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192 lines (153 loc) · 5.97 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (153 loc) · 5.97 KB


Improves Volar language server goto definition functionality

The Problem

When using vue with autoimports (unplugin-vue-components and unplugin-auto-import or using nuxt) vim.lsp.buf.definition will populate location list with the autoimport definition file and/or the typescript declaration for a symbol.

For example:

default goto definition
Default goto definition with unplugin auto-imports
goto definition for function in same .vue file
Using the default goto definition for a symbol in the same .vue file

Another issue with Volar LSP is that since it uses typescript LSP, when vim.lsp.buf.definition is called it requests definitions from both volar and tsserver. Since the two LSP can return different results, the consequences can be unpredictable.

The Solution

vue-goto-definition waits a debounce period (configurable in opts) before processing definitions. This allows Volar and tsserver time to return definitions.

vue-goto-definition overrides vim.lsp.buf.definition to attempt to filter the location list and decide the best source for a symbol's definition.


Calling goto_definition directly can be useful if you have set opts.lsp.override to false, disabling autocommand creation to override the default lsp definition.


opts is optional and will be passed into vim.lsp.buf.definition

Neovim Config

Default configuration

  filters = {
    auto_imports = true, -- resolve definitions in auto-imports.d.ts
    auto_components = true, -- resolve definitions in components.d.ts
    import_same_file = true, -- filter location list entries referencing an
    -- import in the current file.  See below for details
    declaration = true, -- filter declaration files unless the only location list
    -- item is a declaration file
    duplicate_filename = true, -- dedupe duplicate filenames
  filetypes = { "vue", "typescript" }, -- enabled for filetypes
  detection = { -- framework detection.  Detection functions can be overridden here
    nuxt = function() -- look for .nuxt directory
      return vim.fn.glob(".nuxt/") ~= ""
    vue3 = function() -- look for vite.config.ts or App.vue
      return vim.fn.filereadable("vite.config.ts") == 1 or vim.fn.filereadable("src/App.vue") == 1
    priority = { "nuxt", "vue3" }, -- order in which to detect framework
  lsp = {
    override_definition = true, -- override vim.lsp.buf.definition
  debounce = 200

filters.import_same_file stops the following from occuring:

import { useCounterStore } from "./stores/counter";
const store = useCounterStore();

Calling goto_definition on useCounterStore() can target the import line as the definition. Setting filters.import_same_file will filter those targets in the same file.


If after filtering the locationlist items there are multiple items remaining they will be populated in a locationlist window.

Framework detection

neoconf could be used to detect the framework


local opts = {
  filters = {
    auto_imports = true,
    auto_components = true,
    import_same_file = true,
    declaration = true,
    duplicate_filename = true,
  filetypes = { "vue", "typescript" },
  detection = {
    nuxt = function()
      return vim.fn.glob(".nuxt/") ~= ""
    vue3 = function()
      return vim.fn.filereadable("vite.config.ts") == 1 or vim.fn.filereadable("src/App.vue") == 1
    priority = { "nuxt", "vue3" },
  lsp = {
    override_definition = true, -- override vim.lsp.buf.definition
  debounce = 200

return {
  event = "BufReadPre",
  opts = opts

Framework and LSP configuration

Vue 3

If you are using unplugin-auto-import and unplugin-vue-components make sure to configure your like this:

  "extends": "@vue/tsconfig/tsconfig.dom.json",
  "include": [
  "exclude": [
  "compilerOptions": {
    "composite": true,
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@/*": [


I don't use nuxt so you are on your own here. Please open an issue if definition resolution is not working.


If you are having trouble getting Volar configured correctly check my lspconfig.lua
