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2021年12月22日 上午5:47
发件人 Apple Other App Store Review Guideline Issue Hello,

The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have completed our review, we will notify you via Resolution Center.

If you would like to inquire about the status of this review, you may file a request via the Apple Developer Contact Us page.

Best regards,

App Store Review




2.2: Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected 16.1: Apps that present excessively objectionable or crude content will be rejected ----- 2.2 -----

We found that your app exhibited one or more bugs, when reviewed on iPad running iOS 8.0.2 and iPhone 5s running iOS 8.0.2, on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

During our review, we found the QQ log in option unresponsive when tapped. Please see the attached screenshot/s for more information.

----- 16.1 -----

We also found that your app contains content that many audiences would find objectionable, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

Specifically, we noticed your app contains objectionable content in the app.

Please see the attached screenshot/s for more information.

We encourage you to review your app content and evaluate whether you can modify the content to bring it into compliance with the Guidelines.

For discrete code-level questions, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. When the DTS engineer follows up with you, please be ready to provide:

  • complete details of your rejection issue(s)
  • screenshots
  • steps to reproduce the issue(s)
  • symbolicated crash logs - if your issue results in a crash log

If you have difficulty reproducing a reported issue, please try testing the workflow as described in Technical Q&A QA1764: How to reproduce bugs reported against App Store submissions.

两个问题,一个是说在ipad和iphone5s,ios8.0.2上审核的时候发现登陆点击qq登陆没反,测试后发现确实是这样,原因就是腾讯qq不能直接调用客户端登录,在用户木有安装客户端的时候,当时我就给了个提示(说木有安装客户端,用其他方式登录),然后就有了之后的一次被拒(汗颜)。 另一个说是我们的app包含色情信息,苹果附了两张截图。这种情况可以通过回复跟苹果工程师沟通解决,我就说色情内容已经从后台撤销了。。。。另外也可以从app评级上解决,年龄12+就可以。


Reasons 17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected

we found that your app requires customers to register with personal information such as a phone number to access non-account-based features, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

Apps cannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app features and content that are not associated specifically to the user. User registration that requires the sharing of personal information must be optional or tied to account-specific functionality. Additionally, the requested information must be relevant to the features.





17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected ----- 17.2 -----

We continue to find that your app requires customers to register with personal information such as a phone number to access non-account-based features, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

Apps cannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app features and content that are not associated specifically to the user. User registration that requires the sharing of personal information must be optional or tied to account-specific functionality. Additionally, the requested information must be relevant to the features.

screenshot_0 1





17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected Hello, and thank you for your response.

While the app does not require registration, the app still requires the user's phone number in order to register for an account.

We look forward to reviewing your app once this information is optional when registering.




16.1: Apps that present excessively objectionable or crude content will be rejected Information Needed ----- 16.1 -----

We found that your app contains content that many audiences would find objectionable, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

Specifically, we noticed your app contains imagery that may be considered objectionable to users.

Please see the attached screenshot/s for more information.

We encourage you to review your app content and evaluate whether you can modify the content to bring it into compliance with the Guidelines.


Additionally, we have begun the review of your app but aren't able to continue because we need additional information about your app.

At your earliest opportunity, please review the following question/s and provide as detailed information as you can in response. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

We noticed you've included QQ and Sina login for the app.

  • What QQ features are implemented into the app?
  • What Sina features are implemented into the app?

Please reply to this message in the Resolution Center and make any necessary changes to the app so we can proceed with your review.

说了两个问题,一个就是 16.1:应用程序包含的信息过渡敏感或者过度反感或粗的内容将被拒绝 另外一个:问我们的app包含qq和新浪登陆功能,在那些地方用到了qq,那些地方用到了微博。 这次不需要重新上传,再排队等待7天。

苹果说回复就可以:Please reply to this message in the Resolution Center and make any necessary changes to the app so we can proceed with your review. 我就撤掉敏感内容,然后回复苹果第一个敏感内容我们已经从后台撤掉,另外一个,在用户评论的时候会用到qq登陆,sina登陆。需要用户发表评论的时候的昵称,以及分享的时候用到了



16.1: Apps that present excessively objectionable or crude content will be rejected Information Needed Hello, and thank you for your response.

With regard to social network logins such as QQ and Sina, it would be appropriate to implement additional account features into the app or provide users the option to log in via a native account.

We look forward to reviewing your app once the issue is resolved.



10.6: Apple and our customers place a high value on simple, refined, creative, well thought through interfaces. They take more work but are worth it. Apple sets a high bar. If your user interface is complex or less than very good, it may be rejected ----- 10.6 -----

We found that your app requires the installation of another app before it can be used, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines. Apps should be able to run on launch, without requiring additional applications to be installed.

