *string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+gitlab block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `IndexDocument`Optional
-Name *string
+IndexDocument *string
- *Type:* *string
-The name of the component.
+The name of the index document to use when serving this static site.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#index_document App#index_document}
-##### `Alert`Optional
+##### `OutputDir`Optional
-Alert interface{}
+OutputDir *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-alert block.
+An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context.
+If not set, App Platform will automatically scan for these directory names: `_static`, `dist`, `public`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#output_dir App#output_dir}
-##### `BuildCommand`Optional
+##### `Routes`Optional
-BuildCommand *string
+Routes interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
-##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `SourceDir`Optional
-DockerfilePath *string
+SourceDir *string
- *Type:* *string
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-##### `Env`Optional
+### AppSpecStaticSiteCors
+#### Initializer
-Env interface{}
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* interface{}
+&app.AppSpecStaticSiteCors {
+ AllowCredentials: interface{},
+ AllowHeaders: *[]*string,
+ AllowMethods: *[]*string,
+ AllowOrigins: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins,
+ ExposeHeaders: *[]*string,
+ MaxAge: *string,
-env block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AllowCredentials
| interface{}
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
+| AllowHeaders
| *[]*string
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
+| AllowMethods
| *[]*string
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
+| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
+| ExposeHeaders
| *[]*string
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
+| MaxAge
| *string
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
-##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
+##### `AllowCredentials`Optional
-EnvironmentSlug *string
+AllowCredentials interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
+This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `Git`Optional
+##### `AllowHeaders`Optional
-Git AppSpecWorkerGit
+AllowHeaders *[]*string
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGit
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-git block.
+The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
-##### `Github`Optional
-Github AppSpecWorkerGithub
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGithub
-github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-##### `Gitlab`Optional
-Gitlab AppSpecWorkerGitlab
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGitlab
-gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `Image`Optional
-Image AppSpecWorkerImage
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerImage
-image block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-##### `InstanceCount`Optional
+##### `AllowMethods`Optional
-InstanceCount *f64
+AllowMethods *[]*string
-- *Type:* *f64
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
-##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
+##### `AllowOrigins`Optional
-InstanceSizeSlug *string
+AllowOrigins AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
-The instance size to use for this component.
+allow_origins block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
-##### `LogDestination`Optional
+##### `ExposeHeaders`Optional
-LogDestination interface{}
+ExposeHeaders *[]*string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-log_destination block.
+The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
-##### `RunCommand`Optional
+##### `MaxAge`Optional
-RunCommand *string
+MaxAge *string
- *Type:* *string
-An optional run command to override the component's default.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-##### `SourceDir`Optional
-SourceDir *string
-- *Type:* *string
+An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
-### AppSpecWorkerAlert
+### AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerAlert {
- Operator: *string,
- Rule: *string,
- Value: *f64,
- Window: *string,
- Disabled: interface{},
+&app.AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins {
+ Exact: *string,
+ Prefix: *string,
+ Regex: *string,
@@ -5828,82 +5716,62 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Operator
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| Rule
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| Value
| *f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| Window
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| Disabled
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| Exact
| *string
| Exact string match. |
+| Prefix
| *string
| Prefix-based match. |
+| Regex
| *string
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `Operator`Required
+##### `Exact`Optional
-Operator *string
+Exact *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Exact string match.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
-##### `Rule`Required
+##### `Prefix`Optional
-Rule *string
+Prefix *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
-##### `Value`Required
-Value *f64
-- *Type:* *f64
+Prefix-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
-##### `Window`Required
+##### `Regex`Optional
-Window *string
+Regex *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
-##### `Disabled`Optional
-Disabled interface{}
-- *Type:* interface{}
+RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
-### AppSpecWorkerEnv
+### AppSpecStaticSiteEnv
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerEnv {
+&app.AppSpecStaticSiteEnv {
Key: *string,
Scope: *string,
Type: *string,
@@ -5915,14 +5783,14 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Key
| *string
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| Scope
| *string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| Type
| *string
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| Value
| *string
| The value of the environment variable. |
+| Key
| *string
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| Scope
| *string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| Type
| *string
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| Value
| *string
| The value of the environment variable. |
-##### `Key`Optional
+##### `Key`Optional
Key *string
@@ -5932,11 +5800,11 @@ Key *string
The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
-##### `Scope`Optional
+##### `Scope`Optional
Scope *string
@@ -5946,11 +5814,11 @@ Scope *string
The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
-##### `Type`Optional
+##### `Type`Optional
Type *string
@@ -5960,11 +5828,11 @@ Type *string
The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
-##### `Value`Optional
+##### `Value`Optional
Value *string
@@ -5974,18 +5842,18 @@ Value *string
The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
-### AppSpecWorkerGit
+### AppSpecStaticSiteGit
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerGit {
+&app.AppSpecStaticSiteGit {
Branch: *string,
RepoCloneUrl: *string,
@@ -5995,12 +5863,12 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| RepoCloneUrl
| *string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| RepoCloneUrl
| *string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Branch`Optional
Branch *string
@@ -6010,11 +5878,11 @@ Branch *string
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
RepoCloneUrl *string
@@ -6024,18 +5892,18 @@ RepoCloneUrl *string
The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
-### AppSpecWorkerGithub
+### AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerGithub {
+&app.AppSpecStaticSiteGithub {
Branch: *string,
DeployOnPush: interface{},
Repo: *string,
@@ -6046,13 +5914,13 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Branch`Optional
Branch *string
@@ -6062,11 +5930,11 @@ Branch *string
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
DeployOnPush interface{}
@@ -6076,11 +5944,11 @@ DeployOnPush interface{}
Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `Repo`Optional
Repo *string
@@ -6090,18 +5958,18 @@ Repo *string
The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-### AppSpecWorkerGitlab
+### AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerGitlab {
+&app.AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab {
Branch: *string,
DeployOnPush: interface{},
Repo: *string,
@@ -6112,13 +5980,13 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `Branch`Optional
+##### `Branch`Optional
Branch *string
@@ -6128,11 +5996,11 @@ Branch *string
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
DeployOnPush interface{}
@@ -6142,11 +6010,11 @@ DeployOnPush interface{}
Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `Repo`Optional
+##### `Repo`Optional
Repo *string
@@ -6156,23 +6024,20 @@ Repo *string
The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-### AppSpecWorkerImage
+### AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerImage {
- RegistryType: *string,
- Repository: *string,
- DeployOnPush: interface{},
- Registry: *string,
- Tag: *string,
+&app.AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes {
+ Path: *string,
+ PreservePathPrefix: interface{},
@@ -6180,327 +6045,312 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| RegistryType
| *string
| The registry type. |
-| Repository
| *string
| The repository name. |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| deploy_on_push block. |
-| Registry
| *string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
-| Tag
| *string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+| Path
| *string
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
+| PreservePathPrefix
| interface{}
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
-##### `RegistryType`Required
+##### `Path`Optional
-RegistryType *string
+Path *string
- *Type:* *string
-The registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
-##### `Repository`Required
-Repository *string
-- *Type:* *string
+Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
-The repository name.
+Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
-##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+##### `PreservePathPrefix`Optional
-DeployOnPush interface{}
+PreservePathPrefix interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
-deploy_on_push block.
+An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
-##### `Registry`Optional
+### AppSpecWorker
+#### Initializer
-Registry *string
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-- *Type:* *string
+&app.AppSpecWorker {
+ Name: *string,
+ Alert: interface{},
+ BuildCommand: *string,
+ DockerfilePath: *string,
+ Env: interface{},
+ EnvironmentSlug: *string,
+ Git: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerGit,
+ Github: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerGithub,
+ Gitlab: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerGitlab,
+ Image: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerImage,
+ InstanceCount: *f64,
+ InstanceSizeSlug: *string,
+ LogDestination: interface{},
+ RunCommand: *string,
+ SourceDir: *string,
-The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| *string
| The name of the component. |
+| Alert
| interface{}
| alert block. |
+| BuildCommand
| *string
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| DockerfilePath
| *string
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| Env
| interface{}
| env block. |
+| EnvironmentSlug
| *string
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| Git
| AppSpecWorkerGit
| git block. |
+| Github
| AppSpecWorkerGithub
| github block. |
+| Gitlab
| AppSpecWorkerGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| Image
| AppSpecWorkerImage
| image block. |
+| InstanceCount
| *f64
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
+| InstanceSizeSlug
| *string
| The instance size to use for this component. |
+| LogDestination
| interface{}
| log_destination block. |
+| RunCommand
| *string
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
+| SourceDir
| *string
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `Tag`Optional
+##### `Name`Required
-Tag *string
+Name *string
- *Type:* *string
-The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-### AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush
-#### Initializer
+##### `Alert`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush {
- Enabled: interface{},
+Alert interface{}
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* interface{}
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Enabled
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+alert block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
-##### `Enabled`Optional
+##### `BuildCommand`Optional
-Enabled interface{}
+BuildCommand *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestination
-#### Initializer
+##### `DockerfilePath`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestination {
- Name: *string,
- Datadog: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog,
- Logtail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail,
- Papertrail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail,
+DockerfilePath *string
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Name
| *string
| Name of the log destination. |
-| Datadog
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
-| Logtail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
-| Papertrail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Env`Optional
-Name *string
+Env interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-Name of the log destination.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `Datadog`Optional
+##### `EnvironmentSlug`Optional
-Datadog AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+EnvironmentSlug *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* *string
-datadog block.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-##### `Logtail`Optional
+##### `Git`Optional
-Logtail AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+Git AppSpecWorkerGit
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGit
-logtail block.
+git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-##### `Papertrail`Optional
+##### `Github`Optional
-Papertrail AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+Github AppSpecWorkerGithub
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGithub
-papertrail block.
+github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
-#### Initializer
+##### `Gitlab`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog {
- ApiKey: *string,
- Endpoint: *string,
+Gitlab AppSpecWorkerGitlab
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGitlab
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| ApiKey
| *string
| Datadog API key. |
-| Endpoint
| *string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+gitlab block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `ApiKey`Required
+##### `Image`Optional
-ApiKey *string
+Image AppSpecWorkerImage
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerImage
-Datadog API key.
+image block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-##### `Endpoint`Optional
+##### `InstanceCount`Optional
-Endpoint *string
+InstanceCount *f64
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *f64
-Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
-#### Initializer
+##### `InstanceSizeSlug`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail {
- Token: *string,
+InstanceSizeSlug *string
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Token
| *string
| Logtail token. |
+The instance size to use for this component.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
-##### `Token`Required
+##### `LogDestination`Optional
-Token *string
+LogDestination interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-Logtail token.
+log_destination block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
-#### Initializer
+##### `RunCommand`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail {
- Endpoint: *string,
+RunCommand *string
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Endpoint
| *string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+An optional run command to override the component's default.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-##### `Endpoint`Required
+##### `SourceDir`Optional
-Endpoint *string
+SourceDir *string
- *Type:* *string
-Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-### AppTimeouts
+### AppSpecWorkerAlert
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-&app.AppTimeouts {
- Create: *string,
+&app.AppSpecWorkerAlert {
+ Operator: *string,
+ Rule: *string,
+ Value: *f64,
+ Window: *string,
+ Disabled: interface{},
@@ -6508,59 +6358,3010 @@ import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Create
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}. |
+| Operator
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| Rule
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| Value
| *f64
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| Window
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| Disabled
| interface{}
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
-##### `Create`Optional
+##### `Operator`Required
-Create *string
+Operator *string
- *Type:* *string
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
-## Classes
-### AppSpecAlertList
-#### Initializers
+##### `Rule`Required
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecAlertList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecAlertList
+Rule *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+- *Type:* *string
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `Value`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+Value *f64
-The parent resource.
+- *Type:* *f64
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+##### `Window`Required
+Window *string
+- *Type:* *string
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+##### `Disabled`Optional
+Disabled interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+### AppSpecWorkerEnv
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecWorkerEnv {
+ Key: *string,
+ Scope: *string,
+ Type: *string,
+ Value: *string,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Key
| *string
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| Scope
| *string
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| Type
| *string
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| Value
| *string
| The value of the environment variable. |
+##### `Key`Optional
+Key *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The name of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+##### `Scope`Optional
+Scope *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+##### `Type`Optional
+Type *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The type of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+##### `Value`Optional
+Value *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The value of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+### AppSpecWorkerGit
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecWorkerGit {
+ Branch: *string,
+ RepoCloneUrl: *string,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| RepoCloneUrl
| *string
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+##### `Branch`Optional
+Branch *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The name of the branch to use.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+##### `RepoCloneUrl`Optional
+RepoCloneUrl *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The clone URL of the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+### AppSpecWorkerGithub
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecWorkerGithub {
+ Branch: *string,
+ DeployOnPush: interface{},
+ Repo: *string,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+##### `Branch`Optional
+Branch *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The name of the branch to use.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+DeployOnPush interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+##### `Repo`Optional
+Repo *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+### AppSpecWorkerGitlab
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecWorkerGitlab {
+ Branch: *string,
+ DeployOnPush: interface{},
+ Repo: *string,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Branch
| *string
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| Repo
| *string
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+##### `Branch`Optional
+Branch *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The name of the branch to use.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+DeployOnPush interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+##### `Repo`Optional
+Repo *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+### AppSpecWorkerImage
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecWorkerImage {
+ RegistryType: *string,
+ Repository: *string,
+ DeployOnPush: interface{},
+ Registry: *string,
+ Tag: *string,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| RegistryType
| *string
| The registry type. |
+| Repository
| *string
| The repository name. |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| deploy_on_push block. |
+| Registry
| *string
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
+| Tag
| *string
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+##### `RegistryType`Required
+RegistryType *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The registry type.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
+##### `Repository`Required
+Repository *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The repository name.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+##### `DeployOnPush`Optional
+DeployOnPush interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+deploy_on_push block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+##### `Registry`Optional
+Registry *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+##### `Tag`Optional
+Tag *string
+- *Type:* *string
+The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
+### AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush {
+ Enabled: interface{},
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Enabled
| interface{}
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+##### `Enabled`Optional
+Enabled interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestination
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestination {
+ Name: *string,
+ Datadog: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog,
+ Logtail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail,
+ Papertrail: github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Name
| *string
| Name of the log destination. |
+| Datadog
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
+| Logtail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
+| Papertrail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
+##### `Name`Required
+Name *string
+- *Type:* *string
+Name of the log destination.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+##### `Datadog`Optional
+Datadog AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+datadog block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+##### `Logtail`Optional
+Logtail AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+logtail block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+##### `Papertrail`Optional
+Papertrail AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+papertrail block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog {
+ ApiKey: *string,
+ Endpoint: *string,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| ApiKey
| *string
| Datadog API key. |
+| Endpoint
| *string
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+##### `ApiKey`Required
+ApiKey *string
+- *Type:* *string
+Datadog API key.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+##### `Endpoint`Optional
+Endpoint *string
+- *Type:* *string
+Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail {
+ Token: *string,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Token
| *string
| Logtail token. |
+##### `Token`Required
+Token *string
+- *Type:* *string
+Logtail token.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail {
+ Endpoint: *string,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Endpoint
| *string
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+##### `Endpoint`Required
+Endpoint *string
+- *Type:* *string
+Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+### AppTimeouts
+#### Initializer
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+&app.AppTimeouts {
+ Create: *string,
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| Create
| *string
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}. |
+##### `Create`Optional
+Create *string
+- *Type:* *string
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}.
+## Classes
+### AppSpecAlertList
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecAlertList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecAlertList
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+func Get(index *f64) AppSpecAlertOutputReference
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+### AppSpecAlertOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecAlertOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecAlertOutputReference
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetDisabled
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetDisabled`
+func ResetDisabled()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| DisabledInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| RuleInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Disabled
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| Rule
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `DisabledInput`Optional
+func DisabledInput() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+##### `RuleInput`Optional
+func RuleInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Disabled`Required
+func Disabled() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+##### `Rule`Required
+func Rule() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+### AppSpecDatabaseList
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecDatabaseList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecDatabaseList
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+func Get(index *f64) AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+### AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecDatabaseOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetClusterName
| *No description.* |
+| ResetDbName
| *No description.* |
+| ResetDbUser
| *No description.* |
+| ResetEngine
| *No description.* |
+| ResetName
| *No description.* |
+| ResetProduction
| *No description.* |
+| ResetVersion
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetClusterName`
+func ResetClusterName()
+##### `ResetDbName`
+func ResetDbName()
+##### `ResetDbUser`
+func ResetDbUser()
+##### `ResetEngine`
+func ResetEngine()
+##### `ResetName`
+func ResetName()
+##### `ResetProduction`
+func ResetProduction()
+##### `ResetVersion`
+func ResetVersion()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ClusterNameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| DbNameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| DbUserInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| EngineInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| NameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ProductionInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| VersionInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ClusterName
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| DbName
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| DbUser
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Engine
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Name
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Production
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| Version
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `ClusterNameInput`Optional
+func ClusterNameInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `DbNameInput`Optional
+func DbNameInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `DbUserInput`Optional
+func DbUserInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `EngineInput`Optional
+func EngineInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `NameInput`Optional
+func NameInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `ProductionInput`Optional
+func ProductionInput() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+##### `VersionInput`Optional
+func VersionInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `ClusterName`Required
+func ClusterName() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `DbName`Required
+func DbName() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `DbUser`Required
+func DbUser() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Engine`Required
+func Engine() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Name`Required
+func Name() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Production`Required
+func Production() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+##### `Version`Required
+func Version() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+### AppSpecDomainList
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecDomainList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecDomainList
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+func Get(index *f64) AppSpecDomainOutputReference
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+### AppSpecDomainOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecDomainOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecDomainOutputReference
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetType
| *No description.* |
+| ResetWildcard
| *No description.* |
+| ResetZone
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetType`
+func ResetType()
+##### `ResetWildcard`
+func ResetWildcard()
+##### `ResetZone`
+func ResetZone()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| NameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| TypeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| WildcardInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| ZoneInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Name
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Type
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Wildcard
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| Zone
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `NameInput`Optional
+func NameInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `TypeInput`Optional
+func TypeInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `WildcardInput`Optional
+func WildcardInput() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+##### `ZoneInput`Optional
+func ZoneInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Name`Required
+func Name() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Type`Required
+func Type() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Wildcard`Required
+func Wildcard() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+##### `Zone`Required
+func Zone() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+### AppSpecEnvList
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecEnvList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecEnvList
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+func Get(index *f64) AppSpecEnvOutputReference
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+### AppSpecEnvOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecEnvOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecEnvOutputReference
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetKey
| *No description.* |
+| ResetScope
| *No description.* |
+| ResetType
| *No description.* |
+| ResetValue
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetKey`
+func ResetKey()
+##### `ResetScope`
+func ResetScope()
+##### `ResetType`
+func ResetType()
+##### `ResetValue`
+func ResetValue()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| KeyInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ScopeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| TypeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ValueInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Key
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Scope
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Type
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Value
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `KeyInput`Optional
+func KeyInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `ScopeInput`Optional
+func ScopeInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `TypeInput`Optional
+func TypeInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `ValueInput`Optional
+func ValueInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Key`Required
+func Key() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Scope`Required
+func Scope() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Type`Required
+func Type() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Value`Required
+func Value() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+### AppSpecFunctionAlertList
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionAlertList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionAlertList
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+func Get(index *f64) AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() interface{}
+- *Type:* interface{}
+### AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `wrapsSet`Required
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
- *Type:* *bool
@@ -6572,20 +9373,150 @@ whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an it
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetDisabled
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -6593,13 +9524,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -6609,32 +9540,34 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `ResetDisabled`
-func Get(index *f64) AppSpecAlertOutputReference
+func ResetDisabled()
-###### `index`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of the item to return.
#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| DisabledInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| OperatorInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| RuleInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ValueInput
| *f64
| *No description.* |
+| WindowInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Disabled
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| Operator
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Rule
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Value
| *f64
| *No description.* |
+| Window
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -6648,7 +9581,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -6658,498 +9591,471 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `DisabledInput`Optional
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func DisabledInput() interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
-### AppSpecAlertOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+##### `OperatorInput`Optional
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecAlertOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecAlertOutputReference
+func OperatorInput() *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `terraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-The parent resource.
+##### `RuleInput`Optional
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+func RuleInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+##### `ValueInput`Optional
-- *Type:* *f64
+func ValueInput() *f64
-the index of this item in the list.
+- *Type:* *f64
-##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+##### `WindowInput`Optional
-#### Methods
+func WindowInput() *string
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetDisabled
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ComputeFqn`
-func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `Disabled`Required
-func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+func Disabled() interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `Operator`Required
-func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+func Operator() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `Rule`Required
-func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+func Rule() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `Value`Required
-func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+func Value() *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *f64
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `Window`Required
-func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+func Window() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+func InternalValue() interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+### AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
+#### Initializers
-func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
-- *Type:* *string
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `terraformResource`Required
-func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+#### Methods
-func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetExact
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPrefix
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRegex
| *No description.* |
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
-func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `property`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ToString`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-func ToString() *string
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-Returns a reversible string representation.
