The following libraries are included in Bisquay.
The repoint-project.json
file in the Bisquay repository tells the
included Repoint utility how to find these; run ./repoint install
pull in the necessary code before you build or use Bisquay.
- sml-buildscripts SML build scripts
- ext/mlton-cutdown Build and run scripts for cut-down MLton runtimes
- sml-csv Reader for comma-separated (CSV) files and related formats in Standard
- sml-stringinterpolate Value interpolation into string templates
- sml-smlnj-base64 Base-64 encoder and decoder extracted from the SML/NJ library
- sml-smlnj-containers Container data structures extracted from the SML/NJ library
- sml-log A simple logging module
- sml-timing Standard ML functions to time other functions and report how long they take
- sml-i18n A sketch of a system for loading and interpolating translation strings
- sml-trie Trie and persistent trie-based containers
- sml-utf8 UTF-8 encoder and decoder
- sml-ttl Simple RDF store and RDF/Turtle parser/serialiser
- sml-svg A writer for SVG files
- sml-simplejson Simple Standard ML JSON parser
- sml-subxml SubXml - A parser for a subset of XML
- sml-wavefile Reader and writer for RIFF/WAV audio files
- sml-fft A Fast Fourier Transform implementation
- bsq-signalbits Basic tools for use in signal processing
- bsq-json Extends our Simple JSON library to use a map for object fields
- bsq-test Supporting code for unit tests
- bsq-resampler A high-quality (but slow) audio resampler
- bsq-complex Complex numbers
- bsq-matrix Matrix and (sort of) tensor implementation
- bsq-bq Modules that wrap the bq libraries for audio programming (in C++) into Standard ML
- bsq-samplestreams Sample streams and block streams
- bsq-randomaccess A means of obtaining a subset of data from a time series in matrix form
- bsq-component Component blockstreams
- bsq-cqt Complex-Q transform after Schörkhuber and Klapuri 2010
- bsq-waveform Audio waveform renderer to SVG
- bsq-hmm Hidden Markov models and related state models
- bsq-pitchtrack Audio pitch-tracking variants using cepstral features and HMMs
- bsq-dtw Currently very simplistic dynamic time-warping implementation
- bsq-image An incredibly simple image-data reader and writer
- bsq-windowsshim Tiny module used for Windows compiler compatibility
- bsq-perftest Performance tests for Bisquay
- bsq-plot Rudimentary plotting library for displaying a limited set of data structures
- bsq-rrloop Request-response loop for certain simple types of service application