Specifically, if we choose to log in via QQ, we were required to install QQ before we could use your app. Please refer to the attached screenshot/s for more information.

Please revise your app so that a user can use it upon launch. If your app requires authentication before use, please use a method that can authenticate users from within your app. 之前app用qq登录的时候是用户安装了qq客户端或者qq空间客户端就会调用客户端直接登录,如果木有登录客户端则会打开网页端,让用户输入账户,密码授权登录。 最近腾讯在SDK里面取消了网页登陆的功能,默认用客户端登陆。显然苹果的审核人员不会安装qq客户端,然后在木有安装的话用户没办法登录,之后就加了一个提示,显然这样提示苹果也不让我们审核通过,





17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected ----- 17.2 -----

We found that your app uses 新浪 and Qzone logins for authentication purposes only - but does not include any account-based features offered by that site. This is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

It would be appropriate to modify your app to include account-based features of that social network - or use your own authentication mechanism.


首先,感谢你的Review。 我们注意到你提到了我们用了新浪和QQ的授权登录,但没有使用他们的其他的account-based的功能。但实际上,我们在App中的以下几处用到了他们的基于用户的社交网络的功能。



First of all, thank you for your review. We note that you mentioned we used Sina and QQ authorized login, and did not use other account-based functions of them. But in fact, that's not true.

The first, If the user is interested in the article and want to submit comment, the nickname and the gender attribute are needed. To found out this function, you just need enter the detail page of any article(click an item on home page), the first button of the buttons at the bottom of the detail page is the comment button.

The second is when the user share the article to his/her socail network, the information of the third party account will be used.To found out this function, you just need enter the detail page of any article(click an item on home page), the last button of the buttons at the bottom of the detail page is the shared button.



17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected

Thank you for your response. However, sharing and commenting features are not significant enough. Please include your own authentication in the app. We look forward to your resubmission.


Thank you for your patience, but we still not too clear about the issue. The login method of the third party(such as Sina, QQ) is just an assistant way which would make our app be convenient for the users who already have Sina and QQ account and don’t want to regist more account in other platform, such as our app. But we still have our own account authentication in our app.Users can use their mobile phone numbers to sign in our app.The reason that mobile phone number is used here is that we can prevent the problem of one person having too much account in our app. Anyhow, the third party and the mobile phone number(or email) is a common way of app authentication in china. In fact, there are a lot of apps in AppStore are like that. So, we are confused and we would be very thank you if you are willing to point out exactly what feature we should add or remove. Thank you.



14.3: Apps that display user generated content must include a method for filtering objectionable material, a mechanism for users to flag offensive content, and the ability to block abusive users from the service ----- 14.3 -----

Your app still enables the display of user-generated content but does not have the recommended precautions in place, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.

It is necessary that you put all of the following precautions in place:

  • Require that users agree to terms (EULA) and these terms must make it clear that there is no tolerance for objectionable content
  • Use moderators to flag and remove inappropriate content and offensive users
  • Users need a mechanism to flag objectionable content and report users generating this content
  • Developer must act on objectionable content reports within 24 hours by removing the content and ejecting the user who provided the offending content
  • Developer needs a method for ejecting users who violate the terms of the EULA






3.6: Apps with App icons, screenshots, and previews that do not adhere to the 4+ age rating will be rejected ----- 3.6 -----

Your Application Description, app icon, screenshots, or previews includes content that is not appropriate for all age groups, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.

Since the metadata is visible to all users on the App Store, this content must meet the 4+ rating requirement, even when purchasing is restricted by a higher rating.

Specifically, it would be appropriate to remove or revise 屌丝 in the screenshots.

We’ve attached screenshot(s) for your reference.


1 Performance: App Completeness 3 Performance: Accurate Metadata Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need access to a video that demonstrates your app in use on a physical iOS device.

Please demonstrate the following features of your app:

Background audio Please ensure the video you provide shows a physical iOS device (not a simulator).

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide us with a link to a demo video in the App Review Information section of iTunes Connect and reply to this message in Resolution Center.

To provide a link to a demo video:

Log in to iTunes Connect Click on “My Apps” Select your app Click on the app version on the left side of the screen Scroll down to “App Review Information” Provide demo video access details in the “Notes” section Click “Save” Once you’ve completed all changes, click the “Submit for Review” button at the top of the App Version Information page. Once this information is available, we can continue with the review of your app.

Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need additional information about your app.

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can.

Does your app access any paid content or services? What are the paid content or services, and what are the costs? Do individual customers pay for the content or services? If no, does a company or organization pay for the content or services? Where do they pay, and what’s the payment method? If users create an account to use your app, are there fees involved? How do users obtain an account? Once you reply to this message in Resolution Center with the requested information, we can proceed with your review.