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ResetDisabled`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
-func ResetDisabled()
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| DisabledInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| RuleInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Disabled
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| Rule
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-- *Type:* *[]*string
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-func Fqn() *string
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `DisabledInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-func DisabledInput() interface{}
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-- *Type:* interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `RuleInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-func RuleInput() *string
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Disabled`Required
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-func Disabled() interface{}
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Rule`Required
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-func Rule() *string
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `Resolve`
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-- *Type:* interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-### AppSpecDatabaseList
-#### Initializers
+##### `ToString`
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecDatabaseList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecDatabaseList
+func ToString() *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `ResetExact`
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+func ResetExact()
-The parent resource.
+##### `ResetPrefix`
+func ResetPrefix()
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `ResetRegex`
-- *Type:* *string
+func ResetRegex()
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+#### Properties
-##### `wrapsSet`Required
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ExactInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| PrefixInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| RegexInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Exact
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Prefix
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Regex
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-#### Methods
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `Fqn`Required
-func ComputeFqn() *string
+func Fqn() *string
-##### `Resolve`
+- *Type:* *string
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+##### `ExactInput`Optional
-###### `_context`Required
+func ExactInput() *string
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ToString`
+##### `PrefixInput`Optional
-func ToString() *string
+func PrefixInput() *string
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+- *Type:* *string
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `RegexInput`Optional
-func Get(index *f64) AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference
+func RegexInput() *string
-###### `index`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Exact`Required
-#### Properties
+func Exact() *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `Prefix`Required
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+func Prefix() *string
-- *Type:* *[]*string
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Regex`Required
-func Fqn() *string
+func Regex() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
-### AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecDatabaseOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -7157,7 +10063,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -7165,176 +10071,160 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of this item in the list.
-##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetClusterName
| *No description.* |
-| ResetDbName
| *No description.* |
-| ResetDbUser
| *No description.* |
-| ResetEngine
| *No description.* |
-| ResetName
| *No description.* |
-| ResetProduction
| *No description.* |
-| ResetVersion
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowCredentials
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowHeaders
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowMethods
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ResetExposeHeaders
| *No description.* |
+| ResetMaxAge
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -7342,13 +10232,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -7358,46 +10248,52 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetClusterName`
+##### `PutAllowOrigins`
-func ResetClusterName()
+func PutAllowOrigins(value AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins)
-##### `ResetDbName`
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
+##### `ResetAllowCredentials`
-func ResetDbName()
+func ResetAllowCredentials()
-##### `ResetDbUser`
+##### `ResetAllowHeaders`
-func ResetDbUser()
+func ResetAllowHeaders()
-##### `ResetEngine`
+##### `ResetAllowMethods`
-func ResetEngine()
+func ResetAllowMethods()
-##### `ResetName`
+##### `ResetAllowOrigins`
-func ResetName()
+func ResetAllowOrigins()
-##### `ResetProduction`
+##### `ResetExposeHeaders`
-func ResetProduction()
+func ResetExposeHeaders()
-##### `ResetVersion`
+##### `ResetMaxAge`
-func ResetVersion()
+func ResetMaxAge()
@@ -7405,27 +10301,25 @@ func ResetVersion()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ClusterNameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| DbNameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| DbUserInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| EngineInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| NameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ProductionInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| VersionInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ClusterName
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| DbName
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| DbUser
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Engine
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Name
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Production
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| Version
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| AllowCredentialsInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| AllowHeadersInput
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowMethodsInput
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowOriginsInput
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ExposeHeadersInput
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| MaxAgeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowCredentials
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| AllowHeaders
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowMethods
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| ExposeHeaders
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| MaxAge
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionCors
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -7439,7 +10333,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -7449,176 +10343,156 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `ClusterNameInput`Optional
-func ClusterNameInput() *string
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `DbNameInput`Optional
-func DbNameInput() *string
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `DbUserInput`Optional
+##### `AllowOrigins`Required
-func DbUserInput() *string
+func AllowOrigins() AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
-##### `EngineInput`Optional
+##### `AllowCredentialsInput`Optional
-func EngineInput() *string
+func AllowCredentialsInput() interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `NameInput`Optional
+##### `AllowHeadersInput`Optional
-func NameInput() *string
+func AllowHeadersInput() *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `ProductionInput`Optional
+##### `AllowMethodsInput`Optional
-func ProductionInput() interface{}
+func AllowMethodsInput() *[]*string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `VersionInput`Optional
+##### `AllowOriginsInput`Optional
-func VersionInput() *string
+func AllowOriginsInput() AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
-##### `ClusterName`Required
+##### `ExposeHeadersInput`Optional
-func ClusterName() *string
+func ExposeHeadersInput() *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `DbName`Required
+##### `MaxAgeInput`Optional
-func DbName() *string
+func MaxAgeInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `DbUser`Required
+##### `AllowCredentials`Required
-func DbUser() *string
+func AllowCredentials() interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `Engine`Required
+##### `AllowHeaders`Required
-func Engine() *string
+func AllowHeaders() *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `AllowMethods`Required
-func Name() *string
+func AllowMethods() *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `Production`Required
+##### `ExposeHeaders`Required
-func Production() interface{}
+func ExposeHeaders() *[]*string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `Version`Required
+##### `MaxAge`Required
-func Version() *string
+func MaxAge() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionCors
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
-### AppSpecDomainList
+### AppSpecFunctionEnvList
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecDomainList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecDomainList
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionEnvList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionEnvList
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -7626,7 +10500,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -7634,7 +10508,7 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `wrapsSet`Required
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
- *Type:* *bool
@@ -7646,20 +10520,20 @@ whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an it
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -7667,13 +10541,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -7683,13 +10557,13 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `Get`
-func Get(index *f64) AppSpecDomainOutputReference
+func Get(index *f64) AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference
-###### `index`Required
+###### `index`Required
- *Type:* *f64
@@ -7702,13 +10576,13 @@ the index of the item to return.
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -7722,7 +10596,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -7732,7 +10606,7 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
func InternalValue() interface{}
@@ -7743,26 +10617,26 @@ func InternalValue() interface{}
-### AppSpecDomainOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecDomainOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecDomainOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -7770,7 +10644,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -7778,7 +10652,7 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
- *Type:* *f64
@@ -7786,7 +10660,7 @@ the index of this item in the list.
-##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
- *Type:* *bool
@@ -7798,152 +10672,153 @@ whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an it
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetType
| *No description.* |
-| ResetWildcard
| *No description.* |
-| ResetZone
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetKey
| *No description.* |
+| ResetScope
| *No description.* |
+| ResetType
| *No description.* |
+| ResetValue
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -7951,13 +10826,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -7967,22 +10842,28 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetType`
+##### `ResetKey`
-func ResetType()
+func ResetKey()
-##### `ResetWildcard`
+##### `ResetScope`
-func ResetWildcard()
+func ResetScope()
-##### `ResetZone`
+##### `ResetType`
-func ResetZone()
+func ResetType()
+##### `ResetValue`
+func ResetValue()
@@ -7990,21 +10871,21 @@ func ResetZone()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| NameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| TypeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| WildcardInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| ZoneInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Name
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Type
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Wildcard
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| Zone
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| KeyInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ScopeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| TypeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ValueInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Key
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Scope
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Type
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Value
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -8018,7 +10899,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -8028,87 +10909,87 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `NameInput`Optional
+##### `KeyInput`Optional
-func NameInput() *string
+func KeyInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `TypeInput`Optional
+##### `ScopeInput`Optional
-func TypeInput() *string
+func ScopeInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `WildcardInput`Optional
+##### `TypeInput`Optional
-func WildcardInput() interface{}
+func TypeInput() *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ZoneInput`Optional
+##### `ValueInput`Optional
-func ZoneInput() *string
+func ValueInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Key`Required
-func Name() *string
+func Key() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Type`Required
+##### `Scope`Required
-func Type() *string
+func Scope() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Wildcard`Required
+##### `Type`Required
-func Wildcard() interface{}
+func Type() *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Zone`Required
+##### `Value`Required
-func Zone() *string
+func Value() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
func InternalValue() interface{}
@@ -8119,25 +11000,24 @@ func InternalValue() interface{}
-### AppSpecEnvList
+### AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecEnvList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecEnvList
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -8145,7 +11025,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -8153,661 +11033,663 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `wrapsSet`Required
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
+| ResetDeployOnPush
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRepo
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ToString`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-func ToString() *string
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-Returns a reversible string representation.
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Get`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-func Get(index *f64) AppSpecEnvOutputReference
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `index`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-#### Properties
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-- *Type:* *[]*string
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-func Fqn() *string
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-### AppSpecEnvOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecEnvOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecEnvOutputReference
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-The parent resource.
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+##### `Resolve`
-- *Type:* *f64
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-the index of this item in the list.
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
-##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
-#### Methods
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetKey
| *No description.* |
-| ResetScope
| *No description.* |
-| ResetType
| *No description.* |
-| ResetValue
| *No description.* |
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetBranch`
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ResetBranch()
+##### `ResetDeployOnPush`
-func ComputeFqn() *string
+func ResetDeployOnPush()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `ResetRepo`
-func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+func ResetRepo()
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| BranchInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| DeployOnPushInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| RepoInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Branch
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| Repo
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGithub
| *No description.* |
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `Fqn`Required
-func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+func Fqn() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `BranchInput`Optional
-func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+func BranchInput() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `DeployOnPushInput`Optional
-func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+func DeployOnPushInput() interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `RepoInput`Optional
-func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+func RepoInput() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `Branch`Required
-func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+func Branch() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `DeployOnPush`Required
-func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+func DeployOnPush() interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `Repo`Required
-func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+func Repo() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionGithub
-###### `property`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
-##### `Resolve`
+### AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
+#### Initializers
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-###### `_context`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
-##### `ToString`
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
-func ToString() *string
+- *Type:* *string
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
+| ResetDeployOnPush
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRepo
| *No description.* |
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetKey`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-func ResetKey()
+func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `ResetScope`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
-func ResetScope()
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-##### `ResetType`
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-func ResetType()
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ResetValue`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-func ResetValue()
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| KeyInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ScopeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| TypeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ValueInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Key
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Scope
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Type
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Value
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-- *Type:* *[]*string
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `GetListAttribute`
-func Fqn() *string
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `KeyInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-func KeyInput() *string
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `ScopeInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-func ScopeInput() *string
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `TypeInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-func TypeInput() *string
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `ValueInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-func ValueInput() *string
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Key`Required
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-func Key() *string
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Scope`Required
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-func Scope() *string
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Type`Required
+##### `Resolve`
-func Type() *string
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `Value`Required
+##### `ToString`
-func Value() *string
+func ToString() *string
-- *Type:* *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `ResetBranch`
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func ResetBranch()
-- *Type:* interface{}
+##### `ResetDeployOnPush`
-### AppSpecFunctionAlertList
+func ResetDeployOnPush()
-#### Initializers
+##### `ResetRepo`
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionAlertList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionAlertList
+func ResetRepo()
+#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| BranchInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| DeployOnPushInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| RepoInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Branch
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| Repo
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGitlab
| *No description.* |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-The parent resource.
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `wrapsSet`Required
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+##### `Fqn`Required
-#### Methods
+func Fqn() *string
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ComputeFqn`
-func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `BranchInput`Optional
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+func BranchInput() *string
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ToString`
+##### `DeployOnPushInput`Optional
-func ToString() *string
+func DeployOnPushInput() interface{}
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+- *Type:* interface{}
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `RepoInput`Optional
-func Get(index *f64) AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference
+func RepoInput() *string
-###### `index`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Branch`Required
-#### Properties
+func Branch() *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `DeployOnPush`Required
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+func DeployOnPush() interface{}
-- *Type:* *[]*string
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Repo`Required
-func Fqn() *string
+func Repo() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionGitlab
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
-### AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionAlertOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -8815,7 +11697,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -8823,170 +11705,155 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of this item in the list.
-##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetDisabled
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRepoCloneUrl
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -8994,13 +11861,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -9010,10 +11877,16 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetDisabled`
+##### `ResetBranch`
-func ResetDisabled()
+func ResetBranch()
+##### `ResetRepoCloneUrl`
+func ResetRepoCloneUrl()
@@ -9021,23 +11894,17 @@ func ResetDisabled()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| DisabledInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| OperatorInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| RuleInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ValueInput
| *f64
| *No description.* |
-| WindowInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Disabled
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| Operator
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Rule
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Value
| *f64
| *No description.* |
-| Window
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| BranchInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| RepoCloneUrlInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Branch
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| RepoCloneUrl
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGit
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -9051,7 +11918,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -9061,107 +11928,190 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `DisabledInput`Optional
+##### `BranchInput`Optional
-func DisabledInput() interface{}
+func BranchInput() *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `OperatorInput`Optional
+##### `RepoCloneUrlInput`Optional
-func OperatorInput() *string
+func RepoCloneUrlInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `RuleInput`Optional
+##### `Branch`Required
-func RuleInput() *string
+func Branch() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `ValueInput`Optional
+##### `RepoCloneUrl`Required
-func ValueInput() *f64
+func RepoCloneUrl() *string
-- *Type:* *f64
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `WindowInput`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func WindowInput() *string
+func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionGit
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
-##### `Disabled`Required
+### AppSpecFunctionList
+#### Initializers
-func Disabled() interface{}
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionList
-- *Type:* interface{}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `Operator`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-func Operator() *string
+func ComputeFqn() *string
-- *Type:* *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `Rule`Required
+##### `ToString`
-func Rule() *string
+func ToString() *string
-- *Type:* *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `Get`
+func Get(index *f64) AppSpecFunctionOutputReference
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `Value`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-func Value() *f64
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-- *Type:* *f64
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Window`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
-func Window() *string
+func Fqn() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
func InternalValue() interface{}
@@ -9172,24 +12122,24 @@ func InternalValue() interface{}
-### AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -9197,7 +12147,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -9209,152 +12159,150 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetExact
| *No description.* |
-| ResetPrefix
| *No description.* |
-| ResetRegex
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetEndpoint
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -9362,13 +12310,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -9378,22 +12326,10 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetExact`
-func ResetExact()
-##### `ResetPrefix`
-func ResetPrefix()
-##### `ResetRegex`
+##### `ResetEndpoint`
-func ResetRegex()
+func ResetEndpoint()
@@ -9401,19 +12337,17 @@ func ResetRegex()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ExactInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| PrefixInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| RegexInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Exact
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Prefix
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Regex
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ApiKeyInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| EndpointInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ApiKey
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Endpoint
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -9427,7 +12361,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -9437,95 +12371,218 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `ExactInput`Optional
+##### `ApiKeyInput`Optional
+func ApiKeyInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `EndpointInput`Optional
+func EndpointInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `ApiKey`Required
+func ApiKey() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Endpoint`Required
+func Endpoint() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
+### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `Resolve`
-func ExactInput() *string
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `PrefixInput`Optional
+##### `ToString`
-func PrefixInput() *string
+func ToString() *string
-- *Type:* *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `RegexInput`Optional
+##### `Get`
-func RegexInput() *string
+func Get(index *f64) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference
-- *Type:* *string
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of the item to return.
-##### `Exact`Required
-func Exact() *string
+#### Properties
-- *Type:* *string
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `Prefix`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-func Prefix() *string
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Regex`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
-func Regex() *string
+func Fqn() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
+func InternalValue() interface{}
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
+- *Type:* interface{}
-### AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -9533,7 +12590,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -9545,156 +12602,149 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| PutAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
-| ResetAllowCredentials
| *No description.* |
-| ResetAllowHeaders
| *No description.* |
-| ResetAllowMethods
| *No description.* |
-| ResetAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
-| ResetExposeHeaders
| *No description.* |
-| ResetMaxAge
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -9702,13 +12752,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -9718,365 +12768,479 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `PutAllowOrigins`
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| TokenInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Token
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-func PutAllowOrigins(value AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins)
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `TokenInput`Optional
+func TokenInput() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Token`Required
+func Token() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
+the index of this item in the list.
-##### `ResetAllowCredentials`
-func ResetAllowCredentials()
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-##### `ResetAllowHeaders`
+- *Type:* *bool
-func ResetAllowHeaders()
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
-##### `ResetAllowMethods`
-func ResetAllowMethods()
+#### Methods
-##### `ResetAllowOrigins`
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutDatadog
| *No description.* |
+| PutLogtail
| *No description.* |
+| PutPapertrail
| *No description.* |
+| ResetDatadog
| *No description.* |
+| ResetLogtail
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPapertrail
| *No description.* |
-func ResetAllowOrigins()
-##### `ResetExposeHeaders`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-func ResetExposeHeaders()
+func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `ResetMaxAge`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
-func ResetMaxAge()
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| AllowCredentialsInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| AllowHeadersInput
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
-| AllowMethodsInput
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
-| AllowOriginsInput
| AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
-| ExposeHeadersInput
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
-| MaxAgeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| AllowCredentials
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| AllowHeaders
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
-| AllowMethods
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
-| ExposeHeaders
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
-| MaxAge
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionCors
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-- *Type:* *[]*string
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-func Fqn() *string
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `AllowOrigins`Required
+##### `GetListAttribute`
-func AllowOrigins() AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `AllowCredentialsInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-func AllowCredentialsInput() interface{}
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-- *Type:* interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `AllowHeadersInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-func AllowHeadersInput() *[]*string
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `AllowMethodsInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-func AllowMethodsInput() *[]*string
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `AllowOriginsInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-func AllowOriginsInput() AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ExposeHeadersInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-func ExposeHeadersInput() *[]*string
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `MaxAgeInput`Optional
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-func MaxAgeInput() *string
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `AllowCredentials`Required
+##### `Resolve`
-func AllowCredentials() interface{}
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `AllowHeaders`Required
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-func AllowHeaders() *[]*string
+###### `_context`Required
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `AllowMethods`Required
+##### `ToString`
-func AllowMethods() *[]*string
+func ToString() *string
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ExposeHeaders`Required
+##### `PutDatadog`
-func ExposeHeaders() *[]*string
+func PutDatadog(value AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog)
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
-##### `MaxAge`Required
+##### `PutLogtail`
-func MaxAge() *string
+func PutLogtail(value AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail)
-- *Type:* *string
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `PutPapertrail`
-func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionCors
+func PutPapertrail(value AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail)
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+##### `ResetDatadog`
-### AppSpecFunctionEnvList
+func ResetDatadog()
-#### Initializers
+##### `ResetLogtail`
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionEnvList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionEnvList
+func ResetLogtail()
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `ResetPapertrail`
+func ResetPapertrail()
-##### `terraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+#### Properties
-The parent resource.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Datadog
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Logtail
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Papertrail
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| DatadogInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
| *No description.* |
+| LogtailInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
| *No description.* |
+| NameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| PapertrailInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
| *No description.* |
+| Name
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-- *Type:* *bool
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-#### Methods
+##### `Fqn`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `Datadog`Required
-func ComputeFqn() *string
+func Datadog() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
-##### `Resolve`
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+##### `Logtail`Required
-###### `_context`Required
+func Logtail() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
-##### `ToString`
+##### `Papertrail`Required
-func ToString() *string
+func Papertrail() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `DatadogInput`Optional
-func Get(index *f64) AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference
+func DatadogInput() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
-###### `index`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
+##### `LogtailInput`Optional
-#### Properties
+func LogtailInput() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `NameInput`Optional
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+func NameInput() *string
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+- *Type:* *string
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `PapertrailInput`Optional
+func PapertrailInput() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Name`Required
-func Fqn() *string
+func Name() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
func InternalValue() interface{}
@@ -10087,26 +13251,24 @@ func InternalValue() interface{}
-### AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionEnvOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -10114,7 +13276,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -10122,576 +13284,630 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of this item in the list.
-##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetKey
| *No description.* |
-| ResetScope
| *No description.* |
-| ResetType
| *No description.* |
-| ResetValue
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| EndpointInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Endpoint
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
| *No description.* |
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `Fqn`Required
+func Fqn() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `EndpointInput`Optional
+func EndpointInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `Endpoint`Required
-func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+func Endpoint() *string
-###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
-###### `_context`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+### AppSpecFunctionOutputReference
-##### `ToString`
+#### Initializers
-func ToString() *string
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionOutputReference
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetKey`
+##### `terraformResource`Required
-func ResetKey()
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-##### `ResetScope`
+The parent resource.
-func ResetScope()
-##### `ResetType`
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
-func ResetType()
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ResetValue`
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-func ResetValue()
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *f64
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| KeyInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ScopeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| TypeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ValueInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Key
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Scope
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Type
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Value
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+the index of this item in the list.
