Fix for Chrome 48 removal of SVGPathSeg and SVGPathSegList APIs #1564
Fixes Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gauge_min' of null #1205 #1305
Allow patch upgrades to D3.js dependency #1166
Fixed redraw animation bug when user quickly hide and show chart item #1324
Fixes issue of trying to flow data when there is no data to start #1576
Allow tooltip formatter to change output depending on all data points. #1577
Add tests for path rendering instructions. #1572 can now can accept a function #1610
Fix for categorical charts with x value of 0 #1616
Lightweight fix for unexpected category behavior when multiple series are used #1650
Implemented access to nested JSON objects as values for charts #1625
Pie Label Ratio Should be Configurable #1628
shortens strings for toMatch to comply with grunt #1597
Adds config option in area hash to draw the area fill above the line … #1595 #1594
added config.interaction.brighten option to disable brightening of selected path elements #1583
Fix regions api - #1255
Fix tooltip content when null included - #1631
Sanitise string embedded in tooltip - #1536
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