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Brenton Ashworth edited this page Jan 4, 2012 · 4 revisions


The file src/lib/cljs/one/browser/history.cljs contains the one.browser.history namespace which implements basic support for working with the browser's history.

Traditional web applications allow users to navigate between pages by clicking on hyperlinks, using the browser's navigation buttons and entering URLs in the address bar. Single-page JavaScript applications do not have pages, and yet browsers still allow all of these forms of navigation. Providing support for this type of navigation can help make an application feel more familiar.

Google Clojure supports working with history and responding to navigation events generated by the browser. The one.browser.history namespace provides a very simple wrapper around this functionality.

The sample application has two main views: the form where a user may enter their name and a greeting view where a greeting message is displayed. In the sample application, when the form is displayed, the #form document location fragment is added to the end of the URL.


When the greeting page is displayed the #greeting document page fragment is added to the end of the URL.


History changes are reflected in this document location fragment. As changes are made to the history, these fragments (also known as tokens) are stored internally in a stack.

Users may navigate this stack by clicking the "Back" or "Forward" button or by entering a URL in the address bar which contains a document location fragment.

History in ClojureScript

To work with history from ClojureScript, you must first create a history object. This must be done before the host page has finished loading. The history object is initialized with a function that will be called every time the history is changed.

(use '[one.browser.history :only (history set-token)])
(history nav-handler)

nav-handler is a function defined in the one.sample.history namespace of the sample application. It fires the token it receives when a navigation event occurs. Valid tokens for this application are :form and :greeting which correspond to events which move the application to the :form or :greeting state.

(defn nav-handler [{:keys [token navigation?]}]
  (when navigation?
    (dispatch/fire token)))

The history may be modified from ClojureScript with the set-token function.

(set-token :something)

When the user navigates by clicking the "Back" button, or entering a URL with a document location fragment, the nav-handler function will be called, passing a map with :token, :type and :navigation? keys. An application is free to respond to these events in any way.

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