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *bool
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutAlert
| *No description.* |
+| PutCors
| *No description.* |
+| PutEnv
| *No description.* |
+| PutGit
| *No description.* |
+| PutGithub
| *No description.* |
+| PutGitlab
| *No description.* |
+| PutLogDestination
| *No description.* |
+| PutRoutes
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAlert
| *No description.* |
+| ResetCors
| *No description.* |
+| ResetEnv
| *No description.* |
+| ResetGit
| *No description.* |
+| ResetGithub
| *No description.* |
+| ResetGitlab
| *No description.* |
+| ResetLogDestination
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRoutes
| *No description.* |
+| ResetSourceDir
| *No description.* |
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-func Fqn() *string
+func ComputeFqn() *string
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `KeyInput`Optional
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
-func KeyInput() *string
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `ScopeInput`Optional
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-func ScopeInput() *string
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `TypeInput`Optional
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-func TypeInput() *string
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `ValueInput`Optional
+##### `GetListAttribute`
-func ValueInput() *string
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Key`Required
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-func Key() *string
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Scope`Required
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-func Scope() *string
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Type`Required
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-func Type() *string
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Value`Required
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-func Value() *string
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-### AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+###### `property`Required
-The parent resource.
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+##### `Resolve`
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-#### Methods
+###### `_context`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
-| ResetDeployOnPush
| *No description.* |
-| ResetRepo
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ComputeFqn`
-func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `ToString`
-func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+func ToString() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `PutAlert`
-func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+func PutAlert(value interface{})
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `PutCors`
-func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+func PutCors(value AppSpecFunctionCors)
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `PutEnv`
-func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+func PutEnv(value interface{})
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `PutGit`
-func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+func PutGit(value AppSpecFunctionGit)
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `PutGithub`
-func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+func PutGithub(value AppSpecFunctionGithub)
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `PutGitlab`
-func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+func PutGitlab(value AppSpecFunctionGitlab)
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `PutLogDestination`
-func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+func PutLogDestination(value interface{})
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `PutRoutes`
-func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+func PutRoutes(value interface{})
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `ResetAlert`
-func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+func ResetAlert()
-###### `property`Required
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `ResetCors`
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+func ResetCors()
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+##### `ResetEnv`
-###### `_context`Required
+func ResetEnv()
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ResetGit`
+func ResetGit()
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ResetGithub`
-func ToString() *string
+func ResetGithub()
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+##### `ResetGitlab`
-Returns a reversible string representation.
+func ResetGitlab()
-##### `ResetBranch`
+##### `ResetLogDestination`
-func ResetBranch()
+func ResetLogDestination()
-##### `ResetDeployOnPush`
+##### `ResetRoutes`
-func ResetDeployOnPush()
+func ResetRoutes()
-##### `ResetRepo`
+##### `ResetSourceDir`
-func ResetRepo()
+func ResetSourceDir()
@@ -10699,19 +13915,33 @@ func ResetRepo()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| BranchInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| DeployOnPushInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| RepoInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Branch
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| Repo
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGithub
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Alert
| AppSpecFunctionAlertList
| *No description.* |
+| Cors
| AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Env
| AppSpecFunctionEnvList
| *No description.* |
+| Git
| AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Github
| AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Gitlab
| AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| LogDestination
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
| *No description.* |
+| Routes
| AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
| *No description.* |
+| AlertInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| CorsInput
| AppSpecFunctionCors
| *No description.* |
+| EnvInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| GithubInput
| AppSpecFunctionGithub
| *No description.* |
+| GitInput
| AppSpecFunctionGit
| *No description.* |
+| GitlabInput
| AppSpecFunctionGitlab
| *No description.* |
+| LogDestinationInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| NameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| RoutesInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| SourceDirInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Name
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| SourceDir
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -10725,7 +13955,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -10735,431 +13965,380 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `BranchInput`Optional
+##### `Alert`Required
-func BranchInput() *string
+func Alert() AppSpecFunctionAlertList
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionAlertList
-##### `DeployOnPushInput`Optional
+##### `Cors`Required
-func DeployOnPushInput() interface{}
+func Cors() AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
-##### `RepoInput`Optional
+##### `Env`Required
-func RepoInput() *string
+func Env() AppSpecFunctionEnvList
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionEnvList
-##### `Branch`Required
+##### `Git`Required
-func Branch() *string
+func Git() AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
-##### `DeployOnPush`Required
+##### `Github`Required
-func DeployOnPush() interface{}
+func Github() AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
-##### `Repo`Required
+##### `Gitlab`Required
-func Repo() *string
+func Gitlab() AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `LogDestination`Required
-func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionGithub
+func LogDestination() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
-### AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+##### `Routes`Required
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
+func Routes() AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `AlertInput`Optional
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+func AlertInput() interface{}
-The parent resource.
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `CorsInput`Optional
-#### Methods
+func CorsInput() AppSpecFunctionCors
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
-| ResetDeployOnPush
| *No description.* |
-| ResetRepo
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
-##### `ComputeFqn`
-func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `EnvInput`Optional
-func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+func EnvInput() interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GithubInput`Optional
-func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+func GithubInput() AppSpecFunctionGithub
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GitInput`Optional
-func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+func GitInput() AppSpecFunctionGit
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GitlabInput`Optional
-func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+func GitlabInput() AppSpecFunctionGitlab
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `LogDestinationInput`Optional
-func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+func LogDestinationInput() interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `NameInput`Optional
-func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+func NameInput() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `RoutesInput`Optional
-func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+func RoutesInput() interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `SourceDirInput`Optional
-func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+func SourceDirInput() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `Name`Required
-func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+func Name() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `SourceDir`Required
-func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+func SourceDir() *string
-###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+func InternalValue() interface{}
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+- *Type:* interface{}
-###### `_context`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+### AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
-##### `ToString`
+#### Initializers
-func ToString() *string
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-Returns a reversible string representation.
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionRoutesList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
-##### `ResetBranch`
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-func ResetBranch()
-##### `ResetDeployOnPush`
+##### `terraformResource`Required
-func ResetDeployOnPush()
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-##### `ResetRepo`
+The parent resource.
-func ResetRepo()
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| BranchInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| DeployOnPushInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| RepoInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Branch
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| DeployOnPush
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| Repo
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGitlab
| *No description.* |
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+- *Type:* *bool
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-func Fqn() *string
+func ComputeFqn() *string
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `BranchInput`Optional
+##### `Resolve`
-func BranchInput() *string
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `DeployOnPushInput`Optional
+##### `ToString`
-func DeployOnPushInput() interface{}
+func ToString() *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `RepoInput`Optional
+##### `Get`
-func RepoInput() *string
+func Get(index *f64) AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference
-- *Type:* *string
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of the item to return.
-##### `Branch`Required
-func Branch() *string
+#### Properties
-- *Type:* *string
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `DeployOnPush`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-func DeployOnPush() interface{}
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Repo`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
-func Repo() *string
+func Fqn() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionGitlab
+func InternalValue() interface{}
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
+- *Type:* interface{}
-### AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
+### AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -11167,7 +14346,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -11175,155 +14354,171 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-#### Methods
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetBranch
| *No description.* |
-| ResetRepoCloneUrl
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetPath
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPreservePathPrefix
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -11331,13 +14526,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -11347,16 +14542,16 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetBranch`
+##### `ResetPath`
-func ResetBranch()
+func ResetPath()
-##### `ResetRepoCloneUrl`
+##### `ResetPreservePathPrefix`
-func ResetRepoCloneUrl()
+func ResetPreservePathPrefix()
@@ -11364,17 +14559,17 @@ func ResetRepoCloneUrl()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| BranchInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| RepoCloneUrlInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Branch
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| RepoCloneUrl
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionGit
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| PathInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| PreservePathPrefixInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| Path
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| PreservePathPrefix
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -11388,7 +14583,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -11398,76 +14593,75 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `BranchInput`Optional
+##### `PathInput`Optional
-func BranchInput() *string
+func PathInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `RepoCloneUrlInput`Optional
+##### `PreservePathPrefixInput`Optional
-func RepoCloneUrlInput() *string
+func PreservePathPrefixInput() interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `Branch`Required
+##### `Path`Required
-func Branch() *string
+func Path() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `RepoCloneUrl`Required
+##### `PreservePathPrefix`Required
-func RepoCloneUrl() *string
+func PreservePathPrefix() interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionGit
+func InternalValue() interface{}
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
+- *Type:* interface{}
-### AppSpecFunctionList
+### AppSpecIngressOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionList
+app.NewAppSpecIngressOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecIngressOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -11475,7 +14669,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -11483,32 +14677,155 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `wrapsSet`Required
+#### Methods
-- *Type:* *bool
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutRule
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRule
| *No description.* |
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+##### `ComputeFqn`
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-#### Methods
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-func ComputeFqn() *string
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-##### `Resolve`
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -11516,13 +14833,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -11532,32 +14849,38 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `PutRule`
-func Get(index *f64) AppSpecFunctionOutputReference
+func PutRule(value interface{})
-###### `index`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
+###### `value`Required
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* interface{}
+##### `ResetRule`
+func ResetRule()
#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Rule
| AppSpecIngressRuleList
| *No description.* |
+| RuleInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngress
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -11571,7 +14894,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -11581,35 +14904,55 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `Rule`Required
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func Rule() AppSpecIngressRuleList
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleList
+##### `RuleInput`Optional
+func RuleInput() interface{}
- *Type:* interface{}
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
+func InternalValue() AppSpecIngress
-#### Initializers
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngress
+### AppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -11617,7 +14960,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -11629,150 +14972,152 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetEndpoint
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetName
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPreservePathPrefix
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRewrite
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -11780,13 +15125,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -11796,10 +15141,22 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetEndpoint`
+##### `ResetName`
-func ResetEndpoint()
+func ResetName()
+##### `ResetPreservePathPrefix`
+func ResetPreservePathPrefix()
+##### `ResetRewrite`
+func ResetRewrite()
@@ -11807,17 +15164,19 @@ func ResetEndpoint()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ApiKeyInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| EndpointInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| ApiKey
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Endpoint
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| NameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| PreservePathPrefixInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| RewriteInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Name
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| PreservePathPrefix
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| Rewrite
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -11831,7 +15190,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -11841,218 +15200,95 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `ApiKeyInput`Optional
-func ApiKeyInput() *string
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `EndpointInput`Optional
+##### `NameInput`Optional
-func EndpointInput() *string
+func NameInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `ApiKey`Required
+##### `PreservePathPrefixInput`Optional
-func ApiKey() *string
+func PreservePathPrefixInput() interface{}
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `Endpoint`Required
+##### `RewriteInput`Optional
-func Endpoint() *string
+func RewriteInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
-### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
-#### Initializers
+##### `Name`Required
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
+func Name() *string
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `wrapsSet`Required
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
-#### Methods
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
-func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `Resolve`
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
-func ToString() *string
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
-func Get(index *f64) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference
-###### `index`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of the item to return.
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `PreservePathPrefix`Required
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+func PreservePathPrefix() interface{}
-- *Type:* *[]*string
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Rewrite`Required
-func Fqn() *string
+func Rewrite() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func InternalValue() AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
-### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
+### AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -12060,7 +15296,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -12068,153 +15304,156 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-#### Methods
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetExact
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPrefix
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRegex
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -12222,13 +15461,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -12238,20 +15477,42 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `ResetExact`
+func ResetExact()
+##### `ResetPrefix`
+func ResetPrefix()
+##### `ResetRegex`
+func ResetRegex()
#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| TokenInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Token
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| ExactInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| PrefixInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| RegexInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Exact
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Prefix
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Regex
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -12265,7 +15526,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -12275,57 +15536,95 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `TokenInput`Optional
+##### `ExactInput`Optional
-func TokenInput() *string
+func ExactInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Token`Required
+##### `PrefixInput`Optional
-func Token() *string
+func PrefixInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `RegexInput`Optional
-func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+func RegexInput() *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Exact`Required
-### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference
+func Exact() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Prefix`Required
+func Prefix() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Regex`Required
+func Regex() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializers
+### AppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -12333,7 +15632,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -12341,376 +15640,542 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+#### Methods
-- *Type:* *f64
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowCredentials
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowHeaders
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowMethods
| *No description.* |
+| ResetAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ResetExposeHeaders
| *No description.* |
+| ResetMaxAge
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-the index of this item in the list.
+func ComputeFqn() *string
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-- *Type:* *bool
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-#### Methods
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| PutDatadog
| *No description.* |
-| PutLogtail
| *No description.* |
-| PutPapertrail
| *No description.* |
-| ResetDatadog
| *No description.* |
-| ResetLogtail
| *No description.* |
-| ResetPapertrail
| *No description.* |
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetListAttribute`
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `ToString`
+func ToString() *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `PutAllowOrigins`
+func PutAllowOrigins(value AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins)
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ResetAllowCredentials`
-func ComputeFqn() *string
+func ResetAllowCredentials()
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `ResetAllowHeaders`
-func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+func ResetAllowHeaders()
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+##### `ResetAllowMethods`
+func ResetAllowMethods()
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `ResetAllowOrigins`
-func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
+func ResetAllowOrigins()
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+##### `ResetExposeHeaders`
+func ResetExposeHeaders()
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `ResetMaxAge`
-func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
+func ResetMaxAge()
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowOrigins
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| AllowCredentialsInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| AllowHeadersInput
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowMethodsInput
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowOriginsInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
| *No description.* |
+| ExposeHeadersInput
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| MaxAgeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowCredentials
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| AllowHeaders
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| AllowMethods
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| ExposeHeaders
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
+| MaxAge
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleCors
| *No description.* |
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `Fqn`Required
-func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
+func Fqn() *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `AllowOrigins`Required
-func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
+func AllowOrigins() AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOriginsOutputReference
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `AllowCredentialsInput`Optional
-func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
+func AllowCredentialsInput() interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `AllowHeadersInput`Optional
-func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
+func AllowHeadersInput() *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `AllowMethodsInput`Optional
-func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
+func AllowMethodsInput() *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `AllowOriginsInput`Optional
-func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+func AllowOriginsInput() AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-###### `property`Required
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `ExposeHeadersInput`Optional
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+func ExposeHeadersInput() *[]*string
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `ToString`
+##### `MaxAgeInput`Optional
-func ToString() *string
+func MaxAgeInput() *string
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+- *Type:* *string
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `PutDatadog`
+##### `AllowCredentials`Required
-func PutDatadog(value AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog)
+func AllowCredentials() interface{}
-###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `PutLogtail`
+##### `AllowHeaders`Required
-func PutLogtail(value AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail)
+func AllowHeaders() *[]*string
-###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `PutPapertrail`
+##### `AllowMethods`Required
-func PutPapertrail(value AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail)
+func AllowMethods() *[]*string
-###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-##### `ResetDatadog`
+##### `ExposeHeaders`Required
-func ResetDatadog()
+func ExposeHeaders() *[]*string
-##### `ResetLogtail`
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+##### `MaxAge`Required
-func ResetLogtail()
+func MaxAge() *string
-##### `ResetPapertrail`
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func ResetPapertrail()
+func InternalValue() AppSpecIngressRuleCors
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Datadog
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| Logtail
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| Papertrail
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| DatadogInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
| *No description.* |
-| LogtailInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
| *No description.* |
-| NameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| PapertrailInput
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
| *No description.* |
-| Name
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+### AppSpecIngressRuleList
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+#### Initializers
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecIngressRuleList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecIngressRuleList
-- *Type:* *[]*string
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-##### `Fqn`Required
+The parent resource.
-func Fqn() *string
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `Datadog`Required
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
-func Datadog() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
+- *Type:* *bool
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadogOutputReference
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
-##### `Logtail`Required
-func Logtail() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
+#### Methods
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtailOutputReference
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| Get
| *No description.* |
-##### `Papertrail`Required
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-func Papertrail() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
+func ComputeFqn() *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
+##### `Resolve`
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `DatadogInput`Optional
+##### `ToString`
-func DatadogInput() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
+func ToString() *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `LogtailInput`Optional
+##### `Get`
-func LogtailInput() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+func Get(index *f64) AppSpecIngressRuleOutputReference
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of the item to return.
-##### `NameInput`Optional
-func NameInput() *string
+#### Properties
-- *Type:* *string
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `PapertrailInput`Optional
+##### `CreationStack`Required
-func PapertrailInput() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* *[]*string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
-func Name() *string
+func Fqn() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
func InternalValue() interface{}
@@ -12721,24 +16186,24 @@ func InternalValue() interface{}
-### AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
+### AppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrailOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -12746,7 +16211,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -12754,153 +16219,155 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-#### Methods
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutPath
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPath
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -12908,13 +16375,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -12924,20 +16391,38 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `PutPath`
+func PutPath(value AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath)
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
+##### `ResetPath`
+func ResetPath()
#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| EndpointInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Endpoint
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Path
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| PathInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -12951,7 +16436,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -12961,57 +16446,55 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `EndpointInput`Optional
+##### `Path`Required
-func EndpointInput() *string
+func Path() AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference
-##### `Endpoint`Required
+##### `PathInput`Optional
-func Endpoint() *string
+func PathInput() AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func InternalValue() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+func InternalValue() AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-### AppSpecFunctionOutputReference
+### AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPathOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -13019,7 +16502,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -13027,357 +16510,181 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of this item in the list.
-##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| PutAlert
| *No description.* |
-| PutCors
| *No description.* |
-| PutEnv
| *No description.* |
-| PutGit
| *No description.* |
-| PutGithub
| *No description.* |
-| PutGitlab
| *No description.* |
-| PutLogDestination
| *No description.* |
-| PutRoutes
| *No description.* |
-| ResetAlert
| *No description.* |
-| ResetCors
| *No description.* |
-| ResetEnv
| *No description.* |
-| ResetGit
| *No description.* |
-| ResetGithub
| *No description.* |
-| ResetGitlab
| *No description.* |
-| ResetLogDestination
| *No description.* |
-| ResetRoutes
| *No description.* |
-| ResetSourceDir
| *No description.* |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetPrefix
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
-func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
-- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
-func ToString() *string
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `PutAlert`
-func PutAlert(value interface{})
-###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `PutCors`
-func PutCors(value AppSpecFunctionCors)
-###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
-##### `PutEnv`
-func PutEnv(value interface{})
-###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* interface{}
-##### `PutGit`
-func PutGit(value AppSpecFunctionGit)
-###### `value`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
-##### `PutGithub`
-func PutGithub(value AppSpecFunctionGithub)
-###### `value`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `PutGitlab`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-func PutGitlab(value AppSpecFunctionGitlab)
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `value`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `PutLogDestination`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-func PutLogDestination(value interface{})
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `value`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `PutRoutes`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-func PutRoutes(value interface{})
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `value`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `ResetAlert`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-func ResetAlert()
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-##### `ResetCors`
-func ResetCors()
+###### `property`Required
-##### `ResetEnv`
+- *Type:* *string
-func ResetEnv()
-##### `ResetGit`
+##### `Resolve`
-func ResetGit()
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-##### `ResetGithub`
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-func ResetGithub()
+###### `_context`Required
-##### `ResetGitlab`
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-func ResetGitlab()
-##### `ResetLogDestination`
+##### `ToString`
-func ResetLogDestination()
+func ToString() *string
-##### `ResetRoutes`
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
-func ResetRoutes()
+Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetSourceDir`
+##### `ResetPrefix`
-func ResetSourceDir()
+func ResetPrefix()
@@ -13385,33 +16692,15 @@ func ResetSourceDir()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Alert
| AppSpecFunctionAlertList
| *No description.* |
-| Cors
| AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| Env
| AppSpecFunctionEnvList
| *No description.* |
-| Git
| AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| Github
| AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| Gitlab
| AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
| *No description.* |
-| LogDestination
| AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
| *No description.* |
-| Routes
| AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
| *No description.* |
-| AlertInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| CorsInput
| AppSpecFunctionCors
| *No description.* |
-| EnvInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| GithubInput
| AppSpecFunctionGithub
| *No description.* |
-| GitInput
| AppSpecFunctionGit
| *No description.* |
-| GitlabInput
| AppSpecFunctionGitlab
| *No description.* |
-| LogDestinationInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| NameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| RoutesInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| SourceDirInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| Name
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| SourceDir
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| PrefixInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Prefix
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -13425,7 +16714,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -13435,350 +16724,462 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `Alert`Required
+##### `PrefixInput`Optional
-func Alert() AppSpecFunctionAlertList
+func PrefixInput() *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionAlertList
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Cors`Required
+##### `Prefix`Required
-func Cors() AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
+func Prefix() *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCorsOutputReference
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Env`Required
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
-func Env() AppSpecFunctionEnvList
+func InternalValue() AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionEnvList
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-##### `Git`Required
+### AppSpecIngressRuleOutputReference
+#### Initializers
-func Git() AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
+import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+app.NewAppSpecIngressRuleOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecIngressRuleOutputReference
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitOutputReference
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
-##### `Github`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
-func Github() AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithubOutputReference
+The parent resource.
