diff --git a/VeloBoost 1.0-rc3.ahk b/VeloBoost 1.0-rc3.ahk
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a8de7f..0000000
--- a/VeloBoost 1.0-rc3.ahk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-; VeloBoost GUI
-; An Autohotkey v1 GUI that executes keystrokes to let you run faster,
-; by changing your center of mass before loading your avatar.
-; Works in: R6
-; Setup
-#SingleInstance Force
-GuiHotkey := "NumpadClear" ; Default Hotkey
-GuiDelay := 3050 ; Default Delay
-; Gui
-Gui,1: Show, w240 h155, VeloBoost
-Gui,1: Font, s19, Ubuntu Mono
-Gui,1: Add, Text, x0 y15 w240 Center, VeloBoost GUI
-Gui,1: Font, s10
-Gui,1: Add, Tab3, x0 w245 y53, General|Settings|About
-Gui,1: Tab, 1
-Gui,1: Font, s12
-Gui,1: Add, Button, x5 y85 w230 h30 gActivateThingy, Activate Macro
-Gui,1: Add, Button, x5 y120 w230 h30 gDeactivateThingy, Deactivate Macro
-Gui,1: Tab, 2
-Gui,1: Font, s10
-Gui,1: Add, Hotkey, x130 y85 w100 vGuiHotkey, %GuiHotkey%
-Gui,1: Add, Button, x100 y85 w25 Center gUpdateHotkey, U
-Gui,1: Add, Text, x10 y87 w100, Hotkey
-Gui,1: Add, Edit, x130 y120 w100 Number gUpdateDelay vGuiDelay, %GuiDelay%
-Gui,1: Add, Text, x10 y122 w100, Delay
-Gui,1: Tab, 3
-Gui,1: Font, s11
-Gui,1: Add, Text, x0 y85 w240 Center, VeloBoost 1.0-rc3
-Gui,1: Add, Text, x0 y105 w240 Center, Runs on Autohotkey v1
-Gui,1: Add, Text, x0 y125 w240 Center, GUI made by @josepablo50
-; Gosubs / Hotkeys
-Gui, Submit, Nohide
-GuiControlGet, NewHotkey, 1:, GuiHotkey
-if (NewHotkey != GuiHotkey) {
- Hotkey, %GuiHotkey% , Macro, Off
- GuiHotkey := NewHotkey
- Hotkey, %GuiHotkey% , Macro, On
-Hotkey, %GuiHotkey% , Macro, On
-Hotkey, %GuiHotkey% , Macro, Off
-SendInput {NumpadDiv}
-Sleep 40
-SendInput {Esc}
-Sleep 40
-SendInput {NumpadDiv}
-Sleep 40
-SendInput {Text}/e laugh
-Sleep 40
-Sleep 40
-SendInput {Esc}
-Sleep 40
-SendInput r
-Sleep 40
-SendInput {Enter}
-Sleep GuiDelay
-SendInput {NumpadDiv}
-Sleep 40
-SendInput {Enter}
-; GuiClose
- ExitApp
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VeloBoost.ahk b/VeloBoost.ahk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc63ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VeloBoost.ahk
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+; VeloBoost GUI
+; An Autohotkey v1 GUI that executes keystrokes to let you run faster,
+; by changing your center of mass before loading your avatar.
+; Works in: R6
+; Setup
+#SingleInstance Force
+GuiHotkey := "NumpadClear" ; Default Hotkey
+GuiDelay := 3050 ; Default Delay
+GuiEmote := "/e laugh"
+; Gui
+Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
+Gui, Show, w240 h190, Boost
+Gui, Font, s19, Consolas
+Gui, Font, s19, Ubuntu Mono
+Gui, Add, Text, x0 y15 w240 Center, VeloBoost GUI
+Gui, Font, s10
+Gui, Add, Tab3, x0 w240 y53, General|Settings|About
+Gui, Font, s11
+Gui, Tab, 1
+Gui, Add, Button, x5 y82 w230 h50 gActivateThingy, Activate Macro
+Gui, Add, Button, x5 y134 w230 h50 gDeactivateThingy, Deactivate Macro
+Gui, Tab, 2,
+Gui, Add, Button, x100 y85 w25 h25 Center gUpdateHotkey, U
+Gui, Add, Hotkey, x130 y85 w100 h25 vGuiHotkey, %GuiHotkey%
+Gui, Add, Edit, x130 y120 w100 h25 Number gUpdate vGuiDelay, %GuiDelay%
+Gui, Add, Edit, x130 y155 w100 h25 gUpdate vGuiEmote, %GuiEmote%
+Gui, Add, Text, x10 y88 w50 h25, Hotkey
+Gui, Add, Text, x10 y123 w50 h25, Delay
+Gui, Add, Text, x10 y158 w50 h25, Emote
+Gui, Tab, 3
+Gui, Font, s15
+Gui, Add, Text, x10 y88, VeloBoost 1.2
+Gui, Font, s13
+Gui, Add, Link, x10 y115, Made by kit
+Gui, Add, Link, x10 y137, Idea by kpmaxo
+Gui, Font, s10
+Gui, Add, Link, x10 y160, Github: catb0x/VeloBoost
+; Gosubs / Hotkeys
+Gui, Submit, Nohide
+GuiControlGet, NewHotkey,, GuiHotkey
+if (NewHotkey != GuiHotkey) {
+ Hotkey, %GuiHotkey% , Macro, Off
+ GuiHotkey := NewHotkey
+ Hotkey, %GuiHotkey% , Macro, On
+Hotkey, %GuiHotkey% , Macro, On
+Hotkey, %GuiHotkey% , Macro, Off
+SendInput {NumpadDiv}
+Sleep 40
+SendInput {Esc}
+Sleep 40
+SendInput {NumpadDiv}
+Sleep 40
+SendInput {Text}%GuiEmote%
+Sleep 40
+Sleep 40
+SendInput {Esc}
+Sleep 40
+SendInput r
+Sleep 40
+SendInput {Enter}
+Sleep GuiDelay
+SendInput {NumpadDiv}
+Sleep 40
+SendInput {Enter}
+; GuiClose