This charm provides the Prometheus Blackbox exporter, part of the Prometheus monitoring system
The charm should be related to the prometheus charm
To configure the blackbox exporter modules
use the charm's modules
config option.
As an example, if you store your exporter config in a local file called modules.yaml
you can update the charm's configuration using:
juju config prometheus-blackbox-exporter [email protected]
To confirm configuration was set:
juju config prometheus-blackbox-exporter
mkdir -p report/lint
juju deploy grafana
juju deploy prometheus2
juju add-relation prometheus-blackbox-exporter:scrape prometheus2:target
juju add-relation prometheus-blackbox-exporter:dashboards grafana:dashboards
juju deploy nrpe
juju add-relation prometheus-blackbox-exporter:nrpe-external-master nrpe:nrpe-external-master
# To provide your own dashboards, create a zip file and attach it as a resource
zip blackbox-simple.json blackbox-advanced.json
juju attach-resource prometheus-blackbox-exporter dashboards=./