-##### `Gitlab`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
-func Gitlab() AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
+- *Type:* *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlabOutputReference
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `LogDestination`Required
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* *f64
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* *bool
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| PutComponent
| *No description.* |
+| PutCors
| *No description.* |
+| PutMatch
| *No description.* |
+| PutRedirect
| *No description.* |
+| ResetComponent
| *No description.* |
+| ResetCors
| *No description.* |
+| ResetMatch
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRedirect
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
-func LogDestination() AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
+func ComputeFqn() *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationList
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `Routes`Required
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
-func Routes() AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
+func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `AlertInput`Optional
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
-func AlertInput() interface{}
+func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-- *Type:* interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `CorsInput`Optional
+##### `GetListAttribute`
-func CorsInput() AppSpecFunctionCors
+func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionCors
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `EnvInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
-func EnvInput() interface{}
+func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-- *Type:* interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `GithubInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
-func GithubInput() AppSpecFunctionGithub
+func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGithub
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `GitInput`Optional
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
-func GitInput() AppSpecFunctionGit
+func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGit
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `GitlabInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
-func GitlabInput() AppSpecFunctionGitlab
+func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-- *Type:* AppSpecFunctionGitlab
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `LogDestinationInput`Optional
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
-func LogDestinationInput() interface{}
+func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `NameInput`Optional
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
-func NameInput() *string
+func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `RoutesInput`Optional
+##### `Resolve`
-func RoutesInput() interface{}
+func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-- *Type:* interface{}
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `SourceDirInput`Optional
+##### `ToString`
-func SourceDirInput() *string
+func ToString() *string
-- *Type:* *string
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `PutComponent`
+func PutComponent(value AppSpecIngressRuleComponent)
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
-##### `Name`Required
+##### `PutCors`
-func Name() *string
+func PutCors(value AppSpecIngressRuleCors)
-- *Type:* *string
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-##### `SourceDir`Required
+##### `PutMatch`
-func SourceDir() *string
+func PutMatch(value AppSpecIngressRuleMatch)
-- *Type:* *string
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `PutRedirect`
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func PutRedirect(value AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect)
-- *Type:* interface{}
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
+##### `ResetComponent`
-### AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
+func ResetComponent()
-#### Initializers
+##### `ResetCors`
-import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
+func ResetCors()
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionRoutesList(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, wrapsSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionRoutesList
+##### `ResetMatch`
+func ResetMatch()
+##### `ResetRedirect`
+func ResetRedirect()
+#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| wrapsSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Component
| AppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Cors
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Match
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| Redirect
| AppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference
| *No description.* |
+| ComponentInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
| *No description.* |
+| CorsInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleCors
| *No description.* |
+| MatchInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
| *No description.* |
+| RedirectInput
| AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
-The parent resource.
+##### `CreationStack`Required
+func CreationStack() *[]*string
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* *[]*string
-- *Type:* *string
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `wrapsSet`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
-- *Type:* *bool
+func Fqn() *string
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+- *Type:* *string
-#### Methods
+##### `Component`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| Get
| *No description.* |
+func Component() AppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponentOutputReference
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+##### `Cors`Required
-func ComputeFqn() *string
+func Cors() AppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference
-##### `Resolve`
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsOutputReference
-func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+##### `Match`Required
-###### `_context`Required
+func Match() AppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference
-- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchOutputReference
-##### `ToString`
+##### `Redirect`Required
-func ToString() *string
+func Redirect() AppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference
-Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `Get`
+##### `ComponentInput`Optional
-func Get(index *f64) AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference
+func ComponentInput() AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
-###### `index`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of the item to return.
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
+##### `CorsInput`Optional
-#### Properties
+func CorsInput() AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `MatchInput`Optional
-func CreationStack() *[]*string
+func MatchInput() AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-- *Type:* *[]*string
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
-If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `RedirectInput`Optional
-func Fqn() *string
+func RedirectInput() AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
-- *Type:* *string
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
func InternalValue() interface{}
@@ -13789,26 +17190,24 @@ func InternalValue() interface{}
-### AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference
+### AppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
import "github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-digitalocean-go/digitalocean/v10/app"
-app.NewAppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string, complexObjectIndex *f64, complexObjectIsFromSet *bool) AppSpecFunctionRoutesOutputReference
+app.NewAppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference(terraformResource IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute *string) AppSpecIngressRuleRedirectOutputReference
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| complexObjectIndex
| *f64
| the index of this item in the list. |
-| complexObjectIsFromSet
| *bool
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| terraformResource
| github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| *string
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `terraformResource`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
@@ -13816,7 +17215,7 @@ The parent resource.
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
@@ -13824,171 +17223,158 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
-##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
-- *Type:* *f64
-the index of this item in the list.
-##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
-- *Type:* *bool
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
-| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| ResetPath
| *No description.* |
-| ResetPreservePathPrefix
| *No description.* |
-##### `ComputeFqn`
+| ComputeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| GetAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| GetStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| InterpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| Resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| ToString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| ResetAuthority
| *No description.* |
+| ResetPort
| *No description.* |
+| ResetRedirectCode
| *No description.* |
+| ResetScheme
| *No description.* |
+| ResetUri
| *No description.* |
+##### `ComputeFqn`
func ComputeFqn() *string
-##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
+##### `GetAnyMapAttribute`
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanAttribute`
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
+##### `GetBooleanMapAttribute`
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetListAttribute`
+##### `GetListAttribute`
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberAttribute`
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberListAttribute`
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
+##### `GetNumberMapAttribute`
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringAttribute`
+##### `GetStringAttribute`
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
+##### `GetStringMapAttribute`
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
-###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
+##### `InterpolationForAttribute`
func InterpolationForAttribute(property *string) IResolvable
-###### `property`Required
+###### `property`Required
- *Type:* *string
-##### `Resolve`
+##### `Resolve`
func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
@@ -13996,13 +17382,13 @@ func Resolve(_context IResolveContext) interface{}
Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
-###### `_context`Required
+###### `_context`Required
- *Type:* github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk-go/cdktf.IResolveContext
-##### `ToString`
+##### `ToString`
func ToString() *string
@@ -14012,16 +17398,34 @@ Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
Returns a reversible string representation.
-##### `ResetPath`
+##### `ResetAuthority`
-func ResetPath()
+func ResetAuthority()
-##### `ResetPreservePathPrefix`
+##### `ResetPort`
-func ResetPreservePathPrefix()
+func ResetPort()
+##### `ResetRedirectCode`
+func ResetRedirectCode()
+##### `ResetScheme`
+func ResetScheme()
+##### `ResetUri`
+func ResetUri()
@@ -14029,17 +17433,23 @@ func ResetPreservePathPrefix()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| PathInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| PreservePathPrefixInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| Path
| *string
| *No description.* |
-| PreservePathPrefix
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
-| InternalValue
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| CreationStack
| *[]*string
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| Fqn
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| AuthorityInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| PortInput
| *f64
| *No description.* |
+| RedirectCodeInput
| *f64
| *No description.* |
+| SchemeInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| UriInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Authority
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Port
| *f64
| *No description.* |
+| RedirectCode
| *f64
| *No description.* |
+| Scheme
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| Uri
| *string
| *No description.* |
+| InternalValue
| AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
| *No description.* |
-##### `CreationStack`Required
+##### `CreationStack`Required
func CreationStack() *[]*string
@@ -14053,7 +17463,7 @@ If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
-##### `Fqn`Required
+##### `Fqn`Required
func Fqn() *string
@@ -14063,53 +17473,113 @@ func Fqn() *string
-##### `PathInput`Optional
+##### `AuthorityInput`Optional
-func PathInput() *string
+func AuthorityInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `PreservePathPrefixInput`Optional
+##### `PortInput`Optional
-func PreservePathPrefixInput() interface{}
+func PortInput() *f64
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *f64
-##### `Path`Required
+##### `RedirectCodeInput`Optional
-func Path() *string
+func RedirectCodeInput() *f64
+- *Type:* *f64
+##### `SchemeInput`Optional
+func SchemeInput() *string
- *Type:* *string
-##### `PreservePathPrefix`Required
+##### `UriInput`Optional
-func PreservePathPrefix() interface{}
+func UriInput() *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
-##### `InternalValue`Optional
+##### `Authority`Required
-func InternalValue() interface{}
+func Authority() *string
-- *Type:* interface{}
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Port`Required
+func Port() *f64
+- *Type:* *f64
+##### `RedirectCode`Required
+func RedirectCode() *f64
+- *Type:* *f64
+##### `Scheme`Required
+func Scheme() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `Uri`Required
+func Uri() *string
+- *Type:* *string
+##### `InternalValue`Optional
+func InternalValue() AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
@@ -19391,6 +22861,7 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
| PutDomain
| *No description.* |
| PutEnv
| *No description.* |
| PutFunction
| *No description.* |
+| PutIngress
| *No description.* |
| PutJob
| *No description.* |
| PutService
| *No description.* |
| PutStaticSite
| *No description.* |
@@ -19401,6 +22872,7 @@ The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
| ResetDomains
| *No description.* |
| ResetEnv
| *No description.* |
| ResetFunction
| *No description.* |
+| ResetIngress
| *No description.* |
| ResetJob
| *No description.* |
| ResetRegion
| *No description.* |
| ResetService
| *No description.* |
@@ -19619,6 +23091,18 @@ func PutFunction(value interface{})
+##### `PutIngress`
+func PutIngress(value AppSpecIngress)
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngress
##### `PutJob`
@@ -19703,6 +23187,12 @@ func ResetEnv()
func ResetFunction()
+##### `ResetIngress`
+func ResetIngress()
##### `ResetJob`
@@ -19745,6 +23235,7 @@ func ResetWorker()
| Domain
| AppSpecDomainList
| *No description.* |
| Env
| AppSpecEnvList
| *No description.* |
| Function
| AppSpecFunctionList
| *No description.* |
+| Ingress
| AppSpecIngressOutputReference
| *No description.* |
| Job
| AppSpecJobList
| *No description.* |
| Service
| AppSpecServiceList
| *No description.* |
| StaticSite
| AppSpecStaticSiteList
| *No description.* |
@@ -19755,6 +23246,7 @@ func ResetWorker()
| DomainsInput
| *[]*string
| *No description.* |
| EnvInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
| FunctionInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
+| IngressInput
| AppSpecIngress
| *No description.* |
| JobInput
| interface{}
| *No description.* |
| NameInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
| RegionInput
| *string
| *No description.* |
@@ -19842,6 +23334,16 @@ func Function() AppSpecFunctionList
+##### `Ingress`Required
+func Ingress() AppSpecIngressOutputReference
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressOutputReference
##### `Job`Required
@@ -19942,6 +23444,16 @@ func FunctionInput() interface{}
+##### `IngressInput`Optional
+func IngressInput() AppSpecIngress
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngress
##### `JobInput`Optional
diff --git a/docs/app.java.md b/docs/app.java.md
index b9eb6e46f..676ee968f 100644
--- a/docs/app.java.md
+++ b/docs/app.java.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# `digitalocean_app`
-Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`digitalocean_app`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app).
+Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`digitalocean_app`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app).
# `app` Submodule
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Refer to the Terraform Registory for docs: [`digitalocean_app`](https://registry
### App
-Represents a {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app digitalocean_app}.
+Represents a {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app digitalocean_app}.
#### Initializers
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ App.Builder.create(Construct scope, java.lang.String id)
| lifecycle
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle
| *No description.* |
| provider
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider
| *No description.* |
| provisioners
| java.util.List
| *No description.* |
-| id
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}. |
+| id
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}. |
| spec
| AppSpec
| spec block. |
| timeouts
| AppTimeouts
| timeouts block. |
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}.
Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2.
If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please t
spec block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#spec App#spec}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#spec App#spec}
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digit
timeouts block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#timeouts App#timeouts}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#timeouts App#timeouts}
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ The construct id used in the generated config for the App to import.
The id of the existing App that should be imported.
-Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
+Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ AppConfig.builder()
| lifecycle
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformResourceLifecycle
| *No description.* |
| provider
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.TerraformProvider
| *No description.* |
| provisioners
| java.util.List
| *No description.* |
-| id
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}. |
+| id
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}. |
| spec
| AppSpec
| spec block. |
| timeouts
| AppTimeouts
| timeouts block. |
@@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ public java.lang.String getId();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#id App#id}.
Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2.
If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ public AppSpec getSpec();
spec block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#spec App#spec}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#spec App#spec}
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ public AppTimeouts getTimeouts();
timeouts block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#timeouts App#timeouts}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#timeouts App#timeouts}
@@ -1063,6 +1063,7 @@ AppSpec.builder()
// .env(java.util.List)
// .function(IResolvable)
// .function(java.util.List)
+// .ingress(AppSpecIngress)
// .job(IResolvable)
// .job(java.util.List)
// .region(java.lang.String)
@@ -1083,9 +1084,10 @@ AppSpec.builder()
| alert
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecAlert>
| alert block. |
| database
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecDatabase>
| database block. |
| domain
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecDomain>
| domain block. |
-| domains
| java.util.List
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}. |
+| domains
| java.util.List
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}. |
| env
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecEnv>
| env block. |
| function
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecFunction>
| function block. |
+| ingress
| AppSpecIngress
| ingress block. |
| job
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJob>
| job block. |
| region
| java.lang.String
| The slug for the DigitalOcean data center region hosting the app. |
| service
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecService>
| service block. |
@@ -1104,7 +1106,7 @@ public java.lang.String getName();
The name of the app. Must be unique across all apps in the same account.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1118,7 +1120,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getAlert();
alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
@@ -1132,7 +1134,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getDatabase();
database block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#database App#database}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#database App#database}
@@ -1146,7 +1148,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getDomain();
domain block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#domain App#domain}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#domain App#domain}
@@ -1158,7 +1160,7 @@ public java.util.List getDomains();
- *Type:* java.util.List
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#domains App#domains}.
@@ -1172,7 +1174,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getEnv();
env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
@@ -1186,7 +1188,21 @@ public java.lang.Object getFunction();
function block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#function App#function}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#function App#function}
+##### `ingress`Optional
+public AppSpecIngress getIngress();
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngress
+ingress block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#ingress App#ingress}
@@ -1200,7 +1216,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getJob();
job block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#job App#job}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#job App#job}
@@ -1214,7 +1230,7 @@ public java.lang.String getRegion();
The slug for the DigitalOcean data center region hosting the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#region App#region}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#region App#region}
@@ -1228,7 +1244,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getService();
service block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#service App#service}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#service App#service}
@@ -1242,7 +1258,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getStaticSite();
static_site block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#static_site App#static_site}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#static_site App#static_site}
@@ -1256,7 +1272,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getWorker();
worker block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#worker App#worker}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#worker App#worker}
@@ -1278,8 +1294,8 @@ AppSpecAlert.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| rule
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| rule
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
@@ -1291,7 +1307,7 @@ public java.lang.String getRule();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
@@ -1303,7 +1319,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getDisabled();
- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
@@ -1352,7 +1368,7 @@ The name of the underlying DigitalOcean DBaaS cluster.
This is required for production databases. For dev databases, if cluster_name is not set, a new cluster will be provisioned.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cluster_name App#cluster_name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cluster_name App#cluster_name}
@@ -1366,7 +1382,7 @@ public java.lang.String getDbName();
The name of the MySQL or PostgreSQL database to configure.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#db_name App#db_name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#db_name App#db_name}
@@ -1380,7 +1396,7 @@ public java.lang.String getDbUser();
The name of the MySQL or PostgreSQL user to configure.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#db_user App#db_user}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#db_user App#db_user}
@@ -1394,7 +1410,7 @@ public java.lang.String getEngine();
The database engine to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#engine App#engine}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#engine App#engine}
@@ -1408,7 +1424,7 @@ public java.lang.String getName();
The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1422,7 +1438,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getProduction();
Whether this is a production or dev database.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#production App#production}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#production App#production}
@@ -1436,7 +1452,7 @@ public java.lang.String getVersion();
The version of the database engine.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#version App#version}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#version App#version}
@@ -1477,7 +1493,7 @@ public java.lang.String getName();
The hostname for the domain.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1491,7 +1507,7 @@ public java.lang.String getType();
The type of the domain.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
@@ -1505,7 +1521,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getWildcard();
Indicates whether the domain includes all sub-domains, in addition to the given domain.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#wildcard App#wildcard}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#wildcard App#wildcard}
@@ -1519,7 +1535,7 @@ public java.lang.String getZone();
If the domain uses DigitalOcean DNS and you would like App Platform to automatically manage it for you, set this to the name of the domain on your account.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#zone App#zone}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#zone App#zone}
@@ -1559,7 +1575,7 @@ public java.lang.String getKey();
The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
@@ -1573,7 +1589,7 @@ public java.lang.String getScope();
The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
@@ -1587,7 +1603,7 @@ public java.lang.String getType();
The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
@@ -1601,7 +1617,7 @@ public java.lang.String getValue();
The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
@@ -1657,7 +1673,7 @@ public java.lang.String getName();
The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -1671,7 +1687,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getAlert();
alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
@@ -1685,7 +1701,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionCors getCors();
cors block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
@@ -1699,7 +1715,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getEnv();
env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
@@ -1713,7 +1729,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionGit getGit();
git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
@@ -1727,7 +1743,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionGithub getGithub();
github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
@@ -1741,7 +1757,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionGitlab getGitlab();
gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
@@ -1755,7 +1771,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getLogDestination();
log_destination block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
@@ -1769,7 +1785,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getRoutes();
routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
@@ -1783,7 +1799,7 @@ public java.lang.String getSourceDir();
An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
@@ -1808,11 +1824,11 @@ AppSpecFunctionAlert.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| operator
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| rule
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| value
| java.lang.Number
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| window
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| operator
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| rule
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| value
| java.lang.Number
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| window
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
@@ -1824,7 +1840,7 @@ public java.lang.String getOperator();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
@@ -1836,7 +1852,7 @@ public java.lang.String getRule();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
@@ -1848,7 +1864,7 @@ public java.lang.Number getValue();
- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
@@ -1860,7 +1876,7 @@ public java.lang.String getWindow();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
@@ -1872,7 +1888,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getDisabled();
- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
@@ -1919,7 +1935,7 @@ Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code w
This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
@@ -1933,7 +1949,7 @@ public java.util.List getAllowHeaders();
The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
@@ -1947,7 +1963,7 @@ public java.util.List getAllowMethods();
The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
@@ -1961,7 +1977,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionCorsAllowOrigins getAllowOrigins();
allow_origins block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
@@ -1975,7 +1991,7 @@ public java.util.List getExposeHeaders();
The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
@@ -1991,7 +2007,7 @@ An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a pre
This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
@@ -2029,7 +2045,7 @@ public java.lang.String getExact();
Exact string match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
@@ -2043,7 +2059,7 @@ public java.lang.String getPrefix();
Prefix-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
@@ -2057,7 +2073,7 @@ public java.lang.String getRegex();
RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
@@ -2097,7 +2113,7 @@ public java.lang.String getKey();
The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
@@ -2111,7 +2127,7 @@ public java.lang.String getScope();
The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
@@ -2125,7 +2141,7 @@ public java.lang.String getType();
The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
@@ -2139,7 +2155,7 @@ public java.lang.String getValue();
The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
@@ -2175,7 +2191,7 @@ public java.lang.String getBranch();
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
@@ -2189,7 +2205,7 @@ public java.lang.String getRepoCloneUrl();
The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
@@ -2228,7 +2244,7 @@ public java.lang.String getBranch();
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
@@ -2242,7 +2258,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
@@ -2256,7 +2272,7 @@ public java.lang.String getRepo();
The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
@@ -2295,7 +2311,7 @@ public java.lang.String getBranch();
The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
@@ -2309,7 +2325,7 @@ public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
@@ -2323,7 +2339,7 @@ public java.lang.String getRepo();
The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
@@ -2363,7 +2379,7 @@ public java.lang.String getName();
Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
@@ -2377,7 +2393,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationDatadog getDatadog();
datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
@@ -2391,7 +2407,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationLogtail getLogtail();
logtail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
@@ -2405,7 +2421,7 @@ public AppSpecFunctionLogDestinationPapertrail getPapertrail();
papertrail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
@@ -2441,7 +2457,7 @@ public java.lang.String getApiKey();
Datadog API key.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
@@ -2455,7 +2471,7 @@ public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
@@ -2489,7 +2505,7 @@ public java.lang.String getToken();
Logtail token.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
@@ -2523,7 +2539,7 @@ public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
Papertrail syslog endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
@@ -2562,7 +2578,7 @@ Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
@@ -2576,37 +2592,20 @@ public java.lang.Object getPreservePathPrefix();
An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
-### AppSpecJob
+### AppSpecIngress
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJob;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecIngress;
- .name(java.lang.String)
-// .alert(IResolvable)
-// .alert(java.util.List)
-// .buildCommand(java.lang.String)
-// .dockerfilePath(java.lang.String)
-// .env(IResolvable)
-// .env(java.util.List)
-// .environmentSlug(java.lang.String)
-// .git(AppSpecJobGit)
-// .github(AppSpecJobGithub)
-// .gitlab(AppSpecJobGitlab)
-// .image(AppSpecJobImage)
-// .instanceCount(java.lang.Number)
-// .instanceSizeSlug(java.lang.String)
-// .kind(java.lang.String)
-// .logDestination(IResolvable)
-// .logDestination(java.util.List)
-// .runCommand(java.lang.String)
-// .sourceDir(java.lang.String)
+// .rule(IResolvable)
+// .rule(java.util.List)
@@ -2614,263 +2613,297 @@ AppSpecJob.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| name
| java.lang.String
| The name of the component. |
-| alert
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobAlert>
| alert block. |
-| buildCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| dockerfilePath
| java.lang.String
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| env
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobEnv>
| env block. |
-| environmentSlug
| java.lang.String
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| git
| AppSpecJobGit
| git block. |
-| github
| AppSpecJobGithub
| github block. |
-| gitlab
| AppSpecJobGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| image
| AppSpecJobImage
| image block. |
-| instanceCount
| java.lang.Number
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
-| instanceSizeSlug
| java.lang.String
| The instance size to use for this component. |
-| kind
| java.lang.String
| The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process. |
-| logDestination
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobLogDestination>
| log_destination block. |
-| runCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
-| sourceDir
| java.lang.String
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+| rule
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecIngressRule>
| rule block. |
-##### `name`Required
+##### `rule`Optional
-public java.lang.String getName();
+public java.lang.Object getRule();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecIngressRule>
-The name of the component.
