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A Client-side Gulp build, Bootstrap-v4 powered static website app starter-kit project


Getting Started

Whenever you think about building a soft-depended static web app project, just use this kit to start developing on it. This boilerplate-like project is completely free-to-use for your public projects.

These instructions below will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


+ Bootstrap 4 - Modern Business Template
+ Fontawesome 5 - vectorized Icons
+ jQuery.i18n - Internationalization plug-in
+ History.js - powerful html4+html5 url state controller
+ Server-less - no need to use SSI (Server Side Includes)
+ Nunjucks Templating Engine - No comment. Let nunjucks talks...

What is going on?

When you install this project, it starts to build immediately by Gulp. Afterwards, there will be rendered files/folders inside the /dist directory. The web page you see, comes from only /dist folder and derivatives.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them:


If you have already installed the packages above skip this part. If you don't have packages above, follow instructions below:

1- # Download nodejs + npm bundle from
2- $ npm install gulp-cli -g
3- $ npm install gulp -D

Installing & Running

Running with Browsersync web server

(installing by npm makes trouble currently, use git clone)

1- $ git clone && cd gulp-powered
2- $ npm i
3- $ gulp


$ git clone && cd gulp-powered && npm i && gulp

Run gulp minify if you want to minify your html files inside /dist folder

Running with live-server or other (configure port and mounting) web servers

1- $ git clone && cd gulp-powered
2- # change DIR as 'protocol + dev + dist' instead of 'protocol + dev' in 'src/partials/main.html' / line:7
3- $ live-server --port=3000 --open=/dist

Now it must be running on localhost


1: Modify i18n translation

Before gulp production all translation files must be located inside src/locales/i18n/

After production they are copied into dist/locales/i18n/ as <language-code>.json (ex: en.json, fr.json)

Translation strings have a key and a value like 'my-key':'my value' (ex: in en.json define as 'my-key':'my value' and in tr.json define as my-key':'benim değer')

You can change one or add another anywhere inside .json files, then call them in html tags with data- attribute;

Before production : <p data-i18n="my-key"></p> After production : <p data-i18n="my-key">my value</p>

Built With

  • Gulp - Gulp: toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow


  • Currently there is no external contribution.


  • 1.0.0 - Initial Release


  • @cagcak - Gulp Starter Kit with Bootstrap v4 - cagcak![ecosystem]

Insipred by @wzulfikar - Nunjucks (HTML template engine) starter kit - wzulfikar


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details