All output files are stored in a folder with the same name as the sampleID in the specified output directory. If no output directory is specified, the files are stored in the current working directory.
├── qc/
│ ├── shortread_qc/ (hybrid only)
│ ├── longread_raw/
│ ├── longread_filterd/
│ ├── assembly_qc/
│ └── qc_sampleID.json
├── assembly/
│ ├── graph_plot/
│ ├── miniasm/ (if mode selected)
│ ├── spades/ (if mode selected)
│ ├── unicycler/ (if mode selected)
│ ├── canu/ (if mode selected)
│ └── flye/ (if mode selected)
├── assembly_processed/
│ ├── racon/ (if mode selected)
│ ├── pilon/ (if mode selected)
│ └── link/ (if mode selected)
├── plasmid_analysis/
├── genomes/
└── plasmids/