+rule block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}
-##### `alert`Optional
+### AppSpecIngressRule
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.Object getAlert();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecIngressRule;
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobAlert>
+// .component(AppSpecIngressRuleComponent)
+// .cors(AppSpecIngressRuleCors)
+// .match(AppSpecIngressRuleMatch)
+// .redirect(AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect)
+ .build();
-alert block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| component
| AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
| component block. |
+| cors
| AppSpecIngressRuleCors
| cors block. |
+| match
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
| match block. |
+| redirect
| AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
| redirect block. |
-##### `buildCommand`Optional
+##### `component`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBuildCommand();
+public AppSpecIngressRuleComponent getComponent();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+component block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#component App#component}
-##### `dockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `cors`Optional
-public java.lang.String getDockerfilePath();
+public AppSpecIngressRuleCors getCors();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCors
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+cors block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
-##### `env`Optional
+##### `match`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getEnv();
+public AppSpecIngressRuleMatch getMatch();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobEnv>
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
-env block.
+match block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#match App#match}
-##### `environmentSlug`Optional
+##### `redirect`Optional
-public java.lang.String getEnvironmentSlug();
+public AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect getRedirect();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+redirect block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#redirect App#redirect}
-##### `git`Optional
+### AppSpecIngressRuleComponent
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecJobGit getGit();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecIngressRuleComponent;
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobGit
+// .name(java.lang.String)
+// .preservePathPrefix(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .preservePathPrefix(IResolvable)
+// .rewrite(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-git block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| name
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}. |
+| preservePathPrefix
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}. |
+| rewrite
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rewrite App#rewrite}. |
-##### `github`Optional
+##### `name`Optional
-public AppSpecJobGithub getGithub();
+public java.lang.String getName();
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobGithub
-github block.
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}.
-##### `gitlab`Optional
+##### `preservePathPrefix`Optional
-public AppSpecJobGitlab getGitlab();
+public java.lang.Object getPreservePathPrefix();
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobGitlab
-gitlab block.
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}.
-##### `image`Optional
+##### `rewrite`Optional
-public AppSpecJobImage getImage();
+public java.lang.String getRewrite();
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobImage
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-image block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rewrite App#rewrite}.
+### AppSpecIngressRuleCors
+#### Initializer
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecIngressRuleCors;
+// .allowCredentials(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .allowCredentials(IResolvable)
+// .allowHeaders(java.util.List)
+// .allowMethods(java.util.List)
+// .allowOrigins(AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins)
+// .exposeHeaders(java.util.List)
+// .maxAge(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| allowCredentials
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
+| allowHeaders
| java.util.List
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
+| allowMethods
| java.util.List
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
+| allowOrigins
| AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
+| exposeHeaders
| java.util.List
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
+| maxAge
| java.lang.String
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
-##### `instanceCount`Optional
+##### `allowCredentials`Optional
-public java.lang.Number getInstanceCount();
+public java.lang.Object getAllowCredentials();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
+This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `instanceSizeSlug`Optional
+##### `allowHeaders`Optional
-public java.lang.String getInstanceSizeSlug();
+public java.util.List getAllowHeaders();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.util.List
-The instance size to use for this component.
+The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
-##### `kind`Optional
+##### `allowMethods`Optional
-public java.lang.String getKind();
+public java.util.List getAllowMethods();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.util.List
-The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process.
+The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#kind App#kind}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
-##### `logDestination`Optional
+##### `allowOrigins`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getLogDestination();
+public AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins getAllowOrigins();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobLogDestination>
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-log_destination block.
+allow_origins block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
-##### `runCommand`Optional
+##### `exposeHeaders`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRunCommand();
+public java.util.List getExposeHeaders();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.util.List
-An optional run command to override the component's default.
+The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
-##### `sourceDir`Optional
+##### `maxAge`Optional
-public java.lang.String getSourceDir();
+public java.lang.String getMaxAge();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
-### AppSpecJobAlert
+### AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobAlert;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecIngressRuleCorsAllowOrigins;
- .operator(java.lang.String)
- .rule(java.lang.String)
- .value(java.lang.Number)
- .window(java.lang.String)
-// .disabled(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .disabled(IResolvable)
+// .exact(java.lang.String)
+// .prefix(java.lang.String)
+// .regex(java.lang.String)
@@ -2878,86 +2911,97 @@ AppSpecJobAlert.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| operator
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| rule
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| value
| java.lang.Number
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| window
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| exact
| java.lang.String
| Exact string match. |
+| prefix
| java.lang.String
| Prefix-based match. |
+| regex
| java.lang.String
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `operator`Required
+##### `exact`Optional
-public java.lang.String getOperator();
+public java.lang.String getExact();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Exact string match.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
-##### `rule`Required
+##### `prefix`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRule();
+public java.lang.String getPrefix();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Prefix-based match.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
-##### `value`Required
+##### `regex`Optional
-public java.lang.Number getValue();
+public java.lang.String getRegex();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
-##### `window`Required
+### AppSpecIngressRuleMatch
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.String getWindow();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecIngressRuleMatch;
+// .path(AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath)
+ .build();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| path
| AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
| path block. |
-##### `disabled`Optional
+##### `path`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDisabled();
+public AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath getPath();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+path block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
-### AppSpecJobEnv
+### AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobEnv;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecIngressRuleMatchPath;
-// .key(java.lang.String)
-// .scope(java.lang.String)
-// .type(java.lang.String)
-// .value(java.lang.String)
+// .prefix(java.lang.String)
@@ -2965,131 +3009,137 @@ AppSpecJobEnv.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| key
| java.lang.String
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| scope
| java.lang.String
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| type
| java.lang.String
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| value
| java.lang.String
| The value of the environment variable. |
+| prefix
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}. |
-##### `key`Optional
+##### `prefix`Optional
-public java.lang.String getKey();
+public java.lang.String getPrefix();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}.
-##### `scope`Optional
+### AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.String getScope();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecIngressRuleRedirect;
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+// .authority(java.lang.String)
+// .port(java.lang.Number)
+// .redirectCode(java.lang.Number)
+// .scheme(java.lang.String)
+// .uri(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| authority
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#authority App#authority}. |
+| port
| java.lang.Number
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#port App#port}. |
+| redirectCode
| java.lang.Number
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#redirect_code App#redirect_code}. |
+| scheme
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scheme App#scheme}. |
+| uri
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#uri App#uri}. |
-##### `type`Optional
+##### `authority`Optional
-public java.lang.String getType();
+public java.lang.String getAuthority();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#authority App#authority}.
-##### `value`Optional
+##### `port`Optional
-public java.lang.String getValue();
+public java.lang.Number getPort();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The value of the environment variable.
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#port App#port}.
-### AppSpecJobGit
-#### Initializer
+##### `redirectCode`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobGit;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .repoCloneUrl(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.Number getRedirectCode();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| repoCloneUrl
| java.lang.String
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#redirect_code App#redirect_code}.
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `scheme`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public java.lang.String getScheme();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scheme App#scheme}.
-##### `repoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `uri`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepoCloneUrl();
+public java.lang.String getUri();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#uri App#uri}.
-### AppSpecJobGithub
+### AppSpecJob
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobGithub;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJob;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .repo(java.lang.String)
+ .name(java.lang.String)
+// .alert(IResolvable)
+// .alert(java.util.List)
+// .buildCommand(java.lang.String)
+// .dockerfilePath(java.lang.String)
+// .env(IResolvable)
+// .env(java.util.List)
+// .environmentSlug(java.lang.String)
+// .git(AppSpecJobGit)
+// .github(AppSpecJobGithub)
+// .gitlab(AppSpecJobGitlab)
+// .image(AppSpecJobImage)
+// .instanceCount(java.lang.Number)
+// .instanceSizeSlug(java.lang.String)
+// .kind(java.lang.String)
+// .logDestination(IResolvable)
+// .logDestination(java.util.List)
+// .runCommand(java.lang.String)
+// .sourceDir(java.lang.String)
@@ -3097,267 +3147,263 @@ AppSpecJobGithub.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+| name
| java.lang.String
| The name of the component. |
+| alert
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobAlert>
| alert block. |
+| buildCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| dockerfilePath
| java.lang.String
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| env
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobEnv>
| env block. |
+| environmentSlug
| java.lang.String
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| git
| AppSpecJobGit
| git block. |
+| github
| AppSpecJobGithub
| github block. |
+| gitlab
| AppSpecJobGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| image
| AppSpecJobImage
| image block. |
+| instanceCount
| java.lang.Number
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
+| instanceSizeSlug
| java.lang.String
| The instance size to use for this component. |
+| kind
| java.lang.String
| The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process. |
+| logDestination
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobLogDestination>
| log_destination block. |
+| runCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
+| sourceDir
| java.lang.String
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `name`Required
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public java.lang.String getName();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the branch to use.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `alert`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public java.lang.Object getAlert();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobAlert>
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
-##### `repo`Optional
+##### `buildCommand`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepo();
+public java.lang.String getBuildCommand();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-### AppSpecJobGitlab
-#### Initializer
+##### `dockerfilePath`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobGitlab;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .repo(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.String getDockerfilePath();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `env`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public java.lang.Object getEnv();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobEnv>
-The name of the branch to use.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `environmentSlug`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public java.lang.String getEnvironmentSlug();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-##### `repo`Optional
+##### `git`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepo();
+public AppSpecJobGit getGit();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobGit
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-### AppSpecJobImage
-#### Initializer
+##### `github`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobImage;
- .registryType(java.lang.String)
- .repository(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .deployOnPush(java.util.List)
-// .registry(java.lang.String)
-// .tag(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public AppSpecJobGithub getGithub();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobGithub
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| registryType
| java.lang.String
| The registry type. |
-| repository
| java.lang.String
| The repository name. |
-| deployOnPush
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush>
| deploy_on_push block. |
-| registry
| java.lang.String
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
-| tag
| java.lang.String
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+github block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-##### `registryType`Required
+##### `gitlab`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRegistryType();
+public AppSpecJobGitlab getGitlab();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobGitlab
-The registry type.
+gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `repository`Required
+##### `image`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepository();
+public AppSpecJobImage getImage();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobImage
-The repository name.
+image block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `instanceCount`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public java.lang.Number getInstanceCount();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush>
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-deploy_on_push block.
+The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
-##### `registry`Optional
+##### `instanceSizeSlug`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRegistry();
+public java.lang.String getInstanceSizeSlug();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+The instance size to use for this component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
-##### `tag`Optional
+##### `kind`Optional
-public java.lang.String getTag();
+public java.lang.String getKind();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
+The type of job and when it will be run during the deployment process.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#kind App#kind}
-### AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush
-#### Initializer
+##### `logDestination`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush;
+public java.lang.Object getLogDestination();
-// .enabled(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .enabled(IResolvable)
- .build();
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobLogDestination>
+log_destination block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+##### `runCommand`Optional
+public java.lang.String getRunCommand();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| enabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+An optional run command to override the component's default.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-##### `enabled`Optional
+##### `sourceDir`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getEnabled();
+public java.lang.String getSourceDir();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-### AppSpecJobLogDestination
+### AppSpecJobAlert
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobLogDestination;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobAlert;
- .name(java.lang.String)
-// .datadog(AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog)
-// .logtail(AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail)
-// .papertrail(AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail)
+ .operator(java.lang.String)
+ .rule(java.lang.String)
+ .value(java.lang.Number)
+ .window(java.lang.String)
+// .disabled(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .disabled(IResolvable)
@@ -3365,79 +3411,86 @@ AppSpecJobLogDestination.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| name
| java.lang.String
| Name of the log destination. |
-| datadog
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
-| logtail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
-| papertrail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
+| operator
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| rule
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| value
| java.lang.Number
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| window
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
-##### `name`Required
+##### `operator`Required
-public java.lang.String getName();
+public java.lang.String getOperator();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
-##### `datadog`Optional
+##### `rule`Required
-public AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog getDatadog();
+public java.lang.String getRule();
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
-datadog block.
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
-##### `logtail`Optional
+##### `value`Required
-public AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail getLogtail();
+public java.lang.Number getValue();
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
-logtail block.
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
-##### `papertrail`Optional
+##### `window`Required
-public AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail getPapertrail();
+public java.lang.String getWindow();
-- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-papertrail block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+##### `disabled`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getDisabled();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
-### AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
+### AppSpecJobEnv
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobEnv;
- .apiKey(java.lang.String)
-// .endpoint(java.lang.String)
+// .key(java.lang.String)
+// .scope(java.lang.String)
+// .type(java.lang.String)
+// .value(java.lang.String)
@@ -3445,82 +3498,79 @@ AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| apiKey
| java.lang.String
| Datadog API key. |
-| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+| key
| java.lang.String
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| scope
| java.lang.String
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| type
| java.lang.String
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| value
| java.lang.String
| The value of the environment variable. |
-##### `apiKey`Required
+##### `key`Optional
-public java.lang.String getApiKey();
+public java.lang.String getKey();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Datadog API key.
+The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
-##### `endpoint`Optional
+##### `scope`Optional
-public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
+public java.lang.String getScope();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
-### AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
-#### Initializer
+##### `type`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail;
- .token(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.String getType();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| token
| java.lang.String
| Logtail token. |
+The type of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
-##### `token`Required
+##### `value`Optional
-public java.lang.String getToken();
+public java.lang.String getValue();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Logtail token.
+The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
-### AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
+### AppSpecJobGit
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobGit;
- .endpoint(java.lang.String)
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .repoCloneUrl(java.lang.String)
@@ -3528,56 +3578,51 @@ AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| repoCloneUrl
| java.lang.String
| The clone URL of the repo. |
-##### `endpoint`Required
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-### AppSpecService
+##### `repoCloneUrl`Optional
-#### Initializer
+public java.lang.String getRepoCloneUrl();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The clone URL of the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+### AppSpecJobGithub
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecService;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobGithub;
- .name(java.lang.String)
-// .alert(IResolvable)
-// .alert(java.util.List)
-// .buildCommand(java.lang.String)
-// .cors(AppSpecServiceCors)
-// .dockerfilePath(java.lang.String)
-// .env(IResolvable)
-// .env(java.util.List)
-// .environmentSlug(java.lang.String)
-// .git(AppSpecServiceGit)
-// .github(AppSpecServiceGithub)
-// .gitlab(AppSpecServiceGitlab)
-// .healthCheck(AppSpecServiceHealthCheck)
-// .httpPort(java.lang.Number)
-// .image(AppSpecServiceImage)
-// .instanceCount(java.lang.Number)
-// .instanceSizeSlug(java.lang.String)
-// .internalPorts(java.util.List)
-// .logDestination(IResolvable)
-// .logDestination(java.util.List)
-// .routes(IResolvable)
-// .routes(java.util.List)
-// .runCommand(java.lang.String)
-// .sourceDir(java.lang.String)
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .repo(java.lang.String)
@@ -3585,321 +3630,347 @@ AppSpecService.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| name
| java.lang.String
| The name of the component. |
-| alert
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceAlert>
| alert block. |
-| buildCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| cors
| AppSpecServiceCors
| cors block. |
-| dockerfilePath
| java.lang.String
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| env
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceEnv>
| env block. |
-| environmentSlug
| java.lang.String
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| git
| AppSpecServiceGit
| git block. |
-| github
| AppSpecServiceGithub
| github block. |
-| gitlab
| AppSpecServiceGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| healthCheck
| AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
| health_check block. |
-| httpPort
| java.lang.Number
| The internal port on which this service's run command will listen. |
-| image
| AppSpecServiceImage
| image block. |
-| instanceCount
| java.lang.Number
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
-| instanceSizeSlug
| java.lang.String
| The instance size to use for this component. |
-| internalPorts
| java.util.List
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}. |
-| logDestination
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceLogDestination>
| log_destination block. |
-| routes
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceRoutes>
| routes block. |
-| runCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
-| sourceDir
| java.lang.String
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `name`Required
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.String getName();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the component.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `alert`Optional
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getAlert();
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceAlert>
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-alert block.
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `buildCommand`Optional
+##### `repo`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBuildCommand();
+public java.lang.String getRepo();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-##### `cors`Optional
+### AppSpecJobGitlab
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecServiceCors getCors();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobGitlab;
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCors
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .repo(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-cors block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `dockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.String getDockerfilePath();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `env`Optional
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getEnv();
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceEnv>
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-env block.
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `environmentSlug`Optional
+##### `repo`Optional
-public java.lang.String getEnvironmentSlug();
+public java.lang.String getRepo();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-##### `git`Optional
+### AppSpecJobImage
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecServiceGit getGit();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobImage;
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGit
+ .registryType(java.lang.String)
+ .repository(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .deployOnPush(java.util.List)
+// .registry(java.lang.String)
+// .tag(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-git block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| registryType
| java.lang.String
| The registry type. |
+| repository
| java.lang.String
| The repository name. |
+| deployOnPush
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush>
| deploy_on_push block. |
+| registry
| java.lang.String
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
+| tag
| java.lang.String
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
-##### `github`Optional
+##### `registryType`Required
-public AppSpecServiceGithub getGithub();
+public java.lang.String getRegistryType();
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGithub
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-github block.
+The registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
-##### `gitlab`Optional
+##### `repository`Required
-public AppSpecServiceGitlab getGitlab();
+public java.lang.String getRepository();
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGitlab
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-gitlab block.
+The repository name.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
-##### `healthCheck`Optional
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-public AppSpecServiceHealthCheck getHealthCheck();
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush>
-health_check block.
+deploy_on_push block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#health_check App#health_check}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `httpPort`Optional
+##### `registry`Optional
-public java.lang.Number getHttpPort();
+public java.lang.String getRegistry();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The internal port on which this service's run command will listen.
+The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#http_port App#http_port}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
-##### `image`Optional
+##### `tag`Optional
-public AppSpecServiceImage getImage();
+public java.lang.String getTag();
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceImage
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-image block.
+The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
-##### `instanceCount`Optional
+### AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.Number getInstanceCount();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobImageDeployOnPush;
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+// .enabled(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .enabled(IResolvable)
+ .build();
-The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| enabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
-##### `instanceSizeSlug`Optional
+##### `enabled`Optional
-public java.lang.String getInstanceSizeSlug();
+public java.lang.Object getEnabled();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-The instance size to use for this component.
+Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
-##### `internalPorts`Optional
+### AppSpecJobLogDestination
+#### Initializer
-public java.util.List getInternalPorts();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobLogDestination;
+ .name(java.lang.String)
+// .datadog(AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog)
+// .logtail(AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail)
+// .papertrail(AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail)
+ .build();
-- *Type:* java.util.List
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| name
| java.lang.String
| Name of the log destination. |
+| datadog
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
+| logtail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
+| papertrail
| AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
-##### `logDestination`Optional
+##### `name`Required
-public java.lang.Object getLogDestination();
+public java.lang.String getName();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceLogDestination>
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-log_destination block.
+Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `routes`Optional
+##### `datadog`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getRoutes();
+public AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog getDatadog();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceRoutes>
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
-routes block.
+datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
-##### `runCommand`Optional
+##### `logtail`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRunCommand();
+public AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail getLogtail();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
-An optional run command to override the component's default.