Guideline 2.3.8 - Performance - Accurate Metadata

We noticed your app name, subtitle, icon, or screenshots to be displayed on the App Store includes the term 少儿, which implies that this app is made specifically for children. However, this app was not submitted as a Kids category app.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app category and select the Kids category for this app. Please note that all Kids category apps must comply with the Kids category-specific sections of the App Store Review Guidelines.

If this app is not meant solely for children, it would be appropriate to remove any terms from your app name, subtitle, icon, or screenshots that imply the main audience of this app is children.


We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we could not directly access the video that your provided. Please make sure the the access of the video does not require registration or login.






Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase

We noticed that your app provides access to external payment mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app, which is not appropriate for the App Store.

Specifically, we found that your app allows users to access content that is paid outside of the app.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please remove any external payment mechanisms from this app. If you feel that we have misunderstood how your app uses this payment mechanism, please respond to this message and explain what users are able to purchase via this payment mechanism and how we can locate the purchases in your app.


我们的app主要是专注于4-12岁孩子数学思维的开发和培养,孩子和老师是一对一和一对六在线直播的方式上课的,上课是在家长的监护陪同时进行的。家长通过线下报名付费, 因为作为一家在线教育公司提供教学服务,我们只需要我们的客户在我们的应用程序中上课。用户支付在教学过程中产生的人工成本和教学教研成本,并不会购买仅在APP中需要的信息,所以没有内购的场景。



Thank you for your response.

Regarding the 3.1.1 issue, it would be appropriate to implement in-app purchase.

We look forward to your resubmission.

Best regards,

TestFlight Beta Review






2018年1月11日 上午3:08 发件人 Apple

1.1 Business: Payments - In-App Purchase Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase We noticed that your app or its metadata enables the purchase of content, services, or functionality in the app by means other than the in-app purchase API, which is not appropriate for the App Store.

Specifically, your app allows users to access content that is paid outside of the app.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.

Next Steps

Review the In-App Purchase section of the App Store Review Guidelines. Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program. Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review. If you believe your app is compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may submit an appeal. Alternatively, you may provide additional details about your app by replying directly to this message.

In-App Purchase

It may be appropriate to revise your app to use the in-app purchase API to provide content purchasing functionality.

In-app purchase provides several benefits, including:

The flexibility to support a variety of business models. Impacting your app ranking by consolidating your sales to one app rather than distributing them across multiple apps. An effective marketing vehicle to drive additional sales of new content. For information on in-app purchase, please refer to the following documentation:

In-App Purchase for Developers

In-App Purchase Programming Guide

For step-by-step instructions on in-app purchase creation within iTunes Connect, refer to In-App Purchase for Developers.

我们的app主要是专注于4-12岁孩子数学思维的开发和培养,孩子和老师是一对一和一对六在线直播的方式上课的,上课是在家长的监护陪同时进行的。 因为作为一家在线教育公司提供教学服务,我们只需要我们的客户在我们的应用程序中上课,并不会购买仅在APP中需要的信息,所以没有内购的场景。 老师端可以随时进入教室,学生端会在课前10分钟才能进入教室,图中的倒计时代表离上课还有多少时间,您当前的时间是11:03am,课程开始时间是15:00pm,距离上课时间还有3:57:33,课前学生可以通过预习了解上课内容,当时间到了14:50学生就可以进入教室了,不需要支付。

3.1.3 “Reader” Apps: Apps may allow a user to access previously purchased content or content subscriptions (specifically: magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, video, access to professional databases, VoIP, cloud storage, and approved services such as educational apps that manage student grades and schedules), as well as consumable items in multi-platform games, provided that you agree not to directly or indirectly target iOS users to use a purchasing method other than in-app purchase, and your general communications about other purchasing methods are not designed to discourage use of in-app purchase.

2018年1月18日 上午4:56 发件人 Apple

  1. 1.1 Business: Payments - In-App Purchase Hello, Thank you for your response. In regards of the 3.1.1 rejection, we found that your app allows user to purchase classes by means other than the in-app purchase API, which is not appropriate for the App Store. It would be appropriate to implement in-app purchase for the one to many classes before resubmitting for review.

We hope you can make the necessary revision and we look forward to review your app again.

Best regards,

TestFlight Beta Review

2018年7月3日 下午11:16 发件人 Apple

5 Performance: Software Requirements Design: Preamble Guideline 2.5.2 - Performance - Software Requirements During review, your app installed or launched executable code, which is not permitted on the App Store. Specifically, your app uses the itms-services URL scheme to install an app.