+logtail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
-##### `sourceDir`Optional
+##### `papertrail`Optional
-public java.lang.String getSourceDir();
+public AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail getPapertrail();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+papertrail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
-### AppSpecServiceAlert
+### AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceAlert;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationDatadog;
- .operator(java.lang.String)
- .rule(java.lang.String)
- .value(java.lang.Number)
- .window(java.lang.String)
-// .disabled(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .disabled(IResolvable)
+ .apiKey(java.lang.String)
+// .endpoint(java.lang.String)
@@ -3907,89 +3978,82 @@ AppSpecServiceAlert.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| operator
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| rule
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| value
| java.lang.Number
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| window
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| apiKey
| java.lang.String
| Datadog API key. |
+| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
-##### `operator`Required
+##### `apiKey`Required
-public java.lang.String getOperator();
+public java.lang.String getApiKey();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+Datadog API key.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
-##### `rule`Required
+##### `endpoint`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRule();
+public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-##### `value`Required
+### AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.Number getValue();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationLogtail;
+ .token(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| token
| java.lang.String
| Logtail token. |
-##### `window`Required
+##### `token`Required
-public java.lang.String getWindow();
+public java.lang.String getToken();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
-##### `disabled`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDisabled();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+Logtail token.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
-### AppSpecServiceCors
+### AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceCors;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecJobLogDestinationPapertrail;
-// .allowCredentials(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .allowCredentials(IResolvable)
-// .allowHeaders(java.util.List)
-// .allowMethods(java.util.List)
-// .allowOrigins(AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins)
-// .exposeHeaders(java.util.List)
-// .maxAge(java.lang.String)
+ .endpoint(java.lang.String)
@@ -3997,380 +4061,378 @@ AppSpecServiceCors.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| allowCredentials
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
-| allowHeaders
| java.util.List
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
-| allowMethods
| java.util.List
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
-| allowOrigins
| AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
-| exposeHeaders
| java.util.List
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
-| maxAge
| java.lang.String
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
+| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
-##### `allowCredentials`Optional
+##### `endpoint`Required
-public java.lang.Object getAllowCredentials();
+public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
+Papertrail syslog endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-##### `allowHeaders`Optional
-public java.util.List getAllowHeaders();
-- *Type:* java.util.List
-The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
+### AppSpecService
-##### `allowMethods`Optional
+#### Initializer
-public java.util.List getAllowMethods();
-- *Type:* java.util.List
-The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecService;
+ .name(java.lang.String)
+// .alert(IResolvable)
+// .alert(java.util.List)
+// .buildCommand(java.lang.String)
+// .cors(AppSpecServiceCors)
+// .dockerfilePath(java.lang.String)
+// .env(IResolvable)
+// .env(java.util.List)
+// .environmentSlug(java.lang.String)
+// .git(AppSpecServiceGit)
+// .github(AppSpecServiceGithub)
+// .gitlab(AppSpecServiceGitlab)
+// .healthCheck(AppSpecServiceHealthCheck)
+// .httpPort(java.lang.Number)
+// .image(AppSpecServiceImage)
+// .instanceCount(java.lang.Number)
+// .instanceSizeSlug(java.lang.String)
+// .internalPorts(java.util.List)
+// .logDestination(IResolvable)
+// .logDestination(java.util.List)
+// .routes(IResolvable)
+// .routes(java.util.List)
+// .runCommand(java.lang.String)
+// .sourceDir(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| name
| java.lang.String
| The name of the component. |
+| alert
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceAlert>
| alert block. |
+| buildCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| cors
| AppSpecServiceCors
| cors block. |
+| dockerfilePath
| java.lang.String
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| env
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceEnv>
| env block. |
+| environmentSlug
| java.lang.String
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| git
| AppSpecServiceGit
| git block. |
+| github
| AppSpecServiceGithub
| github block. |
+| gitlab
| AppSpecServiceGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| healthCheck
| AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
| health_check block. |
+| httpPort
| java.lang.Number
| The internal port on which this service's run command will listen. |
+| image
| AppSpecServiceImage
| image block. |
+| instanceCount
| java.lang.Number
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
+| instanceSizeSlug
| java.lang.String
| The instance size to use for this component. |
+| internalPorts
| java.util.List
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}. |
+| logDestination
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceLogDestination>
| log_destination block. |
+| routes
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceRoutes>
| routes block. |
+| runCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
+| sourceDir
| java.lang.String
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `allowOrigins`Optional
+##### `name`Required
-public AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins getAllowOrigins();
+public java.lang.String getName();
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-allow_origins block.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `exposeHeaders`Optional
+##### `alert`Optional
-public java.util.List getExposeHeaders();
+public java.lang.Object getAlert();
-- *Type:* java.util.List
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceAlert>
-The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
+alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
-##### `maxAge`Optional
+##### `buildCommand`Optional
-public java.lang.String getMaxAge();
+public java.lang.String getBuildCommand();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
-This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-### AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializer
+##### `cors`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins;
-// .exact(java.lang.String)
-// .prefix(java.lang.String)
-// .regex(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public AppSpecServiceCors getCors();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCors
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| exact
| java.lang.String
| Exact string match. |
-| prefix
| java.lang.String
| Prefix-based match. |
-| regex
| java.lang.String
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
+cors block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
-##### `exact`Optional
+##### `dockerfilePath`Optional
-public java.lang.String getExact();
+public java.lang.String getDockerfilePath();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Exact string match.
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `prefix`Optional
+##### `env`Optional
-public java.lang.String getPrefix();
+public java.lang.Object getEnv();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceEnv>
-Prefix-based match.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `regex`Optional
+##### `environmentSlug`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRegex();
+public java.lang.String getEnvironmentSlug();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-RE2 style regex-based match.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-### AppSpecServiceEnv
-#### Initializer
+##### `git`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceEnv;
-// .key(java.lang.String)
-// .scope(java.lang.String)
-// .type(java.lang.String)
-// .value(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public AppSpecServiceGit getGit();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGit
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| key
| java.lang.String
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| scope
| java.lang.String
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| type
| java.lang.String
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| value
| java.lang.String
| The value of the environment variable. |
+git block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-##### `key`Optional
+##### `github`Optional
-public java.lang.String getKey();
+public AppSpecServiceGithub getGithub();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGithub
-The name of the environment variable.
+github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-##### `scope`Optional
+##### `gitlab`Optional
-public java.lang.String getScope();
+public AppSpecServiceGitlab getGitlab();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceGitlab
-The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `type`Optional
+##### `healthCheck`Optional
-public java.lang.String getType();
+public AppSpecServiceHealthCheck getHealthCheck();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
-The type of the environment variable.
+health_check block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#health_check App#health_check}
-##### `value`Optional
+##### `httpPort`Optional
-public java.lang.String getValue();
+public java.lang.Number getHttpPort();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-The value of the environment variable.
+The internal port on which this service's run command will listen.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#http_port App#http_port}
-### AppSpecServiceGit
-#### Initializer
+##### `image`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceGit;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .repoCloneUrl(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public AppSpecServiceImage getImage();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceImage
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| repoCloneUrl
| java.lang.String
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+image block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `instanceCount`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public java.lang.Number getInstanceCount();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-The name of the branch to use.
+The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
-##### `repoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `instanceSizeSlug`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepoCloneUrl();
+public java.lang.String getInstanceSizeSlug();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The clone URL of the repo.
+The instance size to use for this component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
-### AppSpecServiceGithub
-#### Initializer
+##### `internalPorts`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceGithub;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .repo(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.util.List getInternalPorts();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.util.List
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#internal_ports App#internal_ports}.
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `logDestination`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public java.lang.Object getLogDestination();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceLogDestination>
-The name of the branch to use.
+log_destination block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `routes`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public java.lang.Object getRoutes();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceRoutes>
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
-##### `repo`Optional
+##### `runCommand`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepo();
+public java.lang.String getRunCommand();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+An optional run command to override the component's default.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-### AppSpecServiceGitlab
-#### Initializer
+##### `sourceDir`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceGitlab;
+public java.lang.String getSourceDir();
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .repo(java.lang.String)
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+### AppSpecServiceAlert
+#### Initializer
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceAlert;
+ .operator(java.lang.String)
+ .rule(java.lang.String)
+ .value(java.lang.Number)
+ .window(java.lang.String)
+// .disabled(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .disabled(IResolvable)
@@ -4378,68 +4440,89 @@ AppSpecServiceGitlab.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+| operator
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| rule
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| value
| java.lang.Number
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| window
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `operator`Required
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public java.lang.String getOperator();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `rule`Required
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public java.lang.String getRule();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+##### `value`Required
+public java.lang.Number getValue();
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
-##### `repo`Optional
+##### `window`Required
-public java.lang.String getRepo();
+public java.lang.String getWindow();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+##### `disabled`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getDisabled();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
-### AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
+### AppSpecServiceCors
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceHealthCheck;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceCors;
-// .failureThreshold(java.lang.Number)
-// .httpPath(java.lang.String)
-// .initialDelaySeconds(java.lang.Number)
-// .periodSeconds(java.lang.Number)
-// .successThreshold(java.lang.Number)
-// .timeoutSeconds(java.lang.Number)
+// .allowCredentials(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .allowCredentials(IResolvable)
+// .allowHeaders(java.util.List)
+// .allowMethods(java.util.List)
+// .allowOrigins(AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins)
+// .exposeHeaders(java.util.List)
+// .maxAge(java.lang.String)
@@ -4447,113 +4530,114 @@ AppSpecServiceHealthCheck.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| failureThreshold
| java.lang.Number
| The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy. |
-| httpPath
| java.lang.String
| The route path used for the HTTP health check ping. |
-| initialDelaySeconds
| java.lang.Number
| The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks. |
-| periodSeconds
| java.lang.Number
| The number of seconds to wait between health checks. |
-| successThreshold
| java.lang.Number
| The number of successful health checks before considered healthy. |
-| timeoutSeconds
| java.lang.Number
| The number of seconds after which the check times out. |
+| allowCredentials
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
+| allowHeaders
| java.util.List
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
+| allowMethods
| java.util.List
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
+| allowOrigins
| AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
+| exposeHeaders
| java.util.List
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
+| maxAge
| java.lang.String
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
-##### `failureThreshold`Optional
+##### `allowCredentials`Optional
-public java.lang.Number getFailureThreshold();
+public java.lang.Object getAllowCredentials();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy.
+Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
+This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#failure_threshold App#failure_threshold}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `httpPath`Optional
+##### `allowHeaders`Optional
-public java.lang.String getHttpPath();
+public java.util.List getAllowHeaders();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.util.List
-The route path used for the HTTP health check ping.
+The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#http_path App#http_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
-##### `initialDelaySeconds`Optional
+##### `allowMethods`Optional
-public java.lang.Number getInitialDelaySeconds();
+public java.util.List getAllowMethods();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+- *Type:* java.util.List
-The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks.
+The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#initial_delay_seconds App#initial_delay_seconds}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
-##### `periodSeconds`Optional
+##### `allowOrigins`Optional
-public java.lang.Number getPeriodSeconds();
+public AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins getAllowOrigins();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
-The number of seconds to wait between health checks.
+allow_origins block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#period_seconds App#period_seconds}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
-##### `successThreshold`Optional
+##### `exposeHeaders`Optional
-public java.lang.Number getSuccessThreshold();
+public java.util.List getExposeHeaders();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+- *Type:* java.util.List
-The number of successful health checks before considered healthy.
+The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#success_threshold App#success_threshold}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
-##### `timeoutSeconds`Optional
+##### `maxAge`Optional
-public java.lang.Number getTimeoutSeconds();
+public java.lang.String getMaxAge();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The number of seconds after which the check times out.
+An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#timeout_seconds App#timeout_seconds}
+This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
-### AppSpecServiceImage
+### AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceImage;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceCorsAllowOrigins;
- .registryType(java.lang.String)
- .repository(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .deployOnPush(java.util.List)
-// .registry(java.lang.String)
-// .tag(java.lang.String)
+// .exact(java.lang.String)
+// .prefix(java.lang.String)
+// .regex(java.lang.String)
@@ -4561,211 +4645,198 @@ AppSpecServiceImage.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| registryType
| java.lang.String
| The registry type. |
-| repository
| java.lang.String
| The repository name. |
-| deployOnPush
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush>
| deploy_on_push block. |
-| registry
| java.lang.String
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
-| tag
| java.lang.String
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+| exact
| java.lang.String
| Exact string match. |
+| prefix
| java.lang.String
| Prefix-based match. |
+| regex
| java.lang.String
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `registryType`Required
+##### `exact`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRegistryType();
+public java.lang.String getExact();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The registry type.
+Exact string match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
-##### `repository`Required
+##### `prefix`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepository();
+public java.lang.String getPrefix();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The repository name.
+Prefix-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `regex`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public java.lang.String getRegex();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush>
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-deploy_on_push block.
+RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
-##### `registry`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceEnv
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.String getRegistry();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceEnv;
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+// .key(java.lang.String)
+// .scope(java.lang.String)
+// .type(java.lang.String)
+// .value(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| key
| java.lang.String
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| scope
| java.lang.String
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| type
| java.lang.String
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| value
| java.lang.String
| The value of the environment variable. |
-##### `tag`Optional
+##### `key`Optional
-public java.lang.String getTag();
+public java.lang.String getKey();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
+The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
-### AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush
-#### Initializer
+##### `scope`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush;
-// .enabled(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .enabled(IResolvable)
- .build();
+public java.lang.String getScope();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| enabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
-##### `enabled`Optional
+##### `type`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getEnabled();
+public java.lang.String getType();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestination
-#### Initializer
+##### `value`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestination;
- .name(java.lang.String)
-// .datadog(AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog)
-// .logtail(AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail)
-// .papertrail(AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail)
- .build();
-#### Properties
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| name
| java.lang.String
| Name of the log destination. |
-| datadog
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
-| logtail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
-| papertrail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
-##### `name`Required
-public java.lang.String getName();
+public java.lang.String getValue();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Name of the log destination.
+The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
-##### `datadog`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceGit
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog getDatadog();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceGit;
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .repoCloneUrl(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-datadog block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| repoCloneUrl
| java.lang.String
| The clone URL of the repo. |
-##### `logtail`Optional
+##### `branch`Optional
-public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail getLogtail();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-logtail block.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `papertrail`Optional
+##### `repoCloneUrl`Optional
-public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail getPapertrail();
+public java.lang.String getRepoCloneUrl();
-- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-papertrail block.
+The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
+### AppSpecServiceGithub
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceGithub;
- .apiKey(java.lang.String)
-// .endpoint(java.lang.String)
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .repo(java.lang.String)
@@ -4773,48 +4844,66 @@ AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| apiKey
| java.lang.String
| Datadog API key. |
-| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `apiKey`Required
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.String getApiKey();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Datadog API key.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `endpoint`Optional
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+##### `repo`Optional
+public java.lang.String getRepo();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
+### AppSpecServiceGitlab
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceGitlab;
- .token(java.lang.String)
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .repo(java.lang.String)
@@ -4822,69 +4911,68 @@ AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| token
| java.lang.String
| Logtail token. |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `token`Required
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.String getToken();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Logtail token.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
-#### Initializer
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail;
- .endpoint(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `endpoint`Required
+##### `repo`Optional
-public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
+public java.lang.String getRepo();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-### AppSpecServiceRoutes
+### AppSpecServiceHealthCheck
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceRoutes;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceHealthCheck;
-// .path(java.lang.String)
-// .preservePathPrefix(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .preservePathPrefix(IResolvable)
+// .failureThreshold(java.lang.Number)
+// .httpPath(java.lang.String)
+// .initialDelaySeconds(java.lang.Number)
+// .periodSeconds(java.lang.Number)
+// .successThreshold(java.lang.Number)
+// .timeoutSeconds(java.lang.Number)
@@ -4892,318 +4980,325 @@ AppSpecServiceRoutes.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| path
| java.lang.String
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
-| preservePathPrefix
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
+| failureThreshold
| java.lang.Number
| The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy. |
+| httpPath
| java.lang.String
| The route path used for the HTTP health check ping. |
+| initialDelaySeconds
| java.lang.Number
| The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks. |
+| periodSeconds
| java.lang.Number
| The number of seconds to wait between health checks. |
+| successThreshold
| java.lang.Number
| The number of successful health checks before considered healthy. |
+| timeoutSeconds
| java.lang.Number
| The number of seconds after which the check times out. |
-##### `path`Optional
+##### `failureThreshold`Optional
-public java.lang.String getPath();
+public java.lang.Number getFailureThreshold();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
+The number of failed health checks before considered unhealthy.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#failure_threshold App#failure_threshold}
-##### `preservePathPrefix`Optional
+##### `httpPath`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getPreservePathPrefix();
+public java.lang.String getHttpPath();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
+The route path used for the HTTP health check ping.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#http_path App#http_path}
-### AppSpecStaticSite
-#### Initializer
+##### `initialDelaySeconds`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSite;
- .name(java.lang.String)
-// .buildCommand(java.lang.String)
-// .catchallDocument(java.lang.String)
-// .cors(AppSpecStaticSiteCors)
-// .dockerfilePath(java.lang.String)
-// .env(IResolvable)
-// .env(java.util.List)
-// .environmentSlug(java.lang.String)
-// .errorDocument(java.lang.String)
-// .git(AppSpecStaticSiteGit)
-// .github(AppSpecStaticSiteGithub)
-// .gitlab(AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab)
-// .indexDocument(java.lang.String)
-// .outputDir(java.lang.String)
-// .routes(IResolvable)
-// .routes(java.util.List)
-// .sourceDir(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.Number getInitialDelaySeconds();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| name
| java.lang.String
| The name of the component. |
-| buildCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| catchallDocument
| java.lang.String
| The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site. |
-| cors
| AppSpecStaticSiteCors
| cors block. |
-| dockerfilePath
| java.lang.String
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| env
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecStaticSiteEnv>
| env block. |
-| environmentSlug
| java.lang.String
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| errorDocument
| java.lang.String
| The name of the error document to use when serving this static site. |
-| git
| AppSpecStaticSiteGit
| git block. |
-| github
| AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
| github block. |
-| gitlab
| AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| indexDocument
| java.lang.String
| The name of the index document to use when serving this static site. |
-| outputDir
| java.lang.String
| An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context. |
-| routes
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes>
| routes block. |
-| sourceDir
| java.lang.String
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+The number of seconds to wait before beginning health checks.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#initial_delay_seconds App#initial_delay_seconds}
-##### `name`Required
+##### `periodSeconds`Optional
-public java.lang.String getName();
+public java.lang.Number getPeriodSeconds();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-The name of the component.
+The number of seconds to wait between health checks.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#period_seconds App#period_seconds}
-##### `buildCommand`Optional
+##### `successThreshold`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBuildCommand();
+public java.lang.Number getSuccessThreshold();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+The number of successful health checks before considered healthy.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#success_threshold App#success_threshold}
-##### `catchallDocument`Optional
+##### `timeoutSeconds`Optional
-public java.lang.String getCatchallDocument();
+public java.lang.Number getTimeoutSeconds();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site.
+The number of seconds after which the check times out.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#catchall_document App#catchall_document}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#timeout_seconds App#timeout_seconds}
-##### `cors`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceImage
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecStaticSiteCors getCors();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceImage;
+ .registryType(java.lang.String)
+ .repository(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .deployOnPush(java.util.List)
+// .registry(java.lang.String)
+// .tag(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCors
+#### Properties
-cors block.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| registryType
| java.lang.String
| The registry type. |
+| repository
| java.lang.String
| The repository name. |
+| deployOnPush
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush>
| deploy_on_push block. |
+| registry
| java.lang.String
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
+| tag
| java.lang.String
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+##### `registryType`Required
+public java.lang.String getRegistryType();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
+The registry type.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
-##### `dockerfilePath`Optional
+##### `repository`Required
-public java.lang.String getDockerfilePath();
+public java.lang.String getRepository();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+The repository name.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
-##### `env`Optional
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getEnv();
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecStaticSiteEnv>
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush>
-env block.
+deploy_on_push block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `environmentSlug`Optional
+##### `registry`Optional
-public java.lang.String getEnvironmentSlug();
+public java.lang.String getRegistry();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
-##### `errorDocument`Optional
+##### `tag`Optional
-public java.lang.String getErrorDocument();
+public java.lang.String getTag();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the error document to use when serving this static site.
+The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#error_document App#error_document}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
-##### `git`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecStaticSiteGit getGit();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceImageDeployOnPush;
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGit
+// .enabled(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .enabled(IResolvable)
+ .build();
-git block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| enabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
-##### `github`Optional
+##### `enabled`Optional
-public AppSpecStaticSiteGithub getGithub();
+public java.lang.Object getEnabled();
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-github block.
+Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
-##### `gitlab`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestination
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab getGitlab();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestination;
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
+ .name(java.lang.String)
+// .datadog(AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog)
+// .logtail(AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail)
+// .papertrail(AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail)
+ .build();
-gitlab block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| name
| java.lang.String
| Name of the log destination. |
+| datadog
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
+| logtail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
+| papertrail
| AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
-##### `indexDocument`Optional
+##### `name`Required
-public java.lang.String getIndexDocument();
+public java.lang.String getName();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the index document to use when serving this static site.
+Name of the log destination.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#index_document App#index_document}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `outputDir`Optional
+##### `datadog`Optional
-public java.lang.String getOutputDir();
+public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog getDatadog();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context.
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
-If not set, App Platform will automatically scan for these directory names: `_static`, `dist`, `public`.
+datadog block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#output_dir App#output_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
-##### `routes`Optional
+##### `logtail`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getRoutes();
+public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail getLogtail();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes>
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
-routes block.