Please note that while educational apps designed to teach, develop, or allow students to test executable code may, in limited circumstances, download code, such code may not be used for other purposes and such apps must make the source code completely viewable and editable by the user.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.

Next Steps

Review the Software Requirements section of the App Store Review Guidelines. Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program. Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review. Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination.

If you believe your app is compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may submit an appeal. Alternatively, you may provide additional details about your app by replying directly to this message.

Guideline 4.0 - Design

Your app includes an update button or alerts the user to update the app, but the update button or alert does not link directly to the app’s page on the App Store.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please ensure that tapping the update button takes the user directly to the app’s page on the App Store to update the app.

Since your App Store Connect status is Rejected, a new binary will be required.

用了 。。。。

2019年3月7日 录制ipv6的视频发过去

IPv6 and App Store Requirements

Compatibility with IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 networks will be an App Store submission requirement, so it is essential that apps ensure compatibility. The good news is that the majority of apps are already IPv6-compatible. For these apps, it’s still important to regularly test your app to watch for regressions. Apps that aren’t IPv6-compatible may encounter problems when operating on DNS64/NAT64 networks. Fortunately, it’s usually fairly simple to resolve these issues, as discussed throughout this chapter.

Common Barriers to Supporting IPv6

Several situations can prevent an app from supporting IPv6. The sections that follow describe how to resolve these problems.

IP address literals embedded in protocols. Many communications protocols, such as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), WebSockets, and Peer-to-Peer Protocol (P2PP), include IP address literals in protocol messages. For example, the FTP parameter commands DATA PORT and PASSIVE exchange information that includes IP address literals. Similarly, IP address literals may appear in the values of SIP header fields, such as To, From, Contact, Record-Route, and Via. See Use High-Level Networking Frameworks and Don’t Use IP Address Literals. IP address literals embedded in configuration files. Configuration files often include IP address literals. See Don’t Use IP Address Literals. Network preflighting. Many apps attempt to proactively check for an Internet connection or an active Wi-Fi connection by passing IP address literals to network reachability APIs. See Connect Without Preflight. Using low-level networking APIs. Some apps work directly with sockets and other raw network APIs such as gethostbyname, gethostbyname2, and inet_aton. These APIs are prone to misuse or they only support IPv4—for example, resolving hostnames for the AF_INET address family, rather than the AF_UNSPEC address family. See Use High-Level Networking Frameworks. Using small address family storage containers. Some apps and networking libraries use address storage containers—such as uint32_t, in_addr, and sockaddr_in—that are 32 bits or smaller. See Use Appropriately Sized Storage Containers.

2018年7月3日 下午11:16 发件人 Apple

  •   2. 5 Performance: Software Requirements
  •   4. Design: Preamble

Guideline 2.5.2 - Performance - Software Requirements 

During review, your app installed or launched executable code, which is not permitted on the App Store. Specifically, your app uses the itms-services URL scheme to install an app.

Please note that while educational apps designed to teach, develop, or allow students to test executable code may, in limited circumstances, download code, such code may not be used for other purposes and such apps must make the source code completely viewable and editable by the user.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.

Next Steps

- Review the Software Requirements section of the App Store Review Guidelines.
- Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program. 
- Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review.

Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination.

If you believe your app is compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may submit an appeal. Alternatively, you may provide additional details about your app by replying directly to this message.
 Guideline 4.0 - Design 

Your app includes an update button or alerts the user to update the app, but the update button or alert does not link directly to the app’s page on the App Store.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please ensure that tapping the update button takes the user directly to the app’s page on the App Store to update the app.

Since your App Store Connect status is Rejected, a new binary will be required.

加举报 ,审核功能

Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness 

We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 12 on Wi-Fi.

Specifically, the playback (回放) button is greyed out and not accessible to replay previous course video.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please run your app on a device to identify any issues, then revise and resubmit your app for review.

If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.

For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue. For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue.


For information about testing your app and preparing it for review, please see Technical Note TN2431: App Testing Guide. 

For a networking overview, please review About Networking. For a more specific overview of App Review’s IPv6 requirements, please review the IPv6 and App Review discussion on the Apple Developer Forum.
 Guideline 2.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata 

We were unable to locate some of the features described in your metadata. 

Specifically, all contents in your app are not available to access until the set future dates.

Next Steps

If these features are located in your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how to locate them. 

Alternatively, please revise your app to ensure that these features are fully implemented or revise your app description, release notes, and screenshots to remove all references to the features.

Please see attached screenshots for details.

Guideline 2.2 - Performance - Beta Testing

Your app appears to be a pre-release, test, or trial version with a limited feature set. Apps that are created for demonstration or trial purposes are not appropriate for the App Store.