+logtail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
-##### `sourceDir`Optional
+##### `papertrail`Optional
-public java.lang.String getSourceDir();
+public AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail getPapertrail();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+papertrail block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteCors
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteCors;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationDatadog;
-// .allowCredentials(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .allowCredentials(IResolvable)
-// .allowHeaders(java.util.List)
-// .allowMethods(java.util.List)
-// .allowOrigins(AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins)
-// .exposeHeaders(java.util.List)
-// .maxAge(java.lang.String)
+ .apiKey(java.lang.String)
+// .endpoint(java.lang.String)
@@ -5211,114 +5306,118 @@ AppSpecStaticSiteCors.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| allowCredentials
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
-| allowHeaders
| java.util.List
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
-| allowMethods
| java.util.List
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
-| allowOrigins
| AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
-| exposeHeaders
| java.util.List
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
-| maxAge
| java.lang.String
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
+| apiKey
| java.lang.String
| Datadog API key. |
+| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
-##### `allowCredentials`Optional
+##### `apiKey`Required
-public java.lang.Object getAllowCredentials();
+public java.lang.String getApiKey();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
+Datadog API key.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
-##### `allowHeaders`Optional
+##### `endpoint`Optional
-public java.util.List getAllowHeaders();
+public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
-- *Type:* java.util.List
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
+Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-##### `allowMethods`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail
+#### Initializer
-public java.util.List getAllowMethods();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationLogtail;
-- *Type:* java.util.List
+ .token(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| token
| java.lang.String
| Logtail token. |
-##### `allowOrigins`Optional
+##### `token`Required
-public AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins getAllowOrigins();
+public java.lang.String getToken();
-- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-allow_origins block.
+Logtail token.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
-##### `exposeHeaders`Optional
+### AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail
+#### Initializer
-public java.util.List getExposeHeaders();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceLogDestinationPapertrail;
-- *Type:* java.util.List
+ .endpoint(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
-##### `maxAge`Optional
+##### `endpoint`Required
-public java.lang.String getMaxAge();
+public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
-This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
+Papertrail syslog endpoint.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
+### AppSpecServiceRoutes
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecServiceRoutes;
-// .exact(java.lang.String)
-// .prefix(java.lang.String)
-// .regex(java.lang.String)
+// .path(java.lang.String)
+// .preservePathPrefix(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .preservePathPrefix(IResolvable)
@@ -5326,66 +5425,66 @@ AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| exact
| java.lang.String
| Exact string match. |
-| prefix
| java.lang.String
| Prefix-based match. |
-| regex
| java.lang.String
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
+| path
| java.lang.String
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
+| preservePathPrefix
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
-##### `exact`Optional
+##### `path`Optional
-public java.lang.String getExact();
+public java.lang.String getPath();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Exact string match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
-##### `prefix`Optional
-public java.lang.String getPrefix();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
-Prefix-based match.
+Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
-##### `regex`Optional
+##### `preservePathPrefix`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRegex();
+public java.lang.Object getPreservePathPrefix();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-RE2 style regex-based match.
+An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteEnv
+### AppSpecStaticSite
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteEnv;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSite;
-// .key(java.lang.String)
-// .scope(java.lang.String)
-// .type(java.lang.String)
-// .value(java.lang.String)
+ .name(java.lang.String)
+// .buildCommand(java.lang.String)
+// .catchallDocument(java.lang.String)
+// .cors(AppSpecStaticSiteCors)
+// .dockerfilePath(java.lang.String)
+// .env(IResolvable)
+// .env(java.util.List)
+// .environmentSlug(java.lang.String)
+// .errorDocument(java.lang.String)
+// .git(AppSpecStaticSiteGit)
+// .github(AppSpecStaticSiteGithub)
+// .gitlab(AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab)
+// .indexDocument(java.lang.String)
+// .outputDir(java.lang.String)
+// .routes(IResolvable)
+// .routes(java.util.List)
+// .sourceDir(java.lang.String)
@@ -5393,264 +5492,251 @@ AppSpecStaticSiteEnv.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| key
| java.lang.String
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| scope
| java.lang.String
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| type
| java.lang.String
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| value
| java.lang.String
| The value of the environment variable. |
+| name
| java.lang.String
| The name of the component. |
+| buildCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| catchallDocument
| java.lang.String
| The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site. |
+| cors
| AppSpecStaticSiteCors
| cors block. |
+| dockerfilePath
| java.lang.String
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| env
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecStaticSiteEnv>
| env block. |
+| environmentSlug
| java.lang.String
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| errorDocument
| java.lang.String
| The name of the error document to use when serving this static site. |
+| git
| AppSpecStaticSiteGit
| git block. |
+| github
| AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
| github block. |
+| gitlab
| AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| indexDocument
| java.lang.String
| The name of the index document to use when serving this static site. |
+| outputDir
| java.lang.String
| An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context. |
+| routes
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes>
| routes block. |
+| sourceDir
| java.lang.String
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `key`Optional
+##### `name`Required
-public java.lang.String getKey();
+public java.lang.String getName();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the environment variable.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `scope`Optional
+##### `buildCommand`Optional
-public java.lang.String getScope();
+public java.lang.String getBuildCommand();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-##### `type`Optional
+##### `catchallDocument`Optional
-public java.lang.String getType();
+public java.lang.String getCatchallDocument();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The type of the environment variable.
+The name of the document to use as the fallback for any requests to documents that are not found when serving this static site.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#catchall_document App#catchall_document}
-##### `value`Optional
+##### `cors`Optional
-public java.lang.String getValue();
+public AppSpecStaticSiteCors getCors();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCors
-The value of the environment variable.
+cors block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#cors App#cors}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteGit
-#### Initializer
+##### `dockerfilePath`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGit;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .repoCloneUrl(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.String getDockerfilePath();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| repoCloneUrl
| java.lang.String
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `env`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public java.lang.Object getEnv();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecStaticSiteEnv>
-The name of the branch to use.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `repoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `environmentSlug`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepoCloneUrl();
+public java.lang.String getEnvironmentSlug();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The clone URL of the repo.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
-#### Initializer
+##### `errorDocument`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGithub;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .repo(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.String getErrorDocument();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+The name of the error document to use when serving this static site.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#error_document App#error_document}
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `git`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public AppSpecStaticSiteGit getGit();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGit
-The name of the branch to use.
+git block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `github`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public AppSpecStaticSiteGithub getGithub();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-##### `repo`Optional
+##### `gitlab`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepo();
+public AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab getGitlab();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
-#### Initializer
+##### `indexDocument`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .repo(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.String getIndexDocument();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+The name of the index document to use when serving this static site.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#index_document App#index_document}
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `outputDir`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public java.lang.String getOutputDir();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the branch to use.
+An optional path to where the built assets will be located, relative to the build context.
+If not set, App Platform will automatically scan for these directory names: `_static`, `dist`, `public`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#output_dir App#output_dir}
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `routes`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public java.lang.Object getRoutes();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes>
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+routes block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#routes App#routes}
-##### `repo`Optional
+##### `sourceDir`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepo();
+public java.lang.String getSourceDir();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-### AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes
+### AppSpecStaticSiteCors
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteCors;
-// .path(java.lang.String)
-// .preservePathPrefix(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .preservePathPrefix(IResolvable)
+// .allowCredentials(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .allowCredentials(IResolvable)
+// .allowHeaders(java.util.List)
+// .allowMethods(java.util.List)
+// .allowOrigins(AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins)
+// .exposeHeaders(java.util.List)
+// .maxAge(java.lang.String)
@@ -5658,316 +5744,313 @@ AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| path
| java.lang.String
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
-| preservePathPrefix
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
-##### `path`Optional
+| allowCredentials
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`. |
+| allowHeaders
| java.util.List
| The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
+| allowMethods
| java.util.List
| The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
+| allowOrigins
| AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
| allow_origins block. |
+| exposeHeaders
| java.util.List
| The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
+| maxAge
| java.lang.String
| An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request. |
+##### `allowCredentials`Optional
-public java.lang.String getPath();
+public java.lang.Object getAllowCredentials();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
+Whether browsers should expose the response to the client-side JavaScript code when the request’s credentials mode is `include`.
-Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
+This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_credentials App#allow_credentials}
-##### `preservePathPrefix`Optional
+##### `allowHeaders`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getPreservePathPrefix();
+public java.util.List getAllowHeaders();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* java.util.List
-An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
+The set of allowed HTTP request headers. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_headers App#allow_headers}
-### AppSpecWorker
-#### Initializer
+##### `allowMethods`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorker;
- .name(java.lang.String)
-// .alert(IResolvable)
-// .alert(java.util.List)
-// .buildCommand(java.lang.String)
-// .dockerfilePath(java.lang.String)
-// .env(IResolvable)
-// .env(java.util.List)
-// .environmentSlug(java.lang.String)
-// .git(AppSpecWorkerGit)
-// .github(AppSpecWorkerGithub)
-// .gitlab(AppSpecWorkerGitlab)
-// .image(AppSpecWorkerImage)
-// .instanceCount(java.lang.Number)
-// .instanceSizeSlug(java.lang.String)
-// .logDestination(IResolvable)
-// .logDestination(java.util.List)
-// .runCommand(java.lang.String)
-// .sourceDir(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.util.List getAllowMethods();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.util.List
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| name
| java.lang.String
| The name of the component. |
-| alert
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerAlert>
| alert block. |
-| buildCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
-| dockerfilePath
| java.lang.String
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
-| env
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerEnv>
| env block. |
-| environmentSlug
| java.lang.String
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
-| git
| AppSpecWorkerGit
| git block. |
-| github
| AppSpecWorkerGithub
| github block. |
-| gitlab
| AppSpecWorkerGitlab
| gitlab block. |
-| image
| AppSpecWorkerImage
| image block. |
-| instanceCount
| java.lang.Number
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
-| instanceSizeSlug
| java.lang.String
| The instance size to use for this component. |
-| logDestination
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerLogDestination>
| log_destination block. |
-| runCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
-| sourceDir
| java.lang.String
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
+The set of allowed HTTP methods. This configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_methods App#allow_methods}
-##### `name`Required
+##### `allowOrigins`Optional
-public java.lang.String getName();
+public AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins getAllowOrigins();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
-The name of the component.
+allow_origins block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#allow_origins App#allow_origins}
-##### `alert`Optional
+##### `exposeHeaders`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getAlert();
+public java.util.List getExposeHeaders();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerAlert>
+- *Type:* java.util.List
-alert block.
+The set of HTTP response headers that browsers are allowed to access. This configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#expose_headers App#expose_headers}
-##### `buildCommand`Optional
+##### `maxAge`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBuildCommand();
+public java.lang.String getMaxAge();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+An optional duration specifying how long browsers can cache the results of a preflight request.
+This configures the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Example: `5h30m`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#max_age App#max_age}
-##### `dockerfilePath`Optional
+### AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.String getDockerfilePath();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteCorsAllowOrigins;
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+// .exact(java.lang.String)
+// .prefix(java.lang.String)
+// .regex(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| exact
| java.lang.String
| Exact string match. |
+| prefix
| java.lang.String
| Prefix-based match. |
+| regex
| java.lang.String
| RE2 style regex-based match. |
-##### `env`Optional
+##### `exact`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getEnv();
+public java.lang.String getExact();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerEnv>
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-env block.
+Exact string match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#exact App#exact}
-##### `environmentSlug`Optional
+##### `prefix`Optional
-public java.lang.String getEnvironmentSlug();
+public java.lang.String getPrefix();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An environment slug describing the type of this app.
+Prefix-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#prefix App#prefix}
-##### `git`Optional
+##### `regex`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerGit getGit();
+public java.lang.String getRegex();
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGit
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-git block.
+RE2 style regex-based match.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#regex App#regex}
-##### `github`Optional
+### AppSpecStaticSiteEnv
+#### Initializer
-public AppSpecWorkerGithub getGithub();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteEnv;
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGithub
+// .key(java.lang.String)
+// .scope(java.lang.String)
+// .type(java.lang.String)
+// .value(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-github block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| key
| java.lang.String
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| scope
| java.lang.String
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| type
| java.lang.String
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| value
| java.lang.String
| The value of the environment variable. |
-##### `gitlab`Optional
+##### `key`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerGitlab getGitlab();
+public java.lang.String getKey();
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGitlab
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-gitlab block.
+The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
-##### `image`Optional
+##### `scope`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerImage getImage();
+public java.lang.String getScope();
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerImage
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-image block.
+The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
-##### `instanceCount`Optional
+##### `type`Optional
-public java.lang.Number getInstanceCount();
+public java.lang.String getType();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
-##### `instanceSizeSlug`Optional
+##### `value`Optional
-public java.lang.String getInstanceSizeSlug();
+public java.lang.String getValue();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The instance size to use for this component.
+The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
-##### `logDestination`Optional
+### AppSpecStaticSiteGit
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.Object getLogDestination();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGit;
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerLogDestination>
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .repoCloneUrl(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-log_destination block.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| repoCloneUrl
| java.lang.String
| The clone URL of the repo. |
-##### `runCommand`Optional
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRunCommand();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An optional run command to override the component's default.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `sourceDir`Optional
+##### `repoCloneUrl`Optional
-public java.lang.String getSourceDir();
+public java.lang.String getRepoCloneUrl();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
+The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
-### AppSpecWorkerAlert
+### AppSpecStaticSiteGithub
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerAlert;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGithub;
- .operator(java.lang.String)
- .rule(java.lang.String)
- .value(java.lang.Number)
- .window(java.lang.String)
-// .disabled(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .disabled(IResolvable)
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .repo(java.lang.String)
@@ -5975,166 +6058,200 @@ AppSpecWorkerAlert.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| operator
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
-| rule
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
-| value
| java.lang.Number
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
-| window
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
-| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `operator`Required
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.String getOperator();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
+The name of the branch to use.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `rule`Required
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRule();
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `value`Required
+##### `repo`Optional
-public java.lang.Number getValue();
+public java.lang.String getRepo();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-##### `window`Required
+### AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.String getWindow();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteGitlab;
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .repo(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `disabled`Optional
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDisabled();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-### AppSpecWorkerEnv
-#### Initializer
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerEnv;
-// .key(java.lang.String)
-// .scope(java.lang.String)
-// .type(java.lang.String)
-// .value(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| key
| java.lang.String
| The name of the environment variable. |
-| scope
| java.lang.String
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
-| type
| java.lang.String
| The type of the environment variable. |
-| value
| java.lang.String
| The value of the environment variable. |
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `key`Optional
+##### `repo`Optional
-public java.lang.String getKey();
+public java.lang.String getRepo();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the environment variable.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-##### `scope`Optional
+### AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.String getScope();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecStaticSiteRoutes;
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+// .path(java.lang.String)
+// .preservePathPrefix(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .preservePathPrefix(IResolvable)
+ .build();
-The visibility scope of the environment variable.
+#### Properties
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| path
| java.lang.String
| Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix. |
+| preservePathPrefix
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service. |
-##### `type`Optional
+##### `path`Optional
-public java.lang.String getType();
+public java.lang.String getPath();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The type of the environment variable.
+Path specifies an route by HTTP path prefix.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
+Paths must start with / and must be unique within the app.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#path App#path}
-##### `value`Optional
+##### `preservePathPrefix`Optional
-public java.lang.String getValue();
+public java.lang.Object getPreservePathPrefix();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-The value of the environment variable.
+An optional flag to preserve the path that is forwarded to the backend service.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#preserve_path_prefix App#preserve_path_prefix}
-### AppSpecWorkerGit
+### AppSpecWorker
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerGit;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorker;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .repoCloneUrl(java.lang.String)
+ .name(java.lang.String)
+// .alert(IResolvable)
+// .alert(java.util.List)
+// .buildCommand(java.lang.String)
+// .dockerfilePath(java.lang.String)
+// .env(IResolvable)
+// .env(java.util.List)
+// .environmentSlug(java.lang.String)
+// .git(AppSpecWorkerGit)
+// .github(AppSpecWorkerGithub)
+// .gitlab(AppSpecWorkerGitlab)
+// .image(AppSpecWorkerImage)
+// .instanceCount(java.lang.Number)
+// .instanceSizeSlug(java.lang.String)
+// .logDestination(IResolvable)
+// .logDestination(java.util.List)
+// .runCommand(java.lang.String)
+// .sourceDir(java.lang.String)
@@ -6142,319 +6259,335 @@ AppSpecWorkerGit.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| repoCloneUrl
| java.lang.String
| The clone URL of the repo. |
+| name
| java.lang.String
| The name of the component. |
+| alert
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerAlert>
| alert block. |
+| buildCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional build command to run while building this component from source. |
+| dockerfilePath
| java.lang.String
| The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks. |
+| env
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerEnv>
| env block. |
+| environmentSlug
| java.lang.String
| An environment slug describing the type of this app. |
+| git
| AppSpecWorkerGit
| git block. |
+| github
| AppSpecWorkerGithub
| github block. |
+| gitlab
| AppSpecWorkerGitlab
| gitlab block. |
+| image
| AppSpecWorkerImage
| image block. |
+| instanceCount
| java.lang.Number
| The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to. |
+| instanceSizeSlug
| java.lang.String
| The instance size to use for this component. |
+| logDestination
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerLogDestination>
| log_destination block. |
+| runCommand
| java.lang.String
| An optional run command to override the component's default. |
+| sourceDir
| java.lang.String
| An optional path to the working directory to use for the build. |
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `name`Required
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public java.lang.String getName();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the branch to use.
+The name of the component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
-##### `repoCloneUrl`Optional
+##### `alert`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepoCloneUrl();
+public java.lang.Object getAlert();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerAlert>
-The clone URL of the repo.
+alert block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#alert App#alert}
-### AppSpecWorkerGithub
-#### Initializer
+##### `buildCommand`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerGithub;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .repo(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.String getBuildCommand();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+An optional build command to run while building this component from source.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#build_command App#build_command}
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `dockerfilePath`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public java.lang.String getDockerfilePath();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the branch to use.
+The path to a Dockerfile relative to the root of the repo. If set, overrides usage of buildpacks.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#dockerfile_path App#dockerfile_path}
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `env`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public java.lang.Object getEnv();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerEnv>
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+env block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#env App#env}
-##### `repo`Optional
+##### `environmentSlug`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepo();
+public java.lang.String getEnvironmentSlug();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+An environment slug describing the type of this app.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#environment_slug App#environment_slug}
-### AppSpecWorkerGitlab
-#### Initializer
+##### `git`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerGitlab;
-// .branch(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .repo(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public AppSpecWorkerGit getGit();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGit
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
-| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
-| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
+git block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#git App#git}
-##### `branch`Optional
+##### `github`Optional
-public java.lang.String getBranch();
+public AppSpecWorkerGithub getGithub();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGithub
-The name of the branch to use.
+github block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#github App#github}
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `gitlab`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public AppSpecWorkerGitlab getGitlab();
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerGitlab
-Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+gitlab block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#gitlab App#gitlab}
-##### `repo`Optional
+##### `image`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepo();
+public AppSpecWorkerImage getImage();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerImage
-The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+image block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#image App#image}
-### AppSpecWorkerImage
-#### Initializer
+##### `instanceCount`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerImage;
- .registryType(java.lang.String)
- .repository(java.lang.String)
-// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
-// .deployOnPush(java.util.List)
-// .registry(java.lang.String)
-// .tag(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.Number getInstanceCount();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| registryType
| java.lang.String
| The registry type. |
-| repository
| java.lang.String
| The repository name. |
-| deployOnPush
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush>
| deploy_on_push block. |
-| registry
| java.lang.String
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
-| tag
| java.lang.String
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
+The amount of instances that this component should be scaled to.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_count App#instance_count}
-##### `registryType`Required
+##### `instanceSizeSlug`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRegistryType();
+public java.lang.String getInstanceSizeSlug();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The registry type.
+The instance size to use for this component.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#instance_size_slug App#instance_size_slug}
-##### `repository`Required
+##### `logDestination`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRepository();
+public java.lang.Object getLogDestination();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerLogDestination>
-The repository name.
+log_destination block.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#log_destination App#log_destination}
-##### `deployOnPush`Optional
+##### `runCommand`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
+public java.lang.String getRunCommand();
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush>
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-deploy_on_push block.
+An optional run command to override the component's default.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#run_command App#run_command}
-##### `registry`Optional
+##### `sourceDir`Optional
-public java.lang.String getRegistry();
+public java.lang.String getSourceDir();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+An optional path to the working directory to use for the build.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#source_dir App#source_dir}
-##### `tag`Optional
+### AppSpecWorkerAlert
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.String getTag();
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerAlert;
+ .operator(java.lang.String)
+ .rule(java.lang.String)
+ .value(java.lang.Number)
+ .window(java.lang.String)
+// .disabled(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .disabled(IResolvable)
+ .build();
-- *Type:* java.lang.String
+#### Properties
-The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| operator
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}. |
+| rule
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}. |
+| value
| java.lang.Number
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}. |
+| window
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}. |
+| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}. |
+##### `operator`Required
+public java.lang.String getOperator();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#operator App#operator}.
-### AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush
+##### `rule`Required
-#### Initializer
+public java.lang.String getRule();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#rule App#rule}.
+##### `value`Required
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush;
+public java.lang.Number getValue();
-// .enabled(java.lang.Boolean)
-// .enabled(IResolvable)
- .build();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}.
+##### `window`Required
+public java.lang.String getWindow();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| enabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#window App#window}.
-##### `enabled`Optional
+##### `disabled`Optional
-public java.lang.Object getEnabled();
+public java.lang.Object getDisabled();
- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#disabled App#disabled}.
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestination
+### AppSpecWorkerEnv
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestination;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerEnv;
- .name(java.lang.String)
-// .datadog(AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog)
-// .logtail(AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail)
-// .papertrail(AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail)
+// .key(java.lang.String)
+// .scope(java.lang.String)
+// .type(java.lang.String)
+// .value(java.lang.String)
@@ -6462,79 +6595,79 @@ AppSpecWorkerLogDestination.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| name
| java.lang.String
| Name of the log destination. |
-| datadog
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
-| logtail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
-| papertrail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
+| key
| java.lang.String
| The name of the environment variable. |
+| scope
| java.lang.String
| The visibility scope of the environment variable. |
+| type
| java.lang.String
| The type of the environment variable. |
+| value
| java.lang.String
| The value of the environment variable. |
-##### `name`Required
+##### `key`Optional
-public java.lang.String getName();
+public java.lang.String getKey();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Name of the log destination.
+The name of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#key App#key}
-##### `datadog`Optional
+##### `scope`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog getDatadog();
+public java.lang.String getScope();
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-datadog block.
+The visibility scope of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#scope App#scope}
-##### `logtail`Optional
+##### `type`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail getLogtail();
+public java.lang.String getType();
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-logtail block.
+The type of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#type App#type}
-##### `papertrail`Optional
+##### `value`Optional
-public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail getPapertrail();
+public java.lang.String getValue();
-- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-papertrail block.
+The value of the environment variable.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#value App#value}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+### AppSpecWorkerGit
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerGit;
- .apiKey(java.lang.String)
-// .endpoint(java.lang.String)
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .repoCloneUrl(java.lang.String)
@@ -6542,48 +6675,51 @@ AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| apiKey
| java.lang.String
| Datadog API key. |
-| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| repoCloneUrl
| java.lang.String
| The clone URL of the repo. |
-##### `apiKey`Required
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.String getApiKey();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Datadog API key.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-##### `endpoint`Optional
+##### `repoCloneUrl`Optional
-public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
+public java.lang.String getRepoCloneUrl();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+The clone URL of the repo.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo_clone_url App#repo_clone_url}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+### AppSpecWorkerGithub
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerGithub;
- .token(java.lang.String)
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .repo(java.lang.String)
@@ -6591,67 +6727,66 @@ AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| token
| java.lang.String
| Logtail token. |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `token`Required
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.String getToken();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Logtail token.
+The name of the branch to use.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
-#### Initializer
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail;
- .endpoint(java.lang.String)
- .build();
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
-#### Properties
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-##### `endpoint`Required
+##### `repo`Optional
-public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
+public java.lang.String getRepo();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
-### AppTimeouts
+### AppSpecWorkerGitlab
-#### Initializer
+#### Initializer
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppTimeouts;
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerGitlab;
-// .create(java.lang.String)
+// .branch(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .repo(java.lang.String)
@@ -6659,187 +6794,3086 @@ AppTimeouts.builder()
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| create
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}. |
+| branch
| java.lang.String
| The name of the branch to use. |
+| deployOnPush
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo. |
+| repo
| java.lang.String
| The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`. |
-##### `create`Optional
+##### `branch`Optional
-public java.lang.String getCreate();
+public java.lang.String getBranch();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.30.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}.
+The name of the branch to use.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#branch App#branch}
-## Classes
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-### AppSpecAlertList
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
-#### Initializers
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+Whether to automatically deploy new commits made to the repo.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
+##### `repo`Optional
-import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecAlertList;
+public java.lang.String getRepo();
-new AppSpecAlertList(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Boolean wrapsSet);
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The name of the repo in the format `owner/repo`.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repo App#repo}
+### AppSpecWorkerImage
+#### Initializer
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerImage;
+ .registryType(java.lang.String)
+ .repository(java.lang.String)
+// .deployOnPush(IResolvable)
+// .deployOnPush(java.util.List)
+// .registry(java.lang.String)
+// .tag(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
+#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| terraformResource
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
-| terraformAttribute
| java.lang.String
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
-| wrapsSet
| java.lang.Boolean
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+| registryType
| java.lang.String
| The registry type. |
+| repository
| java.lang.String
| The repository name. |
+| deployOnPush
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush>
| deploy_on_push block. |
+| registry
| java.lang.String
| The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type. |
+| tag
| java.lang.String
| The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided. |
-##### `terraformResource`Required
+##### `registryType`Required
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+public java.lang.String getRegistryType();
-The parent resource.
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The registry type.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry_type App#registry_type}
-##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+##### `repository`Required
+public java.lang.String getRepository();
- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+The repository name.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#repository App#repository}
-##### `wrapsSet`Required
+##### `deployOnPush`Optional
-- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean
+public java.lang.Object getDeployOnPush();
-whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush>
+deploy_on_push block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#deploy_on_push App#deploy_on_push}
-#### Methods
+##### `registry`Optional
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| computeFqn
| *No description.* |
-| resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
-| toString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
-| get
| *No description.* |
+public java.lang.String getRegistry();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The registry name. Must be left empty for the DOCR registry type.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#registry App#registry}
-##### `computeFqn`
+##### `tag`Optional
-public java.lang.String computeFqn()
+public java.lang.String getTag();
-##### `resolve`
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The repository tag. Defaults to latest if not provided.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#tag App#tag}
+### AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context)
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerImageDeployOnPush;
+// .enabled(java.lang.Boolean)
+// .enabled(IResolvable)
+ .build();
-Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+#### Properties
-###### `_context`Required
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| enabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR. |
-- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `enabled`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getEnabled();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+Whether to automatically deploy images pushed to DOCR.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#enabled App#enabled}
-##### `toString`
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestination
+#### Initializer
-public java.lang.String toString()
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestination;
+ .name(java.lang.String)
+// .datadog(AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog)
+// .logtail(AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail)
+// .papertrail(AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail)
+ .build();
-Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+#### Properties
-Returns a reversible string representation.
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| name
| java.lang.String
| Name of the log destination. |
+| datadog
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
| datadog block. |
+| logtail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
| logtail block. |
+| papertrail
| AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
| papertrail block. |
-##### `get`
+##### `name`Required
-public AppSpecAlertOutputReference get(java.lang.Number index)
+public java.lang.String getName();
-###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+Name of the log destination.
-the index of the item to return.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#name App#name}
+##### `datadog`Optional
+public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog getDatadog();
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+datadog block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#datadog App#datadog}
+##### `logtail`Optional
+public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail getLogtail();
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+logtail block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#logtail App#logtail}
+##### `papertrail`Optional
+public AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail getPapertrail();
+- *Type:* AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+papertrail block.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#papertrail App#papertrail}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog
+#### Initializer
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationDatadog;
+ .apiKey(java.lang.String)
+// .endpoint(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
#### Properties
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| creationStack
| java.util.List
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
-| fqn
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
-| internalValue
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecAlert>
| *No description.* |
+| apiKey
| java.lang.String
| Datadog API key. |
+| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint. |
-##### `creationStack`Required
+##### `apiKey`Required
-public java.util.List getCreationStack();
+public java.lang.String getApiKey();
-- *Type:* java.util.List
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
-The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+Datadog API key.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#api_key App#api_key}
+##### `endpoint`Optional
+public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+Datadog HTTP log intake endpoint.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail
+#### Initializer
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationLogtail;
+ .token(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| token
| java.lang.String
| Logtail token. |
+##### `token`Required
+public java.lang.String getToken();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+Logtail token.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#token App#token}
+### AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail
+#### Initializer
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecWorkerLogDestinationPapertrail;
+ .endpoint(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| endpoint
| java.lang.String
| Papertrail syslog endpoint. |
+##### `endpoint`Required
+public java.lang.String getEndpoint();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+Papertrail syslog endpoint.
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#endpoint App#endpoint}
+### AppTimeouts
+#### Initializer
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppTimeouts;
+// .create(java.lang.String)
+ .build();
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| create
| java.lang.String
| Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}. |
+##### `create`Optional
+public java.lang.String getCreate();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/digitalocean/digitalocean/2.31.0/docs/resources/app#create App#create}.
+## Classes
+### AppSpecAlertList
+#### Initializers
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecAlertList;
+new AppSpecAlertList(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Boolean wrapsSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| java.lang.String
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| java.lang.Boolean
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| computeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| toString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| get
| *No description.* |
+##### `computeFqn`
+public java.lang.String computeFqn()
+##### `resolve`
+public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `toString`
+public java.lang.String toString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `get`
+public AppSpecAlertOutputReference get(java.lang.Number index)
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| creationStack
| java.util.List
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| fqn
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| internalValue
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecAlert>
| *No description.* |
+##### `creationStack`Required
+public java.util.List getCreationStack();
+- *Type:* java.util.List
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `fqn`Required
+public java.lang.String getFqn();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `internalValue`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getInternalValue();
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecAlert>
+### AppSpecAlertOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecAlertOutputReference;
+new AppSpecAlertOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Number complexObjectIndex, java.lang.Boolean complexObjectIsFromSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| java.lang.String
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| java.lang.Number
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| java.lang.Boolean
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| computeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| getAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| interpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| toString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| resetDisabled
| *No description.* |
+##### `computeFqn`
+public java.lang.String computeFqn()
+##### `getAnyMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getAnyMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getBooleanAttribute`
+public IResolvable getBooleanAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getBooleanMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getBooleanMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getListAttribute`
+public java.util.List getListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberAttribute`
+public java.lang.Number getNumberAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberListAttribute`
+public java.util.List getNumberListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getNumberMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getStringAttribute`
+public java.lang.String getStringAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getStringMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `interpolationForAttribute`
+public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String property)
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `resolve`
+public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `toString`
+public java.lang.String toString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `resetDisabled`
+public void resetDisabled()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| creationStack
| java.util.List
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| fqn
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| disabledInput
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| *No description.* |
+| ruleInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| disabled
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| *No description.* |
+| rule
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| internalValue
| AppSpecAlert OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| *No description.* |
+##### `creationStack`Required
+public java.util.List getCreationStack();
+- *Type:* java.util.List
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `fqn`Required
+public java.lang.String getFqn();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `disabledInput`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getDisabledInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+##### `ruleInput`Optional
+public java.lang.String getRuleInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `disabled`Required
+public java.lang.Object getDisabled();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+##### `rule`Required
+public java.lang.String getRule();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `internalValue`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getInternalValue();
+- *Type:* AppSpecAlert OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+### AppSpecDatabaseList
+#### Initializers
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecDatabaseList;
+new AppSpecDatabaseList(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Boolean wrapsSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| java.lang.String
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| java.lang.Boolean
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| computeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| toString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| get
| *No description.* |
+##### `computeFqn`
+public java.lang.String computeFqn()
+##### `resolve`
+public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `toString`
+public java.lang.String toString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `get`
+public AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference get(java.lang.Number index)
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| creationStack
| java.util.List
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| fqn
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| internalValue
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecDatabase>
| *No description.* |
+##### `creationStack`Required
+public java.util.List getCreationStack();
+- *Type:* java.util.List
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `fqn`Required
+public java.lang.String getFqn();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `internalValue`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getInternalValue();
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecDatabase>
+### AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference;
+new AppSpecDatabaseOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Number complexObjectIndex, java.lang.Boolean complexObjectIsFromSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| java.lang.String
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| java.lang.Number
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| java.lang.Boolean
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| computeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| getAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| interpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| toString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| resetClusterName
| *No description.* |
+| resetDbName
| *No description.* |
+| resetDbUser
| *No description.* |
+| resetEngine
| *No description.* |
+| resetName
| *No description.* |
+| resetProduction
| *No description.* |
+| resetVersion
| *No description.* |
+##### `computeFqn`
+public java.lang.String computeFqn()
+##### `getAnyMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getAnyMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getBooleanAttribute`
+public IResolvable getBooleanAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getBooleanMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getBooleanMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getListAttribute`
+public java.util.List getListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberAttribute`
+public java.lang.Number getNumberAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberListAttribute`
+public java.util.List getNumberListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getNumberMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getStringAttribute`
+public java.lang.String getStringAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getStringMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `interpolationForAttribute`
+public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String property)
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `resolve`
+public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `toString`
+public java.lang.String toString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `resetClusterName`
+public void resetClusterName()
+##### `resetDbName`
+public void resetDbName()
+##### `resetDbUser`
+public void resetDbUser()
+##### `resetEngine`
+public void resetEngine()
+##### `resetName`
+public void resetName()
+##### `resetProduction`
+public void resetProduction()
+##### `resetVersion`
+public void resetVersion()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| creationStack
| java.util.List
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| fqn
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| clusterNameInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| dbNameInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| dbUserInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| engineInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| nameInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| productionInput
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| *No description.* |
+| versionInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| clusterName
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| dbName
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| dbUser
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| engine
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| name
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| production
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| *No description.* |
+| version
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| internalValue
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR AppSpecDatabase
| *No description.* |
+##### `creationStack`Required
+public java.util.List getCreationStack();
+- *Type:* java.util.List
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `fqn`Required
+public java.lang.String getFqn();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `clusterNameInput`Optional
+public java.lang.String getClusterNameInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `dbNameInput`Optional
+public java.lang.String getDbNameInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `dbUserInput`Optional
+public java.lang.String getDbUserInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `engineInput`Optional
+public java.lang.String getEngineInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `nameInput`Optional
+public java.lang.String getNameInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `productionInput`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getProductionInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+##### `versionInput`Optional
+public java.lang.String getVersionInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `clusterName`Required
+public java.lang.String getClusterName();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `dbName`Required
+public java.lang.String getDbName();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `dbUser`Required
+public java.lang.String getDbUser();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `engine`Required
+public java.lang.String getEngine();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `name`Required
+public java.lang.String getName();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `production`Required
+public java.lang.Object getProduction();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+##### `version`Required
+public java.lang.String getVersion();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `internalValue`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getInternalValue();
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR AppSpecDatabase
+### AppSpecDomainList
+#### Initializers
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecDomainList;
+new AppSpecDomainList(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Boolean wrapsSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| java.lang.String
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| java.lang.Boolean
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| computeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| toString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| get
| *No description.* |
+##### `computeFqn`
+public java.lang.String computeFqn()
+##### `resolve`
+public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `toString`
+public java.lang.String toString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `get`
+public AppSpecDomainOutputReference get(java.lang.Number index)
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| creationStack
| java.util.List
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| fqn
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| internalValue
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecDomain>
| *No description.* |
+##### `creationStack`Required
+public java.util.List getCreationStack();
+- *Type:* java.util.List
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `fqn`Required
+public java.lang.String getFqn();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `internalValue`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getInternalValue();
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecDomain>
+### AppSpecDomainOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecDomainOutputReference;
+new AppSpecDomainOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Number complexObjectIndex, java.lang.Boolean complexObjectIsFromSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| java.lang.String
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| java.lang.Number
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| java.lang.Boolean
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| computeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| getAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| interpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| toString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| resetType
| *No description.* |
+| resetWildcard
| *No description.* |
+| resetZone
| *No description.* |
+##### `computeFqn`
+public java.lang.String computeFqn()
+##### `getAnyMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getAnyMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getBooleanAttribute`
+public IResolvable getBooleanAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getBooleanMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getBooleanMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getListAttribute`
+public java.util.List getListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberAttribute`
+public java.lang.Number getNumberAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberListAttribute`
+public java.util.List getNumberListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getNumberMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getStringAttribute`
+public java.lang.String getStringAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getStringMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `interpolationForAttribute`
+public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String property)
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `resolve`
+public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `toString`
+public java.lang.String toString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `resetType`
+public void resetType()
+##### `resetWildcard`
+public void resetWildcard()
+##### `resetZone`
+public void resetZone()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| creationStack
| java.util.List
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| fqn
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| nameInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| typeInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| wildcardInput
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| *No description.* |
+| zoneInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| name
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| type
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| wildcard
| java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
| *No description.* |
+| zone
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| internalValue
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR AppSpecDomain
| *No description.* |
+##### `creationStack`Required
+public java.util.List getCreationStack();
+- *Type:* java.util.List
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `fqn`Required
+public java.lang.String getFqn();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `nameInput`Optional
+public java.lang.String getNameInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `typeInput`Optional
+public java.lang.String getTypeInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `wildcardInput`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getWildcardInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+##### `zoneInput`Optional
+public java.lang.String getZoneInput();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `name`Required
+public java.lang.String getName();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `type`Required
+public java.lang.String getType();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `wildcard`Required
+public java.lang.Object getWildcard();
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean OR com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable
+##### `zone`Required
+public java.lang.String getZone();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `internalValue`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getInternalValue();
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR AppSpecDomain
+### AppSpecEnvList
+#### Initializers
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecEnvList;
+new AppSpecEnvList(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Boolean wrapsSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| java.lang.String
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| wrapsSet
| java.lang.Boolean
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `wrapsSet`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| computeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| toString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| get
| *No description.* |
+##### `computeFqn`
+public java.lang.String computeFqn()
+##### `resolve`
+public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `toString`
+public java.lang.String toString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `get`
+public AppSpecEnvOutputReference get(java.lang.Number index)
+###### `index`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+the index of the item to return.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| creationStack
| java.util.List
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| fqn
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| internalValue
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecEnv>
| *No description.* |
+##### `creationStack`Required
+public java.util.List getCreationStack();
+- *Type:* java.util.List
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `fqn`Required
+public java.lang.String getFqn();
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `internalValue`Optional
+public java.lang.Object getInternalValue();
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR java.util.List<AppSpecEnv>
+### AppSpecEnvOutputReference
+#### Initializers
+import com.hashicorp.cdktf.providers.digitalocean.app.AppSpecEnvOutputReference;
+new AppSpecEnvOutputReference(IInterpolatingParent terraformResource, java.lang.String terraformAttribute, java.lang.Number complexObjectIndex, java.lang.Boolean complexObjectIsFromSet);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| terraformResource
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
| The parent resource. |
+| terraformAttribute
| java.lang.String
| The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing. |
+| complexObjectIndex
| java.lang.Number
| the index of this item in the list. |
+| complexObjectIsFromSet
| java.lang.Boolean
| whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index). |
+##### `terraformResource`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IInterpolatingParent
+The parent resource.
+##### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing.
+##### `complexObjectIndex`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Number
+the index of this item in the list.
+##### `complexObjectIsFromSet`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.Boolean
+whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index).
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| computeFqn
| *No description.* |
+| getAnyMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getBooleanAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getBooleanMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberListAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getNumberMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getStringAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| getStringMapAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| interpolationForAttribute
| *No description.* |
+| resolve
| Produce the Token's value at resolution time. |
+| toString
| Return a string representation of this resolvable object. |
+| resetKey
| *No description.* |
+| resetScope
| *No description.* |
+| resetType
| *No description.* |
+| resetValue
| *No description.* |
+##### `computeFqn`
+public java.lang.String computeFqn()
+##### `getAnyMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getAnyMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getBooleanAttribute`
+public IResolvable getBooleanAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getBooleanMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getBooleanMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getListAttribute`
+public java.util.List getListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberAttribute`
+public java.lang.Number getNumberAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberListAttribute`
+public java.util.List getNumberListAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getNumberMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getNumberMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getStringAttribute`
+public java.lang.String getStringAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `getStringMapAttribute`
+public java.util.Map getStringMapAttribute(java.lang.String terraformAttribute)
+###### `terraformAttribute`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `interpolationForAttribute`
+public IResolvable interpolationForAttribute(java.lang.String property)
+###### `property`Required
+- *Type:* java.lang.String
+##### `resolve`
+public java.lang.Object resolve(IResolveContext _context)
+Produce the Token's value at resolution time.
+###### `_context`Required
+- *Type:* com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolveContext
+##### `toString`
+public java.lang.String toString()
+Return a string representation of this resolvable object.
+Returns a reversible string representation.
+##### `resetKey`
+public void resetKey()
+##### `resetScope`
+public void resetScope()
+##### `resetType`
+public void resetType()
+##### `resetValue`
+public void resetValue()
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| creationStack
| java.util.List
| The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution. |
+| fqn
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| keyInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| scopeInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| typeInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| valueInput
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| key
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| scope
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| type
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| value
| java.lang.String
| *No description.* |
+| internalValue
| com.hashicorp.cdktf.IResolvable OR AppSpecEnv
| *No description.* |
+##### `creationStack`Required
+public java.util.List getCreationStack();
+- *Type:* java.util.List
+The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution.
+If this returns an empty array the stack will not be attached.
+##### `fqn`